The best ant remedies
Ants can often be found in an apartment or in a summer cottage. They cause significant discomfort, their neighborhood creates problems. Therefore, when the initial signs of the presence of pests in the home appear, it is recommended to immediately begin the fight. To make it easier to choose the best ant remedies, a rating was compiled with reviews of the nominees and customer reviews.

Remedy for ants which company is better to choose
It is difficult to find a person who has never encountered the problem of domestic or garden ants. Therefore, you need to know how to quickly destroy pests. Which brand to choose, a person decides independently and often on the basis of advertising, and this is not an entirely prudent approach. The presented list of the most famous companies allows you to choose an effective tool. The most common:
- Raid... A brand from the Netherlands produces products that are effective against pests. It works in 2 directions: eliminates ants and guarantees long-term protection.
- Raptor... A well-known manufacturer from Russia on the European market has been producing insect repellents for a long time. The products are popular among buyers due to their effectiveness, safety and convenient use.
- Henkel... The manufacturer produces the drug "Combat", which has become the best-selling insecticide in the CIS market. The drug is completely harmless to people and pets.
- Klaus... A domestic developer makes universal preparations that help get rid of the invasion of ants in the shortest possible time. In accordance with the reviews, the drug is considered an effective assistant in the fight against insects. It is not mixed with water, but sold ready-made.
- Clean house... A Russian brand that produces low-cost pest control drugs. The release is carried out in the form of an aerosol, gel, which is filled into a syringe.
- Dohlox... Also a domestic developer producing effective insect gels. Suitable for processing even overly infested premises with many sources of alternative food for ants.
- Glorus... A Russian brand that produces anticancer products. The components of the preparations are harmless to humans and pets.
- Delicia... A brand from Germany that has been on the international market for a long time. It produces drugs that are intended for the treatment of areas around private houses, as well as for the destruction of pests in houses and apartments.
- Bros... Polish company that produces products that eliminate small insects. The preparations are suitable for use in residential, warehouse, basement premises. Differs from analogues in ease of use.
- No Guest !. Russian manufacturer of powder insect control products. It is used in living quarters and in the local area from all types of ants and other pests.
Each of the developers is considered a prominent representative in this area and produces effective pest control products. Taking into account the fact that these firms have positive feedback, the consumer will easily select the best ant remedies.
Ant remedies rating
Thinking about what is the best to buy a remedy for fighting ants, you need to understand what to focus on so as not to make mistakes when choosing. For this purpose, a list of the best tools has been compiled, which have been selected taking into account the opinions of experts, users and tests carried out. When choosing, you need to consider the following qualities:
- The form;
- Appointment;
- Smell;
- Method of use;
- The duration of the effect;
- Harmlessness to others.
The TOP includes products with different textures and modes of action. The choice also took into account the value for money.
Best ant aerosols
Aerosols are the quickest and most effective way to get rid of ants. But such insecticides act superficially, without affecting hidden nests, therefore only working ants are subject to attack. The queens will remain unharmed and quickly rebuild the colony. You can completely get rid of the nest only by knowing about its location. The duration of the effect is short, the protective residual period is almost absent, but the toxicity to humans is high. In the course of comparison, 6 aerosols were found, and 3 of them were selected.
The aerosol is based on a natural aqueous solvent. It is distinguished by its prolonged action, which is important when eliminating pests. It remains active for 1 month, the poison penetrates the body of ants, through the integument and kills them. The drug can be sprayed on hard-to-reach areas and where their habitat is. When the composition dries, it is removed only from the surface where contact with it is likely. The remaining dried droplets will act as a barrier from new individuals.
"Raid" - aerosol, coping with a small population of insects and protecting the home from their secondary invasion. When the situation is started, the remedy will be only the first step in the destruction of parasites. Until recently, the drug was considered the most effective against pests. Today, in terms of its characteristics, aerosol is inferior to new means.
- Instant action;
- There is almost no smell;
- Comfortable use;
- Scaring off pests for six months;
- Suitable for all insects;
- Processing of hard-to-reach areas.
- Toxic to others.
Reviews about the aerosol from ants are predominantly positive. According to reviews, it leaves almost no odor, at the end of the processing in the room there are no stains on the fabric. Processing of mattresses, carpets and bed linen, where pests could have settled, is allowed.
A well-known Russian developer on the European market who produces effective means to remove ants. The aerosol also fights 17 types of other insects that harm the site and create inconvenience in the apartment. The preparation contains no halons and other ozone-depleting components, but the treatment is carried out with gloves and a respirator. Despite the presence of the specified mint flavor, the smell of the aerosol is unpleasant.
Its main advantage is 3 active elements in the composition. Cypermethrin is a contact insecticide that destroys ants upon penetration, as well as tetramethrin and imiprotrin, substances with a prolonged effect that have a detrimental effect on NS. When they penetrate the insect with air or food, it dies after 2 days.
- Fights garden and domestic insects;
- Effective composition;
- Infection of pests by contact with dried drops;
- Can be used in a residential area;
- Does not enter the respiratory tract.
- Bad smell.
According to reviews "Raptor" is a professional composition with fast and long lasting action. It can be used as a primary attack on parasites and further protection of the home. With the help of an aerosol, it is possible to eliminate a small or medium population of ants, cockroaches and other pests.
Combat SuperSpray +
The product from the US manufacturer "Combat" has become one of the best-selling insecticides on the CIS market. Its composition adversely affects the digestive tract of the pest, leading to the death of the insect. The product is considered harmless to humans if certain measures are taken to protect the skin and the respiratory tract.
Users note convenient indoor use, comfortable processing of ant paths and plants in garden plots. This drug is often counterfeited, therefore it is required to purchase only certified products with instructions in a pack.
- Suitable for all living quarters;
- Strong effect;
- Safe for pets;
- There is no strong smell;
- Long-term action.
- Addictive insects.
In the reviews about the remedy for ants, they write that, in comparison with other means, "Combat" saves the garden or apartment from a colony of pests in the first 3 days.
Users indicate that the aerosol does not have a pungent odor, and evaporates quickly. The balloon is enough for 1-fold processing of a regular apartment with 2 rooms.
Best ant sprays
All sprays used to counter ants include a substance that causes their death. When spraying the product on creeping pests or in places of their concentration, they are poisoned and die within 1-2 days. Penetrating into the insect's body with oxygen, poisoning occurs. However, this will not prevent re-infestation of the ants. Most sprays have a negative effect on a person, therefore, the home needs to be ventilated. In the process of comparing 5 sprays, it was found which product is better, 2 of them were included in the review.
Dr Klaus Insect
It is considered one of the most effective drugs, according to the opinions of users, which helps to eliminate pests. The effectiveness is due to the effect of the agent on the ant's NS, provoking paralysis and death. During the application of such a spray, adults, as well as inconspicuous larvae, are destroyed.
The agent is best used to fight ants in the home; it is recommended to use other forms of the drug for garden plots. The spray is very convenient, it can reach hard-to-reach places where pests like to settle.
- Ready composition;
- The ejector can be used multiple times;
- Ease of use;
- Fights many insects;
- Economical consumption.
- Not used for garden areas.
Users note the convenient use of the spray, as well as the ability to treat hard-to-reach places. There is practically no pungent smell after use.
Clean House Insect Spray
Clean House from ants - a spray that has a universal effect, fights crawling and flying insects. The product is sold in a volumetric package for 600 g - the product is enough to treat 120 sq. M.
Comfort of use will be ensured by a double feeding system: it is permissible to spray the agent with a "cloud" or through a tube to get to the pests that have hidden in the cracks. The drug does not give off an unpleasant odor, which makes it an excellent product for living quarters. The effect of using it will be noticeable immediately.
- Versatility;
- Good volume;
- There is no smell;
- 2 methods of application;
- Instant effect.
- Short action.
In accordance with the reviews, it is permissible to use the spray as a prophylactic agent in an old panel or private house, where there are ants. The drug is harmless to pets, does not emit toxic substances.
The best ant gels
By the method of action, gels differ from other forms of drugs. Using gels, you can eliminate pests even in a situation where their location is unknown. The preparations are based on a special insecticide, which the ants take as food and quickly carry it to the nest to feed the uterus. Over time, the entire colony will die from the poison.They work for a long time, it will take 2-8 weeks to remove parasites. During the comparison of 6 gels, only 2 were selected.
Dohlox Professional "Instant poison"
To get rid of ants in the house forever, Dohlox has introduced an effective remedy. A well-known drug, which has been in deserved demand among consumers for more than a dozen years, is guaranteed to rid the home of pests after 1–2 treatments.
The drug contains a poisonous component, which is impregnated with aroma additives that attract ants. Therefore, it is not required to evenly cover a large area with them; pinpoint processing is enough to completely destroy insects. A striking effect will be provided on the entire colony, including the larvae. The active insecticide is almost non-toxic, well packaged and does not stain the surface. When the gel remains at the end of the treatment, it will retain its qualities until the next time.
- Pleasant aroma;
- Economical consumption.
- Ease of use;
- Contact with the skin is excluded;
- Fast effect.
- Addictive insects.
Users note that the composition retains active properties for a long period, destroying ants and preventing their growth. A special syringe bottle will facilitate the application of the gel.
"Glorus-gel" is used to eliminate household and garden pests. Natural honey, as an active ingredient, will be a bait for ants. The principle of action of the gel is based on the transfer of toxic substances by ants to each other, up to the extermination of the entire population. Ant gel will retain its properties and will continue to attract pests for 3 months after treatment.
The drug is easily removed, no traces remain after it. Its active ingredients are harmless to humans and pets. One package is enough to treat premises with an area of 45-60 m.
- Made from natural honey;
- Long-term preservation of consistency;
- Harmless to humans;
- Easily removed;
- Suitable for breeding various insects;
- Economical spending.
- Not found.
Users note that 1 package of gel is enough to cover an area of 70 sq. m. to completely destroy the entire colony of insects.
The best ant powders
Powders allow you to get rid of the existing population of insects, and also prevent the invasion of new ants. They can be used as a prophylactic agent or to consolidate the result after a long struggle. In the process of comparing 7 powders, it was determined which product is better. The review includes 3 of them.
According to the reviews of many people who used the powder from a manufacturer in Germany, the effectiveness of the drug justifies its high price. Chlorpyrifos, which is included in the powder, actively interacts with ants, getting into their digestive tract. By destroying the protein, the substance creates an obstacle for the passage of a nerve impulse, killing the pest.
A large number of buyers note the convenience of packaging. The tube contains the rules for fighting insects, how to use the agent, information about it and the recipe for an antidote when it gets inside the human body. To completely eliminate pests, it is necessary to process all hard-to-reach areas. When processing, it is required to remember the safety rules, since the powder is toxic to humans.
- Suitable for all premises;
- Ease of use;
- Convenient diffuser;
- High efficiency;
- Economical spending.
- Toxicity to humans and animals.
According to reviews, 1 package of powder is enough for the primary and secondary processing of a 2-room apartment.
The product disappears quickly, after 20 minutes of airing, the content in the air is minimal.
Insecticidal Bros should be used indoors and in places close to ants: terraces, driveways, gazebos. The powder is very effective due to the presence of 2 different types of baits: sugar and protein. The agent is scattered on the anthill and pest paths. It is permissible for them to process crevices and places of regular accumulation of insects. The composition of the product will help the pests eagerly eat the bait and transfer it inside the anthill.
The drug can be used as a powder or, after mixing with water, as a solution. The tool must be used in compliance with safety rules. Read the label and information leaflet prior to use.
- Suitable for all premises;
- Persistent destruction effect;
- Instant action;
- Economical consumption;
- Convenience in use.
- Stir poorly;
- Toxic to others.
Users note that the powder is quite effective in eliminating pests. But the drug is toxic, so you need to take care of safety before use.
No Guest!
An effective powder to fight indoor and garden ants indoors and outdoors. In addition, the drug can be used against other types of insects. The product helps to eliminate pests in the shortest possible time and with the minimum amount of effort.
- There is no smell;
- Convenient packaging;
- Economical spending;
- Fast action.
- Attracts pets.
Users note the convenient use of the product, as well as the absence of unpleasant odors. The price corresponds to the quality, the packaging is enough for a large cultivated area.
Which ant remedy is better to buy
Success when using any means in the fight against ants depends on the size of their population and the time spent in the apartment or on the site. If the pests have started quite recently and there are few of them, then it is permissible to use agents such as spray or aerosol. When the colony of ants has reached a significant size, you need to use a gel, powder insecticides. Among the considered funds, experts focus on the following nominees:
- Raid - universal aerosol, with protection up to 4 weeks;
- Dr Klaus Insect - Convenient fast-acting spray;
- Dohlox Professional "Instant Poison" is an effective gel that retains a long-term toxic effect;
- Delicia is a potent powder with economical use and powerful effect.
The review includes the most effective ant remedies. It is impossible to answer the question which one is better. Each is used depending on the number of insects and the time of their appearance. Before choosing a specific remedy, you need to research their action and find out the composition.