The best remedies for herpes
Herpes is not only unaesthetic, but also a dangerous viral disease that often affects the lips. In the absence of prompt, adequate and effective treatment, the problem can spread further. To avoid this, it is recommended to use local drugs to suppress the activity of the infectious agent and eliminate the consequences of its attack. The best herpes remedies are collected in this rating, which includes ointments, oils, creams, lipsticks. TOP is compiled based on customer reviews and test results.

Herpes remedies rating
In total, we studied reviews of 30 products, among which 8 anti-herpes remedies were included in this rating based on versatility, safety, effectiveness and ease of use, optimal price-quality ratio.
Here's what we paid attention to when preparing the TOP:
- Type - tablets, ointment, cream, oil, pomade;
- Volume - the number of tablets or the capacity of the tube;
- Lack of a pungent odor;
- Absorption rate (for liquid forms of release);
- Optimal reception frequency;
- Duration of treatment;
- Naturalness of the composition;
- Consistency;
- Consumption rate and economy of funds;
- Number of side effects;
- Interaction with other drugs;
- Focused on sensitive skin.
Also, when analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of herpes remedies, we paid attention to their manufacturers, availability in pharmacies, prescription or non-prescription.
Herpes ointment
The purpose of using such funds is to soften the affected area, eliminate cracks, bleeding, painful sensations and restore mucous membranes.
A remedy based on acyclovir, which suppresses the activity of the virus at the local level. It dries out the formation, and also promotes the rapid restoration of the skin and mucous membranes. The drug is suitable for both herpes simplex and genital. Acyclovir is sold in a 10 ml tube and has a normal consistency.
Acyclovir has proven itself well both at the beginning of the development of the disease and during its progression. The strong point of the product is a small number of contraindications and rare side effects. Only sometimes there is a slight irritation of the mucous membranes. With prolonged use, peeling may occur in some areas.
The active ingredient in this remedy for herpes on the lips is acyclovir, a substance with a pronounced antiviral effect. Its concentration is within 5%, which provides a quick and strong action. Among the additional components there is nothing dangerous - these are water, fat, emulsifier, oils. However, due to the latter, the product is fatty.
- Does not stain clothes;
- For treatment, 5-10 days are enough;
- The course can be repeated without a long break;
- Sold in pharmacies without a prescription;
- Enough for a long time.
- With prolonged use, allergic reactions are possible;
- Must be used 5 times a day;
- Cannot be used during pregnancy and lactation.
In the reviews they complain that Acyclovir ointment is inconvenient to use due to the need to control kidney function, the level of urea and creatinine in the blood plasma.
Oxolinic ointment
Oxolin is produced in Russia by the Nizhpharm company and is made on the basis of dioxotetrahydroxytetrahydronaphthalene with high bioavailability. This substance quickly and fully penetrates the skin, eliminating the crust on the mucous membranes in 1-2 courses.
The ointment can be bought in a tube of 10 and 25 g. The composition is consumed sparingly due to its thick consistency and effective absorption. Before using it, you need to consult a doctor, although Oxolin is sold without a prescription. It is devoid of a long list of contraindications, among which there is only hypersensitivity to the components.
The drug is applied externally - it is applied to the affected areas up to 3 times a day. The course of treatment ranges from 2 weeks to 3 months, depending on the condition of the mucous membranes. After lubricating problem areas, it is recommended to apply wax paper on top for more effective suction.
- Does not affect vehicle driving;
- For successful treatment, it is enough to apply 1-2 times a day;
- No unpleasant odor;
- Good consistency.
- Not always in pharmacies;
- Children are prescribed with caution.
Tetraxoline is used as an active substance in the drug, which makes the remedy effective for all types of herpes. It is supplemented with a softening vaseline oil.
Tetracycline ointment
This remedy is popular due to its broad spectrum of action. It is active against almost all gram-positive microorganisms and is suitable not only for treating herpes, but also for eliminating acne on the face. It can be used by everyone except children under 11.
The Tetracycline ointment is characterized by an optimal consistency, which allows you to economically use the composition. On average, a 15 g tube is enough for 2 weeks. Complications during treatment almost never arise, with the exception of slight skin hyperemia and burning.
- Can be stored up to 3 years from the date of production;
- Adequate smell;
- Good consistency;
- There are no harmful components in the composition;
- Leaves no marks on clothes.
- Not found.
To enhance the effect of Tetracycline Ointment, it is not recommended to expose the treated area to water.
Herpes pills
The need to take oral medications arises if the body cannot cope with herpes infection on its own. On average, the course lasts from 2 to 4 weeks. We studied feedback on 10 applicants and selected 3 winners.
A cheap remedy for complex use, which helps to eliminate the disease and prevents the appearance of new lesions. The drug reduces pain and reduces the likelihood of cutaneous dissemination. It also has an immunostimulating effect, which speeds up treatment.
Acyclovir is universal and is prescribed for adult patients with herpes of any type, both genital and labial. In addition, it deals with cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus, but acts selectively. The package sells 20 tablets, but this is not enough for the course. They are small in size and easy to swallow.
- A high concentration of the active ingredient acyclovir - 200 mg;
- Interact well with other drugs;
- They split perfectly;
- Side effects are rare;
- Not a very long course of admission - about 5 days.
- Not suitable for nursing mothers;
- Hypersensitivity to individual components is quite common;
- Do not give to children under 3 years old;
- Available by prescription.
The quick remedy for herpes "Acyclovir" is prescribed with caution for neurological disorders, dehydration, renal failure, which it can aggravate.
The drug has shown itself well in the treatment of neglected common and genital herpes. The tablets contain 500 mg of valacyclovir, which explains their fast and effective action.However, to completely eliminate external manifestations, it is necessary to take Valtrex for about a week.
Valtrex should be drunk 2-3 times a day, before meals or during meals. During this period, it is recommended to increase the amount of fluid consumed, especially for the elderly. If necessary, you can save money and buy 42 tablets at once, although packs of 10 are also available.
The tablets are carefully applied during pregnancy and lactation, as well as by children. In this case, it is important to consult with your doctor before starting the course. They have a number of contraindications - starting with hypersensitivity to components and ending with renal failure, so you need to carefully read the instructions.
- Safe composition;
- Fast effect;
- There are no strict admission restrictions;
- Tolerant taste;
- Dissolve quickly in the stomach.
- Often causes mild nausea;
- Need a prescription to buy.
The drug must be stored within 3 years from the date of production at a temperature not exceeding +30 degrees.
Herpes Creams
Unlike an ointment, a cream is not a drug, but a cosmetic. Its use does not require mandatory consultation with a doctor, except in cases of pregnancy and lactation. These products have a medium consistency, are easy to apply and are easily absorbed into the skin. The team has selected from 6 participants one of the best remedies for herpes on the lips - effective, safe and fast.
Acyclovir Belupo
A low-cost, topical drug. It comes in the form of a cream for the treatment of chickenpox, shingles, herpes 1 and 2 types. Its effectiveness is ensured by a high concentration of the active substance acyclovir - 50 g (5%). The product can be used by persons over 18 years of age.
It is characterized by antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. The composition has a not very thick consistency and a homogeneous texture, therefore it is easy to apply and lies on the skin without problems. The composition is quickly absorbed and leaves no residue. The tube sells 5 g, which are economically consumed.
Acyclovir Belupo has a safe formula that includes water, mineral oil, propylene glycol, and alcohol. The cream is suitable for all skin types, you need to be careful only when its sensitivity to the active substance is increased. It also requires monitoring of treatment during pregnancy, lactation and renal failure.
- Can be spread with fingers or swab;
- Treatment is stopped already when bubbles appear at the wound site;
- The maximum course duration is 10 days;
- Low likelihood of adverse reactions;
- High activity against the virus.
- Must be applied every 4 hours;
- It is required to process the areas bordering on herpes.
In general, the drug is considered safe. To date, no cases of overdose have been identified, and the risk of side effects, if used correctly, is reduced to almost zero. When combined with immunostimulants, the benefits of the drug are enhanced.
Herpes oils
Such funds, with the exception of essential ones, are very useful in violation of the integrity of the skin or mucous membranes of the genital organs, with bleeding and painful sensations. They moisturize the damaged surface and fight tissue irritation. We have selected 10 options and of them, based on their striking effect, safety and ease of use, we have chosen two.
Hemani Tea Tree Oil
A natural remedy for the treatment of cold sores that gently acts on the crust and helps to eliminate it. Such results are possible due to anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antiseptic effects. Thanks to the use of oil, itching and allergies disappear, which quite often occur with herpes lesions of the skin and mucous membranes.
Since Hemani is an essential oil, it is not recommended to use it in case of tissue damage, otherwise there will be a burning and tingling sensation. The herpes remedy comes in a convenient 30 ml bottle and can be applied either with your fingers or with a swab.
- Nice smell;
- Almost complete absence of contraindications;
- Expiration date - up to 3 years from the date of issue;
- Long enough;
- Widely distributed in pharmacies.
- Oily, so after use, wipe the skin with a clean cloth.
Sea buckthorn oil Altai premium
In principle, this oil is similar to sea buckthorn oil, but it costs less. It is characterized by a strong moisturizing effect, which helps to prevent lip chapping and soreness. Thanks to this, the crust passes faster and the affected area is restored without problems, without leaving a scar.
The results of treatment can be noticed not earlier than 1-2 weeks after the start of the course. For this, the surface affected by herpes must be treated 2-3 times a day with a tampon. The full course is 3-4 weeks. In the future, the tool can be used as a prophylactic.
- Nice smell;
- Versatility;
- Does not require a doctor's appointment;
- Eliminates local painful sensations;
- Prevents lips from chapping.
- Liquid, therefore spreads over the surface;
- It is quickly absorbed into the wipe when applied to the skin.
Which herpes remedy is better
If you are worried about genital herpes, it is not recommended to buy essential oils that can cause a burning sensation, it is better to pay attention to ointments. In case of severe damage, only external agents will not be enough, pills will be needed. If you are concerned about soreness due to cracking of the skin, oils can be used.
To suppress the activity of herpes infection, you will need to undergo a course of antiviral drugs that will help the body cope with it faster. Otherwise, it is impossible to guarantee 100% protection against recurrence of the disease in the future.
Here are what creams, oils, tablets and ointments for herpes are more effective, depending on the purpose of use:
- With the genital type of the disease with herpes, the Acyclovir ointment does an excellent job.
- If your skin is sensitive, you should pay attention to Oxolinic ointment.
- For painful sensations and bleeding, tetracycline ointment is useful.
- In case of neglect of the disease, you will need to take a course of "Acyclovir" tablets.
- Valtrex is suitable for oral administration by children with a low likelihood of developing adverse reactions.
- From budget creams for topical use, Acyclovir Belupo is recommended, which is active against herpes types 1 and 2.
- If, in addition, allergies are worried, then you should pay attention to Hemani tea tree oil.
- With an extensive crust, the "Altai" sea buckthorn oil with moisturizing properties is relevant.
- In case of severe rashes on the lips and violation of their integrity, anti-Herpes lipstick with regenerating properties is useful.
- To soften the skin with increased dryness, Belweder Phytosterol stick is suitable.
When choosing a suitable drug, you must first decide on its type and stage of development of the disease. If it is neglected, in addition to external remedies for herpes on the lips, antiviral drugs will be needed.