Best Probiotics for Kids
Probiotics are biologically active preparations for the natural restoration of intestinal microflora. They are prescribed to maintain an unstable and fragile digestive system. In terms of composition, there are mono-, multicomponent (symbiotics), metabolic (metabiotics), and also combined (synbiotics) probiotics. The team has selected the best probiotics for kids in 2024.

Rating of probiotics for children
Only the most popular drugs of foreign and domestic production with valuable live microorganisms and useful additives were in sight. The choice was influenced by the recommendations of pediatricians, the results of clinical tests, as well as the following assessment criteria:
- Release form - capsules, solutions, powders;
- Active ingredients - strains for maintaining the gastrointestinal tract, a complex of bacteria;
- Principle of action - preventive, therapeutic;
- Dosage - frequency of administration, duration of the course to maintain digestion;
- Safety - compliance with norms, quality standards;
- Storage conditions - refrigerated, at room temperature, expiration date;
- Age indications - for children under one year old, older;
- Bioavailability - the degree of digestibility of bacteria;
- Taste qualities - taste and smell, with what appetite children eat;
- Price, manufacturer - reliability of the company, expediency of purchase.
The survey included products with a good combination of performance and price. They have accumulated a large number of approving reviews not only from buyers, but also from pediatricians. The opinions of the latter identified the strengths, weaknesses of each nominee, the safety and benefits of probiotics.
The best probiotics for babies under one year old
For the smallest patients, manufacturers produce special forms probiotics - powders, drops with a simple, comfortable way of taking. The baby cannot yet swallow tablets and capsules, and formula feeding is not always appropriate. The best doctors' ratings received 4 products in the 2024 rating. These probiotics are for children under one year old with a high demand, positive customer reviews.
Linex for children
A popular remedy from the group of monocomponent probiotics for the intestines for children. Release form - sachet sachets with powder. They are used from the first days of a baby's life. The basis of the composition is BB-12 bifidobacteria with proven safety by the world medical community.
The manufacturer excludes lactose, guarantees the restoration of the microflora of the tummy, prevention dermatitis and food allergies. Linex is indicated for signs of dysbiosis - diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, colic, bloating, belching, nausea.
The method of application is simple - the contents of the sachet are mixed with milk, juice and other baby food. The course of treatment is 1 month. An additional bonus is a reduction in the risks of antibiotic-associated diarrhea and colds.
- Security (GRAS status);
- Getting rid of the signs of dysbiosis;
- Ease of use;
- Convenient packaging;
- No age restrictions;
- Prevention of various diseases.
- Short shelf life;
- Price.
Doctors successfully use Linex in the treatment of bacterial, viral infections of the digestive system. A package with 20 sachets will cost an average of 450 rubles. Lyophilized bifidobacteria in children's version are intended for children under 12 years old.
Acipol Kid
The next position in the rating is taken by a drug in the form of drops for the normalization of intestinal microflora, treatment of dysbiosis. Oily suspension is a complex of two strains - lactobacillus Lactobacillus rhamnosus and bifidobacterium Bifidobacterium longum.
The former demonstrate good resistance to the acidic environment of the stomach; they are attached to the walls, providing a prolonged effect. The latter improve the absorption of nutrients, vitamins, normalize intestinal motility. In tandem, they enhance each other's beneficial properties, suppress disease-causing pathogens.
The bottle is convenient due to the dispenser - dropper cap. Dosing regimen - once a day with food - 14 days.
- Two components;
- Short course;
- Convenient dosage;
- Help the stomach, intestines;
- Formation of the immune barrier;
- Free from lactose, GMO, dyes.
- Price;
- Thick texture.
Most often, "Acipol baby" is used for constipation, colic, especially if the child has lactase deficiency. Despite the small volume of the bottle, it should be enough for a two-week course. You can store the drug at room temperature. Designed for babies up to 3 years old.
BioGaya drops
To restore natural microflora digestive organs at the physical level, a Swedish-made drug in the form of BioGay drops is prescribed. The key component is lactic acid live bacteria reuteri, which quickly relieve the symptoms of colic and dysbiosis.
The composition completely excludes lactose, milk proteins, preservatives, so drops are acceptable even for allergy sufferers. An additional substance necessary for the full development of the baby's body is vitamin D. The use of the supplement eliminates spasms, making it easier for the baby to sleep. It can be dissolved with water, milk, and other food.
An important condition is that the food should not be hot, the bottle must be shaken well before use. The daily dose is 5 drops.
- Complex effect;
- Prevention of vitamin D deficiency;
- High efficiency;
- Immunity support;
- Ease of use;
- Hypoallergenic formula.
- Price;
- Short shelf life.
After opening the bottle, the composition is suitable for taking 2 weeks if stored at room temperature. This period can be extended up to 2 weeks if the drug is placed in the refrigerator. Not every pharmacy has a Swedish probiotic for children, customer reviews advise using online pharmacies.
Maxilak Baby
An innovative synbiotic of the latest generation made in Poland. Its composition includes 9 probiotics and prebiotics (fructooligosaccharides) of high concentration, all of which are necessary for the normalization of the gastrointestinal microflora. So that their integrity is not disturbed by the acidic environment of the stomach, the granules are covered with a white membrane.
For ease of use, one dosage is packaged in an individual sachet bag. Regular use during the course of 10-30 days inhibits pathogens, lowers cholesterol levels, preventing diarrhea. An immunomodulatory effect has also been noted. The product is resistant to many antibiotics, it is recommended for children 0-2 years old.
- New synbiotic;
- Balanced formula;
- Resistance to acidic environment, antibiotics;
- Neutral taste;
- Stimulation of immunity activity;
- Short course.
- Price;
- A doctor's consultation is required.
The multicomponent composition indicates the content of several strains, therefore, it is better to consult a gastroenterologist before taking them. In addition, the drug is not cheap - you need to pay 600-700 rubles for a package of 10 sachets. Improper use can have the opposite effect - diarrhea, indigestion.
The best probiotics for kids over a year old
The next age group that needs support with beneficial bacteria is children over 1 year old.They get most of the substances from a varied diet, but the digestive system is still vulnerable to pathogenic flora and pathogens. The list of preparations for children compiled by the team will help you choose probiotics. These are popular drugs with a well-thought-out composition and optimal dosages.
An import product of the French company Biocodex is an immunobiological probiotic. The active components of the formula are lyophilized Saccharomyces boulardii (saccharomycetes boulardii), which suppress microbes, eliminate diarrhea, and increase local defenses.
The difference from most similar drugs is the high resistance to antibiotics. Children take Enterol with pleasure thanks to the aroma, taste of tutti-frutti.
Application rules - one dose twice a day for 5-30 days. For this, the powder is dissolved in warm water, milk, drink. You can store it at room temperature. To increase absorption, doctors recommend taking it 1 hour before meals.
- Treatment of dysbiosis, diarrhea;
- Normalization of bowel function;
- Antibiotic compatibility;
- Pleasant aroma;
- Quick help;
- Inexpensive.
- Fragrance;
- Reception on an empty stomach.
Enterol has proven itself well against diarrhea of viral, infectious genesis. A pack of 20 sachets will cost 300-350 rubles, which means that this is a good combination of efficiency and price. An imported drug is not always available, you can order it online.
One-component dry probiotic of the first generation, based on one culture of beneficial microorganisms. These are live lactobacilli for maintaining the balance of the microflora of the digestive system. They are able to suppress dysbiosis of any etiology, they are safe for the body from the first days of life. In addition to them, there is milk, sugar, edible gelatin.
The domestic drug differs from analogues in high efficiency against constipation, abdominal pain, colic, mucus in the feces, E. coli. Sold in the form of powder, capsules, suppositories for various uses. Contraindications - candidiasis, difficulty in digesting lactose, sucrose.
- High efficiency;
- High-speed performance;
- Pleasant taste;
- Various shapes;
- Lack of flavorings;
- Price.
- Difficulty opening the bottle;
- The newborn dose must be divided.
Pediatricians prescribe Lactobacterin after acute intestinal infections, with dysbiosis, atopic dermatitis, chronic colitis. Sometimes the throat and nose are washed with a solution if bacterial pathologies are diagnosed. It is important to respect the expiration dates.
A modern product from the American brand Unipharm for children aged 3 and older. In terms of composition, it is considered a multi-probiotic, dietary supplement. Its basis is Japanese-made lacto- and bifidobacteria.
One acid-resistant capsule contains over 3 billion cultures and 9 strains. The capsules are stable at room temperature, which is convenient when traveling and away from home.
The manufacturer excludes the content of flavors, dyes, preservatives, sugar, lactose. Therefore, Lactobalance is considered a hypoallergenic drug. To get rid of the feeling of heaviness, flatulence, constipation, general malaise, it is enough to take 1 capsule daily with food.
- Multi-composition;
- Microflora normalization;
- Increased resistance forces;
- Increased activity of food enzymes;
- Bowel support during climate change;
- Hypoallergenic.
- Not immediately found;
- Price.
Lactobalance is more often prescribed for children prone to allergic reactions. It will be appropriate in the prevention of seasonal colds, accompanied by antibacterial treatment. It differs from analogs in a wide range of actions.
Hilak Forte
A new cherry-flavored metabiotic of German production for patients from the first days of life.Differs in the fastest onset effect - the composition includes not living microorganisms, but waste products. They do not need time to activate, on the contrary, they increase the value of the already existing immunity.
The formula consists of biosynthetic lactic acid, buffer salts, due to which the acid-base balance of the digestive organs is restored. Hilak Forte also improves metabolic processes, in particular the synthesis of vitamins.
There is a choice of neutral and cherry flavors. The bottle is equipped with a dropper for the correct dosage, according to the instructions, the baby should be given 15-30 drops three times a day, but not together with dairy products.
- Ambulance;
- Restoration of the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract;
- Undemanding storage conditions;
- Convenient bottle;
- No age restrictions;
- Price.
- Requires frequent admission;
- Consumption.
The drug can be taken with you on trips, as it can withstand temperatures up to 25 degrees. The exact scheme and duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. Drops are allowed to be mixed with juices, drinks, water.
How to choose probiotics for kids
The presented biocomplexes differ in composition, application rules, and purposes. Which probiotics are appropriate for children with constipation, and which ones for diarrhea, the attending doctor will tell you. We recommend paying attention to other criteria - culture strain, release form, safety and efficacy, as well as customer reviews.
The first thing the buyer looks at is the components of the drug, their beneficial properties. The described nominees may contain lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, yeast-like fungi, non-pathogenic enterococci, etc. There is a general classification depending on the content:
- monocomponent;
- multicomponent;
- combined;
- metabolic agents.
For babies up to one year old, pediatricians recommend dietary supplements from lactic acid and bifidobacteria. The optimal concentration of one dose is 100 million units. Means of the new generation are mainly combined, they are complemented by prebiotics, hypoallergenic substances.
Release form
These drugs are conventionally divided into two more groups according to the form of release - dry (powders, capsules, granules, tablets, lozenges) and liquid. In the first case, these are inactivated microorganisms that come into effect after 1-1.5 hours. In the second - an oily substance, the speed of action of which is several times higher - after 5-10 minutes. In drops, strains are prescribed for infants, powders and granules for children 1-3 years old and older.
A reliable drug is supported by a quality certificate, compliance with generally accepted standards. Before buying, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the indications and contraindications, in which cases it is better to refuse treatment. Most often, the cause may be intolerance, risks of developing allergies, inability to absorb lactose, sucrose, etc.
Efficiency and feedback
It is difficult to evaluate in absentia how effective a particular drug is. The guarantor will be the reputation of the manufacturer, that is, the pharmaceutical company. Leading brands - Pfizer, ChildLife, Unipharm, Nature’s Way, Biokor, Vector-BiAlgam. Another indicator is customer reviews, the experience of parents, which we took into account when forming the rating. The last word is always with the pediatrician.
Storage feature
An important condition on which the effectiveness of the biocomplex depends is the conditions of its storage. Most of the components remain active for a long time only when kept in a refrigerator. They are inconvenient to take with you on trips, travel, during the reception they need to be added to cool products. New generation products differ in that they are not inactivated at room temperature, so they are more often preferred.
Which probiotics are best for children
The list, presented by, offers expert and buyer-tested names of products for toddlers up to one year old and older.What to buy from this depends on what disorders disturb the child, as shown by the results of the examination at the clinic. After reviewing the reviews, advantages and disadvantages, we recommend:
- Linex for children is a Russian safe product with the GRAS status;
- BioGaya drops - an effective help against colic, an easy-to-use form;
- Maxilac Baby - last generation synbiotic, recovery after antibiotics;
- Enterol - immunobiological probiotic, fast relief from diarrhea;
- Lactobalance is a hypoallergenic multiprobiotic with a high concentration of strains;
- Hilak Forte is a metabiotic ambulance to restore the acidity of the environment.
Which children's probiotics are effective for constipation, which for diarrhea, and which can be cured for dysbiosis and colic, the doctor should choose. Our task is to select the most popular, in-demand pharmacy products that have received high marks from experts and buyers. A detailed overview of strengths, weaknesses will facilitate the selection.