The best ointments for varicose veins
Varicose veins are a common disease that affects veins. According to statistics, it occurs three times more often in women, and among men these are athletes and those who are faced with intense physical activity. Treatment of varicose veins involves the use of local medications - ointments, gels, lotions to facilitate local blood circulation. The pharmaceutical market offers several dozen names and manufacturers to choose from. Based on the demand indicators, the recommendations of phlebologists, the best ointments for varicose veins were determined. The top ranking of 2024 includes 10 drugs, only reliable and time-tested manufacturing companies. Patient feedback highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of each nominee.

Ointment for varicose veins which company is better to choose
Any pharmacy chain has analogues and identical medicines that differ only in the country, brand, and price. It is possible to judge in absentia about their quality and efficiency by the reputation of the manufacturer's company. The best ointments for varicose veins, which were recognized by experts as the leaders of 2024, were proposed by the following pharmaceutical companies:
- Nizhpharm (Heparin Ointment) is a Soviet pharmaceutical company in Russia that was established in Nizhny Novgorod back in 1919. Today it is one of the largest drug manufacturers. The product portfolio includes over 30 pharmacological groups, 100 names.
- CJSC "Green Dubrava" (Vishnevsky ointment) is a full-cycle enterprise offering both substances and ready-made medicines. The company was officially registered in 2003, when it moved from Sergiev Posad to the city of Dmitrov. It is at the development stage, has 4 large workshops.
- Balkanfarma (Troxevasin) is a Bulgarian pharmaceutical company founded in 1999. Today it is part of the international holding company Actavis. It uses the latest technologies according to European standards, producing medicines for the treatment of people and animals.
- Hemofarm (Gepatrombin) is an international pharmaceutical company that was founded in Serbia in 1960. Since 2006, it has been privatized by the German concern STADA AG. Today it is the largest exporter and also a leading player in the domestic pharmaceutical market.
- A.Menarini Manufacturing Logistics and Services (Lyoton) is an Italian pharmaceutical company founded in 1915. It is engaged in the development, production, processing, manufacture of medicines for humans, as well as in veterinary medicine. The drugs from this brand are very popular in the Russian market.
- Sandoz (Venitan) is an international pharmaceutical company that was founded in Switzerland back in 1886. It is engaged in biosimilars, generics, that is, the reproduction of the most popular medicines patented by other companies. This name is now trusted by medical professionals.
- Merckle GmbH (Dolobene) is a well-known German company that produces highly effective medicines. It was founded in 1881, first in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. It was moved to Germany in 1945. Her activities concern all areas of medicine.
- Elfa, Pharmaceutical plant, A.T. (Flucinar) is a group of companies that was founded in Poland about 20 years ago.Today it is the largest Polish manufacturer of ointments, as well as the main supplier of hormonal, cardiac, psychotropic and other groups of medicines. The production is fully compliant with GMP requirements.
- OJSC "Akrikhin" (Venolife) is a chemical and pharmaceutical plant in Russia, one of the leaders in the production of high-quality, affordable drugs. One of the five largest local pharmaceutical manufacturers in terms of production and sales.
- Sopharma JSC (Indomethacin) is a Bulgarian pharmaceutical company that was founded in 1993. Deals with the development of medicinal, hygienic, cosmetic products. Since 2007, she joined the Bulgarian Rose-Sevtopolis JSC in order to expand its activities.
Rating of ointments for varicose veins
Local preparations for the treatment of varicose veins differ in composition, principle of action, indications and other factors. Before choosing one thing, you need to consult a doctor. Much depends on the cause of the disease, stage of development, clinical picture. To select the best proposals in 2024, experts evaluated each applicant for a group of criteria:
- The basis is natural, synthetic;
- Drug group - antiseptic, anticoagulant, NSAIDs;
- The active ingredient is heparin, herbal extract, anti-inflammatory agent;
- Effect - venotonic, blood-stimulating, anti-inflammatory, etc.;
- Speed - how quickly relief comes;
- Additional effects - cooling, pain relief, softening, etc .;
- Restrictions - contraindications for age, health status;
- Risks - toxicity, the likelihood of side effects;
- Texture - consistency density, absorption rate;
- Comfort - ease of use, duration of the course;
- Other features - compatibility with drugs, pregnancy, lactation, etc.;
- Sale - free, according to the phlebologist's prescription.
From the huge list of drugs used for varicose veins, the level of demand over the past few years helped to select the leaders. The experts also relied on the experience of phlebologists and the results of clinical trials. Feedback from patients helped to identify all the strengths and weaknesses of the rating nominees.
The best effective ointments for varicose veins
In pharmacies today you can see a wide range of ointments for varicose veins. These can be mono drugs to deal with a specific problem, for example, to increase the tone of veins, relieve pain, regenerate, and suppress the inflammatory process. There are also combined formulations that are aimed at solving several problems at the same time. Based on feedback, demand and test results, experts have named the top ten offers of 2024.
Heparin ointment
It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, vasoconstrictor action. One of the most demanded tools due to availability, price, speed of action. The Heparin ointment contains three components at once - this is the sodium salt of heparin, benzyl nicotinate, benzocaine. They relieve pain, thin the blood density, thereby improving lymph flow. As a result, after being absorbed, a person feels relief, relieving fatigue and heaviness. Sold in a pharmacy without a prescription, which means it does not involve serious health risks. It is used in the treatment of stages 1 and 2 of the disease. Also, the drug is widely used for bruises, bruises, trophic ulcers, mastitis, in case of exacerbation of hemorrhoids.
- Safety;
- Relief of the inflammatory process;
- Anesthesia;
- Vasoconstriction, blood thinning;
- A wide range of indications;
- Free sale;
- Inexpensive.
- Inadmissibility in hemophilia;
- It is deposited in a bold layer.
The course of regular use is from 2 weeks or more, depending on the complexity of the situation. It is applied to dry, clean skin 2-3 times a day.Contraindications indicated intolerance to components, low blood clotting, lack of platelets, open purulent wounds on the skin.
Vishnevsky ointment
The second name is Liniment balsamic, Ichthyol ointment. With such a disease, it acts as an antiseptic. It involves only complex treatment with other concomitant drugs. Birch tar has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and stimulates blood flow. Xeroform destroys pathogenic flora, which is typical in the later stages with the appearance of ulcers. Castor oil helps the previous substances to penetrate into the deeper layers of the dermis, softens it. It is also a natural anticoagulant without a systemic effect on the body. This means that it can be used during pregnancy, lactation. Most often, an ointment is prescribed for varicose veins on the legs. It prevents stagnant processes, relieves tension and heaviness, reduces the severity of the vascular network and nodes.
- Stimulation of blood circulation;
- Antiseptic action;
- Healing of wounds, ulcers;
- Suppression of the inflammatory process;
- Increased venous tone;
- The absence of strict contraindications;
- Price.
- Specific pungent odor;
- Burning sensation upon first application.
Vishnevsky's ointment for varicose veins is applied for 2 weeks in the form of a compress. The composition is applied to gauze or cotton fabric, after which it is applied to the affected areas, keeping for 8-12 hours. After changing the dressing, the skin must be treated with an antiseptic. There are no strict contraindications, in rare cases an allergic reaction is possible.
An effective anti-inflammatory, venotonic ointment that quickly relieves puffiness. The main component in the composition is troxerutin, which increases the tone of the vascular wall, strengthens it, and eliminates blood clots. Available in the form of a brownish gel. After the veins have returned to their normal state, and the capillaries have become less penetrating, metabolic processes are normalized, which relieves swelling, inflammation, pain and cramps. The drug is approved for use during pregnancy, breastfeeding. The list of indications also contains pronounced vascular networks, dermatitis as a complication of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis. It can help with bruises, fractures, sprains.
- Possibility of combination with other local medicines;
- Minimal toxicity;
- Allowed for pregnancy, diabetes;
- Strengthening blood vessels;
- Rapid elimination of edema;
- Prevention of blood clots.
- Allergy is possible;
- Price.
Troxevasin should be applied to the affected area in a small layer up to 2 times a day. After that, there is a feeling of lightness, a chill on the skin. The course of treatment will be long, it is selected individually for each patient. Contraindication indicated only hypersensitivity, the presence of open wounds. Side effects are extremely rare, they can be allergic reactions.
Complex drug with high permeability into the upper layers of the skin. The first thing that Gepatrombin differs from many analogues is pronounced regenerative properties. The second is the ability to prevent blood clots. Third - two forms of release to choose from, ointment and gel. The fourth is a multicomponent composition, where, in addition to sodium heparin, there is dexpanthenol, allantoin, carbomer and levomenthol. Natural oils are added to them, soothing, disinfecting the skin. All this determines the anti-inflammatory, healing ability of the drug. Doctors actively use it in the treatment of severe stages with trophic formations. There are no dangerous components in the composition that provoke negative consequences.
- Fast absorbency;
- Combined formula;
- Directed action on the focus of the disease;
- Good portability;
- A wide range of actions;
- Regenerating properties.
- Does not have antiseptic activity;
- Contraindication III trimester of pregnancy.
For treatment, a small layer of funds is applied to clean, dry skin with massaging movements from bottom to top. You can also make bandages by applying the composition for several hours.
The frequency of procedures is up to 3 times a day. Gepatrombin is contraindicated in skin infections, oncological formations and hypersensitivity.
One of the most demanded ointments for varicose veins of the lower extremities of Italian production. The active substance is sodium heparin, an effective direct-acting anticoagulant. Regular use guarantees several results - reducing clotting, blood density, strengthening the vascular wall, eliminating symptoms of atherosclerosis, preventing thrombosis, heart attacks, improving blood circulation in the kidneys. Additional substances in the composition - lavender oils, neroli. Such a complex causes anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, vaso-strengthening effect. Lyoton is approved for use during pregnancy, breastfeeding. The list of indications is as wide as that of the previous nominees.
- High efficiency;
- Blood thinning;
- Ease of use;
- Minimal risks;
- Imported production;
- A wide range of useful properties.
- Small tuba;
- Price.
You need to apply the product within 1-3 weeks, 2 times a day. If we are talking about a chronic disease, the course can be extended for 6 weeks. Lyoton is contraindicated for people with low blood clotting, with open skin lesions with suppuration, a predisposition to bleeding, and also in case of hypersensitivity.
Such a drug is used in the complex treatment of diseases of the lower extremities associated with impaired vascular function. The active substance is escin, which is extracted from the seeds of the fruit of the horse chestnut. It has several pronounced properties at once - angioprotective, anti-inflammatory, anesthetic, tonic. There are 3 forms of release to choose from - Venitan N cream, the enhanced Venitan Forte formula, Venitan gel with a more liquid consistency. Regular use promises the elimination of edema, strengthening of the vascular wall, normalization of tissue pressure, and improvement of the drainage function of deep veins.
- High efficiency;
- Three forms of release;
- Good portability;
- High-speed performance;
- Allowed during pregnancy, lactation;
- Suitable for all forms of varicose veins.
- Not applicable to children;
- Stickiness.
Gel and cream are applied 2-3 times a day in a thin layer for up to 2 months. Doctors recommend using Veniten Forte longer, up to about 3 months in a row. Massaging rubbing movements will be inappropriate here. The first trimester of pregnancy, a tendency to thrombosis, a violation of the integrity of the skin, and hypersensitivity are considered a limitation.
The drug is in the form of a gel to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of varicose veins. It contains 3 components - dexpanthenol, which triggers the regeneration process for quick healing, sodium heparin, which stimulates metabolic processes, increases lymph circulation, and dimethyl sulfoxide with a pronounced analgesic effect. They are supplemented with oils of rosemary, pine, etc. Due to this combo-composition Dolobene is considered a multifunctional remedy in the fight against various pathological conditions. Unlike many predecessors of the rating, this nominee is actively used in pediatrics, as it is allowed from the age of 5.
- Severe pain relief;
- Instant removal of puffiness;
- Relief of the inflammatory process;
- Nice smell;
- Applicability in pediatrics;
- A wide range of indications.
- Contraindications;
- Risks of developing allergies.
You need to apply the gel at least 2 times a day in a thin layer without intensive rubbing. Applying with a bandage is also acceptable.Before this, you need to hold the tube open so that the isopropanol evaporates. Treatment during pregnancy, lactation, chronic respiratory diseases, acute ailments of the cardiovascular system, skin wounds, hypersensitivity is prohibited.
Reserve foot ointment for varicose veins and fatigue, as it is used only as directed and prescribed by a doctor. Such strict restrictions are imposed due to the content of the hormone. This is a component of fluocinolone with a pronounced anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effect. The steroid drug is actively used only in severe cases of varicose veins, when all the classical methods of treatment have been unsuccessful. The main thing is to observe the dosage so as not to provoke severe side effects. It is unacceptable to use Flucinar in children under 2 years of age, during pregnancy, during lactation.
- Effectiveness in severe forms of varicose veins;
- High-speed performance;
- Relief of inflammation, allergies;
- Large list of indications;
- Soft consistency;
- Price.
- Only as prescribed by a doctor;
- Contraindications, risks of side effects.
In this case, short-term treatment with courses under the supervision of a doctor is practiced, when the ointment is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas up to 2 times a day.
The course of treatment is on average 7-14 days. Use in case of fungal, viral, bacterial skin lesions is unacceptable.
A combined remedy that quickly relieves puffiness, suppresses the inflammatory process, thins the blood, and also promotes wound healing. The first substance heparin quickly restores connective tissues, thereby normalizing the tone of the vascular wall. Troxerutin protects veins from fragility, reduces the degree of permeability. The third component is phenylethyl alcohol, a powerful antiseptic that prevents infection of the affected areas. According to the principle of action and pharmacological properties, Venolife is referred to as angioprotective, venotonic drugs. It is actively used in the treatment of any diseases caused by impaired circulation, blood trophism. Allowed the treatment of children from 1 year old, during pregnancy, lactation.
- Effectiveness for thrombophlebitis;
- Improving the structure of the vascular wall;
- Restoration of connective tissue;
- Antiseptic properties;
- Anesthesia;
- Safety for children, pregnant women.
- The likelihood of developing allergies;
- Price.
Venolife is applied to the skin with light massaging movements 2-3 times a day, waiting for complete absorption. The duration of the course of treatment is from 1 to 3 weeks, depending on the complexity of the situation. Treatment is prohibited in case of wounds, skin ulcers, hypersensitivity, otherwise allergic reactions are possible.
The rating is completed by an inexpensive and effective ointment for varicose veins with an anti-inflammatory effect. The working component is a non-steroidal substance with the same name indomethacin, a derivative of indoleacetic acid. It works on several fronts at once - relief of inflammation, pain relief, lowering the temperature. Correct use prevents a number of complications of the disease - the formation of blood clots, ulcers, vascular nodes. There is also a decrease in capillary permeability. Despite the good tolerance, the drug is not used in the treatment of pregnant women, young children. The nominee demonstrates efficiency at any stage of varicose veins development.
- Excellent effect;
- Rapid pain relief;
- Relief of inflammation;
- Large list of indications;
- Prevention of complications;
- Cheapness.
- List of restrictions for use;
- Specific smell, stickiness.
You need to apply Indomethacin 2-3 times a day in a small layer, performing light massaging movements. The thickness of the ointment should not be more than 4-5 cm. On average, the treatment lasts 14 days.Indomethacin is prohibited for gastrointestinal ulcers, impaired blood clotting, leukocytopenia, hemorrhagic diathesis, liver and kidney pathologies in the stage of decompensation.
What ointment for varicose veins is better to buy
Problems with blood vessels and blood circulation are observed in most people around the world. Sooner or later, this leads to irreparable consequences and complications. All the presented ointments for the treatment of varicose veins will help to avoid this. Based on a comparative analysis of all the pros and cons of each nominee, the following review results were summed up:
- Venolife - prevention of blood clots for children, pregnant women;
- Lyoton - quick elimination of hematomas in the area of veins;
- Troxevasin is the best medicine for the chronic form of leg disease;
- Hepatrombin - fast absorption, complex effect on the problem;
- Heparin ointment - popular choice, the best value for money;
- Indomethacin is a cheap medicine with antipyretic effects;
- Dolobene - the strongest analgesic effect;
- Flucinar is a hormonal agent against advanced forms of the disease.
What to buy from the list presented should be decided by a competent medical specialist based on the examination. It is important to use other medications in addition to any of these ointments for maximum effect. Local impact alone will not be enough. Despite a detailed review of each nominee, it is important to study the instructions from the manufacturer before using it.