The best drops from barley
Barley is accompanied by an inflammatory process outside or inside the eye, which causes redness, swelling, painful formation with purulent contents. The main panacea are usually various pharmacological drops, topical ointments. To choose them, they turn to an ophthalmologist. Today, drug manufacturers offer a wide range of drugs, which makes it difficult for an ordinary buyer to choose. The project team analyzed the opinions of medical specialists, their practice, patient reviews, and then chose the best drops from barley. These are 6 nominees who presented the top ranking of 2024.

Producers of drops from barley
Hundreds of pharmaceutical companies sell their products in pharmacy chains. They differ in the principle of work, used raw materials, products, pricing policy. In order not to overpay, but to choose effective medicines, has selected brands with the best combination of price and quality. Drops for treating barley suggested:
- JSC "Pharmstandard" (Levomycetin) is the largest Russian pharmaceutical company that supplies pharmacies with a wide range of effective, affordable medicines. Founded in 2003. The manufacturing process is strictly controlled to ensure that proper standards are met.
- Dr. Gerhard Mann Chem—Pharm Fabrik GmbH (Floxal) is a well-known German pharmaceutical company with offices in many European countries. For Russia it is Valeant. Most of the manufactured goods are medicines for the treatment of eye diseases (ophthalmology).
- Alcon (Tobrex) is an international medical company operating since 1945. Specializes in the production of eye care products. The main office is located in the USA, Fort Worth. Since 2024, it has been a subsidiary of the large brand Novartis.
- Reddy's (Tsiprolet) is a large Indian pharmaceutical company with the second largest domestic sales volume. Founded in 1984. Its product portfolio includes both its own patented drugs and high-quality affordable generics. Provides pharmaceutical services, offers pharmaceutical substances.
- Solco Basel AG (Dexa-Gentamicin) is a German pharmaceutical manufacturer operating since 1947. It is presented on the Russian market towards the end of the 60s of the last century. The priority area is the use of natural raw materials of animal origin.
- Diapharm (Sodium sulfacyl) is a pharmaceutical company in Russia. At the production site, a full cycle of drug creation is performed. Laboratory research, clinical trials, marketing development, product promotion are carried out. These are mainly medicines of the ophthalmological field of medicine, otolaryngology.
Rating drops from barley
For each group of drugs, there is a specific list of evaluation criteria. Knowing them, it is much easier for specialists to evaluate products, and for buyers to choose. The editorial staff of conducted their own investigation, during which eye drops from barley were selected for several points:
- Group - antiseptics, antibiotics, immunomodulators, NSAIDs;
- Content - active ingredients, additional substances;
- Bioavailability - the degree of assimilation;
- Principle of action - treatment of infections, relief of inflammation, resorption;
- Scheme - dosage, frequency of use, duration of the course, convenience;
- Effectiveness - how quickly it helps, how safe;
- Indications - the patient's condition, symptoms for which the use is appropriate;
- Age group - children, adults, elderly people;
- Special conditions - contraindications, the likelihood of side effects;
- Sale - free, strictly according to the doctor's prescription, availability, price.
The top offers of 2024 were selected among hundreds of domestic and imported pharmaceuticals in terms of demand and demand. Recommendations of leading ophthalmologists, the results of clinical trials, and real customer reviews helped narrow the circle.
The best drops from barley
For the initial stage of the development of such inflammation, weak medications, mainly antibiotics, are most often prescribed. This allows you to prevent the development of resistance of the pathogen, so that further treatment is not ineffective. There were several dozen of the most bought drops under consideration by the magazine, but the best ratings were received by 6 names that got into the rating.
A distinctive feature of this antibiotic is its activity towards a wide list of pathogens, availability. For local treatment, most often used ointment or drops. The active ingredient is chloramphenicol, it successfully copes with many infectious processes in the human body. Doctors resort to the help of Levomycetin when the pathogens are resistant to penicillins, as well as to the substances streptomycin and sulfonamide. Demonstrates good digestibility, thanks to which relief comes quickly. In addition to antibacterial, disinfectant properties are noted. This eliminates the infection of the conjunctiva. Indications of the instruction - keratitis, barley, blepharitis. After application, they note the elimination of pain, a decrease in suppuration, and swelling. The age limit is from 10 years old. Sold in bottles of different sizes - 5, 10 ml.
- Broad antibacterial activity;
- Ability not to touch the lens of the eye;
- Excellent absorbability;
- Disinfectant properties;
- Free vacation by pharmacies;
- Price.
- Contraindications;
- It stings a little when instilled.
In order not to provoke mucosal edema, visual impairment, it is important to use Levomycetin correctly. 1-2 drops are instilled every 4-12 hours for no longer than 2 weeks in both eyes, regardless of where the inflammation is localized.
Contraindications - pregnancy and lactation, intolerance to components, severe pathologies of the kidneys, liver, skin, radiation therapy.
Universal antimicrobial agent suitable for all age groups. With the permission of the doctor, it is used even from the first days of life. It has a high safety parameter and minimal contraindications. The main active ingredient is ofloxacin, which acts at any stage. Demonstrates high activity against streptococci, chlamydia. A modern strong antibiotic in the form of drops is most often prescribed by doctors against a boil on the eyelids, inflammation of the conjunctiva, lower and upper eyelids, and barley. Almost complete cure is noted on the 2-3 day of application, which indicates the speed of Floxal. The higher the concentration of the composition, the more likely the bactericidal effect. After the first instillation, the pain symptom decreases, there is a mild effect on the retina, and there are no visual disturbances. Sold in 5 ml plastic tubes.
- High efficiency;
- Minimum restrictions;
- Admissibility from the first days of life;
- Relevance at any stage of the disease;
- High-speed performance;
- Mild effect on the retina.
- At first it may pinch;
- Side effects are possible.
How to treat a child is determined individually by the doctor.Adult patients need to drip 1 drop using a special dropper. After that, you need to keep your eyelids closed for about 5 minutes. Multiplicity - up to 4 times a day, no longer than 2 weeks. Floxal is prohibited during pregnancy, lactation, an allergic reaction to a component.
Fast-acting drops from barley on the eyelid with antibacterial activity from the aminoglycoside group. The active antimicrobial substance is tobramycin, which effectively destroys streptococcus, staphylococcus, enterococcus. The maximum effect was noted in relation to the gram-negative environment. Regular application allows you to quickly stop the inflammatory process, prevent infection of surrounding tissues. The difference from the predecessors of the rating is a mild safe effect, which allows pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and young children to be treated with Tobrex. For convenience, the 5 ml bottle is supplemented with a special dropper. The instruction calls any external manifestations of an ailment of the eyes surrounding their zones as indications - chalazion, keratitis, conjunctivitis, blepharitis.
- Soft safe effect;
- Rapid onset of relief;
- No age restrictions;
- Allowed for breastfeeding mothers;
- Convenient packaging;
- No burning, pinching.
- Short shelf life;
- Weak in advanced cases.
It is necessary to instill the solution into the conjunctival cavity 1-2 drops at intervals of 4-6 hours. In severe cases, you can do this more often, after an hour. The duration of the course is 5-14 days. After opening, it is stored for no longer than a month. Forbidden in the presence of hypersensitivity.
Effective antimicrobial drops at an affordable cost to combat superficial infectious lesions from the fluoroquinolone group. After application, discomfort and pain are quickly eliminated. They contain the active substance ciprofloxacin hydrochloride, it causes the death of bacterial cells, prevents their reproduction, growth. The instruction indicates several indications - boils on the eyelids, blepharoconjunctivitis, corneal ulcers, post-traumatic conditions, dacryocystitis, meibomitis. When used correctly, the likelihood of developing side effects is zero. Sold in 5 ml plastic bottles. Tsiprolet showed itself well in complex treatment together with other medicines. Penetrating into the blood, it has a systemic pronounced bacteriostatic effect inside the body. The age limit is from 1 year.
- Strong bacteriostatic effect;
- The convenience of use;
- Minimal risks;
- Permitted by pediatricians;
- Quick help;
- Price.
- Short shelf life;
- Inconvenient bottle.
If a mild form is observed, 1-2 drops are prescribed in the conjunctival sac after 4 hours. With rapid progression, you can accelerate to an hour interval. As you recover, the dosage is gradually reduced. Contraindications - pregnancy, lactation, damage to the organs of vision by fungi or viruses, hypersensitivity.
A hormonal medication for the rapid suppression of a strong inflammatory process in the upper or lower eyelid. It also has an immunosuppressive, antimicrobial, antiproliferative effect. The basis is made up of 2 components at once - gentamicin (0.3 mg), dexamethasone (5 mg). The first substance is an antibiotic of the aminoglycoside group, the second is a monofluorocorticosteroid. The instruction indicates several purposes - keratitis, blepharitis, conjunctivitis, barley, risks of infection of the organs of vision, allergic reactions, the period after surgery. Dexa-Gentamicin is appropriate for acute, chronic forms. Not used in pediatrics due to lack of data on such trials. The local method of treatment does not allow overdose, this is possible only with too long therapy.
- Combined composition;
- Quick help;
- Complex impact;
- Convenient bottle;
- Appropriate at any stage of the disease;
- Price.
- Contraindications, side reactions of the body;
- Prohibition to treat the child.
Using a dropper, the solution is sent to the lower eyelid closer to the outer corner, after which the pupil is moved in a circle to evenly distribute. With the index finger, lightly press on the lacrimal canal for 30-40 seconds. Repetition is allowed 4-6 times a day.
The course lasts no longer than 2 weeks. Prohibition of therapy - pregnancy, lactation, corneal ulcers, allergies to substances, tuberculosis of the organs of vision, glaucoma.
Sulfacil sodium
The last in the review are drops from barley on the eye in an adult and a child, which do not belong to the group of antibiotics. It is actively used in therapy, prevention of eye infections. The main component has the same name as the medication itself, has bacteriostatic activity that relieves inflammation. It destroys chlamydia, streptococci, E. coli, staphylococci. The solution is presented in 2 concentrations - 20% for children, 30% for adult patients. Not absorbed into the body, working localized. It demonstrates excellent results in the treatment of infections, including viral infections, ulcers of the membranes of the organs of vision, helps to clear obstructions, and prevents blennorrhea. It is perfectly tolerated, which is why it is suitable for allergy sufferers.
- Not an antibiotic;
- Antimicrobial properties;
- For any age group;
- Suitable for allergy sufferers;
- Excellent portability;
- Price.
- Short shelf life;
- Pinches.
It is recommended to apply 1-2 drops 4-6 times a day; as you recover, the dosage is reduced. The maximum duration of procedures is 2 weeks. The simultaneous use of preparations containing silver salts is unacceptable. The only limitation is the individual intolerance of such a composition.
Which drops from barley are better
If barley is observed in a child, it is exclusively a medical specialist who decides which drops to drip. For the rest, you can follow the recommendations of the experts of the project, who named the most popular drugs over the past few years. After conducting a comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each position in the ranking, the following results were summed up:
- Levomycetin is well absorbed, disinfects without affecting the lens of the eye;
- Floxal is a universal remedy from the first days of life, with a minimum of restrictions;
- Tobrex - allowed for pregnant women, breastfeeding due to its mild effect;
- Tsiprolet - quick help, powerful bacteriostatic effect;
- Dexa-Gentamicin - hormonal drops of a combined composition;
- Sodium sulfacil - safe composition, excellent tolerance, best price.
What to buy from the presented list, everyone decides, taking into account the characteristics of their own body. At the initial stages, weak, safe options can be dispensed with, the chronic stage with complications requires drastic measures. The expert review aims to narrow the search, with the doctor's last word.