Best rust converters
Rust converter is a special chemical solution designed to treat damaged surfaces to prevent further corrosion. In this rating, according to reviews, the highest quality and most effective means for cars are considered. The TOP describes the advantages and disadvantages of the 6 best rust-to-soil converters, which will help you make the right choice.

Which brand of rust converter is better to choose
Sooner or later, corrosion appears on any car, and you have to fight it. According to experienced mechanics, the following brands are produced by some of the best rust converters:
- Fenom - widely recognized Russian line of auto chemistry. All manufactured products of the company are distinguished by functionality, efficiency and ease of use. For an innovative approach to the creation of drugs that can significantly extend the life of a car, the brand has received many international awards.
- Chemist Is a diversified Russian enterprise operating in the chemical industry, one of the leading activities of which is the creation and development of preparations for the corrosion protection of metals. The company manufactures its products taking into account the climatic characteristics of the region. All products of the Khimik trademark meet high quality standards.
- Permatex Is an American company specializing in the production of premium automotive cosmetics and chemicals. The brand's products are sold in 85 countries around the world. Permatex preparations have proven themselves well in extreme high-speed racing. The company's auto chemistry is used by many world brands in the assembly of cars.
- Agat-Auto - developer and manufacturer of one of the best domestic anti-rust agents "Tsinkar". In addition, the company produces more than a hundred items of goods intended for servicing various equipment. Along with its own production, Agat-Avto is engaged in the sale of products of domestic and foreign brands.
- Astrochem - a young Russian enterprise engaged in the production of auto cosmetics and auto chemistry. Having its own production laboratory allows the company to constantly replenish the line with new products and guarantee their high quality. Recently, the enterprise has launched the production of goods under the brands of partner companies.
- Hi Gear Is an American brand of automotive cosmetics and chemicals, widely known both to ordinary drivers and auto business professionals around the world. This brand is distinguished by high efficiency, excellent quality and a wide range of products. There are also unique products in the Hi Gear assortment, which have no analogues in any world manufacturer.
Rating of the best rust converters
There are several types of products on the market: liquid, gel, aerosol. However, according to survey results, when buying an anti-corrosion solution, many car owners do not always pay attention to its consistency. The following characteristics are considered much more important when choosing the best rust converter for a car:
- Rust removal efficiency;
- Chemical composition of drugs;
- Speed of action;
- Toxicity;
- Necessity and conditions for washing;
- The amount of the product used;
- Ease of application;
- Duration of action;
- Cost.
After analyzing the range of online stores and reviews of car owners in various forums, for this rating, 6 best rust converters were selected that most closely match the above characteristics.
Best Liquid Rust Converters
Today, there are about fifty different anti-corrosion agents on the market, and liquid rust converters are the most widely used. Such funds are applied to the damaged surface with a brush. The most high-quality solutions of domestic production, according to car owners, are those described in this section of the rating.
Fenom FN956
This rust-to-soil converter pre-protects the metal surface of the vehicle before painting. The action of the drug is carried out by creating a ferromanganese phosphate film, due to which the adhesion of the treated metal to the applied varnish or bitumen coating increases threefold.
Fenom FN956 applied to the surface does not interfere with the welding process and does not degrade the quality of the seams. Subject to the application technology of the drug and the painting rules, the manufacturer guarantees the protection of the car from corrosion for a period of 5 to 7 years, depending on the operating conditions of the vehicle.
- Effectively removes rust;
- Does not require rinsing after anti-corrosion treatment;
- Long lasting;
- Dries quickly;
- Well absorbed.
- Small volume;
- Overpriced.
Opinions about this drug are very different, for some it completely coped with the removal of corrosion, for others it did not help at all. But all users agree that the cost of the drug is too high given its small volume, only 110 ml.
This liquid zinc-rich rust converter is designed to remove corrosion damage and protect the metal of the vehicle from external negative environmental influences. The product is used to prepare the surface of the machine for the application of primer or paint. When using this composition, a whitish zinc coating appears on the affected area and a primer layer is formed, which helps to improve the adhesion of the treated metal to the paintwork. It is produced in 500 ml plastic bottles.
- Acts quickly;
- Does not require rinsing;
- Effectively removes rust;
- Reliably protects the treated surface from corrosion;
- Prevents the re-emergence of the focus of decay.
- Poisonous;
- Slightly corrodes paint.
Car owners who used the Khimik rust converter are advised to apply the agent very carefully and only on a certain surface, as there have been cases of damage to headlights and paintwork of cars when the drug gets on them.
Best Gel Rust Converters
These formulations are not presented on the market in very large quantities, however, they also have their customers. Those who choose this anti-corrosion product value the uniformity of application and the protection against sagging. On many forums, the one listed in the rating is called the best drug.
Permatex Rust-to-Primer Converter is a gel-like substance that is applied to the affected surface with a spatula and quickly forms a protective layer replacing the primer. The drug does not drain and begins to act after a few minutes from the moment of use. If there is a large layer of rust, it is recommended to re-treat the product with a drying interval of at least 30 minutes.The composition is recommended to be used at temperatures from +10 to + 32 ° С. The manufacturer does not advise using the gel for treating the outer part of the body, due to the possible chemical damage to the car's paintwork.
- No need to rinse off;
- Effectively removes rust;
- Works like a primer;
- Convenient to apply, does not flow or bubble;
- Protects the surface from the reappearance of rust for a long time.
- High price.
In reviews, many car owners advise, if reapplication of the drug is required, first remove its primary layer with a spatula. It is also better to remove the dried-up product before painting the car.
The best rust converters in the form of aerosols and sprays
Rust control sprays and aerosols are highly sought after by customers. The reason for this is the convenient method of application and the relative safety of such a product. Car owners call the best aerosol agents for combating corrosion indicated in our rating.
It is a zinc and manganese rust converter, successfully combining mechanical and galvanic methods of metal corrosion protection. When the drug is applied to the surface, a chemical reaction occurs, which promotes the decomposition of iron oxides and the formation of a strong protective film. This result is achieved thanks to the precise combination of active acids and organic elements in this anti-corrosion agent. There is a regular bottle and a spray bottle on sale. The second option was developed to protect hands from interaction with the chemical components of the drug.
- Evenly distributed over the entire surface;
- Thanks to the sprayer, hard-to-reach places can be treated;
- Not flammable;
- Does not require rinsing;
- Protects hands from direct contact with reagents.
- Only works with a thin layer of rust;
- Short-lived, especially in wet conditions.
In many forums, this tool is praised for its reliability and quality action. However, the car owners who use it recommend that you first try to remove rust as much as possible mechanically, and only then treat the surface with a preparation.
Hi Gear
This rust-to-soil converter is widely popular among both ordinary car enthusiasts and experienced mechanics. The product is designed to neutralize corrosion and form a durable protective coating that is resistant to water and temperature.
The composition significantly improves the adhesion of the metal to the varnish or primer applied over it. For a high-quality result, several layers of the preparation should be sprayed onto the treated area at intervals of 2-3 hours. The composition is recommended to be used at an air temperature from +10 to + 30 ° С.
- Effectively removes rust;
- Convenient to apply;
- Allows you to quickly cover a large surface;
- You can get to hard-to-reach places;
- Long-lasting effect after treatment.
- High price.
According to reviews, many motorists consider Hi Gear to be one of the best rust removers. But since it is not always possible to apply the drug in a perfectly even layer, experienced users advise that immediately after each individual layer dries, clean the resulting streaks with fine sandpaper.
It is an aerosol rust converter for a car, the action of which is to create a strong waterproof protective film by converting metal corrosion products into a hard coating that serves as the basis for future painting or primer.
The drug contributes to a significant improvement in the adhesion of the treated surface to the paintwork and prevents the formation of repeated lesions in the sprayed areas. For a high-quality result, it is recommended to spray the product in several thin layers with a drying interval of 2-3 minutes.The temperature range for the use of the drug ranges from +10 to + 30 ° C.
- Affordable cost;
- Well removes small foci of damage;
- There are various sizes of bottles on sale;
- Covers hard-to-reach places;
- Dries quickly.
- Requires thorough rinsing;
- Does not galvanize the surface.
Which rust converter is better to buy
As you can see, all rust converters for cars to one degree or another cope with the task set before them. Some turn the damaged area into soil, others form a protective film and prevent the lesion from growing. However, the most important condition for their effective action is the exact observance of the rules for applying the drug and preparing the treated surface specified by the manufacturer.
Depending on the quality of the impact and the method of using the product, the following conclusions can be drawn:
- Many car owners consider the American-made Hi Gear aerosol to be the most effective rust remover.
- Of the domestic products, the most high-quality and effective drug is the rust converter Tsinkar.
- If a small surface is to be treated against corrosion, you should opt for Fenom FN956.
- Liquid rust converter "Chemist" is suitable for those who need a large amount of means for treating a surface significantly damaged by corrosion.
- The ability to remove rust in hard-to-reach places is guaranteed by Astrochem aerosol.
- For those who appreciate not only quality, but also a convenient method of application, without bubbles and drips, the Permatex gel rust remover is suitable.
In this rating, the 6 best rust converters for cars were considered, and all of them protect the vehicle from corrosion quite well. But here is the main advice that experienced mechanics give: when fighting iron oxidation, you should not postpone the treatment of the damaged surface for a long time, it is better to neutralize small lesions than to restore large areas.