The best lactose-free formula for newborns
If a child has an intolerance to milk protein, the pediatrician prescribes nutrition with special lactose-free mixtures. Their choice is much less than that of classic cereals. But it is constantly updated, so we decided to conduct our own investigation, compiled the top rating of 2024. They presented the best lactose-free formula for newborns, capable of meeting all the needs of a growing body. The ranking contains 6 products that have received the highest ratings.

Rating of lactose-free formula for newborns
The rating of lactose-free formulas for children was compiled on the basis of the expert opinion of specialists in the field of medicine, clinical studies of products and customer reviews were also taken into account. The editorial board of has studied the characteristics of such a diet for newborns, compared the following criteria:
- Composition - carbohydrate, fatty components, probiotics, prebiotics, etc .;
- The basis is whey protein and albumin, calcium caseinate, soy protein;
- Lactose - complete absence, small amount;
- Age - compliance with a certain age of the baby;
- Safety - absence of vegetable oils, GMOs, allergens, etc .;
- Packaging - ease of storage, tightness, volume and consumption;
- Method of preparation - how simple, convenient, porridge is brewed quickly;
- Useful properties - aid in digestion, saturation with vitamins, minerals;
- Taste qualities - smell, taste, how much the baby will like the porridge;
- Bioavailability is the degree of assimilation of useful components.
The rating included products with a good combination of price and quality. Unreasonably expensive or questionable brands were excluded. The opinions of doctors were expert on the beneficial properties, food safety. Customer reviews showed the strengths, weaknesses of the nominees.
The best lactose-free infant formula
We got acquainted with information from manufacturers, reviews of the most popular brands of baby food on the forums, with clinical studies, on the basis of which we have selected a list of lactose-free formulas for newborns, where 6 nominees are presented with their advantages and disadvantages. Each was assessed according to the above criteria.
Nan (Nestlé)
Complete nutrition for babies whose body does not accept milk protein. The basis is casein, milk whey, soy lecithin. To them are added a complex of vegetable oils, glucose syrup, lactobacillus L. reuteri (analogous to the content of mother's milk), DHA-ARA smart lipids for the development of vital organs, nucleotides. Sold in cans with a protective membrane, inside there is a measuring spoon. The manufacturer excludes GMOs, preservatives, dyes. The white powder dissolves instantly, leaves no lumps. Carbohydrates are quickly and easily absorbed, nucleotides protect the gastrointestinal mucosa, lactobacilli normalize microflora, fatty acids increase immunity. It is used from the first days of life.
- Convenient packaging;
- Fast cooking;
- Good composition;
- High nutritional value;
- Recovery from intestinal infections;
- No harmful additives.
- Price;
- Trace lactose is contraindicated in galactosemia.
The product is also recommended for babies suffering from diarrhea, intestinal infections to restore the functions of the digestive system. Buyers note the bitter taste, but children eat the mixture with great pleasure. It is especially useful for those who need to gain weight. The price ranges from 400 to 800 rubles.
Nutrilon (Nutricia)
A special product from the Dutch manufacturer for babies whose digestion does not digest milk protein. The basis is calcium caseinate. It is supplemented with glucose syrup with an excellent absorption rate. The components are as close as possible to the chemical composition of breast milk, so long-term use is allowed. The presence of nucleotides increases the barrier function of the intestine, thereby enhancing the immune response. Fatty acids by the ARA / DHA complex contribute to the full development of the brain and organs of vision. Powder with a neutral odor, creamy taste is packaged in cans, easily soluble in water. Unlike the predecessor of the rating, palm oil is completely excluded here.
- Balanced formula;
- Improving the digestive tract;
- Increased immunity;
- Neutral odor, pleasant taste;
- Convenient packaging;
- Hypoallergenic.
- Large packaging only;
- Price.
Recommended as a basic, additional food from 0 to 6 months. Pediatricians often prescribe Nutrilon to children who have had rotavirus and other intestinal disorders.
They note excellent digestibility, even with a predisposition to allergic reactions. One can costs 1200-1300 rubles.
Bellakt BL
The difference between this product and the predecessors of the nominee is its affordable price. This is a dry mixture for medicinal purposes for babies from the first days of life to 1 year. Regular use eliminates digestive problems such as colic, bloating, loose stools, and excess gas. Ingredients - skimmed cow's milk (whey), maltodextrin, a complex of vegetable oils, fatty acids. Another advantage why Bellakt BL occupies this position in the ranking is the vitamin premix. The manufacturer has excluded GMOs and dyes. It is sold in a 400 ml cardboard box; for preparation, the required amount of powder is dissolved in hot water.
- Lack of sugar, preservatives;
- Vitamin premix;
- Neutral taste, smell;
- For weight gain;
- Cooking speed;
- Inexpensive.
- Flimsy packaging;
- Lumps.
Neutral porridge, which children eat with good appetite. The only drawback parents noted is poor water solubility, which is inherent in many lactose-free milk formulas. Doctors recommend for rapid weight gain due to the nutritional value of the composition. Price for 400 g - 300-350 rubles.
Nutrilak (InfaPrim) Premium
The popular Nutrilak brand for feeding from the first days of life. The powder is packed in a 350 g foil bag, placed inside a cardboard box with a measuring spoon. The balanced composition contains whey proteins, casein for active growth and development of the body. They are supplemented with maltodectrin and glucose syrup. They improve the condition of the intestinal mucosa, eliminate the symptoms of dysbiosis. The manufacturer focuses on the fact that it completely excludes rapeseed, palm oil, due to which constipation often occurs. Also, there is no sugar, preservatives, dyes, flavors. Food is well absorbed, does not cause allergies, symptoms of secondary intolerance to milk protein.
- Pleasant taste, creamy smell;
- No harmful oils;
- Balanced fat complex;
- Convenient packaging in small portions;
- Availability;
- Helping the digestive organs.
- It is difficult to dissolve in water;
- Leaky cardboard packaging.
In pharmacies, this is the most common brand of baby food. Doctors recommend it as an additional, basic food. It is sold at a price of 600-650 rubles for a pack of 350 g. Like many similar products, it forms lumps during cooking.
Similac (Abbott) Isomil
A worthy place in the top ranking is occupied by a lactose-free formula for children under one year old from a Dutch manufacturer based on refined soy proteins. Sold in a 400 g tin can, including a measuring spoon. Powder of yellowish tint, pleasant sweetish taste. You need to cook it longer than usual, but there are no lumps. The indication is an allergy to milk protein, lactose intolerance, galactosemia, atopic dermatitis. Additional ingredients are prebiotics, which normalize the functions of digestion, lutein for the development of the organs of vision, the brain, minerals (10 pieces) and vitamins (20 pieces) for general strengthening of the body. Sugar, preservatives, palm oil are excluded.
- Soy protein;
- Vitamin and mineral complex;
- High nutritional value;
- Medical profile product;
- Hypoallergenic;
- Good taste characteristics.
- Long dissolution;
- Rarely, but causes constipation.
More than 90% of buyers are satisfied with the quality of such a mixture, this is confirmed by numerous reviews. Rarely, this Similac can cause constipation. In general, children eat porridge with great pleasure. The price for a can is 550-770 rubles.
Grandma's basket
The rating is completed by the most popular lactose-free mixture of a domestic trademark for babies from 0 to 6 months. The main production is located in France. At a low price, it also demonstrates an excellent composition, excluding GMO, preservatives. It is based on whey protein that does not cause an allergic reaction. A complex of vitamins, minerals, macro- and microelements for full growth and development of the body is added to it. They compensate for the lack of lactose for the bone system and immunity. Sold in a sealed tin can with a tight-fitting lid. Pale yellow powder, neutral in taste, smell, reminiscent of semolina.
- Balanced composition;
- Pleasant taste;
- Lack of harmful components;
- Reliable packaging;
- French production;
- Inexpensive.
- Not sold in all pharmacies;
- The grains are difficult to dissolve in water.
According to experts, this is the best value for money. Doctors recommend other intestinal disorders for children with milk protein allergies who have had rotavirus. It is difficult to find on sale, the price of a package is 400-450 rubles.
How to choose a lactose-free infant formula
The problem of lactase deficiency in infants can be solved by a specially selected mixture without milk protein. The best advisor will be a pediatrician who knows the individual characteristics of the child's body. They also pay attention to the labeling indicated on the package, study the composition, indications for use from the manufacturer.
Among the huge variety of names, manufacturers, their products, you can find a lactose-free formula for children from birth by special labeling. If it is English - "LF", if Russian - "BL". These symbols indicate that the content excludes milk protein completely or allows a minimum allowable amount of 0.1 g / l.
The main feature of such cereals is the replacement of milk protein. Most often, manufacturers include:
- soy isolate;
- casein protein;
- hydrolyzed whey protein;
- synthetic amino acids.
In the whey composition, traces of lactose are possible, products based on calcium caseinate exclude it completely, soy protein - vegetable protein. To compensate for the lack of an important component, vitamins, minerals, valuable micro- and macroelements are added. The most valuable are carbohydrates, fats, nucleotides, probiotics and prebiotics, polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Indications for use
There may be several indications for the use of specialized therapeutic nutrition. First, a diagnosis is carried out, after which the doctor determines the following diagnoses:
- lactase deficiency - the body does not correctly produce the lactase enzyme, due to which there is a primary (complete absence of the enzyme) or secondary form (there is an enzyme, but low activity);
- galactosemia is a disease that is expressed in the failure of the process of transformation of galactose into glucose, in which case soy protein isolate is appropriate;
- intestinal infections - a temporary condition in which the digestive organs need a light, hypoallergenic diet;
- allergies - with such a problem, baby food completely excludes protein, amino acids are included instead of it, glucose syrup, starch, etc. instead of carbohydrates.
Any problems must be confirmed by a doctor. Manufacturers recommend their products not only as the main, but also as an additional diet until the child's life.
Which lactose-free infant formula is best
After getting acquainted with the list of the most bought, expert-tested lactose-free cereals for newborns, it remains only to make a choice in favor of one thing. The best advice on what to buy is a pediatrician. Based on a comparative analysis of advantages and disadvantages, Vyborexperta recommends:
- Nutrilon (Nutricia) - lactose-free hypoallergenic mixture for calcium caseinate;
- Bellakt BL - the best price, composition on milk whey with a premix of vitamins;
- Similac (Abbott) Isomil - nutritious soy-based porridge with a vitamin and mineral complex;
- Grandma's basket is a balanced formula for full growth, good price.
The best nutritional value is found in cereals with whey. In the rest, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals cover the missing value. All presented brands will be an excellent alternative or addition to breastfeeding. Which is better - an individual decision.