Best sedatives
Stress is the root cause of many diseases and health problems. The best sedatives can help calm the nervous system and bring it back to normal. They are produced in large quantities, with a different composition, effect and speed of action. To understand which drug will quickly cope with the task, a rating of funds was compiled, created taking into account many characteristics and opinions of doctors.

Sedation manufacturers
Sedatives are available from different manufacturers to calm the nervous system quickly and to bring the nervous system to optimal function. The rating selected companies offering the best sedatives:
- CJSC "Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory"- produces active agents that quickly act on the nervous system, soothe and relax it. Founded in 2005, it manufactures products under the MosPharma trademark.
- LLC "Farmamed" Is a diversified pharmaceutical company that produces medicinal substances and drugs aimed at calming the nervous system. Founded in 2003, popular in Russia and Europe.
- Farmak - the company was founded in 1925, produces drugs with a sedative effect. Used in many countries, annually expands the number of titles.
- Teva Is a pharmaceutical company that was founded on May 1, 1935 in Israel. She produces more than 50 titles that are used not only for the purpose of calming. Used in almost all countries.
- CJSC "Sandoz" - A pharmaceutical company makes drugs to reduce stress and anxiety. It was founded in 1886 in Germany, and today supplies products to many countries.
- Evalar - produces pharmaceuticals for the treatment of the nervous system on a natural basis. The company was founded in 1991, supplies dietary supplements, has a turnover of more than 1.9 billion rubles a year.
- LLC NVF "Materia Medica Holding" - the company offers sedatives to calm down, reduce the amount of stress, and have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system. The products are supplied to many countries and have a low number of side effects.
- JSC "Pharmstandard-Leksredstva" - a large Russian company was founded in 1922, it produces sedative drugs. In the process of creation, new technologies are used to produce effective funds.
- Marbiopharm - Russian enterprise for the production of dietary supplements "Renaissance" for the prevention and use of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, in the field of urology, immunology, gynecology. The plant belongs to the Biotech group of companies.
Sedatives rating
All sedatives are characterized by individual composition, method of administration, possible side effects and other nuances. To understand which nerve pills are best to take, you need to pay attention to many factors that are listed in the ranking. It was formed based on the results of comparative tests, opinions of doctors and consumer reviews.Additionally, such important points were taken into account:
- Dosage;
- Taste;
- Release form;
- Side effects;
- Contraindications;
- Price;
- Act.
Additional characteristics helped to draw a conclusion about which drugs to choose in order to get an instant and complete effect.
The best synthetic sedatives
An adult sedative should act on the nervous system instantly, relieve irritation, and minimize stress and over-agitation. They should not be addictive and are indicated for use only in emergency situations and chronic stress. Synthetic-based sedative drugs can provoke the appearance of side effects in the form of nausea, dizziness, so you need to be careful with their choice and intake. The rating was based on the results of comparative tests, in which 7 nominees of this group of drugs were assessed, of which only 3 were selected.
Valoserdin is available in the form of drops for oral administration, the active ingredient here is phenobarbital. The remedy is used for insomnia, tachycardia attacks, neurotic conditions. It is taken orally 15-20 drops 3 times a day, diluted with pure water in a volume of up to 50 ml. The dosage is used for nervous disorders, stressful situations, strong feelings. In the event of an attack of tachycardia, it is increased to 50 drops at a time. In such situations, it is advisable to consult a doctor who can choose a more gentle course of treatment. In case of an overdose, headaches appear, breathing and sleep are disturbed, peripheral reflexes are reduced.
- Soothing oils;
- Fast effect;
- Good price;
- Versatility;
- Normalizes sleep.
- Smell and color;
- Increased sleepiness.
Reviews show that quick-acting sedatives cope with their functions, but are accompanied by constant drowsiness, general apathy. They have an unpleasant taste and a high concentration of components, therefore they are used only in diluted form.
Valemidin is presented in the form of alcoholic drops of brown-green color, which are characterized by an unpleasant odor. The composition contains tincture of motherwort, valerian, hawthorn and diphenhydramine. These components create a pungent smell and taste, so the medication is taken exclusively in diluted form. It helps to reduce the excessive excitability of the nervous system, reduces anxiety and stress, helps to cope with stressful situations faster. Valemidin is also used for the complex treatment of cardiovascular neuroses, it has a beneficial effect on the system, does not irritate it.
Contraindication to use is age up to 18 years, as well as individual intolerance to the components presented in the composition. It is taken 30-40 drops 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day. The course of treatment is up to 2 weeks. An increase in the course leads to an addiction of the body.
- Strong hypnotic;
- Fast action;
- Composition;
- Relieves irritability;
- Convenient form of release.
- The action gradually becomes weak;
- Doesn't deal with chronic insomnia.
Reviews show that the sedative Valedimin copes with its functions only at the first stage of use. It causes a strong dependence of the body and the nervous system, which soon ceases to respond to its actions. It is advisable to take the remedy only after consulting a doctor who will select the optimal dosage.
The complex of medicinal herbs "Sonaton" is designed to improve the quality of sleep and correct the psycho-emotional background. However, unlike sleeping pills, it is not addictive when taken for a long time.Such a mild effect on the body is due to the content of natural ingredients, as well as precisely adjusted dosages of the ingredients. For example, extracts of valerian, hops and motherwort are good for soothing, and mint and lemon balm - restore normal sleep.
The Sonaton is intended for adults with increased anxiety, irritability, fears, climacteric syndrome. It is also relevant for people with chronic stress-related insomnia. The supplement is available in tablets, of which there are 60 pcs in a package. This amount for the treatment of disturbed sleep is enough for one course lasting 1 month at a daily rate of 2 tablets. During the correction of the psychoemotional state, the dose is increased to 6 tablets. per day.
- Relaxes well;
- Low likelihood of adverse reactions;
- Fast action.
- It is important to complete the course to get the effect.
Corvalol is an antispasmodic, sedative drug that acts immediately on the nervous system, eliminates the appearance of irritation and stress. The composition contains peppermint oil and essential oils, which in the complex affect the nervous system. The medication is instantly absorbed, begins to take effect 10 minutes after administration. The effect lasts up to 6 hours, at the end of this time the effect gradually decreases, it can expose a person to repeated stress. It is indicated for insomnia, irritability, intestinal spasms, tachycardia. You need to take the drug in 15-30 drops diluted in water. The duration of admission depends on many individual characteristics; it is advisable to discuss them with a doctor.
- High efficiency;
- Affordable price;
- Instant effect;
- Convenient dosage form.
- Addictive.
As the reviews show, a potent sedative is suitable for various nervous disorders and many heart diseases.
The composition guarantees a good effect from the intake, if you follow the correct dosage, do not take it under the age of 18.
The best herbal sedatives
Plant-based preparations help adults to calm down the nervous system, dosed to respond to stressful situations. They can be taken in the form of drops and tablets, have an individual smell, and do not cause side effects. Most often, sedative medications are used on a plant basis, because they appear to be a natural composition, have a minimum number of contraindications. This category contains quality herbal medicines that can cope with any stressful manifestations. The selection was based on the results of comparative tests, in which 8 nominees were assessed, of which 3 were selected.
Novo-passit is available in the form of tablets and a solution, which is taken orally in 5 ml. The composition contains a large number of medicinal extracts, such as ordinary hops, hawthorn, medicinal lemon balm, valerian, black elderberry and others. In addition to plant components, sodium cyclamate, standard and maltodextrin are also present. The medication is indicated for increased irritability, fatigue, sleep disturbances, distraction, mental exhaustion, etc. It is applied 3 times a day, if the dosage is observed, it does not cause dependence, does not disturb the emotional balance. Novo-passit is taken in pure or diluted form, has a neutral taste, does not cause discomfort when taking it. In the early stages, side effects may occur in the form of drowsiness, headaches, lethargy, and fatigue.
- Soft effect;
- Not addictive;
- Convenient dosage;
- Versatility;
- Affordable price.
- Inconvenient tablet form;
- The drug is incompatible with alcohol.
Reviews show that a sedative really helps to fight irritability, is available without a prescription, and has an affordable price. The course of admission should not exceed one week, this time is enough to adjust the work of the nervous system, to increase its resistance to any stress.
Persen is made on the basis of plant extracts, it has a mild sedative effect, quickly relieves irritation and anxiety. It is produced in the form of capsules and tablets, the components of which are rapidly absorbed and begin to take effect. The composition contains an extract of lemon balm, valerian and mint, which, in combination, quickly relieve psycho-emotional stress and excitement, normalize sleep. The medication is taken 3 times a day, 2-3 tablets or 1-2 capsules. The dosage depends on the body weight. Persen has contraindications, which are individual intolerance to the components, age up to 12 years, pregnancy. In case of overdose, some side effects may occur, such as headaches, nausea, increased sensitivity of sleep.
- Not addictive;
- Acts quickly;
- Effective;
- Soothes well;
- Acts positively;
- Affordable price.
- We need a long course.
Reviews show that a sedative drug quickly acts on the nervous system, calms it, improves brain function. With the correct dosage, the medication is not addictive; if necessary, it can be easily abandoned without feeling discomfort and deterioration of well-being.
Motherwort Forte Evalar
The soothing drug is available in the form of tablets, which contain motherwort extract, vitamin B, and magnesium. It helps to quickly calm down, improve the functioning of the nervous system, lowers blood pressure, slows down and speeds up the force of heart contractions. A universal sedative drug does not cause drowsiness, is adequately perceived by the body, relieves irritability. Take 1 tablet 2 times a day with meals. Indicated for use from 18 years of age, contraindicated during pregnancy, in the presence of individual intolerance to the components. In this case, it is advisable to consult a doctor and find out about all the nuances of taking it.
- Good composition;
- Low price;
- Convenient dosage;
- No addiction;
- Does not cause insomnia.
- Helps with moderate stress.
Reviews show that soothing pills instantly act on the nervous system, relieve stress and irritation, and are not addictive. But, they will be effective only in the initial stages of chronic apathy and stress; in more serious situations, their action will not be enough.
The best sedatives for the nervous system of an adult
The nervous system of an adult often succumbs to stress, anxiety, irritation. It is possible to normalize its work only with the help of sedative medications that soothe, do not cause addiction, and relieve general irritability. Soothing pills should contain natural, herbal ingredients that instantly cope with their functions. The rating contains the best medicines that help to normalize the nervous system. It was compiled according to the results of comparative tests, in which 5 nominees were assessed, 2 of them were selected.
Tenoten is a medication with an anti-anxiety effect, which helps to more easily endure psycho-emotional stress, does not cause addiction. It affects the autonomic reactions of the body, normalizes the autonomic tone, increases stress resistance. Indications for taking it are psychosomatic diseases, irritability, anxiety, apathy, sleep disturbance. Tenoten is taken 1-2 tablets 2 times a day 30 minutes after a meal. The course of treatment is long, it lasts from 1 to 3 months.If necessary, the doctor extends the course to 6 months. In case of an overdose, insomnia, irritability, and severe headaches occur.
- Effective for long-term use;
- Does not inhibit the nervous system;
- Doesn't disturb sleep;
- Affordable price;
- Safe.
- Doesn't work like an ambulance.
Reviews show that Tenoten helps to cope with stress, activates the nervous system, does not disturb sleep, and is adequately tolerated. Side effects appear only in case of an overdose, therefore, to eliminate them, you must clearly follow the prescribed instructions.
A medication for improving the functioning of the nervous system is available in the form of tablets in a dosage of 10 mg. The active ingredient is fabomotizol hydrochloride, additional components are lactose, potato starch, magnesium stearate. The drug does not affect attention and memory, therefore, even with an increased dosage, the indicators are not violated. It removes the feeling of anxiety, removes irritation, reduces fear and stress in different situations. Often used to treat diseases of the cardiovascular system, it normalizes the heartbeat. The course of treatment is 4 weeks, the effect persists for another 1-2 weeks after its completion.
- No addiction;
- There is an effect;
- Convenient dosage;
- Reduces stress.
- Has contraindications.
Reviews show that Afobazole is a sedative intended only for adults. For children, it is contraindicated, since it contains aggressive substances that negatively affect children's nervous system... Before taking the product, it is advisable to consult with a specialist in order to avoid the appearance of side effects.
Which sedative is better
The list of tablets and tinctures for nerves allows you to find an effective remedy for irritability, stress and insomnia. Before choosing, you need to look at the composition, side effects, contraindications, dosage and other points. From the entire rating, several drugs can be distinguished that will help to cope with mental disorders and normalize the functioning of the nervous system:
- Valoserdin is a synthetic-based medication;
- Persen is a plant-based drug that does not cause addiction;
- Afobazol - a means to normalize sleep and reduce severe stress;
- Novo-passit - a herbal medicine to reduce irritation;
- To eliminate stress and restore normal sleep, the Sonaton herbal complex is suitable;
- Tenoten is a long-term remedy with a noticeable effect.
Sedatives reduce irritability, soften the body's response to stress, and make a person more resilient to various life situations. The rating compiled is not a guide to choosing, be sure to consult with your doctor.