The best remedies for cystitis
Cystitis is considered to be an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder, which makes the urge to urinate more frequent, and it becomes painful. If you do not cope with this condition in time, the disease will quickly spill over into a chronic form. Therefore, women are quickly looking for the best remedies for cystitis, which can prevent complications, eliminate the root cause. Many different drugs can be seen on sale. Based on the opinions of doctors, women's reviews, the pros and cons of drugs, a rating of 2024 was compiled, presenting the most effective antibiotics, herbal remedies for the treatment of cystitis.

Remedy for cystitis which company is better to choose
How to get rid of cystitis quickly and without complications has been studied for many years by both large world-famous pharmaceutical corporations and relatively young, but promising companies. This raises the question, which manufacturer can be trusted with your health? The presented rating from doctors of medicine is ready to name the leading leaders:
- Zambon (Monural) is a chemical pharmaceutical company founded in Italy back in 1906. Today it has a reputation for being an inventive and innovative company focused exclusively on improving the quality of human life. By expanding production, it has become a multinational company operating in more than 16 countries around the world.
- Olainfarm (Furadonin, Furamag) is a joint stock company founded in Latvia over 45 years ago. The company's portfolio contains 60 names of finished dosage forms for the nervous system, blood vessels, heart, antiviral, antiallergic, antibacterial action.
- Anzhero-Sudzhensky KhFZ (Nitroxoline) is a domestic manufacturer of medicinal products, which today is called Avexima OJSC since 2011. The full working cycle is carried out in 3 directions: development, production, sale of drugs. Future goals are to expand the product portfolio with innovative means.
- Lyka Labs Limited (Safocid) is an Indian pharmaceutical company founded in 1976. The work takes place in a full cycle, carrying out the technological process from the development of the formula to the packaging of drugs. The products are presented in the form of injectable, oral forms, as well as syrups, ointments. Laika Labs Limited is famous for its anabolic steroids.
- Himalaya herbals (Cyston) - founded in 1930 in India. Initially, the activity was aimed at creating health cosmetics based on Ayurvedic knowledge. Today Himalaya is the flagship of Ayurvedic natural remedies, sold in over 90 countries.
- Galichpharm (Urolesan) is a Ukrainian company that is part of the Arterium corporation. Has a GMP certificate for the production of tablet form preparations. In the market of the former CIS countries, it is the leader in the production of phytochemical substances containing plant extracts.
- Bionorica CE (Kanefron N) is a German company representing natural herbal preparations with scientifically proven efficacy. The composition is the result of painstaking laboratory research, after which an effective combination of plant substances is revealed. 3 terms define the company - safety, naturalness, efficiency.
- Medana Pharma (Fitolizin) is a pharmaceutical company from Poland, founded in 1935. Finished products are widely used in cardiology, neurology, gastroenterology. Almost all preparations consist of plant extracts and are available without a prescription. In its country, it is a leader in the production of vitamins, production in pediatrics.
- I.I.T. S.r.L (Monurel) is an Italian manufacturer that is not yet well known in the domestic pharmacological market. Under its name, you can see drugs such as the herbal remedy Monurel, Regidron for the treatment of poisoning, the laxative Endofalk, etc.
Rating of remedies for cystitis
After the leading pharmaceutical companies have been named, it is worth identifying the criteria by which the best remedies for cystitis were determined. To begin with, the type of causative agent of the disease is diagnosed, and already taking this fact into account, an effective drug is selected to eliminate it. Before getting into the rating, the presented nominees were tested for the following parameters:
- Composition: synthetic or vegetable;
- Effectiveness against the pathogen;
- Release form, frequency of admission;
- Individual intolerance;
- Possible side effects;
- The effect of the drug on concomitant diseases.
An equally important criterion is the price, its ratio to quality. The assessment of the effectiveness of each nominee was influenced by the reviews of women who, from personal experience, were convinced of the effectiveness of therapy. This helped to weed out the funds, which demonstrated low effectiveness, high risks of side effects.
The best antibiotics for cystitis
The key to a quick recovery is the right drug. If the cause is damage to the bladder mucosa by pathogenic bacteria, doctors prescribe antibacterial agents. After the type of pathogen has been determined, one can unequivocally say which antibiotics to take for cystitis. After testing, recommendations from urologists and gynecologists, and based on patient feedback, the fastest, safest tablets were determined.
Treatment of acute cystitis will be successful with the popular antibiotic from the Italian manufacturer Monural. After taking the first pill, the result will be noticeable. And only in difficult situations, doctors advise to continue therapy. The active substance accumulates in the urine, suppressing pathogenic bacteria with its concentration. The manufacturer offers several forms - powder, granules, suspension. A distinctive feature is the fact that Monural is prescribed even during pregnancy, and this indicates its safety.
- Powerful antiseptic effect;
- Several forms of release;
- Rapid elimination of symptoms;
- Effectiveness in acute attacks;
- One-time reception;
- Safety of admission during pregnancy, lactation.
- Does not cure chronic cystitis;
- Requires re-admission in case of recurrent infection.
The drug is approved for children aged 5 years and older. Most women resort to this antibiotic, since it is less toxic, and one dose is enough to destroy pathogenic microflora in the bladder. Judging by the reviews, the Monural cystitis remedy works in about 3 hours.
Furadonin, which belongs to the group of nitrofurans, guarantees fast treatment for cystitis. It is specifically designed to fight urinary tract infections. The constituent substances destroy most gram-positive / gram-negative bacteria. Unlike most drugs of this profile, Furadonin is allowed for children from 1 month of age. And this indicates a low toxicity, low likelihood of side effects.
- No age restrictions;
- A wide range of effects;
- Low level of toxicity;
- Fast action;
- Application for all forms, stages of infection.
- Possible development of resistance of microorganisms;
- Risks of developing side effects.
Doctors emphasize that it is important to take the pills strictly according to the instructions, without interrupting the course, otherwise pathogenic bacteria will develop immunity to the active substance.
Women in the reviews write that relief comes on the second day of admission. Rarely, symptoms such as nausea and dizziness may occur.
If gram-positive / gram-negative organisms are involved in the bladder, causing an infection, your doctor may prescribe Nitroxoline. Derived from eight-hydroxyquinoline, the drug also helps eliminate germs and fungi. To achieve a result, the tablets are taken on drink in a course, it can last a maximum of 21 days, depending on the form of cystitis. The allowed age of a child is 3 years and older.
- Low price;
- Broad spectrum of action against bacteria, microbes, fungi;
- The convenience of use;
- Rapid elimination of symptoms;
- Treats acute, chronic form.
- The presence of contraindications, side effects;
- One package may not be enough for the entire course of treatment.
If we are talking about an acute form of the disease, take up to 8 tablets on the first day in order to suppress the reproduction of pathogenic microflora. In this case, 5 days of taking Nitroxoline is enough. The chronic course requires up to 21 days of therapy in a different scenario. Patients rarely complain of side effects, unless they deviate from the prescribed dosages in the instructions.
Rapid-acting antibiotics include another name on their list - Furamag. It comes in the form of yellow capsules for oral administration. Its active ingredient furazidin is highly effective against even those microorganisms that are resistant to most antibiotics. The course of treatment usually does not exceed 7 days; for children, the dosage is calculated taking into account body weight.
- High efficiency;
- Rare development of microorganism resistance;
- Long-term intake of capsules;
- Rare cases of side effects;
- European quality.
- Bitter taste;
- Symptoms of peripheral nerve damage with a long course.
If, according to the doctor's testimony, such capsules will need to be taken much longer than the standard course, it is recommended to simultaneously support the body with vitamins of group B. Restrictions to Furamag are modest - children's age, individual intolerance, pregnancy.
The list of antibiotics for cystitis in women is completed by the combined preparation of Indian production Safocid. The composition contains the antifungal component fluconazole, the antibacterial agent azithromycin, and the antimicrobial antiparasitic agent secnidazole. Accordingly, the spectrum of action here is as wide as possible - any urological / gynecological diseases, sexually transmitted diseases. With an exacerbation, they drink 4 tablets at once at once, this is the end of the course of treatment.
- Powerful combined action;
- Single use;
- Combating STDs;
- Excellent sanitation;
- The minimum number of tablets.
- Large tablet size, difficulty swallowing;
- Possible side effects
Judging by the reviews, Safocin is an ambulance for any stage of infection of the genitourinary system. Doctors approve of a wide spectrum of action, composition, but emphasize that tablets can be difficult for the digestive tract, which leads to nausea, diarrhea, and pain in the stomach.
The best herbal remedies for cystitis
If the disease proceeds without severe complications, severe symptoms, and there is no urgent need for antibiotics, doctors prescribe natural herbal medicines. Their distinctive feature is exclusively herbal composition, the absence of strict contraindications, and low toxicity.The experts selected the best cystitis remedies from this category, which received the highest marks from doctors and patients.
The herbal combined preparation Cyston will help to quickly restore the normal microflora of the bladder and ducts. Release form - brownish tablets. The most active plants in the composition are extracts of saxifrage, bicarp, strawflower, madder and scarlet saturation. All of them have a diuretic, antispasmodic effect with suppression of the inflammatory process. After application, the activation of diuresis is noted, which causes the removal of sand, small calculi from the organs of the urinary system. For some pathogenic microorganisms, herbs work like herbal antibiotics.
- Herbal natural composition;
- Permission for admission during pregnancy, GV;
- Prevention of stones;
- Positive dynamics after treatment;
- Wide range of effects.
- Great admission rate;
- Price.
In an acute course with severe symptoms, Cyston alone may not be enough. Complex treatment prescribed by a doctor can help with the disease. The phytopreparation has proven itself well as prevention of stones, cystitis, and other inflammations of the urinary system. For maximum results, the tablets are taken for 3-4 months, since the herbal composition assumes a cumulative effect.
A good remedy for the prevention and maintenance therapy of bladder inflammation is Ukrainian-made Urolesan. Available in the form of drops, capsules. The composition is rich in various herbal ingredients, including mint oil with antimicrobial action, wild carrots with a diuretic effect and stone prevention, natural antiseptic oregano and hop cones, anti-inflammatory fir oil. Together with antibacterial therapy, Urolesan enhances its effectiveness.
- High efficiency;
- OTC sale;
- Low price;
- A minimum of contraindications;
- Low likelihood of side effects;
- Prevention of stone disease.
- Bitter taste;
- Long course of admission.
To obtain the maximum therapeutic result, the herbal composition must be taken longer than the medications from the previous category. Many women in the reviews note the bitter unpleasant taste of mint and fir. Frequent urination is a common side effect.
Kanephron N
A popular herbal remedy for bladder inflammation for women - Kanefron N. Available in the form of drops, pills. Active ingredients with a pronounced therapeutic effect are rosemary leaves, yarrow roots, lovage. Correct application guarantees the elimination of pain, cuts. Can be used to prevent subsequent relapses.
- Herbal natural composition;
- Good efficiency;
- Rapid onset of relief;
- No contraindications;
- Low likelihood of side effects;
- Pregnancy tolerance, GV;
- Small size of pills, easy to swallow.
- Requires a long intake for several months in a row;
- High price.
Doctors recommend taking Canephron N with food in order to enhance the absorption of the components. Even after you feel better, the course should not be interrupted.
Of all the herbal remedies, Canephron N has the maximum number of reviews, since it has been on sale since 1934.
Plant Phytolysin is available in 3 forms at once - capsules, dietary supplements capsules, paste. Severe forms of the disease are accompanied by complex therapy, where this herbal collection acts as a restorative agent. It is also appropriate for the prevention of inflammation of the genitourinary system, the treatment of chronic cystitis. Sometimes it is used in the prevention, treatment of urolithiasis.Onion, wheatgrass rhizomes serve as an antibiotic, bird knotweed will be anti-inflammatory, horsetail increases urine output, parsley disinfects. It is worth taking from 14 to 45 days, depending on the instructions of the doctor.
- Natural ingredients;
- Rich herbal composition;
- Prevention, complex treatment, recovery;
- Cleansing effect;
- Convenient release forms.
- Bad smell, taste;
- Price.
Reviews of Fiolizin are mostly positive. They write that the herbal composition helps to suppress inflammation at the initial stage, to prevent relapses of the chronic form. Doctors favor stone prevention. Some people notice a decrease in appetite, an improvement in general well-being after the end of the course. Negative opinions are more related to the specific taste, smell of the paste.
A modern herbal preparation containing cranberry fruit extract, ascorbic acid. Thanks to the unique formula, taking Monurel guarantees antimicrobial, immunostimulating, diuretic effect. The indications are the initial or chronic form of cystitis. Despite the natural composition, there are contraindications to Monurel, since we are talking about acidic cranberries and ascorbic acid.
- European quality;
- Release form - dietary supplements tablets;
- Lack of toxicity;
- Immunostimulating action;
- Convenient reception.
- Stomach irritation;
- Difficult accessibility.
This is a relatively new drug of Italian origin. Finding it in a pharmacy is not easy. It is better to use it in combination with other medicines, as it independently works only for the prevention and maintenance of health.
Which remedy for cystitis is better to buy
The presented best medicines for cystitis have their own characteristics, pros and cons. For the treatment to be successful, it is important to consult a doctor, determine the causative agent of the infection. It is difficult to unambiguously choose the best remedy for cystitis in women, but the following conclusions of the review can be drawn:
- The highest quality fast-acting antibiotic - Monural;
- The most effective powerful antibiotic against any pathogen is Safocid;
- The best remedy for the treatment of chronic cystitis, its prevention is Kanephron N;
- The best ratio of quality and price - Furadonin.
Thanks to the presented rating, it is possible to simplify the choice of an inexpensive but effective medicine against cystitis for women. But first, you should consult with your doctor to determine the etiology of the disease, an acceptable group of drugs for treatment. Before buying a medicine, it is also important to rely on the indications, contraindications.