Best radar detectors according to user reviews
Speeding on the road is one of the most "favorite" offenses among car owners. But such a measure is often taken not at will, but forcedly, although, of course, no reason can justify ignoring the rules of the road. However, every driver always wants to get out of the water dry, and for this one should have a special device that will warn of approaching traffic police radars. The best radar detector will help you to avoid the eyes of the law enforcement officers and not to become their victim. With its help, you will be able to avoid decent fines and not lose your driver's license.

Radar detector - which company is better to buy
This niche is quite specific, so the competition is not very strong here. Traditionally, elite devices are imported from Canada, USA and Western Europe. Products of the middle price range are sold by manufacturers from Asian countries - China, Korea, Japan. The cheapest options are made by Russian firms, among which there are also several obvious leaders.
Here are the companies that can offer the best radar detector:
- Inspector Is a company of Russian-Korean origin, far from new on the market - it was founded in 2000. Its main direction is the creation of accessories for vehicles. Unlike many competitors, it is directly involved in the development and assembly of its products. The most important thing here is that the manufacturer adapts all products specifically to the needs of Russian buyers.
- Whistler - an American company working in the field of radio and electrical engineering, the year of its foundation - 1971. The reliability of products is always at its best, since radars for the "fur seals" were produced under this brand at the very beginning. But it is definitely impossible to call it the cheapest, it is rather an elite product.
- Supra - This Japanese company looks more like a regular dealer, as it does not have its own production facilities. She places all orders at third-party factories, but the quality does not suffer from this at all. It is one of the oldest companies in the field of automotive technology, which was "born" in 1974.
- Prestige - has been creating automotive devices and accessories since 2009 on the territory of the Russian Federation, the bulk of sales falls on Russia. Each device in the production process is checked 5 times at different stages. The assortment of the company includes models of both the middle price segment and budget ones. More detailed information about the company is available here -
- SHO-ME - the brand is registered in Russia, but works closely with leading manufacturers in Japan, Korea and China. Beneath it, various devices for cars are offered at below average prices. All details can be found on the official website
Not all companies from our rating are widely represented in retail chains, but each of them has its own official website where you can find information about where you can buy the products you like.
Rating of the best radar detectors
First of all, we analyzed customer reviews and expert opinions, which largely coincide. The cost of the products, the frequency of their breakdowns and the ease of repair were also important.
We took into account the following characteristics:
- Screen resolution and diagonal;
- Recording mode;
- Duration of work without recharging;
- Viewing angle;
- Recording format;
- Food method;
- Maximum memory card size and the ability to format it;
- Difficulties in installation;
- Recording duration;
- Possibility to add points of false positives;
- Processor type;
- The number and types of detected radars;
- Duration of charging;
- Battery capacity.
In order to compile a complete rating of the best radar detectors, we carefully studied the ratio of their price and quality, since often the high cost is due mostly to the popularity of the brand.
This video will be useful when choosing a radar detector:
The best radar detectors
Unlike illegally used anti-radars, these devices cannot jam the signal of traffic police equipment. Their task is much more modest - just to warn about his presence on the road. Their sale and operation is completely legal. Considering the variety of such products, it was decided to include the most purchased ones in the review of the best radar detectors - with a video recorder and GPS, to detect the popular systems Strelka, Cordon, Arena, etc.
The best option with a video recorder
Inspector Cayman S - the best video recorder with a radar detector from the universal category. It performs several functions simultaneously - it warns of approaching the traffic police camera and records what is happening around. The price of the device is much higher than the average, but it fully justifies itself because of the good screen resolution of 320 × 240, the capture of the adjacent strip in the frame and power from two sources - the vehicle's on-board network and the battery. It is suitable for use as a conventional camera. A nice bonus is video recording for 1, 3 and 5 minutes. True, a huge number of different settings can confuse an inexperienced user.
- Auto mute function;
- There are settings for driving in both city and highway conditions;
- Reliable and convenient suction cup mount;
- "Fresh" processor;
- Large matrix.
- "Freezing" during continuous work for more than 6 hours;
- Lighting frames on a sunny day;
- Frequent spontaneous shutdown while driving;
- No built-in memory;
- Regular false positives.
Inspector CAYMAN S - of the Russian counterparts, it is the best radar detector and recorder in one person. Its cost for 2024 is 10,900 rubles.
Most reliable GPS model
Whistler 439ST entered the top of the best radar detectors due to the bright technical parameters - the ability to work in all three bands that the traffic police uses (K, Ka and X). The device practically does not react to signals coming from other sources. The detector has a 360 ° field of view that is twice that offered by the Inspector Cayman s. One mode is provided for driving on the highway, and another for moving around the city. As the reviews show, the device receives the signal of the most complex Strelka complex, and notifies about the approach to it for 1 km. The pluses include the presence of an updated database of cameras. This example has every reason to lead the ranking of the best GPS radar detectors.
- Multi-stage volume control;
- High efficiency;
- Wide operating temperature range (-10 to + 70 ° C);
- Economical power consumption thanks to the power saving mode;
- Built-in GPS module, in which the traffic police camera database is regularly updated;
- Good viewing angle.
- Detects only two types of radars - Strelka and Robot;
- Many false positives;
- Not very clear sound control;
- Discharges quickly;
- Sometimes it requires a flashing.
Whistler 439ST is the best value for money.
The best device for detecting the Strelka system
Supra DRS-iG68VST allows you to freely switch between the "City" and "Highway" modes. He is able to detect the Strelka and Robot systems. It is highly sensitive to them, but is susceptible to radio interference. In case of danger, a sound notification is triggered, the volume of which can be adjusted. The product is attached by means of suction cups.It weighs only 130 g and is not very noticeable due to its small dimensions of 68x114x31 mm. The device is sensitive to radar radiation in the X, Ka and K bands. All necessary information is displayed on the LCD monitor. The high quality of work is ensured by the DSP processor, which effectively filters out the slightest radio interference.
- There is a map with GPS;
- Setting to a specific speed;
- Neat dimensions;
- Does not overheat;
- Simple controls.
- Rarely notices mobile cameras;
- Shiny elements that glare at night;
- A high percentage of false positives.
Supra DRS-iG68VST is the best mid-range radar detector of 2024.
The most optimal choice among budget proposals
Prestige RD-101 - a good inexpensive radar detector with functions for adjusting the brightness and volume of the sound notification, if necessary, the sound can be completely turned off. It recognizes signals in the Ultra-K and Ultra-X bands. This is one of the few models that recognizes the Strelka system. But the detector's viewing angle here is much lower than that of competitors, it is 180 °. The device can save multiple parameter settings. It is protected from detection by direction finders, which is important in countries where the use of such devices is prohibited.
- Nice bracket;
- Minimum false positives;
- Filters noise in the city;
- Inexpensive.
- There are only two levels of operation in the "City" mode;
- Big sizes;
- Weak sound signal;
- It works no earlier than a few hundred meters before road surveillance cameras.
The best budget radar detector Prestige RD-101 is the cheapest on the market, its cost for 2024 is about 1200 rubles.
Best 3 in 1 radar detector
SHO-ME Combo No. 3 A7 - reviews are good about this radar detector, besides performing its main function, it is also a video recorder, filming what is happening around with a viewing angle of 140 °. The device is equipped with GPS, if necessary, the device can be connected to a TV, sound recording is possible. It detects radar signals in all existing bands. With its help, it will be possible to detect the Strelka, Robot and others complexes 1 km before the object. Comfortable operation of the device is ensured by automatic muffling of the volume of notifications, various speed filters and the ability to change the brightness of the display. The low percentage of false positives is explained by the presence of two modes - "City" and "Highway".
- The battery lasts for a long time;
- "Three in one";
- Nice design;
- Reliable fastening.
- Short power wire;
- Complex settings;
- Night shooting is far from the best quality.
SHO-ME Combo # 3 A7 is the best radar detector in terms of its versatility. Thanks to it, you can get "3 in 1" for the price of one device.
Which radar detector is better to buy
The most expensive are devices with GPS, the ability to work in multiple ranges and with the function of determining more than three different traffic police systems. Ideally, the device should recognize them at least 700 m away so that the driver has time to calmly slow down.
Here is which radar detector is best suited for one purpose or another:
- If you drive a car a lot and often, the best choice would be the option with the GPS module, where there is a regularly updated database of traffic police surveillance cameras. In this case, Whistler 439ST should not fail.
- Those who want to save money on buying a video recorder need devices in which it is combined with a radar detector. From inexpensive models, you can recommend Inspector Cayman S and SHO-ME Combo # 3 A7.
- Drivers who often drive around the city should take a closer look at the device with several levels of the "City" mode. The Supra DRS-iG68VST is a great choice.
- With a budget limited to 1000-2000 rubles, you should not rely on the presence of GPS and memorizing the coordinates of erroneous responses. This is where the Prestige RD-101 will do.
How to choose the right radar detector, you will see in this video:
Undoubtedly, the best radar detector should give a minimum of false alarms, be mounted without problems, be easy to operate and have small dimensions. At the same time, it is important that when choosing it, functionality, and not design, comes first. And, of course, do not forget about the compliance of quality with price.