The best ointments from barley
Barley always gives a lot of unpleasant sensations due to the location near the eye, itching, swelling, pain. To quickly stop the inflammatory process, preventing the formation of boils, use topical preparations. Pharmacies offer a large selection of domestic, imported medicines that differ in composition, speed, and principle of operation. The project team analyzed the demand, the opinions of medical specialists, selecting the best barley ointments of 2024. The top rating will name 7 nominees, based on customer reviews, the strengths of each are compiled.

Rating of ointments from barley
A lot of work has been done to understand which medicines are effective against barley. The editorial staff of the journal consulted with leading doctors, got acquainted with the conducted clinical trials of various drugs, studied patient reviews. Each applicant was evaluated on the following group of criteria:
- Composition - natural, synthetic, hormonal;
- Effect - anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, analgesic;
- Speed - how soon relief comes;
- Application rules - frequency of application, duration of the course;
- Indications - a list of problems that the ointment solves;
- Limitations - list of symptoms when treatment is unacceptable;
- Risks - the likelihood of developing adverse reactions to the composition;
- Texture - lightness, fat content, absorption rate, smell;
- Age indications - from what age is it allowed to use;
- Special instructions - pregnancy, lactation.
Investigations have identified affordable, effective, safe barley eye ointments. Excluded from the list are those that have a large list of contraindications, side effects, as well as unnecessarily expensive drugs. Reviews and opinions of experts played an important role.
The best ointments for barley on the eye
When barley ripens, an inflammatory process of the sebaceous glands or hair follicles is observed, which causes swelling, redness, and severe itching. If liniment is not immediately applied, there is a risk of pus formation, infection of nearby tissues. offers the fastest effective local remedies that are absorbed into the deeper layers, relieve inflammation, and prevent complications.
Tetracycline ointment
Barley ointment on the eye of a viscous translucent texture, produced inside a small tube with a narrow nose. This package serves as a dispenser, which is convenient when applied to the eyes. Produced since the 50s of the last century. The main component is tetracycline hydrochloride 1% with a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiseptic effect. List of indications - trachoma, infectious conjunctivitis, acne. The age limit is from 5 years old. Do not recommend treatment with Tetracycline for pregnant women, breastfeeding women, with hypersensitivity. After application, the removal of the clinical picture is observed almost immediately. There are no side effects, no cases of overdose have been recorded.
- High-speed performance;
- Good portability;
- Convenient packaging;
- High efficiency;
- Minimum restrictions on use;
- Inexpensive.
- Visual acuity temporarily decreases;
- Not for pregnant or breastfeeding women.
It is necessary to use tetracycline ointment from barley immediately after the first signs of inflammation are detected.Apply in a thin layer twice a day, without rubbing until the last symptoms disappear. You can buy in a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription, the volume is different to choose from - 3, 5, 10 g.
A drug with antiviral activity, prescribed for prophylactic, therapeutic purposes against viral inflammatory processes. The basis is a substance with the same name acyclovir with a concentration of 3 or 5%, which has an antiviral effect, supplemented with nipagin, nipazole, lipocomp. It is produced in two forms - eye liniment, cream, application even on the mucous membrane is permissible. Demonstrates good results in recurrent, advanced form of barley, herpes, chickenpox. It has additional properties - regenerating, immunomodulating. The composition is well tolerated, itching, peeling rarely occurs. Unlike its predecessor, Acyclovir is permissible from the first days of life, that is, it has no age restrictions. Pregnant, breastfeeding women need a doctor's approval.
- Fast effect;
- Healing properties;
- Increased local immunity;
- Good portability;
- For all ages;
- Inexpensive.
- Against the viral nature;
- Allergic reactions are possible.
The composition is applied in a thin layer under the eyelid, keeping for 4 hours between procedures. The course lasts from 5 to 8 days. The results will be only with timely, regular treatment. It is advisable to consult a doctor, since an antiviral drug is not appropriate in all cases.
Hydrocortisone ointment
A potent ointment from barley on the eye in an adult hormonal content. The active substance is the steroid hydrocortisone, which has an exudative, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine effect. Unlike other analogues, liniment practically does not penetrate into the bloodstream, therefore it does not harm the endocrine system. The simultaneous use of hydrocortisone with antipsychotics, antihistamines is unacceptable. After the first applications, the elimination of redness, swelling, itching is noted. The indications are all skin ailments of a non-infectious nature. Children are allowed to receive treatment from 6 months of age. Pregnant women are strictly contraindicated in the first trimester, then by decision of the doctor.
- Powerful ingredient;
- Antiallergic activity;
- Approved by Pediatrics;
- Fast absorption;
- Cosmetic effect;
- Price.
- Hormonal base;
- Contraindications, risks of unwanted body reactions.
Apply to the affected area 2-3 times a day with a cotton swab for 1-2 weeks. Sold in packs of 3.5 g with a concentration of 0.5%. Inappropriate for diseases of viral, fungal etiology.
Combined preparation in the form of white ointment of finely dispersed consistency. The composition contains 4% dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine - a tissue regeneration stimulant, 0.75% chloramphenicol - a strong antibiotic, which is also used to treat typhoid fever and dysentery. Thanks to this, liniment guarantees the elimination of pathogenic flora, rapid healing of the affected area. Substances quickly penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, have a filtering ability, acting only on the pathogen - Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Contraindications are forms of psoriasis, fungal diseases, eczema. The age limit is from 3 years old. Unlike the previously presented nominees, Levomekol is allowed for pregnant women who are breastfeeding.
- Antibacterial filtering activity;
- Regenerating properties;
- Deep penetration;
- Allowed for children;
- Used during pregnancy, lactation;
- Price.
- Store only in the refrigerator;
- Inconvenient tube.
Liniment is applied daily 2-3 times until all external manifestations of barley disappear completely. At first, a reaction of irritation can be felt.In case of purulent processes, the use of dressings with the drug is allowed.
Eye ointment for the eyelid from barley, according to its composition, refers to antibiotics of the group of fluoroquinolones of local action. The main substance is ofloxacin, which is effective against most pathogenic microorganisms of gram-positive / gram-negative flora. The only pathogen in which such a drug is not used is aerobic enterococcus. After application, the substance penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin, washing the membranes of the eye. Pharmacies sell 3% concentration. The main difference between this nominee is versatility. Doctors prescribe both adult patients and a child from the first days of life. The pale yellow consistency is quickly absorbed, practically does not cause side effects. Treatment during pregnancy is allowed, but not breastfeeding.
- Wide range of activities;
- Fast absorption;
- Versatility;
- Allowed for pregnant women;
- Good portability;
- A minimum of contraindications.
- Price;
- Short shelf life.
The antibiotic is applied with a strip of no more than 2 cm under the lower eyelid. The maximum effect occurs after 12 hours. Frequency rate of procedures - 3 times a day before the disappearance of symptoms. If one ointment is not enough, Floxal drops from the same manufacturer are used.
Vishnevsky ointment
The next position is taken by a natural local remedy, which compares favorably with the predecessors of the rating. The main components are birch tar, xeroform, castor oil. They are distinguished by antiseptic, immunomodulatory, bactericidal properties. It is forbidden to allow the composition to enter the mucous membrane of the eyes, cornea. It is prescribed for the treatment of any inflammatory processes on the skin, including against barley. Regular use promises removal of edema, redness, and quick healing. Allowed for use at any age, pregnant, breastfeeding women. Best of all, the drug showed in the treatment of abscesses, open wounds, trophic changes.
- Natural composition;
- The absence of strict contraindications;
- For all ages;
- Allowed for pregnant women, breastfeeding;
- Fast healing;
- Inexpensive.
- For external use only;
- Specific smell.
In case of an overdose, a slight warming effect is possible, which is inappropriate for inflammation. Liniment is applied to a bandage or cotton-gauze swab, and then applied to the affected area. Frequency rate of procedures - 1-2 times a day until complete recovery.
Erythromycin ointment
The last position in the ranking is occupied by antibacterial, antimicrobial liniment, capable of eliminating various infectious processes. The active substance in the composition is erythromycin, which belongs to the macrolide group. It differs from analogues in that it extremely rarely allows the pathogen to develop resistance, as is the case with tetracyclines, penicillins. Sold in convenient tubes, like tetracycline. It is most often used to treat burns, ulcers, open wounds. According to the level of toxicity, it is recognized as a mild antibiotic, therefore it is used to treat babies from the first days of life. Pregnant, breastfeeding women are not suitable, due to the ability to penetrate into breast milk, through the placenta.
- High efficiency;
- Convenient tube with a narrow nose;
- Long shelf life;
- No age restrictions;
- Good portability;
- Price.
- It is absorbed for a long time;
- Store only in refrigerator.
Apply to the affected area 3-5 times a day for 7-10 days. There are two methods of treatment - to smear on the place of puffiness, to lay inside the eyelid. The method of applying a compress with a bandage, cotton-gauze bandage is also practiced.
How to choose a barley ointment
Barley is a rapidly developing process that requires the use of drugs.Usually these are medicines for external use - ointments, drops, creams, solutions. Pharmacy chains have dozens of domestic, imported goods. The doctor decides the correct decision on which ointment to treat barley. The composition decides a lot, narrows the search for contraindications and prices.
Specialist consultation
Self-medication in an acute inflammatory process is fraught with suppuration, secondary tissue infection. In addition, the eyes are located nearby. Therefore, self-medication is unacceptable, for prescribing drugs, they turn to an ophthalmologist. He conducts an examination, after which he chooses a safe but effective drug.
For the treatment of the inflammatory process in the eyelid, different compositions are used - antibiotics, antiviral, antimicrobial, antihistamines, regenerating components. Only an ophthalmologist can correctly determine the cause, the type of pathogen, on the basis of which the appropriate components are selected.
Almost all pharmacy products have contraindications for admission. Based on this, they immediately filter out inappropriate options, narrowing the search circle. Antibiotics are unacceptable for hypersensitivity, pregnancy, lactation. Antiviral medicines for liver pathologies. Natural formulations are the safest and most versatile.
Pharmacy chains offer Russian-made drugs; they are available to most buyers. You will have to pay more for European quality and brand reliability. Most of modern medicines are presented in three types to choose from - a patented original product, a domestic analogue, a generic.
Which ointment from barley is better
The editorial board of had several dozen applicants for getting into the top review. But time-tested, doctor-approved ointments were selected that really help, and received the most positive reviews. What to buy, the summarized results of the comparative analysis will tell you:
- Tetracycline ointment - an ambulance for the treatment of any diseases of the eyelids, eyes;
- Acyclovir - suppresses the virus, increases local immunity, restores tissues;
- Hydrocortisone ointment - hormonal ointment for quick recovery;
- Levomekol - antibacterial liniment for all ages, pregnant women;
- Floxal is a universal antibiotic from the group of fluoroquinolones;
- Erythromycin ointment - the widest spectrum of action of the macrolide antibiotic.
Barley is a common problem that can occur at any age. In order to prevent complications, a suitable topical medication is used in a timely manner. You can be guided in the search by the criteria, recommendations of the presented review, but the last word should always be with the ophthalmologist.