Best hand dryers
Increasingly, in the washrooms of shopping centers, train stations, gas stations, offices or catering establishments, owners are installing electrical appliances that help dry the skin of their hands after washing. It is financially unprofitable to use plain and paper towels when visiting the bathroom frequently. The principle of operation depends on the type of device, based on the distribution of heated air over a distance. This causes the water droplets on the skin to dry out or be blown off. Due to their diversity, a rating was compiled, which included the best hand dryers.

Which company is better to choose a hand dryer
Experts advise, when choosing a model, to take into account not only the parameters that are indicated in the instructions, but also the reputation of the manufacturer. Devices of well-known brands are considered more reliable, because the quality of products is verified by users. Before buying devices from young firms, it is recommended to study consumer reviews. In them, people will point out the advantages and disadvantages of the units of a particular developer. The best hand dryers are manufactured by the following companies:
- Neoclima - manufactures climatic equipment that is not inferior in quality to European counterparts. The policy of the Greek company is based on the principle of combining innovative technologies and modern design, which allowed the products to take a leading position in the market of Russia and the CIS countries. The slogan of the brand “A new climate for your life” reflects the main mission of the company - to make people's life comfortable.
- Ballu - the concern supplies devices that provide a comfortable indoor climate to the markets of Eastern Europe and Russia. The popularity of products is ensured by high reliability, high-quality assembly, the introduction of the latest technologies and the use of environmentally friendly materials. Device prototypes undergo various security tests.
- Connex - the company produces professional hygiene accessories, among which automatic dryers are in great demand. The demand for the units is due to the low price and stylish design. This allows the consumer to choose a model that will perfectly match the interior.
- BargainingSignService - the Russian company has been producing goods under the Puff brand for over 10 years. According to user reviews, the popularity of hand dryers is due to their high reliability. When developing prototypes, engineers take into account the needs of Russian customers in terms of device safety and durability. The high level of quality allows the products to compete with the analogues of famous brands.
- BXG - the company was founded in 1997, began its activity with the release of several electric dryers. The advantages of the products include ease of use, good functionality, and an average price level. Every year, developers improve popular models and create new ones. The company's policy is based on the principle of integrating convenient equipment that will satisfy the user's wishes.
- Binele - the trade mark supplies professional climatic-type equipment to the international and Russian markets. The manufacturer guarantees high ergonomics, anti-vandal properties, reliability and durability of the devices.
- Electrolux - the modern name of the Swedish company appeared in 1957 due to the high popularity of goods outside the state.She was one of the first to focus on device design. Now the factories of the company are located in different countries of the world.
- Losdi - The Spanish company has been producing industrial hygiene devices since 1995. The brand's products are famous for their quality and innovative technologies. The white and black colors of the devices ensure an elegant appearance of the products.
- G-Teq - the company was founded in 2009, produces various types of equipment for public bathrooms. An automatic hand dryer of this brand is presented in the markets of various regions of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus. The toilets of famous fast food restaurants, gas stations, parks and cultural institutions are equipped with appliances.
- Ksitex Is a Chinese manufacturer of sanitary ware and accessories for bathrooms, public bathrooms. The products entered the Russian market in 2009. It gained popularity due to high-strength materials, the introduction of innovative technologies, price-quality correspondence. The range includes high speed hand dryers, UV devices and HEPA filter.
- Stiebel Eltron - German group of companies was founded in 1924. It owns 5 factories for the production of climatic technology. Representative offices of the corporation are located in 17 countries of the world. It has been supplying goods to the Russian market since 1992.
- Nofer - the company was founded in Spain 50 years ago. It manufactures enamelled, stainless steel appliances and bathroom accessories, devices for users with disabilities. The first hand dryer, released in 1960, is still being bought.
Hand dryer rating
Devices are divided into 2 main types. The mechanical ones turn on when you press the button, and the automatic ones turn on when you bring your hands to them. When buying a hand dryer for the toilet, choose the model with the most convenient design, the presence of various kinds of additional functions. Such features usually do not affect the operation of the device, but only increase the comfort of drying hands. Models were selected for the rating by comparing the following characteristics:
- Energy efficiency;
- Noise level;
- Dimensions;
- Power;
- The weight;
- Safety;
- Body material;
- Sensing distance;
- Outgoing air temperature;
- Functional features;
- Air flow rate.
The value of these parameters, as well as the warranty period, affect the price of the unit. More expensive devices are equipped with touch sensors, made of anti-vandal materials, and consume a minimum of energy. The warranty for such dryers is up to 5 years, and for inexpensive ones does not exceed 12-24 months. The nominees in the review are divided into 3 categories by price level. In addition to a detailed description, each section discusses the main pros and cons of the models.
Best inexpensive hand dryers
The models are designed to be placed in places where a careful attitude to the unit is provided. The body is made of anodized aluminum or impact resistant plastic. Produce inexpensive dryers in China, the price does not exceed 2 thousand rubles. The procedure often lasts about 40 seconds, accompanied by a loud noise, which reduces the comfort of drying. Devices with a price of 2-7 thousand rubles. have greater power, which reduces the manipulation time to 15-20 seconds. Based on the results of comparative tests of 10 nominees, 4 models were selected for the section.
Neoclima NHD-2.0
The touch-sensitive hand dryer is made of impact resistant plastic. Power of 2000 W and temperature of the outgoing stream of 65 degrees ensure the elimination of moisture from the skin in 15 m / sec. Turning on occurs when the hands are at a distance of 5 cm from the device. The cold mode allows to reduce the power consumption. Due to its small dimensions, the unit fits well into the interior of bathrooms and rooms and public bathrooms.
- High energy efficiency;
- Ease of use;
- Protection against splashing water with a deflection angle of up to 60 degrees vertically;
- Low price;
- Ease of installation.
- Noisy work.
Most of the respondents give positive feedback on the dryer and recommend purchasing it for toilets with low traffic. The advantages include the environmental friendliness of materials, quality compliance with the declared price, the presence of protection against overheating. Installation can be done without assistance.
Ballu BAHD-2000DM
The device is available in chrome and white. An infrared touch sensor ensures quick activation of the heating element. Its sensitivity can be adjusted if necessary. The outlet air flow has a temperature of about 90 degrees, which provides quick drying, but increases the risk of burns. The high class of electrical protection allows the device to be used without grounding.
- Low price;
- Durable body material;
- Automatic shutdown when overheating;
- High degree of moisture protection;
- Light weight.
- 1 mode;
- Noise level at a distance of 1 m - 60 dB.
Users rate the quality and safety of the Ballu electric hand dryer at 4. They note the quick activation of the touch sensor, the durability of the plastic, the minimum power consumption, and the ease of installation and cleaning of the case. However, some buyers claim that the procedure time stated by the manufacturer is not true. Hands become dry only after 30-40 seconds.
Connex HD-1800
In terms of the main technical characteristics, the model is practically not inferior to the previous nominees. Its power is also 2000 W, the body is made of ABS plastic, the drying time does not exceed 20 seconds, the air flow speed is 16 m / s, and the weight is 2.3 kg. The touch sensor works at a distance of 1-15 cm. The moisture protection class protects against splashes only with a deflection angle of up to 15 degrees vertically, but the air temperature at the outlet of 60 degrees reduces the risk of burns.
- Small size;
- Low price;
- Stylish appearance;
- Fast drying;
- The technical characteristics correspond to the sanitary standards of the Russian Federation.
- Warranty - 12 months;
- Low class of moisture protection.
Experts note good performance, high energy efficiency, and usability of the model. In reviews of the Connex hand dryer, users point to a long period of uptime. The interesting design allows you to comfortably mount the device in the washroom. The advantages include a low noise level in comparison with analogs.
Puff 120
The cheapest model in the category of dryers with a low price. Its power is only 1200 W, so the heating temperature of the air at the outlet does not exceed 50 degrees. The infrared sensor works at a distance of 5-20 cm. The moisture protection class is IPx1. According to the instructions, the drying time is 15 seconds, but when testing the device, it is noticeable that this parameter is greatly overestimated by the manufacturer.
- Compact dimensions;
- High strength of the body material;
- The minimum noise level of work;
- Lightweight.
- Lack of anti-vandal protection;
- Long drying time.
Consumers are attracted by the low price of the unit, which is made of high quality plastic. The body is not covered with yellow spots, which preserves the appearance of the device during prolonged use. It is advised to purchase a dryer for bathrooms with low traffic, since a large flow of people often leads to mechanical damage to the unit.
The best hand dryers in the middle price segment
This category contains nominees with improved technical characteristics. Their price is 10-20 thousand rubles. It is due to the shorter procedure time, which makes it possible to install the units in bathrooms with high traffic. Appliances of this type are often equipped with an anti-vandal coating, which increases their durability. According to the results of testing the technical characteristics of the 10 announced nominees, 5 models were included in the rating of the best hand dryers.
The high speed dryer is available in a silver color.The outlet air speed of 95 m / s ensures the shortest treatment time, and the 1900 W power significantly reduces energy consumption. Due to the sensor, the unit is switched on automatically. All contact areas are equipped with an antibacterial coating, which excludes fungal infection. Carbon and membrane filters provide additional purification of the exhaust air. The model received the Green Shield badge for safety.
- Ergonomics;
- Protection against water splashes from any direction;
- Automatic shutdown in case of overload or overheating;
- 2 modes;
- Durable body material;
- Anti-vandal protection.
- High noise level;
- Weight - 7.8 kg.
According to respondents, there are no significant shortcomings in this model. For design, build quality, usability and reliability, they all gave it a 5.
Users note that buying a nominee will be beneficial for entrepreneurs. The dryer fully pays for itself in less than 1 year. The skin of the hands does not dry out, since the moisture does not evaporate, but is blown off it.
Binele V-Turbo
The dryer is available in silver color. The 1000 W power increases the energy efficiency of the device. Due to the high air flow rate, hand drying takes about 7-10 seconds. The unit is made of impact-resistant plastic. The infrared sensor works instantly at a distance of 5-12 cm, the outlet temperature is 40-55 degrees.
- Minimal risk of burns;
- Compact dimensions;
- Lightweight;
- Stylish design;
- The price corresponds to the functionality.
- Low degree of moisture protection;
- Warranty - 18 months
Most users recommend buying a model, all parameters correspond to the values indicated in the instructions. Dries hands quickly, energy consumption is minimal. At the same time, the use of the unit requires the correct position of the hands, which at first reduces the comfort of the procedure.
Electrolux EHDA / N-2500
The model incorporates innovative anti-vandal technology. Its body is covered with a steel casing, and the internal elements are made of an aluminum-silicon alloy, which is highly resistant to mechanical damage. The 360-degree rotatable exhaust nozzle allows the unit to be used for drying body and hair. The air flow speed is 30 m / s, but due to the power of 2500 W the procedure takes 10-15 seconds.
- Overheat protection;
- Highly sensitive touch sensor;
- Small size;
- The presence of an antibacterial filter.
- Low degree of moisture protection;
- Weight - 6 kg.
The respondents rated the safety, reliability and ease of use of the Electrolux hand dryer at 5. The main disadvantage is the noise of work. Among the advantages are the speed and hygiene of drying, low energy consumption, no breakages during prolonged use.
Losdi CS-500I / X-L
In terms of technical parameters and appearance, the model of the Spanish manufacturer is almost identical to the previous nominee. At the same time, its dimensions are more compact, the noise level is 5 dB lower, the air temperature at the outlet reaches 45-65 degrees. Such features, a better degree of moisture protection, increase the price of the device.
- Fast drying;
- Anti-vandal protection;
- Environmentally friendly materials;
- Ease of installation.
- Noisy work;
- Heavy.
Experts confirm that the vandal-proof model is suitable for bathrooms with high traffic. The presence of a rotary nozzle ensures the versatility of the model. High power, minimal drying time increase the comfort of its use.
G-Teq 8851 MC
The body of the model is made of stainless steel, which provides protection against mechanical damage. Power of 2100 W and air speed at the outlet of 24 m / s allows you to dry your hands in 20-25 seconds, the sensor is triggered at a distance of 50-15 cm. Due to the II class of electrical safety, the device can be used without grounding.
- Anti-vandal protection;
- Low price;
- Average noise level;
- Compact dimensions;
- Light weight.
- 1 year warranty.
Users claim that with this design and functionality, the price of the model on the hand dryer market is the lowest.
The technical characteristics stated by the manufacturer are true. The unit is easy to install, it does not make much noise during operation, it dries out the skin quickly.
The best premium hand dryers
In this category, nominees are presented at a price of more than 20-25 thousand rubles. Their principle of operation is not to evaporate water from the skin of the hands, but to blow it off. This feature reduces the risk of scalding during drying. The high price is often due to the presence of additional functions, filters for air purification, germicidal lamps. Manufacturers often equip devices with countdown timers for the procedure, which increases the comfort of their use. After testing the technical characteristics of 5 nominees, 3 models were recognized as the best.
Ksitex M-5555 Jet
The built-in high-performance fan provides an airflow speed of 135 m / s. With a power of 1450 W, the outlet air temperature is 45-65 degrees, and the drying time does not exceed 5-10 seconds. The ergonomic design of the appliance increases the comfort of its use; hands do not need to be held under or above the dryer.
- High degree of moisture protection;
- Low power consumption;
- Optical motion sensor;
- Average noise level;
- Shockproof housing;
- Touch sensor of inclusion;
- Air flow rate adjustment;
- Antibacterial coating.
- High price;
- There is no anti-vandal protection.
Users note that the functionality, build quality and reliability of the nominee completely overshadow its cons. It is easy to install and operate, the operating noise is negligible, the internal parts are firmly protected by the body from negative environmental factors. The majority of respondents recommend buying a hand dryer.
Stiebel Eltron HTE 4
The design of the dryer provides for the absence of the possibility of placing foreign objects on its surface, therefore it is often purchased for public bathrooms. Switch-on sensors are triggered at a distance of 13 cm. The power of the unit is 1800 W, the outlet air speed is 12 m / s, and the temperature is 65 degrees. These parameters do not allow your hands to dry out quickly, but they reduce the risk of burns.
- Minimum noise level;
- Robust body;
- Compact dimensions;
- Light weight;
- Low price;
- Good degree of moisture protection;
- The warranty is 3 years.
- Long drying time.
Experts and buyers confirm the high reliability and durability of the nominee's operation. Low price, durability of the body material, ease of use and low noise level of operation allow installing the unit in state institutions for children.
Nofer WINDFLOW 2450 W (01151.B / 01151.W / 01151.S)
This series of dryers is represented by 3 models. The last letters indicate the type of case coating: B - glossy, W - white enamel, S - matt. In appearance, they resemble the Electrolux and Lozdi dryers described above. The swiveling nozzle allows for additional drying of hair, clothing and other areas of the body. The body is made of steel with a thickness of 1.5 mm, so it reliably protects the internal parts from mechanical damage.
- Drying time for hands - 8-10 sec .;
- High power;
- Average air flow rate;
- Electronic sensor with good sensitivity;
- Anti-vandal protection.
- Heavy;
- Low level of moisture protection.
Dryers of the Windflow series are recommended for bathrooms of restaurants, cafes, shopping centers. Many owners are happy with the purchase. No breakages after long-term use. The high performance of the device allows serving a larger number of customers.
Which hand dryer is better to buy
When choosing a unit, experts advise taking into account its location, the contingent of people who will use it. In the bathrooms of nightclubs, pubs, train stations, schools, it is better to install anti-vandal dryers at a low price.In offices with high traffic, high-speed models are suitable, which can quickly cope with the flow of customers. At home, the device is rarely used, so you can choose the simplest model. To facilitate the purchase, one model was selected from each category, which is considered the best for a specific indicator:
- Inexpensive hand dryer, suitable for places with a small flow of people - Ballu BAHD-2000DM;
- High-speed model at an average price - BXG-JET 7000С;
- Binele V-Turbo is a suitable option for cafes and public places;
- The right premium vandal-proof appliance is the Nofer WINDFLOW 2450 W.
Choosing a good model is easy if you first study the specifications and user reviews. The parameters that are indicated in the instructions will allow you to assess the performance, safety, level of durability of the device. Customer reviews will point out the pros and cons of dryers from various manufacturers.