Best lactation pills
As soon as a woman becomes a mother, she has a huge responsibility for the life and health of the baby. One of the important topics is the rules for breastfeeding a baby. The World Health Organization recommends giving up artificial nutrition, giving preference to mother's milk. But due to genetics, stressful situations and other unfavorable factors, it may come in insufficient quantities. In search of a solution, moms are looking in pharmacies for the best lactation pills that increase secretion production. The choice is large, so it is difficult to determine your preferences. An expert rating of 2024, advice from medical specialists, as well as real customer reviews will help narrow the search circle, as well as suggest evaluation criteria.

Which company is better to choose lactation tablets
The first selection criterion for a competent buyer is the country and the company producing the goods. Based on this information, one can already judge in absentia about the quality, useful properties and safety of the assortment on sale. Many domestic and foreign brands are engaged in the production of drugs for young mothers. Based on indicators of demand, demand, as well as consumer feedback, the best lactation pills from the following companies were included in the rating:
- JSC "Grindeks" (Apilak) is a vertically integrated pharmaceutical company founded in 1991 in the Baltic States. The concern includes 5 large companies from Slovakia, Latvia, Estonia. Representative offices operate in 13 countries of the world, and products are exported to more than 70 countries. The assortment is presented in the form of high-quality generics, original drugs.
- LLC "NPF Materia Medica Holding" (Mlekoin) is one of the largest Russian pharmaceutical companies that has been operating since 1992. Included in the top 5 Russian companies in the domestic market. The portfolio includes more than 20 recognizable brands, more than 20 brands go on sale abroad. The company's activities are approved by multiple patents.
- LLC "Leovit Nutrio" (Lactogon) is a company specializing in the production of healthy products from natural ingredients for instant preparation. Since its founding in 1999, it has been listed as one of the largest providers of health and wellness food for improving quality of life.
- InfaPrim (Femilak) is a Russian company engaged in the creation of high-quality functional food for children and adults. The priority area of work today is the development of the industry of specialized and medical nutrition for children in the domestic market. The assortment includes over 130 types of goods, including dry mixtures for pregnant women and women who have given birth with vitamin and mineral supplements.
- Vitaprom (Milky Way) is a Russian company that produces healthy food products. Over 15 years of experience, during this time innovative natural products that are available to everyone have appeared on the domestic market. Among them is a line of products for pregnant women, young mothers, enriched with vital vitamins.
- Alarsin (Leptaden) is a leading Ayurvedic company on the market today, operating since 1947.In its activities, the company uses only patented original medicinal formulas of systemic action on the body. Regular clinical trials confirm the effectiveness and safety of products. All developments are carried out in our own R&D center Manthan.
Rating of pills for lactation
The minimum recommended period for how much you need to breastfeed is 6 months, the maximum is up to 2 years. To improve lactation, it is customary to use natural or medicinal products. On sale you can see medicines for correcting the diet, dietary supplements, products with lactogenic additives, teas, drinks and juices, homeopathic medicines. When choosing the nominees for the review, the experts assessed each for a group of criteria:
- Group - homeopathy, dietary supplements, multivitamin complex, teas, hormonal tablets;
- Composition - active ingredients, useful additives;
- Principle of action - useful properties, systemic, temporary, cumulative effect;
- Result - performance, duration of effect preservation;
- Indications - age, purpose of use;
- Restrictions - contraindications for admission;
- Risks - what side effects may occur;
- Application - rules of admission, dosage, course duration;
- Vacation - prescription or free sale.
The rating includes only those products that have undergone repeated clinical studies, tests, in fact, confirming their effectiveness and safety for the health of mothers and babies. All of them really affect the process of milk formation in varying degrees, rates. Real reviews from experienced mothers identified the advantages, disadvantages of each drug in the top list.
The best pills to increase lactation
Your doctor should be the main guide on how to choose good lactation pills. The expert rating is designed to narrow the range of search, to suggest in advance all the strengths and weaknesses of different offers on the market. Experts at had several dozen in-demand products for consideration, but the opinions of doctors, the percentage of approving customer reviews were determined by the 6 best tablets to enhance milk formation.
Homeopathic remedy for general strengthening action, consisting exclusively of natural ingredients. The main ingredient is royal milk, which acts as a natural immunomodulator. In this case, it is a valuable source of fats, proteins, sugar, mineral salts, 20 amino acids, hormones, trace elements and vitamins. Clinical studies have confirmed that the substance simulates metabolic processes, improves metabolism. Fatty acids and enzymes have lactogenic properties. Glucose acts as a source of energy. Indications for Apilak lactation tablets are the recovery period after stress or past illness, neurotic disorders, insufficient production of breast milk, arterial hypotension.
- Natural immunomodulator;
- A wide range of therapeutic actions;
- General strengthening effect;
- Natural base;
- Positive effect on the child's body;
- Inexpensive.
- Allergy risks;
- Dietary supplement.
Tablets are taken within 10-15 days, 3-4 pieces daily. It is not recommended to take Apilak in case of individual intolerance to the components in the composition, any other beekeeping products. Insufficient functionality of the adrenal cortex is also considered a contraindication. Of the side effects, only allergy symptoms and sleep disturbances are possible.
Another natural homeopathic preparation. There are several active components in the composition. These are meadow lumbago, agnus-cactus, stinging nettle. Handicap release - small granules for oral administration.The first substance acts as a natural sedative, diuretic, analgesic effect, which helps to cope with an unstable psychological state. Nettle normalizes the functioning of the reproductive system, improves blood formation, and prevents urolithiasis. And the agnus cactus normalizes hormones. Clinical trials have shown the drug's ability to contract the uterus and stimulate milk production. There are several indications - insufficient milk secretion, desire to prolong feeding, prevention of mastitis.
- Increase in milk by 40-50%;
- Vegetable composition;
- A large list of therapeutic properties;
- Prevention of stones, mastitis;
- Ease of use;
- Inexpensive.
- Allergy risks;
- Inconvenient packaging.
You can take Mlekoin throughout the entire feeding period from 1-2 to 4-6 granules per day (depending on the specifics of the situation) by their resorption.
Contraindication indicated only individual intolerance to the components in the composition. Against this background, allergic symptoms may occur.
These tablets for increasing lactation are classified as dietary supplements in composition and principle of action. The composition is completely natural, and there are 2 forms of release - tablets or tea. Carrot extract is recognized as a natural lactogone, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, teeth, nails. It is supplemented with royal jelly with a pronounced anti-stress effect, ginger and nettle with immunomodulatory properties, dill to eliminate colic in a baby, oregano with analgesic sedative functions. It was possible to enhance the therapeutic potential of the drug due to the inclusion of potassium iodide in the composition, which affects the functioning of the thyroid gland, as well as vitamin C, which is an antioxidant. Indications for admission - lack of milk, prolongation of the period of breastfeeding, general strengthening of the mother's health.
- Positive effect on the entire body;
- Natural composition;
- Fast results;
- Iodine, vitamin C as a supplement;
- Pleasant taste.
- Uneconomic expense, price;
- Contraindications, risks of side effects.
You need to take the tablet form during meals 3-4 times throughout the month. Contraindications are intolerance to components, diabetes mellitus, pregnancy, serious thyroid pathology. Failure to comply with the instructions threatens allergic reactions, complications of existing diseases.
The fundamental difference from the previous nominees is the form of release, namely a dry mixture for dissolving in food or drinks. Thus, a nursing mother will saturate her body with the necessary resources. As a result, a milk drink should be obtained, which contains dry dairy products, vegetable oils (soybean, corn, palm, coconut), a complex of 13 vitamins, 12 minerals. The product is intended for women during pregnancy, after childbirth, as well as for maintaining normal health. The most important components for the formation of the fetus and the development of the newborn are folic acid, calcium, iron.
- Rich composition;
- Natural base;
- Simple application method;
- Pleasant taste;
- Nutrition of the body with a vitamin and mineral complex;
- Minimal risks of side effects.
- Fast consumption;
- Flavors in the composition.
The method of preparation is simple, a tablespoon of powder is diluted in one glass of water, and then immediately drunk. It will be enough once a day. The only contraindication is the individual intolerance to the components in the composition. Against this background, there is a likelihood of developing appropriate reactions.
Milky Way
The review continues with another milk powder formula for mothers, designed to enhance milk production.It also presents a balanced formula of vitamins, minerals, proteins to maintain health, replenish the body's resources. They are supplemented with galega herb extract, which has been used for many years in folk medicine during breastfeeding. The formula works on several fronts - it accelerates the production of milk, supports this process during periods of stress, prevents disruption of the mammary glands, and increases the nutritional properties of mother's milk. The product is fat-free, which is important for the figure of a young mother. The result will be noticeable within a few days of using the Milky Way.
- High-speed performance;
- Rich formula with herbal supplements;
- Saturation of breast milk with nutritional value;
- Ease of use;
- Good solubility;
- Inexpensive.
- Specific smell, taste;
- Flimsy cardboard box.
It is simple to prepare the product, for this, a measuring spoon of the mixture is dissolved in half a glass of warm water, Instead of water, you can use milk, kefir, juice. The course lasts from 2 weeks or more, you can drink a cocktail up to 4 times a day. The only contraindication is the intolerance of the composition, which is why the resulting side symptoms are possible.
The review concludes with an effective tablet formulation designed to stabilize or activate breast milk production in a woman who has given birth. There are several active components in the composition - breinium grass, net leptadenia. Both plants have in fact demonstrated high lactogenic properties. Leptadenia also maintains the vitality of the whole organism, and brainium fights inflammation of any genesis. Absolutely safe for the health of women and children, the composition saturates milk with fats, proteins, calcium, does not allow it to stagnate or burn out with a long absence of expression. Available in the form of a dietary supplement, one package contains 50 capsules for oral administration. The effect is detected quite quickly, and after the cancellation of the reception, it persists for some time.
- Natural composition;
- Hypoallergenic;
- Convenient packaging;
- High-speed performance;
- Simple way of taking;
- Inexpensive.
- Course admission is required;
- There are fakes.
This is one of the most bought products with a large number of approving reviews. It is forbidden to take capsules only with individual intolerance to the components.
It is advisable to take them before meals, 2 whole pieces twice a day, with plenty of water. The course lasts exactly one month, since the dietary supplement provides a cumulative effect.
What are the best lactation pills to buy
If there is not enough breast milk, an experienced healthcare professional will tell you what to do. In this case, a medication of a certain composition is selected individually, which solves the problem at the root. The team presented several types of products - dietary supplements, homeopathic herbal medicines, food with an enriched composition. They are all effective and safe, but a comparative analysis has shown how they differ from each other:
- Apilak - homeopathic natural immunomodulator of general strengthening effect;
- Mlekoin - small granules of plant composition, increasing lactation by 40-50%;
- Lactogon is a lactogone dietary supplement with iodine and ascorbic acid;
- Femilak - milk formula with 13 vitamins, 12 minerals to nourish the body;
- Milky Way - Fast Acting Nutritional Formula
- Leptadene is the fastest systemic effect of a dietary supplement on the body.
All of these preparations for lactation of milk are good, they demonstrate a high demand from the buyer and a level of trust among medical specialists due to their naturalness, health safety, balanced formula and proven effectiveness. To use them is required by the course strictly according to the instructions.What to buy from the list should be guided by personal motives, taking into account the characteristics of your body.