The best sites for accurate weather forecasting
Forecasts of weather forecasters about changes in temperature, possible precipitation allow people to choose clothes for the street, plan out-of-town trips, and other events that are held in the fresh air. The most popular information source now is the Internet, so the meteorological services of different countries post weather data on special web portals. For each user, the reliability of the material provided, the specifics of its presentation is important. Based on the comparative data, the ranking includes the best sites for accurate weather forecasting. Analysis of user reviews will allow you to evaluate the pros and cons of each service.

Which website for accurate weather forecast is better to choose
Each web portal has its own characteristics. Often, weather sites provide information not only about the totality of the values of meteorological elements and atmospheric phenomena at a certain point in time in a particular city. The review includes the following foreign and Russian weather forecast sites:
- Meteoinfo - web portal of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Hydrometeorological Center of Russia". The institution is the leading research and operational-methodological department in the field of hydrometeorological forecasts. The main task of the site is to promptly provide the population of the country, government, and economic structures with information about all weather changes.
- Intellicast - the service was created by the American weather services International, which owns the largest commercial database of meteorological observations. Based on the GFS model, it allows you to accurately predict the type of atmospheric phenomena anywhere in the country and beyond. Most transport companies use the resource to clarify weather conditions.
- Foreca- the site of a private Finnish weather forecasting company. It provides high quality data for digital media, portals, mobile applications. The reliability of the portal information is due to a combination of meteorological expertise and scientific research in this area.
- Meteoweb - An independent weather forecast website is maintained by Russian amateurs of meteorology and astronomy. It is designed for all age groups. The goal of the project is to popularize these sciences in modern society. The simplicity of the design of the web portal is due to the focus on its content.
- Gismeteo - Russian information site, ranks first in the results of Yandex and Google for the query "weather". The resource owners post data that is received from the country's weather stations. During its existence, the project has changed its design from weather maps to forecast tables. The former are still present, but less than 1% of users use them.
- Yandex.Weather - Internet portal of a Russian transnational company. Uses the technology of processing multiple sources of information, which makes it possible to obtain more accurate weather data. Information for the site is provided by the Moscow meteorological office.
- rp5 - the resource was developed by the Russian company "Reliable Prognosis", which has a license to operate in the field of hydrometeorology and related areas. The information comes from the data server of international exchange, the American satellite system NOAA, in the SYNOP and METAR formats.
Rating of sites for accurate weather forecast
Forecasters can predict the meteorological situation in a particular region for a period of up to 1 month. At the same time, monitoring of temperature changes for a period of more than a week is considered more reliable than the forecast for precipitation. The probability of their occurrence is determined only 3 days in advance. When choosing the best sites for accurate weather forecast, the following characteristics were taken into account:
- The number, location of weather stations that transmit data;
- Design;
- The ability to change the language;
- Type of additional information;
- The convenience of use;
- Frequency of data updates;
- Displayed weather data;
- The principle of calculating the forecast;
- The number of cities, where meteorological conditions can be found out;
- Innovative features.
The level of Internet browsing from mobile devices is not inferior to the level of web browsing from a computer. Therefore, an important criterion for choosing the nominees was the availability of a weather application for such gadgets. The ranking includes 7 of the most accurate weather forecast sites.
The best sites for accurate weather forecasting
The popularity of such web portals is due to the reliability of the data provided, convenient infographics, and the availability of additional materials that help to understand the dependence of meteorological elements on the geographical location of the settlement. According to user reviews, an accurate weather forecast for a period of 3 to 30 days can be found on the sites described below.
The portal contains data on temperature, humidity, pressure, cloud cover, precipitation, snow depth, horizontal visibility, wind direction and speed for 5000 settlements of the world. On the main page there is a search bar, buttons for changing the language in the form of a Russian, English flag, going to the Hydrometeorological Center group in Contact, Facebook, Twitter. The forecast is made in the form of tables, graphics. Below are the maximum and minimum daily mean temperatures for that day in specific years. Interesting news about the weather in different regions is published daily. There is also an animation of the current radar precipitation data for 2 days for European countries with an interval of 10 minutes.
- Archive of forecasts;
- High data accuracy;
- Intuitive interface;
- Research materials on meteorology;
- Section for children;
- Separation of emergency messages into a separate group.
- Covers a small number of cities;
- There is no mobile application.
Users appreciate the site for its informativeness, obtaining data from the primary source, the presence of additional functions, and a good frequency of forecast updates. He fully justifies his motto "About the weather - first hand". The probability of errors is low, so almost all users of the Russian Internet recommend it.
The service occupies one of the leading places among reliable weather forecast sites. The portal's information is used by most foreign airlines and other transport companies when planning flights. To display data in the search bar, you need to enter the name of the city. The user can view the general, hourly forecast for today, the next 10 days. In addition to the standard parameters, it presents the recalculation of temperature degrees for a person's perception. They can be displayed in Fahrenheit or Celsius.
- Natural disaster maps;
- The ability to add your favorite cities to the search;
- More than 250 thousand weather stations;
- Installation instructions for personal PWS;
- Various video materials.
- There is no possibility of changing the language to Russian.
The reliability of the portal information has been confirmed by pilots of foreign airlines. The site helps Americans to prepare in time for severe weather conditions, abnormal atmospheric phenomena.For Russian users, the main disadvantage is the lack of a Russian-language interface, which reduces the ease of use of the service. Most browsers provide a translation service, so this issue is becoming less relevant now.
In comparison with the previous nominees, the service of the Finnish company provides weather data for a longer period - from 3 to 15 days. On the animation map with an interval of 6 hours, the probability, type of precipitation, temperature around a given point are indicated. There is a section for sailors about wind conditions, as well as information for skiers about the weather in a particular place. For certain settlements, it is possible to view real video, which allows you to accurately clarify the presence of precipitation in the selected area of the city.
- Hourly forecast;
- Convenient interface;
- Visibility distance is indicated;
- Not only the actual temperature has been determined, but also its sensation;
- Special sections for athletes;
- Sunrise, sunset data;
- Free android app.
- Few additional materials.
Users note that the portal accurately predicts the weather for 2-3 days, then an error of 2 - 3% arises. Its reliability, speed and convenience are highly rated. 100% of respondents recommend using the site.
The weather weblog hosts information from various weather services. Moreover, each of them has its own time period. Data links are in the form of a table. The first column contains the names of 81 settlements in different federal districts of Russia. In the next 4 links are provided to the weather site, where you can get acquainted with the weather data for 5, 7, 10, 30 days. A separate section contains information on the state of the geomagnetic field with recommendations for people with meteorological dependence.
- A large number of scientific articles by renowned meteorologists;
- Materials of astronomical textbooks;
- Satellite imagery;
- High forecast accuracy;
- The ability to compare data from different sources;
- Links to various meteoclub.
- Convenience of the interface.
The portal is recommended for users who are interested in meteorology as a science. On the main page you can find the latest weather news, forecast maps, information about temperature, precipitation in Moscow, St. Petersburg for the current month in the form of an article in the form of an article by a leading meteorologist.
Among the sites for weather forecasting for 10 days or more, the Russian commercial web portal is popular among users. The relevance of the data is due to the good frequency of information update, which is 4 times a day. The main meteorological parameters of the site are humidity, cloudiness, precipitation, pressure, wind speed and direction, actual temperature, as it feels, geomagnetic activity. The main page contains a search bar, links to news, weather maps. For Russians, Ukrainians, Europeans, the portal is loaded in a language that is more familiar to them.
- The ability to update the forecast in any city;
- Animated maps;
- Choosing a convenient monitoring period;
- Convenient infographics;
- Weather diary;
- Latest news about nature, space, events in the world;
- Mobile application for smartphones, computers, SmartTV.
- There is no additional information for the lovers of meteorology.
User reviews of the site are mixed. Some argue that the information is completely true. Others point out the frequent discrepancy between the data and the actual parameters. The pluses include weather targeting, which allows advertisers to show banners only at certain temperatures.
The service is appreciated for the convenience and simplicity of the information provided. The region is selected automatically.A person can get acquainted with the temperature, air humidity, pressure, probability of precipitation, wind speed and direction for the current day, the next 10, 14 days. The data update frequency is 1 time per 3 hours. The meteorological forecast calculation scheme includes the analysis of materials from space satellites, ground stations, comparative machine processing with the values obtained from models of other national weather services. The final result is given based on the user's location.
- The ability to compare the parameters of different cities;
- Concise interface;
- Hyperlink to weather data in other countries;
- Correction of the precipitation map every 10 minutes;
- Hardware error warning;
- Availability of a mobile application for any OS.
- Indicators are not always accurate.
Meteum technology allows you to predict changes in weather conditions for today, tomorrow, the next 7 days with an accuracy up to the user's location. At the same time, the majority of users note large discrepancies between the actual and predicted parameters. Experts say that such errors are associated with a short system operation time.
The site provides forecasts for 243 countries around the world. Receives information from more than 15,000 weather stations. The main page lists the names of all capitals in alphabetical order with a temperature parameter. The desired city can be entered in the search bar. The forecasting period does not exceed 6 days. Periodicity of data for 1 day - every hour, in other cases - 6 hours. The user sees a short description of weather conditions, specific values, temperatures, clouds, precipitation, pressure, wind. For convenience, you can select the unit of measure for the indicator.
- 17 languages;
- Setting up a comfortable viewing of information;
- Detailed weather data;
- Mobile app;
- Short summary;
- Full data update 2 times a day, in SYNOP format - every 3 hours.
- Low popularity of the service.
The site is used mainly by tourists and people for whom the accuracy of weather data is important. It is classified as a professional forecasting portal. The pluses include a large selection of countries and regions, easy navigation, and reliability of information.
Which website is better for accurate weather forecasting?
The data of weather web portals often differ, therefore, when choosing a reliable source, it is recommended to compare information from 2 or more sites. Services with a forecast of up to 7 days are considered the best, since it is impossible to predict changes in weather conditions for a longer period with high accuracy. Experts point out that knowing the feeling of temperature will allow you to better prepare for going outside. The presence of a mobile application increases comfort for frequent use. It is not always convenient to constantly search for a site on the Internet, and a widget on the desktop will allow you to find out the necessary data at any time. A high-precision forecast is noted for resources that work with state meteorological services. To simplify the selection of the best weather site for a week or more, the following recommendations will help:
- The most reliable information is provided by Meteoinfo;
- Find up-to-date disaster data on Intellicast;
- The best informational content is offered by Rp5;
- Option with applications for various mobile devices - Gismeteo;
- For people who are fond of meteorology, Meteoweb is suitable.
The weather forecast is rarely 100% accurate, but even the approximate parameters allow people to choose the right clothes for the street and plan their vacation. Each user determines the accuracy of the information on the site from personal experience. The rating will help to clarify in advance the presence of specific pros and cons of popular web portals.