Best sedatives for children
Nervous tension in a child is expressed by whims, anxiety, hyperactive behavior. If these signs appear repeatedly, see your doctor for a diagnosis and treatment. Most often, in such cases, sedatives are used, adapted by the composition, the principle of action for the age and well-being of the patient. The team analyzed the pharmacological market, medical recommendations and parental reviews, choosing the best sedatives for children in 2024 in the form of tablets, drops, syrups and teas.

Rating of sedatives for children
Sedatives can refer to medications, homeopathic or folk remedies, in any case, you need to consult a neurologist and determine the diagnosis. To narrow down your search, the project team has collected the best offers from each group, paying attention to the following criteria:
- Type of medicine;
- Composition, origin of components;
- Principle of action, therapeutic properties of the formula;
- Speed, how soon relief comes;
- Release form, solid or liquid;
- How old is admission allowed;
- Indications for what symptoms it is used;
- Features of therapy, regimen, dosage, course duration;
- Restrictions, contraindications;
- Safety, the likelihood of side effects.
We have selected the drugs with the best price-effectiveness ratio for you. These are 10 nominees for domestic, imported production. Feedback from doctors and parents identified the strengths and weaknesses of each remedy.
The best sedative tablets for children
The most popular form of sedative medicine is the pill. Children under 2-3 years old cannot swallow them on their own, therefore, most often a small age is a contraindication. We have selected 4 drugs for you with high customer ratings and doctors' recommendations. All of them are designed to fight anxiety, psychoemotional stress, poor sleep and hyperactive behavior.
Tenoten for children
Russian drug in the form of tablets, approved for children over 3 years old. It is based on antibodies to the brain-specific protein S-100, which have calming, anti-anxiety properties. After oral administration, the pills stop attacks of irritability, help to tolerate psycho-emotional stress more easily.
A nootropic effect is also noted, it consists in stimulating brain activity, increasing memory concentration... There are many indications for use - hyperactivity, pathologies of the nervous system, attention deficit disorder, increased mobility.
A contraindication is only individual intolerance, against which allergic reactions may occur.
- Fast action;
- Convenient way to use;
- Sweet taste;
- Elimination of excitability;
- Nootropic effect;
- Improving sleep.
- Apathy, lethargy in some children;
- Allergy is possible.
Method of application - resorption 1-2 tablets up to 3 times a day. Maximum effectiveness is possible with a course of treatment lasting from 1 to 3 months. In rare cases, there is a side effect - depression of the nervous system.
A sedative from the Russian pharmaceutical company Biotics, which is based on an amino acid. It acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter of the brain, which reduces psycho-emotional stress. Also "Glycine" improves metabolism, increases the defenses of the nervous system.
As in the previous case, a nootropic effect is noted here, such a nutrition of the brain stimulates its activity, efficiency.
Most often, doctors prescribe "Glycine" to children and adolescents with deviant behaviors, difficulties in social adaptation.
Age limit - over 3 years old. If the infant needs treatment, the pills are taken by the mother who is breastfeeding. The drug improves metabolism, increases the defenses of the nervous system.
- Safety;
- Nootropic effect;
- Convenient way of receiving;
- Improved sleep;
- Normalization of mood;
- Inexpensive.
- Long course;
- Allergy is possible.
The treatment regimen depends largely on age and diagnosis. Usually it is 2-3 tablets 2-3 times a day for at least 2-4 weeks. Children younger are allowed Glycine, but under the supervision of a physician, the dosage is halved.
Magne B6
French vitamin preparation for maintaining the nervous system in a state of balance. The main components are magnesium lactate, magnesium pidolate, a deficiency of which leads to sleep disorders, impaired concentration, irritability, and anxiety. The third substance is pyridoxine hydrochloride, which promotes the absorption of magnesium by cells.
A prerequisite for therapy with such a composition is an analysis to determine the level of vitamin B6 and magnesium in the blood. If these are ampoules with a liquid solution, they can be given to a child from 1 year old, if tablets - from 6 years old.
Contraindications - phenylketonuria, severe renal failure, individual intolerance to the components.
- Valuable composition;
- Rapid replenishment of important resources of the central nervous system;
- Several forms of release;
- Fast sedative effect;
- Improved appetite;
- Sleep normalization.
- Contraindications;
- The likelihood of skin rashes.
The average daily dosage is 1-6 tablets, depending on the state of health, the established diagnosis and the results of a blood test. Self-medication with such a remedy is unacceptable, since there are strict restrictions on admission, the risks of developing side effects.
Homeopathic remedy for sleeping pills from a German manufacturer for children from birth to 6 years old. The main purpose is the treatment of sleep disorders, restless behavior.
The multicomponent formula includes magnesium carbonate, which has soothing, anticonvulsant properties, zinc valerianicum, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, spine, heart, as well as the grass slipper fluffy sedative action.
The natural base promises a gentle, cumulative effect. After the end of the course, the quality of sleep is normalized, the child sleeps all night without awakening. Release form - tablets for resorption, they can also be mixed with water in crushed form.
One can contains 150 pieces, this is enough for several courses of therapy. It is forbidden to take only with individual intolerance to the ingredients.
- From the first days of life;
- Sleep normalization;
- Natural ingredients;
- Decreased excitability;
- Neutral taste;
- Big jar.
- Lactose;
- Frequent reception.
The daily dosage is 4 tablets. If the baby cannot absorb the granules, grind and mix them with a teaspoon of water. Please note that the composition includes lactose, therefore "Dormikind" is contraindicated in case of intolerance to this component.
The best soothing drops for children
The next category of the rating is sedatives for children in the form of drops. They are distinguished by their natural composition, effectiveness, ease of use, and the ability to use from the first days of life.There is also a minimal list of contraindications, pleasant taste. The best, according to, were 2 nominees.
Baiu Bai
Soothing drops for sleeping for a child based on a complex of herbs from the Russian company Mertsana. This is an extract of motherwort - the best sedative plant, hawthorn with a tonic effect, mint, which gives clarity to thoughts, and also relaxes muscle tone.
Oregano, or oregano as it is also called, eases stress-related behavior. Another valuable supplement is the anticonvulsant peony extract, which enhances sleep.
Drops are intended for the age group 3-7 years old for the treatment of psycho-emotional instability, irritability, and sleep problems. The supplement is well tolerated, does not cause addiction or withdrawal.
Noticeable changes in behavior and well-being are noted by the end of the first week of therapy. The consistency is transparent, slightly viscous, pleasant sweet and sour taste (the composition includes citric, glutamic acid).
- Natural formula;
- Normalization of the physiological rhythm of sleep;
- Elimination of hyperactivity;
- Good portability;
- Not addictive;
- Soft safe action.
- Cumulative effect;
- Imperfect composition.
A single dose - 20 drops, they need to be taken three times a day with meals, keeping for some time under the tongue. The duration of the course is determined individually, most often it is 1-3 months. The drops help the child to go to bed faster, to rest all night without waking up.
The alcohol-based natural preparation is offered by the Austrian brand Bittner. In terms of components, "Notta" refers to homeopathy, based on three plants, two mineral supplements.
Sown oats helps to cope with exhaustion of the body, the coffee tree relieves stress, relieves nervous tension, eliminates fatigue and depression. Chamomile relaxes, suppresses inflammation.
The mineral phosphorus has a beneficial effect on the work of the central nervous system. Zinc valerianate is used to eliminate neurasthenia, neuralgia, and nervous insomnia. Unlike its predecessors, "Notta" has anxiolytic properties, that is, it works on the principle of a tranquilizer.
Official permission regarding age - from 3 years old. The consistency is liquid, yellowish, with a specific taste and smell.
- Homeopathic remedy;
- Anxiolytic effect;
- Herbal formula with minerals;
- Improving mood, sleep quality;
- Minimal risks of side effects;
- Pronounced effect.
- Alcohol;
- Price.
The manufacturer offers bottles of different sizes - 20, 50 or 100 ml. Drops should be taken half an hour before meals or an hour after. A single dosage is adjusted by a doctor, usually 5 drops. The scheme of treatment is three times application in pure or diluted form with water for 1-3 months.
Best Soothing Syrups for Kids
Syrup is the most used form of sedative release for children under one year old. It is distinguished by its safe composition, mild principle of action, and pleasant taste. The liquid consistency reaches its destination faster, it rarely has contraindications, side effects.
One of the most popular, according to reviews, sedatives for children is "Hare" from the Russian manufacturer Alkoy-Holding. It differs from analogs in a completely natural composition, in the absence of alcohols, dyes, and chemical components. In this regard, doctors prescribe such a syrup to infants, toddlers prone to allergic reactions. It is indicated for insomnia, neuroses, restless behavior, excessive mental stress.
Sedative functions are guaranteed by a complex of herbs - anesthetic mint, valerian roots to improve sleep and support the endocrine system, lemon balm, which relieves nervous tension, motherwort to normalize blood pressure, diuretic barberry, cumin.
They are supplemented with vitamin B6, ascorbic acid, which improve the absorption of important substances. The drug is approved from the age of 3, in other cases as indicated by a doctor.
- Natural ingredients;
- Vitamin supplements;
- Safe formula;
- Comprehensive body support;
- Good taste;
- Inexpensive.
- Sugar;
- Only from 3 years old.
Regular use of such a sedative stabilizes mood, but does not cause drowsiness or lethargy. According to the instructions, the syrup should be given three times a day with food, 5-10 ml. The duration of the course is from 2 weeks or longer, the effect is cumulative.
Planetary Herbals
Another natural herbal sedative, but from the American brand Planetary Herbals. It is a dietary supplement with a multicomponent combination of herbs, fruit extracts, essential oils, amino acids and minerals.
From plants, these are chamomile, cereal seeds, hawthorn berries, licorice root, wild amla berries, etc. They are supplemented with anise essential oil, magnesium and taurine.
The thick sweet consistency smells like anise, the taste gives off hints of cloves. Age indication - from 1 year of age. For children older, a tablet form is provided, for schoolchildren the drug is recommended to increase concentration.
Best of all, this composition helps to cope with night worries, awakenings, crying. At the same time, it does not cause addiction, drowsiness, depression.
- Thoughtful composition;
- Pleasant aroma;
- Improving sleep;
- Improving concentration of attention;
- Cost efficiency;
- High-speed performance.
- Specific taste;
- Price.
Shake the bottle before use. Give a child 1-5 years old three times a day, 1/4 teaspoon of syrup, over 5 years old - 1/2 teaspoon. Mixing with water, drinks is allowed. For ease of dosing, you can use a syringe without a needle.
The best soothing teas for kids
The last category of the rating - sedatives for the child's nervous system in the form of tea. These are folk herbal preparations, dietary supplements. They are mainly distinguished by their natural composition, safety and ease of use. But first, it is still worth consulting a doctor, since teas may have age-related indications, contraindications.
Herbal tea Bebivita
A complex of medicinal plants, extracts and extracts in the form of granulated tea from a Swiss brand. It is intended for children with sleep disorders, restless behavior at night.
The formula includes fennel, which prevents cramping, anti-inflammatory chamomile, and lime blossom, which soothes the nervous system with its ether.
In addition to these properties, the drink gives a moderate diuretic, diaphoretic effect, prevents colic, flatulence, which is why the baby actually wakes up.
There are no age restrictions, the only thing the manufacturer warns about is the content of the sweetener dextrose, which is why you should not overdo it with the dosage and frequency of drinking tea.
- Natural composition;
- Complex action;
- Fast cooking;
- Good taste;
- No harmful additives;
- Price.
- Sweetener;
- Weak effect.
The preparation method is simple, dissolve the granules in warm water and let the baby drink. The drink is pleasant in taste and smell, has no sediment. For maximum benefit, use the complex on a regular basis for 2-4 weeks or longer.
HiPP Linden blossom with lemon balm
The latest offer in the review is a sleep tea from the popular baby food brand. Approved for admission to infants from 4 months. The composition is based only on herbal ingredients. It is a linden extract that helps relieve nervous tension.
Melissa is the best natural remedy for depression with a revitalizing, strengthening effect on the central nervous system. Chamomile with mild sedative properties.
The manufacturer emphasizes the exclusion of gluten and milk protein from the formula.The product is approved for babies prone to allergies. Release form - instant granules, hermetically sealed in a 200 g can.
The drink is light, with a slight herbal aroma and sweet taste (thanks to dextrose). The effect is cumulative, so it is necessary to complete the course.
- Natural ingredients;
- Hypoallergenic;
- Pleasant taste, smell;
- High-quality, convenient packaging;
- Deep sleep;
- Good solubility of granules.
- The price is slightly overpriced;
- Short shelf life.
Use one jar as directed within 3 months after opening, then the expiration date expires. The granules can be dissolved even in cold water, no sediment or lumps will remain.
How to choose a sedative for children
Only the medical specialist decides which sedatives it is possible for children in what dosages and for how long to give them. Our rating is designed to narrow the search range from a large abundance of effective and safe tools. Pay attention first of all to the diagnosis, the appointment of the doctor, and after that to the age of the child, the types of sedatives, the safety of the formulas and dosages. Let's go through each item in more detail.
The prescription of a particular drug depends on several factors. The doctor gets acquainted with the peculiarities of health, identified alarming symptoms, the severity of disorders from the nervous system. On the basis of a complete clinical picture and examination, a diagnosis is established, taking into account the appropriate drug.
Child's age
The release form and composition of the medication depend on the patient's age. Neurosis at 2 years old or psycho-emotional disorders at 7 years old - radically different situations caused by dissimilar reasons. For babies, a liquid consistency is suitable, including only natural ingredients. From 2-3 years old it is possible to use solid forms - tablets, capsules, granules. Medicines, nootropics, vitamin and mineral complexes have clear instructions on how many years they are allowed.
Types of sedatives
Conditionally considered means can be divided into 3 groups - medicinal, homeopathic, herbal. In the first case, these are tablets, potions, drops, quick-acting syrups. Homeopathy is an alternative to traditional medicine, as a rule, these are natural ingredients and dietary supplements. Herbal remedies are the most popular, these are teas, herbal brews.
Almost all nominees reviewed by the rating have contraindications, clear instructions on the method of application, and acceptable dosages. It is important to know and follow these points in order not to face allergic and other side effects. To avoid overdose, consult a doctor who will individually select the optimal treatment regimen.
What is the best sedative for children
All the drugs presented in the review demonstrate a safe composition, effectiveness, and comprehensive assistance to the child's body. It is not so easy to choose which remedy will help to buy one thing, therefore, based on a comparison of advantages and disadvantages, recommends:
- Tenoten for children - anti-anxiety drug with a nootropic effect;
- Glycine is a popular choice, an old sedative-trope tested over the years;
- Dormikind - homeopathic sleeping pills;
- Notta is a natural effective drug of anxiolytic action;
- Planetary Herbals is a dietary supplement with a good combination of plant and mineral components;
- HiPP Linden Blossom with Melissa - herbal tea for a sound sleep of a newborn and a young mother.
Every caring parent wants to find a safe remedy that can quickly calm a hyperactive, agitated toddler. Any alarming symptoms should be the reason for contacting a specialist. Do not self-medicate as this is an unstable, vulnerable body.