Best antibiotics
When treating diseases that are provoked by a bacterial infection, doctors must prescribe the patient a course of antibiotics. They are substances of natural or semi-synthetic origin. Their principle of action is based on the suppression of growth and reproduction or the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms. The main action is directed only to bacterial cells, and not to human tissue. Based on comparative tests, user reviews, a rating was compiled, which includes the best antibiotics of domestic and foreign manufacturers.

Which antibiotics is better to choose
Often the same drug is produced by different pharmaceutical companies, so their composition and dosage may differ slightly. Doctors can advise the patient on which drug manufacturer to buy, so that the treatment is more effective. The best antibiotics are produced by the following companies:
- Astellas Pharma Europe - Dutch representative office of a Japanese public company, which was founded by merging 2 pharmaceutical companies. In the 1970s, they opened their offices in Europe and the United States. In 2005, they were merged, the headquarters were located in Tokyo. The company sees its mission in improving people's health through the release of innovative and reliable medicines.
- KRKA Is an international pharmaceutical company headquartered in Slovenia. Founded in 1954 as a small laboratory. Produces generic drugs. Their active ingredient coincides with the original, but other auxiliary components are present in the composition. The factories of the company are located in Germany, Poland, Russia, Croatia, Slovenia.
- Dalhimpharm - the legal successor of the Khabarovsk Chemical Plant, which was founded in 1939. It is considered one of the oldest pharmaceutical companies in Russia and is one of the top ten pharmaceutical manufacturers in the country. The main principle of work is to provide customers with effective, high-quality and safe drugs. All products are tested by the Moscow quality control center.
- Sandoz - a pharmaceutical company founded in Germany by Eduard Sandoza and Alfred Kern in 1886. Produces generics that are used in the treatment of various diseases. The products are presented in the markets of more than 140 countries. Now she is one of the three leaders in the production of amoxicillin.
- Laboratoires Bouchara-Recordati - founded in Italy in 1926. In 1999 and 2000, he acquired pharmaceutical companies in France, at the factories of which he began production of the antibiotic framycetin under the trade name Isofra. The company's products are presented in the markets of Europe, USA, Canada, South America, North Africa. The company sees its goal as improving the quality of people's life.
- JSC FP "Obolenskoe" Is a Russian company, established on the basis of the State Scientific Center for Applied Microbiology in 1994. Since 2013 it has been a member of the Alvansa group of companies. The quality of products, based on the results of external audits, meets international standards. The company produces more than 150 drugs of various pharmacotherapeutic groups. Among them are generics and innovative products.
- Pliva Is the largest pharmaceutical company in Southern Europe with headquarters in Zagreb, Croatia. Founded in 1921, since 2008 acquired by TEVA and operates as its department. The main activity is focused on the development and production of generics. The most popular antibiotic of this company is Sumamed.
- GlaxoSmithKline Is a British pharmaceutical company founded in 2000 through the merger of 2 companies. Representative offices are open in Germany, Italy, Australia, Canada, Poland and other countries. The main factories are located in Singapore, USA, UK, Spain. The products are presented in the markets of 160 countries. A popular drug of this company is considered a strong broad-spectrum antibiotic Augmentin.
- PJSC "Biosynthesis" Is a group of companies that includes the largest Russian pharmaceutical companies. Founded in Penza in 1955. The first antibiotic was released in 1959. It ranks 5th in the world in the production of generic drugs. The quality of medicines is recognized in 150 countries.
- OlainFarm Is the largest pharmaceutical company in the Baltic States, founded in 1972. The headquarters is located in Latvia. The quality of products is confirmed by audits of well-known companies in Switzerland, USA, France. On the territory of the former USSR, the company became the first whose drug was included in the WHO list.
- Synthesis - Russian plant, was created on the basis of the Kurgan plant of medicines for the production of antibiotics. Also produces vitamin B12 and endocrine medicines. Since 1987, engineers have introduced a new technology for producing ampicillin trihydrate.
Antibiotic rating
According to the principle of action, drugs are divided into 2 types: bactericidal and bacteriostatic. The former contribute to the death of bacteria by destroying their cell membrane, the latter slow down the reproduction and growth of pathogenic microorganisms, which allows the human immune system to overcome the infection. What antibiotics are best to take, the doctor must determine. It takes into account the patient's age, type of disease, and the presence of concomitant pathologies. When choosing the nominees for the top, an analysis of the results of comparative tests of the following characteristics of medicines was carried out:
- Release form;
- The presence and number of contraindications;
- The origin and type of antibiotic;
- Possibility of a negative effect on body systems;
- Indications for use;
- Minimum age of use;
- Storage conditions;
- Features of interaction with other drugs;
- Influence on human psychomotor reactions.
We also took into account patient reviews about drug treatment, availability in pharmacies, and price. In the review, the nominees are divided into 5 categories according to the principle of appointment. Each contains a description of a specific antibiotic, its advantages and disadvantages.
The best antibiotics for angina and bronchitis
The causative agents of acute tonsillitis, in which inflammation covers the area of the palatine tonsils, are usually streptococci or staphylococci. The organisms that cause bronchitis can severely weaken the body. Often, the bacterial flora joins, the general condition deteriorates sharply. Doctors recommend taking drugs from the group of cephalosporins, macrolides, fluoroquinolones, or penicillins. Which antibiotic is best for angina or bronchitis depends on the specific case. Out of 10 announced nominees, 4 drugs became the best in this category according to the test results.
Substance of semi-synthetic origin, has a bactericidal effect on pathogenic microorganisms. It is released in the form of tablets or capsules, from which a suspension is prepared for oral administration. The active ingredient is cefixime. In 1989, the WHO included it in the list of the safest and most effective drugs. A wide spectrum of antibiotic action allows you to prescribe with simultaneous defeat by various types of pathogens.Only hypersensitivity to penicillins and cephalosporins is a strict contraindication. Joint intake of tubular secretion blockers, antacids negatively affects the effectiveness of treatment.
- Admission is allowed for children from 6 months;
- A small list of contraindications;
- Possibility of use in case of impaired renal function;
- Shelf life - 3 years, at a temperature not higher than 30 0FROM;
- Pleasant taste;
- Slow half-life.
- Possible side effects from various body systems;
- High price.
Treatment with Suprax is recommended by 85% of respondents. Its efficacy and safety are rated at 4. Improvement occurs more slowly than with other antibiotics. With the simultaneous use of a probiotic, children often experience diarrhea, which is replaced by constipation. There is no measured risk on the bottle, which makes it difficult to prepare a suspension.
The medication is released in the form of tablets and suspensions. Reception in children is allowed from 3 years old. The antibiotic belongs to the group of macrolides, inhibits protein synthesis in the cells of pathogenic microorganisms. It has a bactericidal or bacteriostatic effect depending on the dose. No bacteria resistant to the substance have been identified. Macropen is not advised to be taken together with anticoagulants, it slows down the excretion of the latter. The active ingredient is the semi-synthetic antibiotic midecamycin acetate.
- Low likelihood of side effects, dysbiosis;
- No effect on psychomotor reactions was recorded;
- Prescribed for allergies to antibiotics of the penicillin group;
- Long half-life;
- A wide range of actions.
- Ban on admission for hepatic and renal failure;
- High price.
You can read different reviews about the drug. Some patients claim that the antibiotic did not help them at all, there were side effects. Others, on the contrary, confirm its effectiveness and safety. Treatment with medication is recommended by 80% of the respondents.
A drug from the group of fluoroquinolones with the active ingredient of the same name. It is released in the form of tablets or solution for infusion. The bactericidal property consists in suppressing the synthesis of bacterial DNA, which leads to morphological changes in their cytoplasm and membrane. The list of sensitive microorganisms to the drug is large, therefore it is considered a strong antibiotic. Broad-spectrum drugs are advised to be taken in short courses, since the risk of developing dysbiosis is high. Doctors prescribe it for a mixed infection in a patient or for the presence of contraindications to treatment with macrolides and penicillins.
- Rapid impact on pathogenic microorganisms;
- Low price;
- Take no more than 1-2 times a day;
- Effective treatment of lingering infections.
- A large list of contraindications;
- The minimum age for admission is 18 years old;
- Incompatible with many medicines.
Patients consider Levofloxacin too aggressive antibiotic. Many people after 2-3 days of admission have side reactions in the form of vomiting, severe weakness, tremor. At the same time, he quickly brings down the high temperature, eliminates other symptoms of the disease. 73% of respondents recommend using an antibiotic for angina or bronchitis.
A special component of the composition is clavulanic acid. It ensures the resistance of the penicillin antibiotic to a group of bacterial enzymes that increase the resistance of pathogenic microorganisms. The drug is produced in the form of tablets, powder for suspension, solution for injection. The dosage of the antibiotic can be different, but the clavulanic acid remains unchanged. The maximum effect occurs 1 hour after taking the medicine. No negative effect on psychomotor reactions during treatment was recorded.
- Substances are rapidly absorbed in the digestive tract;
- Minimum of contraindications;
- Food intake does not affect the degree of absorption of the drug;
- Rare development of adverse reactions;
- Possibility of use in case of severe renal failure;
- In the form of a suspension, it is prescribed for children aged 3 months.
- Enhances or decreases the effectiveness of other medicines;
- Tablets are prescribed only from the age of 12.
Most patients note the good efficacy of the antibiotic, affordable price, quick effect, weak effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
The pleasant taste of the suspension ensures the comfort of treating babies. A small number of negative reviews are associated with the occurrence of adverse reactions in a person.
The best antibiotics for sinusitis
If, with inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, a patient has a high temperature, purulent discharge from the nose, then a bacterial infection is likely to develop. After examination, doctors will prescribe a course of antibiotic in the form of tablets, injections, or nasal spray. The need for its use is due to the high risk of infection spreading to the brain. Analysis of test data and user opinions made it possible to single out the 2 best drugs out of 5 nominees.
Flemoklav solutab
The medicine is produced only in the form of tablets that dissolve in the mouth. By the type of active components, the drug is identical to Amoxiclav, it has a bactericidal effect on a wide range of pathogenic microorganisms. The mechanism of their action, scope, contraindications, the degree of development of side effects are the same.
- Fast effect of treatment;
- Used for infections caused by different types of bacteria;
- A large list of indications for use;
- Few side effects;
- The minimum risk of developing dysbiosis.
- High price;
- Prescribed only from the age of 12.
Patients with sinusitis report a quick solution to the problem of severe inflammation. The number of tablets in a package is usually enough for a course of treatment, which rarely exceeds 7 days. Patients consider the price level to be high in comparison with other analogues.
Inexpensive local French-made antibiotic. The active substance framycetin has bactericidal properties. Affects microorganisms that are resistant to penicillins. The high safety of the antibiotic is due to a small list of contraindications, the development of side effects only when used for more than 10 days. It is released in the form of a 15 ml nasal spray. Apply in the absence of damage to the partitions.
- Expiration date - 36 months;
- No significant drug interactions with other drugs have been identified;
- Overdose is unlikely;
- Average price;
- Allowed for the treatment of children;
- Does not affect the work of internal organs.
- The need to use at least 4-6 times a day;
- Pneumococci and streptococci are resistant to the drug.
Most patients leave positive reviews about the medication. Its effectiveness allows you to quickly cure sinusitis in the acute phase and weaken the recurrence of the chronic stage. At the same time, he does not help everyone, therefore, if there is no result after 7 days of use, the doctor selects an antibiotic of another group.
The best antibiotics for colds
The disease is usually viral in nature. Antibiotic therapy is carried out only if there is no effect on drugs and the development of symptoms such as yellow or green discharge from the nose, a deep cough with copious sputum, and a temperature above 38 degrees. Prescription of drugs is due to the high risk of complications such as otitis media, bronchitis, tonsillitis. In the list of the best antibiotics for colds, according to patients' reviews, out of 10 drugs, 2 nominees were selected.
Semisynthetic antibiotic obtained by modification of classical macrolides. It inhibits bacterial cell protein synthesis.In small doses, it has a bacteriostatic effect, and in high concentrations - bactericidal. It is effective for influenza, which is accompanied by otitis media, bronchitis, tonsillitis. Available in the form of tablets, capsules, powder for suspension.
- Quick effect, the course of treatment lasts 2-5 days;
- Low price;
- The suspension is allowed from 6 months;
- A wide range of actions;
- The therapeutic effect lasts up to 7 days.
- A large list of contraindications and side effects;
- Affects the psychomotor reactions of the body;
- Joint reception with a number of drugs is not advised.
Pediatricians confirm the high effectiveness of the antibiotic for children with coughing, if the cold turns into bronchitis, tracheitis. At the same time, the risk of developing side effects is high, so it must be taken strictly in the indicated dosage. The advantages include a low price, elimination of symptoms in a short time.
According to the active substance, the form of release, the drug is similar to Azithromycin. An identical mechanism of action allows you to eliminate the symptoms of a cold in 2-3 days. It is recommended for patients with penicillin allergy. The minimum age for taking the suspension is 3 years, for tablets - 18 years. The bitter taste of the drug causes discomfort when treating babies.
- Long half-life;
- Convenience of reception;
- Rare development of hypersensitivity reactions;
- A wide range of actions;
- No significant effect on other drugs has been found.
- High price;
- During treatment, diarrhea, vomiting, headache, candidiasis often occur.
According to patients, Sumamed is a good antibiotic for adults with colds. It is taken once a day, the symptoms of colds and complications disappear after a minimum period of time. The main disadvantages of the drug are considered the high price, the likelihood of no effect.
The best broad-spectrum antibiotics
Narrowly targeted drugs are often chosen because of the lower risk of side effects. Moreover, they affect only a certain strain of bacteria, and the causative agents of infection are often various types of pathogenic microorganisms. Treatment with a broad-spectrum antibiotic will speed recovery. Another plus of their appointment is that there is no need to take a culture to determine the sensitivity of bacteria to an antibiotic, the results of which can be expected for 7-10 days. The best antibiotics of this type were selected from 15 nominees. Leading positions in comparative tests were taken by 2 medicines.
The medicine is analogous to Amoxiclav, since their active components are identical. Both drugs are classified as broad-spectrum antibiotics, they have a bactericidal effect. In this case, the effect of intravenous administration of Amoxiclav occurs in 5-10 minutes. Augmentin's release forms do not have this speed. A small list of excipients reduces the risk of developing drug intolerance.
- Assign if there are contraindications to taking Amoxiclav;
- Average price;
- A wide range of actions;
- Soft action;
- Less harm to the child's body.
- Possible negative impact on the functioning of the kidneys, intestines;
- After admission, it is not advised to drive the vehicle;
- Incompatibility with a number of medications.
ENT doctors recommend Augmentin for purulent tonsillitis, and pediatricians note its high effectiveness in pneumonia in children. Patients with sinusitis claim to forget about the disease after 2 weeks of taking an antibiotic.
With cystitis, unpleasant symptoms disappear after 7 days of treatment. The respondents rate the safety of the medicine at 4.
The cheapest drug in the rating with the active substance of the same name, which has bacteriostatic properties. For the treatment of tablets, external or eye ointment, at least once in a lifetime, every adult has used. Children are allowed to take medicine from the age of 8.Tetracycline is contraindicated in renal failure, hypersensitivity to the components of the composition, leukopenia, during pregnancy and lactation. It does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions.
- A wide range of actions;
- Quickly eliminates cough, lowers temperature;
- Effective with a large list of pathologies;
- Available.
- A large list of adverse reactions;
- Cannot be combined with cephalosporins and penicillins.
The quality and safety of the drug is highly rated, 98% of patients recommend it for the treatment of diseases of an infectious and inflammatory nature. Many use it for conjunctivitis, purulent wounds, sore throats and cystitis. The disadvantages include the body's standard response to an antibiotic.
Best antibiotics for children
The child's immunity is formed up to 13-16 years old, so his body is more susceptible to pathogenic organisms. It is easier for an adult to find a good antibiotic, because the doctor usually does not need to take into account the patient's age. When treating children, this characteristic is important. The dosage of the drug depends on it. It is difficult to predict the effect of a medicine on a child's body, so pediatricians choose a medicine with a minimum number of side effects. An analysis of the reviews of doctors and parents allowed us to select 2 safe children's antibiotics out of 5 nominees.
The active component of the antimicrobial agent nitrofuran has bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties. Prescribe the drug to children aged 1 month. The daily dose is divided into 4 doses. The course of treatment lasts 7 days, but if necessary, the doctor can increase it up to 10 days. Contraindications include pregnancy, severe kidney disease, heart disease.
- Low price;
- The development of resistance in bacteria to the drug was not recorded;
- Does not affect psychomotor reactions;
- The maximum effect occurs in 30-40 minutes;
- Expiration date - 48 months.
- Available only in tablet form;
- Prescribed mainly for urinary tract infections;
- Incompatible with fluoroquinolones.
Parents confirm the effectiveness of treatment of cystitis with Furadonin in children. Side effects are rare, pain during urination disappears in a day. After re-passing the urine test after 4 days, all parameters are normal. The medicine can be mixed with fruit drink or tea so that the child does not feel an unpleasant taste.
Antibiotic of the cephalosporin group with bactericidal properties. In the form of a suspension, it is allowed for children from 6 months, and tablets are prescribed only from 3 years. It is considered the best antibiotic for otitis media, pathologies of the respiratory and urinary system in children. The dosage depends on age, weight and type of disease.
- Convenience of reception;
- Low price;
- One of the few cephalosporins available in oral form;
- Expiration date - 36 months;
- A small list of contraindications;
- Strengthens the action of a number of medicines.
- Affects psychomotor reactions;
- The development of adverse reactions is possible;
- Not active against anaerobic microorganisms.
Reviews of the antibiotic for children are mostly positive. Parents confirm its high efficiency and safety. The disadvantages include difficulties in calculating the dosage. The pleasant taste eliminates the main problem of the child taking the medicine.
Which antibiotic is better to buy
Doctors do not advise choosing a medication on their own, especially when treating children. The wrong medicine can only aggravate the patient's condition. The main criteria to be considered include age, the presence of chronic pathologies, the type of infection, the rate of exposure to the drug, the risk of adverse reactions. The following recommendations will help simplify the choice:
- You need a drug for angina and bronchitis, then it is better to buy Amoxiclav;
- A good antibiotic for sinusitis is Izofra;
- An effective medicine for colds mixed with bacteria - Azithromycin;
- A well-recommended broad-spectrum antibiotic - Tetracycline;
- If you need a medicine for children, then it is better to choose Cephalexin.
The negative effect of an antibiotic on the body depends on its properties and the patient's compliance with the rules of admission. Before choosing, you need to check with your doctor which drug is suitable for treating your disease.