The best oils for the skin around the eyes
In the line of care products for the skin around the eyes, a special place is occupied by oil, which, depending on the type of skin, can eliminate dark circles, lighten, nourish. Our review, which presents the best oils for the skin around the eyes, is based on our own research and the opinions of leading cosmetologists. The rating presents the funds that have collected the largest number of positive customer reviews.

Eye Oil Manufacturers
Cosmetologists recommend using products from those manufacturers whose products do not cause allergies, have a good composition and are certified. To determine which eye oil will do the best, you need to know which brands are best to trust. The experts of the project have compiled a list of manufacturers who have been working in the cosmetic market for many years. These are mainly European companies, including Italian, French, Belarusian, and Russian brands:
- Elfarma Is a trade mark founded in 2001 that produces effective cosmetics based on organically pure plants. In the review rating, the brand is included due to the hypoallergenic and environmental safety of the product, their feature is a thick consistency and soft texture. An important plus is that the company's cosmetics are available for all segments of the population, are freely available, and have an inexpensive price.
- Aura cacia Is an American company producing food and essential oils for the skin around the eyes. The European brand is known for the fact that all raw materials for production are purchased from organic plantations in India, New Guinea, Vietnam and Madagascar. All products of the company are certified, the compositions of the products meet international quality standards, they undergo laboratory tests and numerous studies in a timely manner.
- Now Foods — more than half a century ago, an American family founded a family business, the head of which could not even imagine that his company would be able to occupy a leading position among the most famous cosmetic brands. The motto of the company is that cosmetic oils for the skin around the eyes produced under this brand are available to every segment of the population. According to experts, the funds of this company are practically not subject to falsification. The only drawback for the Russian consumer is that it is difficult to buy a product, it is difficult to find it on the free market.
- Adarisa Grape Seed Oil Is an oriental company established in 2011 in Kuwait. The brand produces quality products for the face that preserve the beauty and freshness of the epidermis for a long time. Raw materials for the manufacture of the product are purchased in the regions and countries where plants grow. The company actively cooperates with dermatologists, which allows its products to meet international quality standards. The brand works in several directions: essential oils, aromatherapy, face and body hair care, and produces decorative cosmetics.
- Velidara Is a Belarusian company that produces natural cosmetics from ecological raw materials. The manufacturer regularly creates new cosmetics aimed at caring for the whole body, adhering to certain rules that have not changed over the years.The company annually releases new names of its products, becoming more popular in the beauty industry.
- Spivak Is a Russian cosmetic brand, originally from Moscow, produces organic, natural cosmetics for women. The company was founded in 2011, the first raw material was natural soap, and in 2013 the manufacturer launched a line of cosmetic oils made from natural ingredients, without surfactants, fragrances or dyes. The brand carries out both wholesale and retail delivery, both throughout Russia and to Kazakhstan and Belarus.
- Primavera Life - German brand of natural cosmetics is known for the fact that both the collection and processing of plants are made by hand according to old recipes. Organically pure ethereal plantations are located in different parts of the world: Italy, Corsica, Turkey, Cambodia and Bhutan, the main laboratory is located on the owner's family farm in the Bavarian Alps. Cosmetics have EU bio-certificates, indicating the organic origin of raw materials.
- MI&KO — Russian trade mark, produces a line of natural products. The difference between the brand is that cosmetics are produced in small batches, in the manufacture of which the manufacturer uses environmentally friendly products that undergo careful laboratory control for the quality mark.
Rating of oils for the skin around the eyes
When selecting the nominees for the top, the products of many brands were tested, the conclusions of cosmetologists and user reviews were taken into account, which made it possible to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each product. The review, first of all, was compiled on the basis of the opinion of experts who, in the course of the research, gave independent evaluations to each product. The rating includes the best oils for the skin around the eyes with a good reputation. The selection considered the following features:
- Compatibility with the type of epidermis;
- Hypoallergenic;
- The composition of the product;
- Smell and consistency;
- Efficiency;
- Contraindications;
- Adverse reaction;
- Packaging;
- Price.
The cosmetics presented in the rating do not contain harmful chemical impurities, have quality certificates, and the packaging is made of natural materials.
The best oils for the skin around the eyes for wrinkles
When compiling the review, numerous checks were carried out for each product, user reviews, expert opinions were taken into account. Below is a list of the best products that most correspond to the declared quality, the composition of which does not have harmful substances, and also cope with the task better than others.
Castor oil
The leader in the ranking among oils designed to combat and prevent the first wrinkles. The composition includes dozens of useful components that are aimed at solving age-related problems. Vitamins E and C have been proven to restore damaged cells,> and fill the upper layer of the dermis with moisture, esters, together with fatty acids, restore elasticity.
- Moisturizes;
- Fills micro wrinkles;
- Exfoliates keratinized particles;
- Antibacterial effect;
- Restoration of the dermis.
- Individual intolerance.
Cosmetologists note that castor oil for the skin around the eyes conquers with its versatility. It can be safely called the # 1 product.
Shea Butter
In many anti-aging products, shea nut extract is the main ingredient. It is distinguished by powerful rejuvenating power, has long been considered a panacea for the return of radiance, youth, beauty. Fatty acids, for which the composition is so rich, naturally penetrate into the deep layers, smooth out fine wrinkles at the cellular level. It rejuvenates, helps to revive the lipid barrier of the skin, effectively nourishes. Universal application, suitable for all types, does not cause allergies.Due to its antioxidant properties, fast results, shea butter is a frequent component of branded cosmetics.
- It is taken with peeling;
- Prevents premature wilting;
- Restores color;
- Nice smell.
- Individual intolerance.
Due to its antioxidant properties, it gives an excellent result in slowing down the aging process at the cellular level. Regenerates, nourishes the dried epidermis, neutralizes UV rays.
Coconut oil
This product can be used at any time of the day, every day, without interruption. For a long time, cosmetic products based on coconut have gained fame as the best among analogues. The organic composition is built on thiamine (B1), which plays an important role in the metabolic process. It has a light oily texture, is well absorbed, moisturizes, rejuvenates. The risk of allergies is minimized. Promotes smoothing of small age lines around the eyelids.
- Moisturizes;
- Nourishes;
- Removes oily sheen;
- Smoothes the skin of the eyelids.
- Problem skin can cause acne.
A great product to help you get rid of crow's feet and micro-wrinkles quickly. It is worth noting the versatility of this tool, it has no contraindications, it is suitable for all types.
Almond oil
Sweet almond oil is famous for its powerful moisturizing effect, it takes good care of it, nourishing the dermis with valuable organic components. A good choice for oily skin, it helps regulate the natural production of sebum. The light texture quickly penetrates the cells, leaves no greasy residue. Equalizes pH by building a natural protective barrier on the surface, protecting delicate skin from the effects of hard water. There is no limitation, it can be used at any age as a basic care product or for prevention against first wrinkles. It is recommended to give preference to the product of the first cold pressing.
- Provides moisture;
- Gives softness, velvety;
- Improves relief;
- Removes dark circles under the eyes.
- Clogged pores may occur with frequent use.
Women in their reviews indicate that the product is really a leader against the first signs of aging, improves the tone of the face, rejuvenates, does not clog pores, ideally smoothes. To avoid unexpected surprises in the form of an allergic reaction.
Olive oil
This product was one of the favorites in Queen Cleopatra's anti-aging arsenal. The product is suitable for dry, sensitive, damaged skin, has a cumulative effect. The fatty acids contained in the products will restore and relieve dry skin from peeling in a short time. The product is often used to remove age spots, it brightens dark skin, evening out the tone. It is also proven that olive oil relieves skin inflammation under various irritants.
- Cleans;
- Softens well;
- Rejuvenates;
- Nourishes with vitamins;
- Gives smoothness, silkiness.
- Allergy.
Cosmetologists highly do not recommend the product for use by owners of oily skin. According to the manufacturer's instructions, the product should be applied on clean skin of the eyelids in an even layer, the main thing is not to abuse it, do not use it more often 1-2 times a week.
Grape seed oil
It is recognized for its powerful regenerating, nourishing, emollient and protective properties. This product contains a whole source of beneficial vitamins, the action of which is aimed at renewal. It has a powerful effect on cell regeneration, restoring a vibrant complexion.
- Antioxidant action;
- Elasticity;
- Matte;
- Suitable for use at any time of the year.
- No contraindications have been identified.
According to reviews, oil for the skin around the eyes is a really good panacea that smoothes wrinkles in a matter of days, making them less noticeable.
Jojoba oil
The restorative agent regenerates the epidermis, fills microcracks, and smoothes fine wrinkles. Suitable for dry, damaged and sensitive dermis. It will need to be applied in a thin layer to the eye area for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water to avoid oversaturation. The product is suitable as an express aid, the oil for the care of the skin around the eyes has a regenerating effect, instantly nourishes and deeply moisturizes.
- Removes dead cells;
- Antibacterial;
- Moisturizes;
- Hypoallergenic;
- Anti-inflammatory agent.
- Slowly absorbed;
- Individual intolerance.
A good choice when you need to achieve quick skin recovery. But in order to get a lasting result, it is recommended to use it strictly according to the instructions and regularly.
Wheat germ oil
The active ingredients that fill the composition of the product effectively restore damaged areas. The beneficial properties of the product perfectly nourish, soften the dermis, allow for a rejuvenating effect, help smooth out small folds, reduce deep ones.
- Improves collagen production;
- Moisturizes well;
- Eliminates irritation;
- Antioxidant;
- Evens out the color;
- Rejuvenates.
- Individual intolerance.
For aging skin, it is recommended to make masks based on wheat germ oil with the addition of sandalwood, mint and orange oils. Due to the fact that the absorption process takes place within 2 hours, experts advise using the product at night.
Macadamia oil
A well-known folk remedy that has unique antiseptic and bactericidal properties, is used to treat micro cuts and burns. The product moisturizes and nourishes dry well, and anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties control the increased oiliness of the skin.
- Antioxidant;
- Restores the lipid barrier;
- Fight against acne;
- Moisturizes, nourishes;
- Regulates the natural production of sebum;
- Saturates with vitamins.
- The only contraindication is individual intolerance.
As the reviews show, the product is suitable for any skin type, does not cause a sticky sensation and does not leave an unpleasant film, therefore, it is not necessary to wash your face after application.
Linseed oil
There is an opinion that the use of cosmetic oil products in cosmetology is recommended only for dry epidermis, but this is a mistake. For deep wrinkles, it is recommended to add two to three drops of linseed oil to your daily face cream. It is rich in a whole range of vitamins and minerals that stimulate the production of elastin and collagen. With regular use, elasticity is restored, and thiamine smoothes not deep wrinkles.
- Smoothes wrinkles;
- Restores turgor;
- Evens out the color;
- Healing properties.
- In addition to individual intolerance, no shortcomings have been identified.
The product restores and regenerates the epidermis, fills microcracks and is rightfully called an indispensable oil for the skin around the eyes against wrinkles. Suitable for dry, damaged, sensitive skin, effectively eliminates teenage acne problems.
Which oil for the skin around the eyes is best
Sooner or later every woman thinks about the question of how to smooth out wrinkles, tighten the oval of the face and return the skin to a healthy look. Before using the selected product, the project team recommends that you familiarize yourself with the characteristics and composition of each product. Some products nourish the skin, others saturate with vitamins, the properties of the third are aimed at restoration.All presented nominees have a cumulative effect, so it is important to use them regularly. Based on a comparative analysis of the presented brands, the following results were made:
- Castor - in a short time will help restore and restore the elasticity of fading skin;
- Shea butter - used to moisturize and soothe, as well as quickly relieve the skin from peeling;
- Coconut - fills the dermis with moisture, removes fine wrinkles, smoothes deep wrinkles;
- Almond - recommended for owners of the combined type;
- Olive oil is a real boon for those with mature, withering dermis;
- Grape seeds - regenerate, nourish and nourish aging and mature skin;
- Jojoba oil - will help cleanse clogged pores, as well as remove unwanted fat without harming the lipid balance;
- Linseed - moisturizes well, smoothes wrinkles, fights pigmentation spots. Suitable for most women over 40.
Any epidermis requires special attention - nutrition, hydration, cleansing pores, saturation with vitamins, lightening pigmentation after acne and rejuvenation. Any cosmetic product reviewed by an expert review on the website will cope with such tasks. You need to choose it taking into account individual characteristics, age, recommendations of a dermatologist and cosmetologist.