The best magnesium supplements
Magnesium is one of the irreplaceable elements that doctors previously underestimated. It is necessary for the nervous and muscular system to work properly, is able to convert sugar into energy, which is necessary for the vital activity of the body, to maintain the health of bones, cartilage and teeth. Also, thanks to its action, the deposition of salts and the formation of stones is prevented, it normalizes the endocrine, cardiovascular system, affects the brain, removes toxins and accumulated radicals. This micronutrient is found in many foods, but the standard diet is not enough to replenish your daily magnesium requirement. The presented rating contains the best magnesium preparations that are worth paying your attention to.

Magnesium drug which company is better to choose
The top 10 companies were selected based on patient reviews and expert opinion. Among the most reliable manufacturers were the following pharmaceutical companies:
- Elvar. One of the leading pharmaceutical corporations operating in Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union. An absolute leader that produces natural preparations, the action of which is aimed at strengthening health, maintaining immunity. Number one in Russia, and was recently named the best manufacturer of the year;
- Nature's Plus. The company, which began its activities in America, and today specializes in the development of biological sports supplements around the world. Products are created at the largest pharmaceutical companies. The quality of the goods is guaranteed. Naturals Plus has been a leader in dietary supplements for 30 years. There are more than half a million products in the assortment;
- Doctor's Best. The company started its activity in 1990 in San Clemente in 2024 and offers more than 200 different positions. Products are made from natural ingredients, all products are certified. The complexes of this company are necessary to support the health of athletes, increase immunity, support women's health, brain function, and so on.
- Solgar. The American corporation has been producing natural biological supplements for over 70 years. These are premium products that include over 600 items. The range includes vitamin complexes, minerals.
- Nature's way. One of the first major corporations to receive tru-id certification. This certificate is awarded by an independent panel that sits and verifies the authenticity of the ingredients used. This certificate ensures that only natural ingredients are included.
- Natural Organic wholesome. This is a company founded by Elwood Richard in the sixties of the last century. His system was based on the development of the properties of healthy food products. Initially, the concept was based on affordable and natural products for the population. This concept is supported today.
- Pharmstandard. A pharmaceutical corporation from Russia that affects the entire domestic market. Power is concentrated throughout Russia. These are 9 factories that produce more than 1.5 billion packages of products per year.
Magnesium preparations rating
There are many drugs that contain magnesium. They help to fight unpleasant diseases and their symptoms, allow to replenish the lost reserves of the body.These can be regular tablets, effervescent tablets, and even injection solutions. But, unfortunately, not all drugs are well tolerated by the body and not completely absorbed. In pharmacies, there are magnesium-containing tablets with inorganic and organic acids. Based on feedback from patients and advice from doctors, a rating was compiled of the 10 best drugs that contain magnesium. They were analyzed according to the following criteria:
- Efficiency;
- Availability;
- Effect on the body;
- For whom it is suitable;
- What additional components does it contain;
- Possible contraindications.
The best magnesium supplements
Before compiling the top-ranking of drugs containing magnesium, dozens of positions were considered and the best nominees were selected. When choosing, they were guided not only by the characteristics that are prescribed by the manufacturer, but also by the combination of trace elements in the composition, contraindications, patient reviews.
Evalar magnesium B6
This popular drug, which is in deserved demand among patients, contains vitamin B6, which additionally supports immunity and strengthens the body. The effect after administration becomes noticeable after 2 weeks. The course of admission is designed for one month, after which it is necessary to take a break of 2 weeks, and then you can repeat the admission. The result of the use of Evalar Magnesium B6 is to reduce the body's impulsivity, reduce stress, calm the irritated nervous system, and normalize the emotional background. Can be used by children.
- The complex is combined;
- As part of B6, and Bio-available magnesium salt;
- The drug is well absorbed and fixed in the composition of cells;
- It is involved in metabolism.
- You need to take 2 tablets three times a day;
- Take for at least 1 month.
The drug quickly penetrates into cells and is included in the metabolic process. Due to the combination with vitamin B6, it is not eliminated from the body so quickly, therefore its effect is long-lasting. The recommended course of administration is 1 month, two tablets two or three times a day, depending on the doctor's recommendations.
Nature's Plus Animal parade Mag Kidz children’s magnesium
In this preparation for children, the main active ingredient is magnesium, in addition, xylitol acts instead of sugar. This natural product necessary for the body is not only healthy, but also delicious thanks to the sweetener. It has a relaxing effect on muscles, soothes, strengthens bones, and also develops the body as a whole, contributes to the well-being of the child.
- Soothes;
- Strengthens the nervous system;
- Stimulates the growth and development of the child's body;
- No preservatives;
- Free from dyes and allergens;
- No genetic modification and soy.
- Can be taken by children over 3 years old;
- Causes side effects.
This drug for children is able to prevent diseases of the nervous system, as well as make up for the lack of magnesium in the body, and eliminate the accompanying symptoms. In individual cases, it is prescribed for children from a year.
Doctor's Best magnesium 100% chelated
The drug is necessary to strengthen the nervous system, muscle fibers, joints, bones. Maintains the required level of magnesium, which is important for the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and promotes metabolic processes in the body at the cellular level. Participates in the synthesis of proteins.
- Food supplement without genetically modified foods, gluten.
- Contains a food mineral complex that produces energy metabolism;
- Helps to contract muscles;
- Supports the nervous system;
- For good health throughout life.
- There are side effects;
- Taking pills only with meals.
This magnesium complex contains not only the main component, but also the amino acid glycine, lysine. Together, these mineral components perform the most important functions, participate in metabolism, support the heart, blood vessels and muscles.
Solgar Magnesium with Vitamin B6
A bioactive supplement that is not a drug contains the required level of magnesium, vitamin B6. The complex is well suited for supporting the nervous system, developing a growing body, supporting athletes during periods of stress, preserving nerve cells. Maintains emotional balance, controls hormone imbalances.
- Able to maintain and strengthen bone health;
- Helps absorb calcium;
- Improves the work of the heart, blood vessels;
- Supports the nervous system;
- Helps eliminate symptoms of depression, insomnia, migraine.
- You need to take three tablets twice a day.
The complex of magnesium and vitamin B6 copes well with various psychological dysfunctions, helps to overcome stress, unnecessary anxiety, and panic attacks. Strengthens the body, promotes recovery after heavy physical exertion.
Nature's Way Magnesium Complex
This magnesium preparation in tablets is indicated for people who suffer from diseases of the nervous system, respiratory organs, problems with the heart, blood vessels, bones, and reproductive function. This is not a drug, but it must be taken with caution, because magnesium is involved in the most important enzymatic processes in the body. Thanks to chromium, zinc allows the pancreas to function better. In combination with B6, it normalizes the emotional background of the body.
- Has a cardioprotective effect;
- Affects the restoration of the heart rate;
- Improves oxygen metabolism in tissues;
- Macronutrients have an anti-stress effect;
- Helps with depression, neurosis;
- Removes vascular deposits;
- For the treatment of diseases of the endocrine system.
- Take 2 capsules 2 times daily;
- Side effects are possible.
This drug replenishes magnesium reserves in the human body, induces normal appetite, relieves fatigue, extreme irritability and muscle spasms. Helps in case of apathy and depression.
Life Extension magnesium
This vegetarian bioavailable mineral complex is well suited for active longevity. The additive is not considered a medicine, but contains cellulose and silica in addition to the active component. The package contains 100 capsules. Each capsule replenishes the daily magnesium requirement by 125%, which leads to the gradual elimination of deficiencies throughout the body. Supports, restores the body during heavy physical exertion.
- Convenient packaging and optimal dosage;
- Affects the normalization of the emotional background;
- Relieves symptoms of stress, fatigue, nervousness;
- To support the vitality and energy of the body.
- In overdose, magnesium works as a laxative.
The main specificity of the drug is the possibility of adjusting the rules for its administration. The effect will not change if you replace the double dose of one capsule with one dose of two capsules at once.
Now Foods Magnesium Citrate
A modern antidepressant and cardioprotector has its own beneficial properties. The dietary supplement enriches the daily diet, replenishes the loss of this important element. People who suffer from frequent bronchitis can take it to expand the bronchi. The drug normalizes the work of many body systems, including the nervous, cardiovascular, and bone.
- Supports blood vessels, heart, nervous system, bones;
- For pregnant women, contributes to the full development of the child;
- Affects the work of beta cells in our pancreas;
- Normalizes the psyche;
- Normalizes sleep, calms, tones.
- Requires individual dose adjustment;
- It is not recommended for patients with hypermagnesemia.
Most often, this complex is prescribed for people suffering from depression, migraines, nervous overstrain. Also, in combination with zinc, selenium, chromium, it helps diabetics.
Pharmstandard Magnelis B6
This complex of vitamins B6 is a dietary supplement that contains beneficial micro and macro elements.The drug magnesium sulfate serves to replenish magnesium deficiency, regulates nerve impulses, affects muscle contraction, acts as an antispasmodic, antiplatelet agent. Relieves symptoms of rapid heartbeat, spasm, pain. However, you should not take it to children under six years old.
- Eliminates magnesium deficiency;
- Relieves high irritability;
- Removes sleep problems;
- Strengthens the heart, blood vessels;
- Relieves muscle pain and tingling.
- Not recommended for children under 6 years of age;
- There are contraindications.
An important complex that replenishes the loss of magnesium and vitamin B6. It is not a drug, therefore it can be taken individually, as a rule, for at least 1 month.
The best magnesium aspartate preparations
These are no longer dietary supplements, but drugs that are direct sources of magnesium and potassium ions. They directly affect the regulation of metabolism, additionally contain aspartate - a substance that helps to transport active ions across the cell membrane. A good remedy for the prevention of stroke.
An effective magnesium preparation for the heart and blood vessels, which also compensates for the deficiency of magnesium and calcium. Available in the form of tablets or solution. The magnesium and potassium included in the composition allow you to correct the functions of molecules inside the cells of the body. Affects muscle contraction. A competent combination of magnesium and potassium gives the most effective result. Replenishes the lack of beneficial trace elements in the daily diet. Needed in order to improve glycoside tolerance.
- Effective in the treatment of heart failure;
- Helps with recovery from a heart attack;
- Eliminates heart rhythm disturbances;
- Relieves muscle pain and tingling;
- Relaxing effect.
- A number of side effects;
- Forbidden if a person has hyperkalemia.
Panangin is a proven domestic drug that has been appreciated by more than one generation. Available in both tablet and injection form.
The domestically produced cardiovascular product contains combinations of essential macro and microelements. It is produced both in the form of tablets and in the form of a solution for injection. The drug helps to restore electrolyte balance, regulates metabolic processes in the body, normalizes muscle contraction. Regulates the intake and consumption of energy reserves, reduces nervous irritability.
- Participates in the growth and division of cells;
- Allows you to stimulate the synthesis of phosphates;
- Supports heart function;
- Strengthens blood vessels;
- It has a positive effect on brain activity.
- Not assigned to people with impaired renal function;
- Wide range of side effects.
A cardiovascular preparation that contains essential macro- and microelements. With the correct dosage and timely intake, it helps the body to restore the disturbed emotional balance, improve the functioning of the heart, remove the signs of arrhythmia, and affect the active brain activity.
What is the best magnesium supplement to buy?
Magnesium preparations are manufactured by many companies today, some of them just want to cash in on their customers. Therefore, it is important to distinguish a good drug from an advertised placebo. Certain active supplements can actually help the body with magnesium deficiency. Among all the drugs and additives indicated above, experts distinguish the following:
- Evalar magnesium B6 - is combined with vitamin B;
- Nature's Plus Animal parade Mag Kidz children’s magnesium - especially useful for children;
- Nature's Way Magnesium Complex - in addition to magnesium, contains a rich composition of minerals;
- Life extension magnesium is a dietary supplement with a minimum of contraindications;
- Panangin - with heart failure;
- Asparkam is an inexpensive but effective remedy for cores.
But in conclusion, it is important to note that no matter what drug is good, it is important to consult a doctor before taking it. This rating does not act as a recommendation for admission.