The best remedies for bedbugs
Bedbugs often crawl into hard-to-reach places - under carpets and paintings, in cracks in floors and walls, in upholstered furniture. To get them out of there, you can use special insecticidal powders, solutions, gels, aerosols, sprays. We conducted a study to determine the best remedies for bedbugs of each type, studied all the strengths and weaknesses of the nominees according to customer reviews, compared their characteristics and capabilities. The main emphasis in compiling the rating was placed on the effectiveness, safety and efficiency of the destruction of insects, the absence of a pungent odor.

Rating of remedies for bedbugs
The emergence of TOP was helped by a thorough analysis of customer reviews, in which we took into account, first of all, their attitude to the effectiveness of the nominees. Selection parameters included:
- Product quality;
- Safety for humans, animals and the environment;
- Smell of funds;
- The time for which you need to leave the room after application;
- Method of using the composition;
- Odor weathering rate;
- Composition, what components were included in it;
- Versatility, whether the insecticide kills other insects;
- Ease of pest control;
- Duration of action;
- Complexity of preparation for use;
- Value for money.
We compared the products, taking into account their type, of which there are 5 - aerosol, powder, liquid (concentrate) for solution preparation, gel and spray.
Bed bug aerosols
This form of release is very convenient to use, because it is already completely ready for use. In order for the composition to help, you just need to properly spray the aerosol on the areas where the activity of parasites is noticeable, and then clean it well.
Raptor Destruction of bedbugs
The professional product has an innovative formula. It contains two active ingredients - alpha-cypermethrin and neopinamine forte. In this combination, insecticides have a powerful neurotropic effect on insects and kill them almost instantly, about 15 minutes after spraying. At the end, drops remain on the surface, so the effect persists for a long time.
The aerosol is easy to use, but before that, it is recommended to clean the treated surfaces with a vacuum cleaner. Also, for efficiency, you need to spray a remedy for home bugs in an apartment up the room, closer to the center. Particular attention should be paid to cracks in the walls and joints of parts in upholstered furniture. Use rubber gloves during product application. The use of the Raptor is confirmed by the Scientific Research Institute of Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation.
- Does not contain ozone depleting substances;
- Almost 100% efficient;
- When used, insects do not develop immunity for a long time;
- Completely ready to use, no need to buy an atomizer;
- Adequate price.
- It is imperative to ventilate the room 15 minutes after processing;
- When washing the contact surfaces, you should only work with rubber gloves;
- A pungent odor that takes a long time to disappear;
- Small text on packaging.
Before using the Raptor aerosol, it is recommended to vacuum the room where the treatment will be carried out.
Clean House Dichlorvos
An inexpensive product that comes in a 150 ml bottle. This is enough for 20 sq. m. It destroys insects on average 30 minutes after spraying, which is ensured by the inclusion of cypermethrin and tetramethrin in the insecticides.You can spray the aerosol directly in the center of the room at temperatures above 10 ° C, that is, at any time of the year.
Aerosol "Clean House Dichlorvos" is designed to destroy a wide range of insects - moths, ants, hornets, wasps, flies, cockroaches. The product is designed for indoor use. It does not leave marks on walls and things, is harmless to health and does not cause sneezing attacks, therefore it is also relevant when living in a house for allergy sufferers.
- Non-toxic;
- Tolerant odor;
- Versatility, suitable for eliminating any insects;
- Human safety;
- Long shelf life.
- Certain preparation is needed for disinsection - you need to remove clothes, food, etc.;
- Requires the absence of other people in the room, and even more so children.
So that there is no trace of insects left, you need to treat the room with a remedy for domestic bugs in an apartment 2 times with a break of several minutes. You need to leave the house for a maximum of 2-3 hours, including the time for cleaning.
Raid Lavender
A product with universal action, as it fights against cockroaches, ants, and other insects. The aerosol not only kills them, but also provides reliable protection for at least a week. All this time, there are no unpleasant odors in the room, and some even like the lavender scent.
The capacity of Reid Lavender is larger than that of competitors - 300 ml, and the composition is consumed very slowly. It works 100%, but the contents of the cylinder need to be sprayed only in the center of the room and not on things. The minimum permissible distance to the surface is 20 cm. The aerosol is designed for use in rooms that need to be ventilated after treatment for half an hour.
- Spray lid;
- The bottle fits comfortably in the hand;
- Simple application scheme;
- Lasts a long time;
- Acts on both adults and larvae.
- The instruction is written in small letters;
- Chemical odor.
Reviews of Reid Lavender are mostly positive, buyers are a little confused only by the fact that you need to ventilate the room well and carry out thorough cleaning 20 minutes after spraying, but this is also required if you choose an aerosol from other manufacturers from the rating.
Henkel Combat
Henkel Combat even kills those insects that hide in narrow crevices. This is possible thanks to the narrow and flexible tube-nozzle at the bottle, which easily penetrates inside and is convenient when applied to skirting boards. The aerosol is safe for human and animal health without causing allergies. Despite this, it should be sprayed in the absence of animals and other people in the house.
Hide food and utensils during processing. The composition has a gentle effect on surfaces and leaves no residue that cannot be wiped off. The smell of the bug repellent in the apartment is acceptable, floral, but it is better to use a mask to protect the respiratory tract. In the end, you will have to ventilate the room.
- Point impact;
- Efficiency;
- Safety;
- Large volume;
- Thorough processing of the premises.
- Toxicity;
- There may be a slight headache after application.
According to reviews, “Henkel Combat is suitable for treating rooms up to 25 sq. m., with a larger square, insect control will not be cheap.
Bed bug powders
Powders are less toxic than aerosols, and more economical in consumption, they act pointwise and with 100% result. Among them there are both those that can be used in pure form, and those intended for the preparation of solutions.
GreenBelt Karbofos
The product is sold in powder form and requires preparation of a working solution, which takes some time. For 5 liters of water, you need to take 60 g, the entire contents of the package or half of it. There are two volumes - 30 g and 60 g, so it is difficult to get confused in proportions. This amount is enough for 100 sq. m. To spray the composition, you will need a spray bottle.
Pests from the drug die in 3-4 hours after application, but the eggs of the larvae are not very susceptible to the insecticide, therefore, disinsection should be repeated after 5-7 days. The powder is designed to combat street bugs, moths, ticks, aphids. GreenBelt Karbofos remains active for 1.5-2 weeks after the completion of treatment.
- Simple solution preparation;
- Easy atomization with a spray bottle;
- Low level of toxicity;
- It dissolves well in water.
- Spraying requires glasses, gloves and a mask;
- Not the most convenient packaging.
Depending on the cultivated crop, the consumption of the drug is 60 g per 7-10 liters of water, and it is better to adhere to the dosage of the agent to destroy bed bugs.
Gektor against bed bugs
The product destroys both common and resistive insects and larvae. Gektor kills pests by causing dehydration within 1-2 hours. The powder continues to work for several more weeks. The main advantage of an insecticide is that there is no need to prepare a solution. The drug does not contain oily components that leave stains on things, and does not include aggressive substances with a pungent odor in the composition, and therefore it is not necessary to be removed from the house during processing.
Gektor also fights against lice, fleas, ticks. It is indoor-relevant and animal-safe. The pellets are small enough to be pushed into narrow crevices and cracks in walls where insects often hide. One press is enough to squeeze out the powder. It is recommended to wear a medical mask and rubber gloves before doing this.
- Safe for the environment;
- Harmless to humans and animals;
- Prevents insects from developing immunity against the formula;
- Convenient bottle-shaped packaging;
- Large volume.
- When in contact with water, the effectiveness decreases.
For effective destruction of parasites in the house, it is recommended to scatter Hector powder in those places where parasites are most often active at night.
Clean House Dust
A direct-action agent that must be scattered in places of their accumulation. For 1 sq. m. no more than 2 g is required. A 50 g package is enough to process more than 20 sq. m. It is safe for health, with low toxicity, not like a poison. It is easy to protect yourself from it - it is enough to work with gloves, a mask and glasses.
The substances of the composition decompose in 2 weeks, and all this time the drug destroys the remaining insects, including the larvae. The action of the product is also aimed at fighting ants, fleas, flies, cockroaches. It is a dry powder without a pungent odor. It will be most effective to put odorless bed bug remedy in the cracks between the baseboard and the wall, under carpets and paintings.
- Most of the pests die in 1-2 hours;
- Convenient release form;
- No need to prepare a solution;
- Economical consumption;
- It can be scattered even in hard-to-reach places.
- You need to be careful with animals;
- After disinfestation, it is advisable to do wet cleaning.
After 2 weeks, the powder must be collected and, if necessary, replaced with fresh, if there are still any individuals left.
Bed bug sprays
It is a clear or white liquid ready to use, poured into a container with a dispenser. It has a low consumption, does not require preliminary preparation of the solution and saves time on surface treatment. The project team carried out a comparative analysis of 7 applicants and settled on 2 winners.
Insecticidal preparation with an effect for 1-2 months. The composition includes 3 nerve agents that destroy parasites without a chance of salvation - permethrin, cypermethrin, tetramethrin. The poison is poisonous to parasites, but does not pose a threat to humans, although personal protection is still required. To carry out a successful pest control, one time is enough.
Medilis-Anti-BLOP is released in the form of a spray that is easy to spray and even kills the larvae. Its purpose is the processing of premises. To do this, spray a jet at a distance of 10 cm from the surface where insects are most often found - joints of parts in upholstered furniture, baseboards, window and door frames. The product is consumed sparingly at a rate of 10 g per 1 sq. m.
- Convenient packaging;
- Valid for at least 2 months;
- Can handle sofas and other surfaces;
- The bottle is enough for a room over 18 sq. m .;
- Quickly disappearing odor;
- Effective composition.
- Bad smell.
The insecticide can be used at temperatures not lower than 10 degrees. After 15 minutes after that, it is necessary to ventilate the room and wipe the work surfaces.
Bed bug gels
The product is a gel-like liquid or thick mixture that needs to be lubricated in places where bed bugs are most common. Its advantages are quick impact and lack of smell, minus - the price is above average. To prepare the rating, the characteristics of 10 products were studied, of which the first place went to the next gel.
Gel product for the destruction of young and adults - flies, cockroaches, fleas. It is effective for 45 days both indoors and outdoors. After using the products, it is not necessary to ventilate the room due to the absence of a strong odor. It is applied to furniture, pipes, walls. The optimal consumption of the composition is from 15 to 30 g per 1 sq. m.
To suppress the activity of insects, the formula was based on the substance "alphacypermethrin" in a volume of 3% and imidacloprid (0.2%). The gel does not have a very thick consistency, therefore it does not harden on the surface and does not run down to the floor. Due to this, consumption is saved and the product lasts for a longer period. The drug begins to act a few minutes after the coating has been treated.
- Safe for people;
- Does not leave marks on the surface;
- Ease of application;
- Odorless;
- Does not lose its properties during storage.
- One package is enough for a maximum of 2.5 sq. m.
The manufacturer notes that reprocessing can be carried out no earlier than a month after the first one.
Solutions for bedbugs
They are called so due to the need for preliminary dilution with water in the proportions indicated by the manufacturers. The advantages of this option are cost savings and low cost. The disadvantage of concentrates is that it is necessary to mix in some kind of container and, possibly, wait for some time for infusion. By eliminating the least safe, functional and useful products, the 2 best remedies for the destruction of bed bugs were selected.
The drug is included in the ranking due to its effectiveness, safety and versatility. The product also fights fleas, ticks, flies, ants. It affects both adults and larvae. The insecticide belongs to the professional group, but it can also be used independently. It is produced in the form of a concentrate based on 2 active substances - chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin.
Disinfection of a two-room apartment takes on average one 100 ml bottle. The drug can be used both indoors and outdoors. However, you first need to prepare a solution of 1 liter of water and 25 ml of liquid. The finished composition is sprayed with a spray bottle, which will have to be purchased separately. Zonder works for 49 days and gradually loses activity.
- Completely destroys the insect population, including larvae;
- Effective for processing building change houses;
- Fast airing of premises;
- Simplicity of solution preparation.
Disadvantages :
- The reviews advise to work in a suit for painters and a mask.
The drug is harmless to animals and people, has a quick effect and does not leave marks on the treated surfaces.
It is not surprising that the manufacturers called their product this way, it really "ruthlessly" kills both adults and larvae. It is produced in a concentrated form that requires dilution with warm water, which reduces consumption. The solution is effective both at low dosages (1 bottle per 0.5 l of water) and at high dosages (3 bottles per 1 l of water).
"Executioner" is sold in convenient 6 ml plastic jars with transparent walls. To spray the composition, a container with a dispenser for 1.5-2 liters is required, for example, from a glass cleaner. You need to handle furniture, cracks in the floor, the inner surface of carpets. If there are a lot of insects, then you will additionally need to spray things. To consolidate the results, it is recommended to repeat the manipulations after 5 days.
- Convenient to use;
- Can be used for sleeping places;
- Harmless to health;
- Simple instructions for use.
- The room must then be left for 4-5 hours;
- You should additionally buy a sprayer;
- The smell disappears for a long time.
The reviews note that the result is already after the first treatment, but it is better to reuse the bug remedy, then the effect will be 100%. However, for this you need to strictly follow the dosages.
Bed bug pencils
The insecticidal pencil is so called because it is designed to draw stripes in the place where bedbugs move. However, in fact, it looks like an ordinary crayon, which comes in completely different colors - white, blue, red. The product can be oval, elongated, or round, like a tablet. After examining 10 nominees, experts at opted for one option with a large number of positive reviews.
The drug is sold in the form of a crayon that draws lines well on almost any surface - asphalt, linoleum, tiles. Stripes are applied in habitats, congestion and frequent movement of insects. Their minimum permissible width is 2-4 cm, otherwise the effectiveness is called into question. Deltamethrin (0.05%) and zetacypermethrin (0.1%) are used as the main active ingredient. This concentration is safe for humans and deadly for bedbugs.
To make a crayon, so that he draws well, plaster and chalk are used. The density of the pencil is quite high, so the product does not crumble when streaking. It is also effectively used in the fight against flies, fleas, and ants. Masha does not wash off for several days, so it works even in the rain.
- Light weight - 0.02 kg, making it easy to draw lines;
- The optimal size is 2.2 x 9 x 2.2 cm;
- Available in white and does not stain your hands;
- Lack of a pungent odor;
- Doesn't break.
- When water gets in, it starts to sour.
The reviews note that, due to the white color, the pencil is practically invisible on light surfaces, and it is more difficult to monitor the reaction of insects.
How to choose a remedy for bedbugs
The product should work for at least several days, and preferably weeks. If you plan to use it outdoors, it is important that it is resistant to high humidity. For indoor use, it is recommended to choose odorless formulations so that they do not disappear for a long time when the room is ventilated. Otherwise, even the most effective remedy for bed bugs can harm a person.
A type
The easiest way to apply pencils is to draw stripes about 4 cm wide in the place of the greatest accumulation of insects: furniture, walls, floor. Thanks to spot processing, product consumption is saved and it lasts for a long time. However, depending on the manufacturer, it may leave marks on the surface.
The most practical is the use of ready-made aerosols and sprays, which are enough to spray in the problem area and leave to act. For this, they are produced in containers with a special dispenser, thereby reducing consumption.
Of the highly effective products, solutions that require dilution with water have proven themselves well. Such liquids are produced as a concentrate with 1 or 2 active substances. After mixing the components, they may require infusion for several minutes or hours.
Insect species
First of all, we are talking about the fight against bed bugs, since there are also street insects. Usually one product is not limited to their destruction, it is able to cope with other species - ants, fleas, cockroaches, flies. The more versatile the composition, the more expensive it is.
Funds are created to destroy insects already in the house. They paralyze the bug by suppressing its motor activity. As a result, after a few minutes or hours, young and adult individuals die. Effective products are able to further deter them and prevent attacks on humans. However, it is not recommended to constantly use such gels, solutions, etc. indoors.
Which remedy for bedbugs is better
If it is possible to leave the house for the day, then powder preparations can be used. In the case when it is necessary to quickly eliminate insects in hard-to-reach places, it is better to choose aerosols. For pest control of sofas, cabinets, carpets, the best option would be concentrates intended for dilution with water.
To determine which remedy for bedbugs works well, it is worth taking note of the following tips:
- If there are animals in the house, then it is better to buy Henkel Combat aerosol.
- If you need to get rid of pests in less than one day, then you should pay attention to the drug "Zonder".
- With the processing of hard-to-reach places - baseboards, wallpaper, etc., aerosol "Raptor" and "Dichlorvos Clean House" will cope.
- Both larvae and adults, so as not to repeat the disinfestation after a while, it is better to remove the Hector powder.
- In the absence of an opportunity to leave the room where the disinfestation will be carried out for a long time, you can buy an effective aerosol "Reid Lavender" or powder "GreenBelt Karbofos".
- Those who do not want to waste time preparing solutions and spraying compounds can poison the parasites with powder "Dust Clean House".
- For sleeping places - mattresses, sofas, etc., concentrates "Medilis-AntiKLOP" and "Executioner" are intended.
- If an infestation of fleas with cockroaches is also noticed in the house, then Get Dry will be a win-win option.
- Of the inexpensive but effective products from the review, we recommend the Mashenka pencil.
Even having chosen an effective remedy for bedbugs, just in case, it is recommended to carry out the treatment several times. If everything is done correctly, then there should be no trace of insects.