The best remedies for warts
A disease such as the human papillomavirus (HPV) is heard by almost every person. Its main task is to disrupt the work of several systems and organs at once. Against this background, the skin is often covered with neoplasms - warts, papillomas, flat spots, condylomas. Such defects are especially annoying for women. Pharmaceutical companies offer a variety of medications designed to externally remove growths. The editorial staff of the portal has compiled the top rating of 2024, which includes the best remedies for warts, proven manufacturers. The review will present a dozen nominees from pharmacies and folk remedies, real reviews of those who have already tried them on their own experience, as well as criteria for a competent choice for potential buyers.

Manufacturers of wart remedies
As soon as medicine first learned about a virus such as HPV, all efforts were made to suppress its negative effects on the human body. Numerous pharmaceutical companies have developed effective drugs to help remove any growths from the skin. The best remedies for warts were presented by the following brands and firms:
- / Teva Prai Pharmaceutical Plant (Isoprinosine) - the Portuguese pharmaceutical company TFO Lusomedikment is responsible for the creation of the active ingredient and the form of release. The Teva Prai pharmaceutical plant is located in Hungary and is responsible for packaging. This tandem produces mainly high-quality immunomodulators, generic and original medicines.
- CJSC "Green Dubrava" (Panavir) is a Russian full-cycle enterprise, where raw materials are created from natural components, and finished products are produced on the basis of substances. Since 1999, mainly soft forms of medicines have been presented on the pharmaceutical market.
- CJSC "Yaroslavl Pharmaceutical Factory" (Salicylic ointment) is the oldest pharmaceutical company with classical technologies, affordable prices, quality proven over the years. Basically, the company offers galeno-pharmaceutical medicines, that is, liquid solutions, tinctures, syrups, mixtures, ointments, liniment. They are mainly based on herbal ingredients.
- Legacy Pharmaceuticals Switzerland, Gmbh (Solkoderm) is part of the Swiss pharmaceutical industry. Today the company positions itself on the world market as a global contract manufacturer of sterile, non-sterile, aseptic products in two forms - powders, liquid solutions. Has been operating since 1947 in Basel, maintaining high quality standards.
- CJSC "Retinoids" (Verrukatsid) is a pharmaceutical research and production enterprise founded in 1991 in Russia. For more than 25 years of painstaking work, more than 12 original medicines have been created. Most of them are for the treatment of skin diseases. The product portfolio includes 12 names of finished forms, as well as 11 substances.
- Feron LLC (Viferon) is a Russian full cycle pharmaceutical company. Antiviral immunomodulating medicines are produced under this brand. They have proved to be a good side in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases.The active ingredient is recombinant interferon alpha-2b. Founded in 1998. Since then, high-tech factories have been established with the latest technology.
- LLC "Ingakamph" (Lapis Pencil) - a domestic company from the city of Manturovo that produces finished medicines, dressings. The company was officially established in 2006. The brand became famous for its pocket inhaler, a pencil for combating warts based on natural ingredients.
- Pharmasprey B.V. for Wartner Europe B.V. (Cryopharma) is a modern pharmaceutical company from the Netherlands. He is engaged in research activities, thanks to which he creates innovative medicines for various fields of medicine. A great contribution has been made to the group of dietary supplements.
Rating of remedies for warts
The choice of a medicine to eliminate warts should be balanced and deliberate. This requires a preliminary consultation with a doctor. In order to simplify the task for an ordinary buyer, the project team analyzed the level of demand in order to select the most purchased drugs, and then evaluated each applicant for a group of criteria:
- Group - necrotizing, keratolytic, antiviral, immunostimulating;
- Release form - ointment, gel, solution, plaster, tablets, spray, oily liquid;
- Composition - active ingredient, additional substances;
- The principle of action is fast, prolonged, irritating, delicate;
- Localization - which part of the body will be treated for neoplasms;
- Origin - natural, synthetic;
- Method of application - topically, internally, systemic treatment;
- Scheme - frequency of procedures, duration of the course;
- Restrictions - by age, health status, individual characteristics;
- The clinical picture is the size of the neoplasms, location, variety;
- Risks - possible adverse reactions to treatment;
- Toxicity - the ability of active ingredients to be absorbed into the blood;
- Sale - by prescription, free.
The review includes only those products for which the price fully corresponds to the quality and effectiveness. All weakly acting, dubious offers on sale were weeded out thanks to the reviews of medical specialists and their patients. Also, based on the collection of this information, the experts identified the advantages and disadvantages of each nominee.
Best remedies for warts in the pharmacy
You can buy medicines for warts in a pharmacy only if a doctor has examined and established a diagnosis. This will allow you to determine which medications will be appropriate and effective - suppressing the virus, stimulating the immune system, keratolytics, necrotizing or cryopreparations. Or you will need a complex use of several at once. The project conducted research, analyzed the proposals on the market, and then added 8 nominees to the top list.
The review opens with a strong immunostimulating agent widely used in the treatment of various acute, chronic viral diseases. Isoprinosine has shown good results in the complex fight against measles, influenza, chickenpox, and infectious mononucleosis. Now he is included in the course against the papilloma virus. Release form - tablets, dosage of one 500 mg. The composition contains molecules of inosine, dimepranolazedobene. Penetrating into the body, they find the virus, suppress its spread, and trigger the increased production of interferon, which is an important component of the immune system. The age limit is from 3 years old. The doctor can prescribe Isoprinosine only after an immunogram, detecting low rates.
- Systemic effect on immunity;
- Stimulation of increased resistance forces;
- Prevention of the spread of the virus, symptoms;
- Childhood admissibility;
- Selling without a prescription from a doctor;
- Good portability.
- Requires concurrent local treatment;
- Price.
The treatment regimen is selected on an individual basis, an adult is prescribed about 8 tablets per day, for children, taking into account body weight. The course lasts 1-2 weeks. Contraindications include urolithiasis, arrhythmia, gout, chronic renal failure, hypersensitivity. Overdose is dangerous for the liver, genitourinary, nervous, and digestive systems.
An effective herbal preparation that quickly suppresses the inflammatory process, and also increases the body's immune forces. It is produced in the form of a gel for external use, which is very convenient. It is based on a natural component - a purified extract of the shoots of the Solcinutn tuberosum plant, a hexose glycoside. It demonstrates good results in the complex treatment of herpes, cytomegalovirus, HPV infection, rheumatoid arthritis, tick-borne encephalitis, influenza or ARVI. Plant polysaccharides stimulate the body to produce interferon, inhibiting the cells of the pathogen. Both therapeutic and prophylactic use are acceptable. The gel is appropriate in pediatrics, in the case of papillomas, it is allowed from 10 months of age.
- Natural composition;
- Lack of toxicity;
- Relief of inflammation;
- Increased immunity;
- Effective against many viruses;
- Economical consumption.
- For the initial stages only;
- Price.
You need to apply the gel in a thin layer up to 5 times a day, but no longer than 5 days. Pregnancy and lactation are relative contraindications. Direct - severe pathologies of the spleen, kidneys, intolerance to the composition and any nightshade plants. There were no cases of any side effects other than allergies.
Salicylic ointment
Salicylic acid is a versatile remedy for most skin blemishes. It is based on salicylic acid, which can soften warts and other growths. But to solve the problem under consideration, it is important to find the maximum concentration - 10%. While pharmacy chains offer 1-2%. It is advisable to resort to the help of an ointment under the supervision of a doctor so as not to get burned in case of an overdose. External use guarantees several effects - antiseptic, irritating, regenerating. In high doses, the dissolution of epidermal cells and their destruction are observed. In this case, the components are not absorbed into the bloodstream. The list of indications includes various skin diseases - acne, seborrhea, psoriasis, eczema, keratomas, warts, calluses. A low concentration is acceptable in pediatrics, from 3% and above - only from the age of 12.
- Softening the epidermis;
- Destruction of the stratum corneum;
- Different concentration to choose from;
- Minimum restrictions;
- Simplicity;
- Cheapness.
- Risks of getting burned;
- Specific smell.
The experience of treating children with such an ointment is not specified in the instructions, so you need to consult a doctor. For adult patients, a small amount of the composition is applied locally to the wart 2-3 times daily.
You can soak a gauze disc, and then attach it to the place, securing it with a plaster. You can do this procedure in the evening and rinse your skin in the morning. Contraindication is component intolerance.
An effective remedy for warts on the hands and other parts of the body, based on several caustic substances. This is copper nitrate, acetic and strong nitric, oxalic and lactic acids. The release form is a liquid colorless solution, only one ampoule in a 0.2 ml package to reduce the risk of overdose. It is important that such strong acids fall exclusively on the wart, but not on the healthy skin area. Otherwise, even tissue necrosis is possible. It is intended for the removal of plantar feet, common warts, genital warts.After being absorbed into the neoplasm, the solution dehydrates it, mummifies it, this is accompanied by a slight burning sensation. The components do not enter the bloodstream, which means they cannot harm the body.
- High-speed performance;
- High activity;
- 100% removal;
- Local impact only;
- No side effects;
- Minimal contraindications.
- Price;
- Ampoule for one procedure only.
Before applying the solution, the area must be disinfected with alcohol several times, this will increase the efficiency of acid burning. Using the applicator, it will be easier to spot the composition. If it works, the skin will darken. You cannot tear off the dried crust, otherwise a scar will remain in this place.
The review continues with a similar remedy for papillomas and warts - Verrukacid with a moxibustion effect. The composition is simple - metacresol, aromatic alcohol phenol. In tandem, they dry, necrotize tissues, coagulate, work as an antiseptic. The list of indications indicates benign neoplasms on the hands, feet, dry calluses, keratomas, etc. The release form is a liquid solution in the form of an oily liquid. It is imperative that it does not get on healthy skin, mucous membranes. In this case, the drug has an exclusively local effect, does not penetrate into the blood, which means that it is safe for internal organs. The age limit is from 7 years old, but in the case of children, the procedure must be carried out by a medical specialist.
- High overall activity;
- Local action;
- Leaves no residue;
- No burning sensation;
- Painlessness;
- Inexpensive.
- Strong smell;
- Slight burning sensation.
With the help of a special applicator, the solution is applied once to small areas, 3-4 times with interruptions for drying (3-5 minutes) in case of large growths. To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, a keratolytic ointment is applied a few hours before. The drug is prohibited during pregnancy, lactation, the presence of pigmented nevi in this place, as well as when the neoplasm grows by 20 cm² or more.
An effective means for removing warts, belonging to the group of antiviral medicines. Available in several forms - suppositories, ointment, gel. But the most in demand is an ointment for local application to areas of skin with defects. The gel is recommended as further prevention of new growths. The active ingredient in the composition is recombinant interferon alpha-2 for humans. It demonstrates activity against viral infections, protozoa, bacteria. Tocopherol acetate is added to it, which works as a powerful antioxidant, increasing the immunomodulatory effect of the ointment. Peach oil saturates the skin with vitamin E, softens, prevents inflammation, and also accelerates regeneration.
- Increased local immunity;
- Antiviral activity;
- Ease of use;
- No contraindications;
- No health risks;
- Allowed for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers.
- Short shelf life;
- Price.
According to the instructions, you need to apply the ointment 2-4 times daily until the growths are completely eliminated. In practice, it has been proven that the composition helps to remove warts within 1 month. There are no contraindications to the drug, since it has no toxic effect. Accordingly, no side effects can occur.
Lapis pencil
A multidisciplinary product that contains the substance lapis. We are talking about silver nitrate with cauterizing properties, as well as bactericidal, anti-inflammatory effects. Most often used in medicine, as a remedy for plantar warts, calluses, corns. Silver nitrate in tandem with potassium nitrate destroys most bacteria, viruses, necrotic tissue. Correct use ensures further HPV prevention.Unlike modern cauterizing drugs, a mild, safe effect is noted here. A burn is possible only with prolonged use. The indications in the instructions are papillomas, warts, cracks and ulcers. Do not use a pencil on the genitals, face, mucous membranes, moles, nevi. Treatment is allowed from 12 years of age.
- Activity against viruses, bacteria;
- Soft action;
- Natural composition;
- The convenience of use;
- Painlessness;
- Inexpensive.
- Does not guarantee 100% result;
- The pencil may break.
The instructions say that before the procedure, the skin must be cleaned, dried, and the tip of the pencil moistened with water. After that, they lubricate the surface of the build-up without contacting healthy skin. These areas should darken in a few hours. After the procedure, a bactericidal plaster is glued on top. You need to do such manipulations 1-2 times a day until the desired result is obtained.
Judging by the reviews, Cryopharm's wart remedy is the best deal on the market. The form of release is an aerosol in a can containing a mixture of propane and demytyl ether. The principle of action is a well-known method of cryotherapy, when a spray is applied to the growth, after which it causes it to freeze the first time. A single procedure guarantees complete elimination of the defect within 1-2 weeks. The set includes 12 applicators with holders for single use. Cryopharm demonstrates high efficiency in the fight against small, medium, old, plantar growths. This treatment has been practiced in pediatrics from the age of 4. It is forbidden to apply Cryopharm on the face, neck, genital area, armpits and where sensitive thin skin is located.
- Effectiveness from the first application;
- Activity at any stage of growths;
- Convenient treatment method;
- Allowed for children;
- The economy of the bottle;
- Portability.
- Price;
- Soreness at first.
How to perform the procedure correctly depends largely on the size of the build-up. If the diameter is less than 2.5 mm, nitrogen is exposed for no longer than 10 seconds, if 2.5-5 mm - 15 seconds, more than this size - up to 20 seconds.
It is imperative to follow all safety precautions so as not to damage healthy skin. Contraindications are pregnancy, lactation, diabetes mellitus.
The best folk remedies for warts
If most pharmaceuticals are contraindicated or unavailable for any reason, you can resort to using alternative methods - folk recipes. Most often we are talking about special lotions, compresses with a corrosive, softening, burning principle of action. The project team conducted research, studied the opinions of doctors, patient reviews. The result of home procedures is guaranteed by 2 products - celandine, dry ice.
A common plant in Russia, widely used in phyto-therapy for many diseases. The stems contain orange juice, which can be used to treat various neoplasms. An extract is prepared from it for alcohol, an oily solution, an ointment with the addition of petroleum jelly, or used in pure form. The juice contains alkaloids, they painlessly burn out unhealthy tissues of the epidermis. Celandine for warts is not recommended in the case of treating children, for their skin the plant is poisonous.
- Availability;
- Painlessness;
- Proven effectiveness;
- Ease of use;
- Various recipes to choose from.
- Forbidden for children;
- Harmful to delicate, thin skin.
The easiest way to remove growths is to apply pure juice from the stem of celandine as close to the root as possible. You can grind the plant with a blender, then squeeze the juice with gauze. Side effects can be burns, skin inflammations, allergic reactions, scars at the site of burning.
Dry ice
An alternative to Cryopharm can be the use of dry ice for freezing. A piece of dry ice works on the principle of liquid nitrogen - it is applied to the neoplasm, leads to tissue necrosis, their gradual necrosis. The technique is dangerous, in many cases prohibited, but demonstrates high efficiency. At first, edema and signs of inflammation may occur on the treated area. But with repeated use of dry ice, the warts will disappear. As for the child, his skin is too delicate, so such methods can lead to the appearance of scars.
- Effective against flat warts;
- Availability;
- Proven effectiveness;
- High-speed performance;
- No costs involved.
- Soreness;
- Forbidden to children.
The removal rules are simple - an ice pack is applied to the neoplasm, held until severe pain occurs. After a few hours, the color should change at this place, and the skin should begin to peel off. Such manipulations will have to be done up to 5-6 times per day, with intervals of 2-3 hours.
What is the best remedy for warts
All of the presented pharmaceutical and folk remedies show good results in the treatment of warts. Therefore, the question arises, which one to choose to buy and use for its intended purpose? The main condition is a doctor's consultation, a correct diagnosis. The rating compiled by based on an analysis of the pros and cons of the nominees recommends the following:
- Isoprinosine is a systemic drug for enhancing immunity against viruses;
- Solkoderm - powerful fast action with 100% removal of growths;
- Panavir is a plant immunomodulator for inhibiting HPV activity;
- Verrukacid - high overall activity, efficiency along with safety;
- Cryopharma is a modern mild drug against any stage of warts;
- Celandine is the best folk remedy for home removal of neoplasms.
Despite the fact that warts do not cause significant discomfort, modern medicine recommends their treatment. For this, many effective techniques have been identified - softening, suppression of viral activity, moxibustion, freezing. It is important to make the right choice in order to remove defects, not aggravate the situation, and also not injure the skin.