The best drugs for dizziness
The second most common reason people go to a neurologist after a regular headache is dizziness (vertigo). Statistics show that this is approximately 30% of young people and 50% of elderly patients. An unpleasant symptom can be provoked by problems with the heart and blood vessels, dysfunction of the inner ear, psychological problems, etc. Such an extensive clinical picture determines a wide variety of drugs and medicines. How to make the right choice? To do this, the experts got acquainted with the opinions of doctors, the reviews of their patients, after which they compiled the top rating of 2024. It includes the best drugs for dizziness with osteochondrosis, disorders of the cardiovascular system or the work of the vestibular apparatus, for the elderly and pregnant women. There is also a list of reliable manufacturers, as well as the criteria for evaluating each nominee.

The drug for dizziness which company is better to choose
The first thing a drug buyer looks at in a pharmacy is the pharmaceutical company, the country of origin. By this criterion, you can already in absentia determine the effectiveness, quality, expediency of the purchase. The best drugs for dizziness were offered by the following import and domestic firms:
- LLC "Ozon" (Betagistin) is one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in Russia, which has been operating for over 15 years. Mainly produces generic analogues of patented drugs. High quality control in accordance with GMP standards demonstrates the reliability and efficiency of products.
- Catalent Germany Schorndorf GmbH / Balkanfarma-Dupnitsa AD (Vestibo) - merger of two successful pharmaceutical companies from Germany and Bulgaria. Their joint activities are based on numerous popular drugs for use in various fields of medical practice.
- JSC "PFC Obnovlenie" (Piracetam) is an industrial research center in Russia. Collaborates with the Novosibirsk Scientific Center (Akademgorodok), and also develops new drugs that have no analogues on the domestic market. Leading foreign partners are involved in the work.
- Mylan Laboratories SAS (Betaserc) is a French pharmaceutical company with a leading position in the production of active ingredients for the creation of medicines. It occupies a stable position not only in the domestic but also in the world market. Holds patents for some branded drugs.
- Pliva (Cerukal) is a Croatian pharmaceutical company operating since 1921. Became famous as one of the largest manufacturers of generic Adderall. It occupies a stable position of the leader in Southern Europe, and within the country it is on the 3rd place in terms of exports.
- JSC "Gedeon Richter" (Cavinton) is a large pharmaceutical research center in Central and Eastern Europe. The company was founded in Hungary in 1901. During this time, experience, rich traditions, and unshakable authority have been accumulated.In the countries of the former USSR, products are considered one of the best.
- Pharma AD (Cinnarizin) is a Bulgarian pharmaceutical company that produces various dosage forms for fast and effective treatment with minimal risks. The product portfolio is not so diverse as it is priced. The drugs are actively supplied to the Russian market.
- "Yadran" Galensk Laboratories (Dramina) is an international pharmaceutical company that was founded in Croatia since 1981. First, she took leading positions in the national pharmaceutical market, after which she was engaged in expansion into the countries of the USSR and Eastern Europe. Today it is famous for its high quality drugs in most countries of the world.
- Polfa JSC (Relanium) - Warsaw pharmaceutical plant that has been exporting medicines for over 60 years. For many years, buyers have been associated with high quality, competitive prices. Founded in 1889, since 2010 it has been part of the ADAMED group.
- Arnebia (VertigoHel) is a trademark of phytopreparations belonging to the Heel trademark. The catalog of homeopathic remedies contains vitamins, dietary supplements, microbiological preparations, cosmetics. It is based on valuable and rare natural ingredients.
Rating of drugs for dizziness
The list of pills for dizziness was compiled by experts, first of all, taking into account the recommendations of medical specialists. Based on this, 5 categories of topical drugs were identified - for pregnant women, the elderly, in the case of osteochondrosis, disorders of the cardiovascular system or the vestibular apparatus. Further, each applicant was assessed for a group of criteria:
- Composition - active ingredient, its pharmacological properties;
- The principle of operation is to influence the cause of vertigo;
- Release form - tablets, pills, capsules, solution, syrup, etc.;
- Ease of use - scheme, course duration;
- Risks - toxicity, the likelihood of side effects;
- Restrictions - age, contraindications, pregnancy, lactation, etc.;
- Efficiency - speed, the period of saving the result;
- Sale - by prescription, free.
Out of several hundreds of suitable medicines, it was possible to select the top offers of 2024 in terms of demand and demand. The opinions of doctors, the results of clinical trials, and patient reviews have significantly narrowed the search. As a result, the experts named 10 nominees in 5 categories.
The best drugs for dizziness with osteochondrosis
The most common cause of severe dizziness is a spasm of the cervical muscles that disrupts local blood flow. Because of this, less blood, oxygen enters the brain, this creates an intense flow of pathological impulses that disrupt the work of important centers. This phenomenon occurs with osteochondrosis, spondylosis, prolonged stress. A person feels instability, instability of his body, weakness, loss of strength. Treatment of vertigo in osteochondrosis should reduce spasm, pain, and normalize blood flow. The 3 drugs from the review are best suited for such tasks.
Betahistine dihydrochloride acts as an active component; it acts directly on the inner ear. First, it improves blood microcirculation, then stabilizes the pressure in the cochlea and the labyrinth of the ear, normalizes the conductivity of neurons. Clinical studies highlight the ability of Betahistine to compensate for the lack of histamine, this reduces a number of unpleasant symptoms - tinnitus, vertigo, vomiting, headache. The release form is flat tablets for oral administration. There are only a few items on the list of contraindications - lactose deficiency and intolerance, hypersensitivity to the composition, age under 18 years old.
- Quick elimination of vertigo;
- Fight against impaired coordination of movements;
- Prevention of hearing loss;
- Minimum restrictions on admission;
- Convenient release form;
- Inexpensive.
- Low bioavailability, unlike analogues;
- Cases of headaches, heartburn.
It is recommended to take Betahistine tablets for dizziness with meals or immediately after that, otherwise heartburn may occur. The recommended dosage is 24-48 mg per day. Of the advantages, reviews note efficiency, minimal restrictions, improved blood circulation, hearing. The downside is the likelihood of developing unwanted symptoms, poor bioavailability.
To combat vestibular dizziness, doctors often prescribe this drug to patients. The release form is round tablets with the inscription "B8", the active substance in the composition is betahistine dihydrochloride. According to its pharmacological properties, the drug is compared with histamine, which affects the receptors of the inner ear, the vestibular nuclei of the central nervous system. Also, the substance improves blood flow to the basilar arteries, affects the brain stem. As a result, the incidence of vertigo is significantly reduced, the degree of intensity decreases. At the same time, the tablets do not cause drowsiness or low concentration of attention, since they do not have a sedative effect. Contraindications are pregnancy and lactation, bronchial asthma, stomach ulcers, age under 18 years old, hypersensitivity.
- Improving blood circulation in the inner ear area;
- Acceleration of the regeneration of vestibular function;
- Strengthening metabolism, cleavage of histamine;
- Good portability;
- Lack of influence on memory, attention, activity;
- Inexpensive.
- Insufficient study of the effect on pregnant women, children;
- Side effects.
Vestibo is an analogue of the previous nominee, but with different dosages to choose from, a better degree of bioavailability. In the list of benefits, most often reviews mention price, portability, a large list of useful properties of the active ingredient. The disadvantage is considered minor, but still possible side effects, a ban on admission to children, pregnant women due to insufficient knowledge.
One of the oldest nootropics designed to improve memory and cognitive functions in adolescents and young people, increase performance in middle age, as well as improve memory, normalize cerebral circulation, and eliminate vertigo in the elderly. The active substance in the composition is the component of the same name, piracetam. It is actively used in complex therapy after stroke, traumatic brain injury, ischemia, senile dementia, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease. Also, pills help adolescents and children with behavior problems, people with alcohol addiction. Correct use increases emotional stability, improves learning, and prevents brain intoxication.
- Widespread prevalence;
- A large list of pharmacological properties;
- Impact on cognitive, behavioral functions;
- For all ages;
- Stabilization of the emotional background;
- Inexpensive.
- Contraindications, side effects;
- Duration of admission.
Nootropics are still skeptical, but Piracetam is very popular in the complex therapy of patients with regular vertigo. Doctors emphasize the ability of tablets to improve cerebral circulation.
Patients approve of the improvement in the general emotional background, availability, permission to receive from 3 years old. The downside is the need for long-term therapy, the presence of restrictions, risks.
The best drugs for dizziness in old age
Most often, such an unpleasant symptom, coupled with a headache and loss of coordination of movement, is observed in elderly people. This is due to age-related changes that affect the work of blood vessels, central nervous system, vestibular apparatus, nerve endings, the brain and cerebellum in it.Systemic diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus, neuroses, Parkinson's disease, heart pathologies, also lead to this. An expert rating, which included 2 nominees, will help to choose an effective and safe drug for dizziness for the elderly.
Another analogue of the previously cited nominees, where betahistine also acts as an active component. It affects the centers of the brain responsible for the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, the receptors of the inner ear. As a result, blood flow to these areas is improved. In connection with this principle of action, Betaserc is actively used in the case of vascular disorders, due to which elderly people often suffer, losing coordination in space along with nausea. Correct use of the tablets guarantees a decrease in the frequency and intensity of such attacks, elimination of tinnitus. Contraindications here are the same as those of the analogs described earlier.
- High bioavailability;
- Solution of several causes of vertigo at once;
- Help for the elderly, women during menopause;
- Wide range of applications;
- Long lasting effect even after the end of the course.
- The need for long-term use;
- Price.
Reviews of the effectiveness of such pills in most cases are positive. Moreover, in many patients, the nature of vertigo was different. Taking the course improves overall well-being for a long time. The downside is the price, as well as the need for long-term intake of pills.
A popular remedy that is most often used for nausea, vomiting. The active substance metoclopramide is a specific blocker of dopamine receptors. Its property is to reduce the sensitivity of the visceral nerves, which supply impulses to the vomiting center in the brain. Correct use contributes to the normalization of tone, motor activity of the upper gastrointestinal tract, stimulation of intestinal peristalsis. Contraindication is the first trimester of pregnancy, lactation, pheochromocytoma, gastrointestinal tract pathology, epilepsy. The effect of metoclopramide on the autonomic nervous system is noted, due to which there is a choleretic effect, a decrease in hiccups.
- Relief of nausea, gag reflex;
- Efficiency along with safety;
- Choleretic action;
- Improving the functioning of the digestive tract;
- Several forms of release to choose from;
- Inexpensive.
- Contraindications, risks of side effects;
- Lack of effect with symptoms of a vestibular nature.
The drug helps well to cope with nausea and vomiting, acting directly on those organs that irritate the corresponding centers of the brain. Buyers approve of the price, convenient packaging, help with the digestive system, quick help. The disadvantages are contraindications, the likelihood of developing side symptoms, as well as uselessness in case of poor health due to incorrect operation of the vestibular apparatus.
The best drugs for dizziness for disorders of the cardiovascular system
Weakness, nausea, loss of coordination of movements - all this can provoke a malfunction of the heart and blood vessels. What to do if you feel dizzy is determined by the cardiologist. Most often, doctors prescribe drugs that facilitate blood circulation, especially in the brain. If the reason lies in the increased viscosity of the blood, they additionally take tablets to thin it from the group of antiplatelet agents. Based on clinical studies, reviews, experts have selected the 2 best products in this rating category.
This drug belongs to the group of physicians psychoanaleptics, it is contraindicated for children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, sold strictly according to the doctor's prescription. But its advantage lies in the admissibility of admission with pathologies of the kidneys and liver. The active ingredient is cerebrovasodilating vinpocetine.It improves brain metabolism and blood circulation, normalizes the rheological properties of blood, improves the absorption of glucose and oxygen, stimulates the exchange of serotonin and norepinephrine, and works as an antioxidant. At the same time, Cavinton does not in any way affect the general indicators of pressure, blood flow, heart rate, and does not provoke the "steal" syndrome. It is actively used in neurology, ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology.
- Safety (no alkaloids);
- Positive dynamics;
- Elimination of chronic headache, vertigo;
- Help of the central nervous system;
- Localized action;
- Absence of the “steal” syndrome.
- Limitations to therapy, risks of side effects;
- The price is higher than peers.
You need to take such pills in a course of 1 to 8 months, depending on the complexity of the situation. You cannot abruptly cancel therapy, this is done gradually. Of the advantages, buyers note good dynamics during the treatment period, the absence of alkaloids in the composition, in contrast to analogues. But this led to an increase in prices, also a minus in the presence of contraindications, side effects.
This medicine is actively produced by several countries at once - Russia, Bulgaria, Hungary. Today it is in great demand due to its low cost, quick elimination of vertigo. It is also used to combat motion sickness in vehicles. The active ingredient is cinnarizine hydrochloride, which selectively blocks slow calcium channels. In this way, the tablets reduce the tone of smooth muscles, which leads to the expansion of the vascular network of the brain without a hypotensive effect. Clinical studies have noted a small antiplatelet, antihistamine activity, which reduces the excitability of the vestibular apparatus, the sympathetic nervous system. Cinnarizine effectively eliminates dizziness when standing up, motion sickness, neutralizes tinnitus, nausea. The age limit is from 12 years old. The tablets are contraindicated for pregnant women, breastfeeding.
- High efficiency for any problem gesene;
- Improving cerebral circulation without affecting pressure;
- Help with motion sickness;
- Improving blood flow to other organs;
- Increased resistance to hypoxia;
- Antiallergic action;
- Cheap.
- Drowsiness and other side effects;
- The need for long-term use.
For maximum benefit, Cinnarizine is recommended to be taken in a course of 1 to 3 months, which for some buyers may be considered a disadvantage. Most patients praise good tolerance, availability, general improvement in well-being, and a solution to a problem of any genesis. Less sleepiness and other possible unwanted symptoms.
The best drugs for dizziness in violation of the vestibular apparatus
Disruption of the vestibular apparatus also requires taking pills for nausea and dizziness. Their main task is to influence the special histamine receptors that are located in the vessels of the inner ear. It can be taken once in case of long trips in transport, as well as a course for maximum therapeutic effect. The 2024 Top Ranking presented 2 drugs in this category.
The active substance in the composition is dimensionhydrinate, which inhibits the increased activity of the vestibular apparatus analyzer. As a result, taking the pill suppresses nausea, the urge to vomit with all the ensuing consequences, and gives a moderate antiallergic effect. Most often, Dramina is used to prevent motion sickness on airplanes, vehicles, ships, for this it is important to drink a pill an hour before the trip. Doctors prescribe tablets for a course intake for Miniere's syndrome, epilepsy, and other vestibular pathologies. The age limit is from 1 year of life, reception in the first trimester of pregnancy is not recommended.
- High-speed performance;
- Prevention of motion sickness;
- One-time course appointment;
- OTC sale;
- Minimum restrictions;
- Allowed for children;
- Inexpensive.
- Side effects are possible;
- Causes drowsiness.
The tablets not only soothe the vestibular apparatus, but also relieve the muscle tone of all internal organs, prevent motion sickness in any type of transport. The advantage is the quick help in 15 minutes, the minimum restrictions, the price. The weaknesses of this treatment are drowsiness, the presence of side effects.
A modern anxiolytic drug of the second generation, belonging to the group of tranquilizers. Most often, it is prescribed by doctors for muscle spasm, nervous strain, anxiety disorders, as well as in various cases of damage to the cervical spine. The active ingredient in the composition is diazepam, which enhances the effect of an inhibitory mediator, on which the transmission of nerve impulses directly depends. It is widely used in medicine as a muscle relaxant, hypnotic, sedative. There are no age restrictions, Relanium is prohibited from taking during pregnancy, lactation. Available in the form of a solution for injection.
- Removal of mental, nervous excitement;
- High efficiency;
- Emergency help;
- Sedative, hypnotic effect;
- Allowed for children;
- Removal of seizures;
- Inexpensive.
- May be addictive;
- Sale by prescription.
In medical practice, Relanium is used in emergency cases, when you need to quickly relieve attacks of nervous, mental excitement. Course treatment is also practiced, but strictly under the supervision of a doctor.
Of the advantages, reviews emphasize speed, high efficiency, calming and hypnotic results. The downside is the sale only under the prescription, the risks of developing addiction.
The best drugs for dizziness during pregnancy
The review is completed by the fifth category of drugs for dizziness - drugs for pregnant women with minimal toxicity and safety for the fetus. Women in a position often experience similar unpleasant symptoms, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Only those medicines that had undergone repeated clinical studies were considered by experts.
A natural preparation of bioregulatory medicine, intended for absolutely any person suffering from vertigo, motion sickness in transport. There are two forms of release - tablets, drops. The composition includes many useful substances - Anamirta cocculus to normalize the functions of the vestibular apparatus and against nervous disorders, Conium against depression, cerebral sclerosis, Ambra to normalize the functions of the autonomic system, eliminate mental and nervous exhaustion, against depression and early aging, as well as Petroleum rectificatum against inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. It is necessary to use VertigoHel in case of problems of neurogenic, vascular origin, seasickness, after concussions or traumatic brain injuries.
- Natural composition;
- Ease of use;
- Admissibility at any age;
- Quick relief;
- Solving a problem of any genesis;
- Minimum of contraindications;
- Low toxicity.
- Price;
- Cumulative effect.
This is an excellent remedy for those who are contraindicated in all of the previously listed medicines. Buyers approve of the composition, absence of risks, contraindications, ease of use. Doctors often prescribe VertigoHel for prophylaxis, pregnant women, young children, and the elderly. The downside is the need for a long course due to the cumulative effect, as well as the cost.
What drug for dizziness is better to buy
The choice of any medicine is always an individual decision based on the opinions of a medical specialist.Only after the examination, determining the cause of dizziness, the characteristics of the body, it is possible to decide unambiguously what to buy at the pharmacy. The best drug will be different for each patient. A comparative analysis of the nominees revealed the following:
- Cinnarizine - a remedy for the elderly with disorders of the cardiovascular system;
- VertigoHel is the safest homeopathic medicine for pregnant women;
- Vestibo - high bioavailability against vertigo against the background of osteochondrosis;
- Relanium is a universal remedy for a problem of any genesis;
- Dramina is the popular choice, the most demanded medicine for motion sickness;
- Piracetam is a nootropic for stabilizing the psycho-emotional background in children and adults.
Each nominee presented in the expert rating has unique advantages and weaknesses. Based on a comparison of these data, as well as taking into account the state of health and the doctor's recommendations, it will not be difficult to make a choice.