The best drugs for the prevention of coronavirus
To date, the coronavirus has already been recorded in more than 188 countries around the world. China was the first to suffer from the infection. The conditions of the pandemic dictate the active work of medical specialists and pharmaceutical companies.
New medicines are on sale for prevention, elimination of symptoms, and reduction of the risk of complications. We bring to your attention the best drugs for the prevention of coronavirus, approved by leading experts from around the world and recommended by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
And in order to understand exactly what to drink from the drugs sold by pharmacies for protection, it is important to familiarize yourself with the characteristic signs of the disease, the appropriate preventive measures.

Signs of the coronavirus
Coronavirus (Coronaviridae) is a whole family of RNA viruses that affects not only humans, but also certain animals. Today there are 4 types of coronavirus circulating among the population of the whole world - these are HCoV-229E, -OC43, -NL63, -HKU1. All of them are fixed in the structure of ARVI, when the infection affects the upper respiratory tract.
Initially, these were agents of non-serious diseases inherent in mammals. The first cases of the virus in humans occurred:
- 2002-2004 years - the causative agent of SARS-CoV, which caused severe acute respiratory syndrome in humans. Bats act as a reservoir; Himalayan civets and camels are identified as intermediate hosts. The epidemic was observed in 37 countries, among more than 8000 patients there were 774 deaths.
- year 2012 - the causative agent of the Middle East respiratory syndrome MERS (MERSCoV). Camels again acted as a reservoir. In total, 2494 were found infected, 858 people died. Distribution area - the Arabian Peninsula. The disease circulates, causing new cases.
- 2020 year - single-stranded RNA virus Coronaviridae, dubbed 2024-nCoV or Сovid 19. It is considered a recombinant virus, where the source is indicated by bats and an unknown origin of the coronavirus. Under study, has caused a pandemic around the world.
The current novel infectious agent is widespread in China in Wuhan, Hubei province. The source has not yet been identified, the alleged are poultry, bats, snakes and other animals sold on the market in this city of the PRC.
The route of infection is airborne or contact, that is, through talking, coughing, sneezing. The objects of transmission can be food, household items, air.
To date, according to data provided by Johns Hopkins University, the number of infections in the world has exceeded 24 million people (increased by 11 million people in a month), while in Russia - 970 thousand people (280 thousand people increased in a month). .).
2019-nCoV, like most human diseases, is dangerous with complications. It can be viral pneumonia with a rapid development rate, then respiratory failure, requiring emergency mechanical ventilation. The best protection against coronavirus is quickly started treatment.
The "Chinese" coronavirus differs from SARS and influenza in the following ways:
Symptoms | Coronavirus Infection | ARVI | Flu |
Elevated temperature | Often | Seldom | Often |
Fatigue | Sometimes | Sometimes | Often |
Runny nose | Seldom | Often | Sometimes |
Cough | Often (dry) | Minor | Often (dry) |
Sore throat | Sometimes | Often | Sometimes |
Dyspnea | Sometimes | No | No |
Sneezing | No | Often | No |
Joint pain | Sometimes | Often | Often |
Headache | Sometimes | Seldom | Often |
Diarrhea | Seldom | No | Sometimes (in children) |
Prevention of coronavirus
Measures and means of protection against coronavirus are at the stage of development and creation by specialists from all countries. But there are generally accepted recommendations and measures that significantly reduce the risks of infection:
- Hand washing. Every time after visiting the street, public places, contact with potentially dangerous objects, you need to use antiseptics, soap. One procedure should last at least 20 seconds. Do the same before every meal.
- Wearing a mask. A medical mask must be worn by people with existing symptoms, as well as by all others for the purpose of prevention. This will help to avoid getting the pathogen on the cheeks, mouth, nose.
- Insulation. It is extremely important during a pandemic to avoid crowded places as much as possible, for example, public transport, shops, pharmacies, entertainment, educational establishments, etc. The isolation method involves staying at home.
- Increased immunity. We are talking about the classic ways to increase the body's resistance to pathogens - taking vitamin C, healthy diet, drinking plenty of water, warm liquids, adherence to the daily routine, moderate physical activity, sound sleep, taking vitamins, etc.
- Self-isolation. In case of suspicion of coronavirus, it is important to call a doctor in a timely manner, to ensure complete isolation from others and loved ones. To do this, you need to stay in a separate room during the quarantine period.
- Personal hygiene products. Refrain from using linen, towels, hygiene products and products belonging to another person.
- Distance. If you suspect that another person has a disease, it is important to stay at least 1 m away from him. It is also important not to touch your face, nose, mouth, eyes with your hands. When sneezing, coughing, cover your mouth or nose with your hand.
- Home care. To protect your home, you need to ventilate the rooms more often, do wet cleaning with disinfectants, wiping the floor, pieces of furniture, etc.
What to take for the prevention of coronavirus from medications is determined exclusively by the doctor. Particularly important drug protection in the event of contact with potentially dangerous people.
Drug for the prevention of coronavirus which company is better to choose
On the pharmacological market there is a huge number of preventive and therapeutic drugs against viral infections. They are offered by various foreign and domestic manufacturers. By reputation, the principle of work and success, one can judge in absentia about the quality and effectiveness of products.
Preparations for the prevention of viral infections comparable to the coronavirus were offered by the following companies:
- NJSC "North Star" (Ribavirin) is a large manufacturing pharmaceutical company that has been supplying the Russian market with drugs for over 20 years. Founded in 1996 in the Leningrad region. Today, it has high-tech production in accordance with international standards. The products fully comply with the GMP requirements of the European sample, as evidenced by the certificates. The product portfolio includes more than 120 assortment items.
- AbbVie Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG (Lopinavir / Ritonavir) is a global biopharmaceutical company from Germany, engaged in research in immunology, oncology, virology, neurology. The main office is located in Berlin. He specializes in the most severe diseases in the world. Founded in 2013. Products are sold in more than 160 countries around the world
- CJSC "Biocad" (Recombinant interferon beta-1b) is a biotechnological company in Russia, founded in 2001.Conducts research, develops, manufactures pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical products. 40% of the staff are leading researchers and scientists. Representative offices are located in many countries of the world - the UAE, China, India, USA, Brazil, etc. One of the few companies in the world where production starts from the search for a molecule to distribution and marketing.
- Bayer (Chloroquine) is a chemical, pharmaceutical company that was founded in Germany in 1863. Has achieved immense popularity around the world for the creation of Heroin and Aspirin. Today it is the largest international concern specializing in three areas - healthcare, agriculture, high-tech materials.
- Nu-Pharm Inc. (Hydroxyloroquine) is a subsidiary of Canada's largest pharmaceutical company, Apotex Inc. He is actively engaged in research, development, and after production, both original drugs and high-quality generics. The product portfolio includes more than 300 items that meet GMP requirements.
- JSC "Pharmstandard" (Azithromycin) is a Russian pharmaceutical company that annually produces over 1.7 billion packages. Since its foundation in 2003, it is a group that includes several manufacturers, brands and brands. In the domestic market, it is a leader in the development and production of general pharmaceuticals.
The best antiviral drugs to prevent coronavirus
Prevention of a new coronavirus infection is carried out under the supervision of a medical specialist. Since we are talking about the viral etiology of the disease, antiviral medications are most often prescribed. They are needed to help the immune system fight the pathogen. The top expert rating includes only those drugs that were officially recommended by the Ministry of Health and WHO in order to prevent a pandemic.
An effective domestic broad-spectrum antiviral agent, which is most often used in the treatment of hepatitis C, various skin infections. The active substance in the composition has the same name - ribavirin with a dosage of 200 mg. It rapidly penetrates into cells, and comes into effect only where there is a pathogen.
The drug with increased antiviral activity is sold only by prescription, it is unacceptable in the treatment of patients under 18 years of age. Available in the form of tablets, capsules. The treatment regimen is selected individually, it lasts an average of 2-4 weeks. Ribavirin was previously used in the treatment of atypical pneumonia in Singapore, China and other countries. The ability of the active substance to suppress the reproduction of the virus has been proven, which leads to an improvement in the course of the disease.
- High efficiency;
- Convenient dosage;
- Combination therapy is acceptable;
- Availability;
- Several forms of release to choose from;
- Inexpensive in comparison with imported counterparts.
- Many contraindications, side effects;
- Prescription.
Doctors note the high antiviral activity, they recommend combining the intake of such a remedy with fatty foods in order to improve digestibility. It is extremely important not to self-medicate, not to deviate from the regimen prescribed by the doctor. Despite its many benefits, Ribavirin can be harmful to the body.
Lopinavir / Ritonavir
Powerful antiviral agent with an active ingredient protease inhibitor. It is intended for the treatment of patients with HIV. It acts as a combination of two popular drugs - Lopinavir and Ritonavir.
The first, after entering the body, prevents the breakdown of polyprotein, stimulates the production of an immature, non-infectious virus. The second works as a peptidomimetic inhibitor of HIV types I and II, due to which immature virus particles are formed. It is prescribed by doctors for the treatment of adult patients, children.In the past, Lopinavir / Ritonavir in combination with Ribavirin has shown positive results in the treatment of SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV SARS.
- Combined composition;
- Allowed during pregnancy;
- Prevention of transmission of viral diseases to the fetus;
- Good portability;
- Minimal risks of overdose;
- For complex treatment.
- Price;
- Side effects.
Medical experts emphasize that it is a fat-soluble drug. It follows from this that it must be taken after eating fatty foods for better absorption. In this way, the risks of side effects can be reduced. Patients who have been taking it for a long time report positive dynamics and real help.
Recombinant interferon beta-1b
The most common prescription of doctors what to drink to prevent coronavirus is a multidisciplinary drug in the form of a solution for subcutaneous administration. It has several pharmacological properties at once - antiviral, immunomodulatory, antiproliferative.
The main purpose is the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Once in the body, it activates the process of creating proteins with a pronounced antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect. This, in turn, slows down the progression of the disease, and also reduces the level of movement of leukocytes. Like any other interferons, this medication has a wide profile.
- High efficiency;
- Ease of use;
- Strengthening the activity of immunity;
- Long-term preservation of the result after cancellation;
- Wide action profile.
- Difficulty finding in pharmacies;
- Severe side effects.
Such a drug is also recommended by the Ministry of Health only for adult patients, and only in the case of a doctor's appointment. Self-administration threatens a person with the development of complex side effects. In the reviews, patients write that the side effects from the use of Recombinant interferon beta-1b disappear over time. But it is difficult to find it even in pharmacies in Moscow and other capitals.
The drug Chloroquine has recently been actively used in the treatment of patients with coronavirus infection with the development of viral pneumonia with complications. According to its composition, it belongs to the group of 4-aminoquinoline derivatives. It guarantees several therapeutic effects at once - immunosuppressive, anti-inflammatory, antiarrhythmic, antimalarial, and antiprotozoal. The active ingredient is chloroquine phosphate. Release form - powder, tablets, injection.
In this disease, it suppresses an overly active immune response, thereby preventing a cytokine "storm". For use, a doctor's control with the delivery of tests, ECG is required. Prophylaxis is not recommended; Chloroquine is used for treatment.
If the inflammatory process due to the development of COVID-19 provokes the attraction of a huge number of lymphocytes in the lungs, the immune response will age several times. This threatens with destruction of the lungs, damage to other organs. The immunosuppressive agent Chloroquine can prevent this outcome.
- A wide range of actions;
- The ability to quickly suppress the immune system;
- Several forms of release;
- Availability for sale;
- Prevention of irreparable complications in the lungs.
- Inpatient treatment of pneumonia with "stormy" immune response;
- Contraindications, a large list of side symptoms.
The dosage is calculated individually, on average it is 500 mg twice a day, but not longer than a week. Self-medication and uncontrolled intake of such pills threatens with serious side effects, most often it is loss of vision, convulsions, deterioration of cerebral, cardiac circulation, etc. Categorical contraindications are pregnancy, heart disease, arrhythmia, renal, liver failure, psoriatic arthritis, low leukocyte count.
The drug also belongs to the group of 4-aminoquinoline derivatives.The active ingredient in the composition is hydroxychloroquine sulfate, it demonstrates the same properties as the previous nominee. Release form - tablets. Originally used in medicine as an antimalarial agent, it has recently helped in the fight against COVID-19. The list of indications includes rheumatoid or juvenile chronic arthritis, malaria, some skin diseases associated with UV radiation, discoid and SLE.
Demonstrates good results in the fight against diseases accompanied by autoimmune reactions. The severe course of coronavirus infection causes hyperactivation of the antiviral reaction with impaired blood circulation, edema, and cell fusion.
The latter is opposed by hydroxychloroquine sulfate. That is, it would be appropriate to use such a medicine only if doctors diagnose a complication with the ensuing “inadequate” behavior of the body's defenses.
- A wide range of therapeutic properties;
- Convenient form for treatment;
- Suppression of sharp reactions of immunity;
- Prevention of severe complications of the disease;
- Short course of application;
- Reception is possible in childhood.
- Only as prescribed by a doctor in an inpatient treatment;
- Contraindications, risks of developing severe side effects.
On average, doctors give patients 400 mg of the active substance per day for no longer than 5 days in order to correct the immune response. Pregnancy, retinopathy, severe liver and kidney diseases, and visual disturbances are indicated as strict contraindications. There can be many side effects, most often these are digestive disorders, decreased visual acuity, anemia, arrhythmia, etc.
The effectiveness of such an antibiotic in the treatment of COVID-19 was established by French medical specialists. Moreover, the best results were obtained with a combination of this agent with the antimalarial drugs mentioned above. The active ingredient in the composition is semi-synthetic antibiotic from the group of azalids of the same name.
Once in the body, it disrupts the vital activity of bacterial cells. There are several forms of release - tablets, powder, capsules, lyophilisate. The bacteriostatic drug is prescribed only by prescription, as it has contraindications and side effects.
In comparison with low toxicity, Azithromycin is used in the treatment of infections of ENT organs, upper or lower respiratory tract, urogenital tract, skin.
- Antibacterial action;
- Activity against most pathogens;
- Large list of indications;
- Several forms of release to choose from;
- Effectiveness for severe infections (pneumonia, bronchitis);
- Inexpensive.
- Risks, side effects;
- Unproven base.
The standard dosage is 500 mg per day for 5 days, but the doctor determines the treatment for each patient individually. Pregnancy, hypersensitivity to macrolides, age up to 16 years, lactation, severe kidney and liver pathologies are indicated as a strict contraindication. Most often, side effects are disorders of the heart, digestive organs.
Which drug is more effective for the prevention of coronavirus
There are several effective medications on how to protect yourself from coronavirus other than a mask. We are talking about drugs that can suppress the development of the virus in the body. They are recommended by the Ministry of Health and WHO. You can resort to their help only after a doctor's appointment, the issuance of a prescription with a prescribed regimen.
Name | Ribavirin | Lopinavir / Ritonavir | Recombinant interferon beta-1b |
Release form | Tablets, capsules | Pills | Solution for subcutaneous administration |
Purchase conditions (with or without recipe) | On prescription | On prescription | On prescription |
Indications | Herpes, hepatitis | HIV infection | Multiple sclerosis |
Contraindications | Pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity, myocardial infarction, chronic heart failure stages 2-3, renal and hepatic failure, cirrhosis in the stage of decompensation, severe anemia, severe thyroid disease, autoimmune hepatitis, under 18 years of age, depression with suicidal intentions | Hypersensitivity, severe hepatic failure, taking Rifampicin, Boceprevir, drugs with St. John's wort in the composition. | Pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity, liver disease in the stage of decompensation, severe depressive diseases, age under 18. |
Side effects | Allergic reactions, anemia, dyspeptic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, surges in blood pressure, hair loss, headaches, general malaise, etc. | Myocardial infarction, seborrhea, convulsions, tremors, allergy, metabolic disorders, anemia, etc. | The development of a flu-like symptom complex, reactions at the injection site, headaches, etc.
Duration of treatment | from 2 to 4 weeks | 2 weeks | Long-term (long-term) |
Dosage | 200 mg | 200 + 50 mg | 8 million IU / 0.5ml |
Packing volume | 120 capsules | 120 tablets | 5 syringes |
Effects | High antiviral activity against RNA and DNA viruses | Antiviral activity, damaging effect on the virus | Antiviral, immunomodulatory, antiproliferative |
approximate cost | from 300 to 500 rubles | 3500 - 45000 rubles | from 7000 to 15 950 rubles |
Name | Chloroquine | Hydroxyloroquine | Azithromycin |
Release form | Tablets, solution for injection | Pills | Tablets, powder, capsules, lyophilisate |
Purchase conditions (with or without recipe) | On prescription | On prescription | Over the counter |
Indications | Treatment or prevention of all types of malaria; Amoebiasis is not intestinal; Amebic liver abscess; All types of scleroderma; Chronic or subacute systemic lupus erythematosus; Rheumatoid arthritis; Photodermatosis or tardive cutaneous porphyria. | Malaria; Juvenile chronic arthritis; Rheumatoid arthritis; Sun-related skin diseases; Discoid and SLE. | Bacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract and ENT organs (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, otitis media); Lower respiratory tract infections (bronchitis, pneumonia); Infections of soft tissue or skin; Urinary tract infections; Lyme disease. |
Contraindications | Intolerance to the composition; Renal and hepatic impairment; Oppression of bone marrow hematopoiesis; Severe heart damage with rhythm disturbances; Neutropenia, psoriatic arthritis, or porphyrinuria; Pregnancy. | Intolerance to the composition; Disorders of the organs of vision; Retinopathy; Keratopathy. | Hypersensitivity; Severe hepatic, renal impairment; Lactation; Age up to 12 years. |
Side effects | Allergic reactions, dyspeptic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, myocardial diseases, lowering blood pressure, alopecia, arthralgia, myalgia, etc. | Dyspeptic disorders, headaches, dizziness, hematopoiesis disorder, dermatological reactions. | Dyspeptic disorders, headaches and dizziness, Arrhythmia; Tachycardia. |
Duration of treatment | 7 days | 5 days | 5 days |
Dosage | 500 | 400 mg | 500 mg; |
Packing volume | 30 pieces | 30 pieces | 3-6-10 pieces; |
Effects | Anti-inflammatory, antiprotozoal, antimalarial, immunosuppressive, antiarrhythmic. | Anti-inflammatory, antimalarial, immunosuppressive. | Broad-spectrum antibiotic. |
approximate cost | from 250 to 500 rubles | 400 - 600 rubles | from 50 to 350 rubles |
Based on a comparative review of the nominees in the rating, you can summarize and choose what is better to buy. Ribavirin demonstrates high activity against viruses in RNA and DNA, and is cheaper in comparison with similar proposals.
Lopinavir / Ritonavir is actively used in the treatment of children, pregnant women due to lower health risks. And Recombinant interferon beta-1b shows the best results in the fight against the Chinese coronavirus pathogen.
Chloroquine and Hydroxyloroquine are analogs in composition and principle of action, differing in manufacturer, price, form of release. Azithromycin acts as a bacteriostatic agent; it is used in case of complications in combination with antimalarial drugs.