The best vitamins for memory
Various factors negatively affect the functioning of the brain, for example, poor ecology, seasonal vitamin deficiency, stress, potent drugs, age-related changes, and much more. As a result, concentration of attention, memory work worsens, and the speed of reactions decreases. Cognitive functions are in fact in dire need of vitamin support, as they determine performance and, in general, human activity. In this case, doctors select special biological products as stimulants of activity. The best vitamins for memory presented an expert rating of 2024, which contains funds for adults and children, criteria for a competent choice, as well as a list of reliable manufacturers. Real reviews, pros and cons of each nominee will help you buy the desired complex.

Vitamins for memory which company is better to choose
The first selection criterion is the manufacturer, its reliability and reputation. Various companies offer their products on the pharmaceutical market, among them there are stable brands, quality standards, as well as young, but rather successful companies. The best vitamins for memory, included in the top review of 2024, were presented by the following pharmacological companies:
- West Coast Laboratories Inc. (Memory forte) is an American manufacturer of dietary supplements, natural products to improve the quality of life. Founded in 1967. The range of products includes tablets, capsules, powders, specialized food products.
- Zdravle KhFZ JSC (Fezam) is a chemical and pharmaceutical plant in Serbia. The product portfolio contains a huge number of medicines of different groups that will be affordable for most buyers. The Russian market is one of the main sales points.
- Herbion Pakistan Ltd (Intellan) is a pharmaceutical company that was founded in Pakistan in 1983. In the international market, she became famous for high-quality, effective herbal preparations. The company's goal is to create effective drugs for many diseases without chemical, synthetic substances.
- CJSC "Evalar" (Ostrum) is the largest manufacturer of dietary supplements in Russia. The pharmaceutical company was founded in 1991. Today, Evalar products occupy a large share of the herbal remedies and dietary supplements market. Valuable Altai plants are used as raw materials.
- Axellus A/S (Gerimax Energy) is a Danish company that produces dietary supplements to improve the quality of life. It is also one of the few manufacturers that controls the quality of vitamin complexes containing Omega-3 from the moment of fishing to packaging.
- Parapharm (Memo-Vit) is a dynamically developing young company from Russia, producing mainly phytoproducts, biologically active additives. The business starts from growing and collecting valuable plants to packaging design. The production uses cryo technologies, innovative equipment.
- Unipharm, Inc. (Vitrum Memori) is a private pharmaceutical company founded in America in 1992. It supplies high-quality non-prescription drugs, dietary supplements and vitamin complexes to various countries of the world to maintain health and prevent various diseases.
- AD Medicine Limited (Brain Booster) is the world leader in the production of innovative colloidal complex supplements. This is an own innovative development of an American company that has been recognized all over the world. It allows you to preserve the natural properties of all components.
- LLC "MNPK Biotics (Glycine) is a medical research and production complex, which was founded in Russia in 1991. Today it is a Russian innovative pharmaceutical company with its own original drugs. It has been a major supplier of metabolites for 20 years.
- JSC "Shchelkovo Vitamin Plant" (Phenotropil) is one of the largest producers of vitamins, registered in Russia in 1997. In terms of market share, it is “on the heels” of the previously presented company Evalar. The product portfolio contains more than 200 items, most of which belong to socially significant pharmacotherapeutic groups.
- LLC "Sashera-Med" ® (HeadBooster) is a successful Altai manufacturer of natural health products and cosmetics. The main raw materials are environmentally friendly plant components. The product portfolio includes over 250 items.
- UCB Pharma S.A... (Nootropil) is a biopharmaceutical company from Belgium that has been supplying its products to the world market for over 100 years. Today it occupies a leading position in the field of biotechnology.
Rating of vitamins for memory
Vitamin complexes and dietary supplements for improving cognitive functions are presented in a huge variety, both from domestic and foreign companies. Experts were able to select the best offers in 2024 based on indicators of demand, popularity, as well as price-quality ratio.
Each applicant was evaluated on the following criteria:
- Composition - B vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, herbal supplements;
- Bioavailability - the degree of assimilation, tolerance by the body;
- Release form - tablets, pills, powders, capsules, solutions;
- Effectiveness - reviews, clinical studies;
- Age category - children, adults, elderly people;
- Restrictions - contraindications for admission;
- Risks - the likelihood of developing allergies, side effects;
- Reception scheme - frequency, duration of the course, convenience;
- Other conditions - compatibility with medicines, diseases;
- Influence - on concentration, reaction speed.
Several dozen of the most demanded dietary supplements were evaluated for all of these indicators. Medical opinions, customer reviews, price and quality comparisons have helped identify 12 leaders in 2024 for children and adults.
The best vitamins for the brain and memory for adults
Take vitamins for improve memory and the work of the brain is necessary primarily for people who are regularly exposed to intellectual stress. It is advisable to pass a test to determine the missing vitamins and minerals in the body before that. Those complexes that are supplemented with herbal ingredients are in great demand. Recommendations of doctors, results of clinical studies, customer reviews have identified the best dietary supplements for the adult category of patients.
Memory forte
One of the safest, most effective complexes for stimulating the cognitive functions of an adult. It is prescribed to those patients who are regularly exposed to heavy intellectual stress, as well as people of mature age to prevent age-related changes. By its composition, Memory forte is a source of flavonoids, panaxosides. Herbal extracts Ginkgo Biloba, ginseng, Gotu kola act as stimulators of brain activity, increase the overall tone of the body, and work as strong antioxidants. Release form - capsules, they are taken 2 pieces daily for one month.
- Natural ingredients;
- OTC sale;
- Herbal supplements;
- Prevention of age-related changes;
- Stimulating effect;
- Ease of use.
- Large capsule size;
- Specific taste.
A time-tested and patient-tested remedy that will suit many adults. Antioxidants are responsible for the prevention of age-related changes, plant stimulants are responsible for brain activity. The reviews approve of the composition, a noticeable effect, the absence of contraindications. The downside is the peculiar taste, the large size of the capsules.
The drug is dispensed with a prescription from a doctor, since it is a combined nootropic and psychostimulant. The main substance is piracetam, cinnarizine is added to it. In this tandem, Phezam guarantees a vasodilating effect in order to prevent brain hypoxia, which improves the mechanisms of its work. The drug is actively used in the complex therapy of patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia, cerebral atherosclerosis, as well as after strokes, brain injuries. Phezam found its application in otoneurology, treatment of alcohol intoxication. Age restrictions - from 5 years old. Contraindication is pregnancy, parkinsonism. The main task of the drug is to improve blood circulation, brain metabolism.
- Combined nootropic;
- Prevention of a large list of diseases;
- A wide range of indications;
- Allowed from 5 years old;
- Good tolerance;
- Maintenance of cerebral vessels.
- Long-term use can provoke parkinsonism;
- Prescription sale, contraindications.
It is possible to use such a stimulant of brain activity in short courses only as directed by a doctor. It helps to restore the work of blood vessels, to establish blood circulation, metabolism in the brain.
Good tolerance leads to rare cases of overdose. The minus is the danger of prolonged use, the need for a prescription from a doctor.
The second name of such a supplement is Ginkgo Biloba. The extract of this plant is the main substance with a stimulating effect on brain activity. It is actively prescribed by doctors to patients with a noticeable memory loss, impaired concentration. According to its pharmacological properties, it is classified as a tonic drug. Biloba improves cerebral blood circulation, metabolic processes in tissues, prevents the accumulation of radicals, edema. Also works as an antioxidant that slows down age-related changes. Additional components - vitamins, microelements, anti-cholesterol pectins. The age limit is from 18 years old. Not suitable for pregnant, breastfeeding women.
- Several forms of release to choose from;
- Large list of indications;
- Natural composition;
- Toning effect;
- An easy way to receive;
- Inexpensive.
- Not suitable for those who drive a vehicle;
- Increased blood pressure.
Intellan helps to improve sleep, avoid depression, and generally improve brain function. Reviews praise the composition, a large list of useful properties of the components, minimal risks, restrictions on admission, price. The disadvantage is the tendency of capsules to increase blood pressure, as well as to influence reactions, which is dangerous for drivers.
Popular vitamins for memory for adults, reviews of which confirm their effectiveness and safety. The composition contains all the important vitamins for maintaining cognitive functions - the group of B vitamins, which is responsible for the stability of brain activity, full memory function, normalization of the state of blood vessels, and stimulation of creative thinking. Besides Ostrum includes magnesium, it prevents aging processes. Choline activates dormant brain cells. Contraindication is only pregnancy, hypersensitivity to the composition. The rest of the complex is well tolerated by the body, does not cause undesirable manifestations.
- Improving attention, memory;
- Prevention of premature aging;
- Natural composition;
- Improving performance;
- Minimal contraindications, risks;
- Availability.
- Cumulative effect requiring long-term intake;
- The likelihood of an allergic reaction.
Such a dietary supplement is actively used by students during intense loads, as well as people engaged in intellectual work. After completing the course, there is a general improvement in well-being, no fatigue in the evenings, clarity of thinking. Doctors approve of ingredients, bioavailability. The downside is that the maximum effect is felt after completing the course.
Gerimax Energy
Balanced biocomplex to support all vital body functions. The composition is rich in 10 main vitamins, 7 inorganic compounds, minerals, herbal supplements. The tonic effect is guaranteed by ginseng extract, and therefore it is better to take Gerimax Energy in the morning. To normalize cognitive functions, improve intellectual abilities, the complex contains a powerful antioxidant, green tea extract. Correct use of dietary supplements helps to quickly assimilate large amounts of information. Also, beneficial properties have a beneficial effect on mood, sleep quality, and human activity. Hypertension is a contraindication, since ginseng increases blood pressure, pregnancy, lactation.
- Toning effect;
- Multi-component natural composition;
- Normalization of the brain;
- Elimination of fatigue;
- No age restrictions;
- Good digestibility.
- Increased blood pressure;
- Overdose side effects.
Doctors recommend taking Gerimax Energy for 1-2 months, without ignoring the instructions prescribed in the instructions. Despite the natural composition, irrational use can lead to increased blood pressure and other side effects. In reviews, these vitamins for memory and brain are praised by over 90% of buyers for a good mood, clarity of consciousness, and sound sleep.
Dietary supplement of Russian production with exclusively natural ingredients. After a course application, it promises to improve memory, normalize the work of the heart, blood circulation. To do this, take pills for at least 1 month, 3 times a day. For better digestion and protection of the digestive tract, it is better to do this after eating. There are no age restrictions; in this matter, a doctor's consultation is needed. The active ingredients are rose hips, which are the source of most vitamins, as well as red-stemmed buckwheat with citrine, quercitin, rutin and other compounds in the composition. The indications are problems with sleep, remembering information, physical activity, working capacity, blood circulation. Clinical trials have noted a rejuvenating, analgesic effect after completing the course, an increase in immunity.
- Improving cerebral circulation;
- Increasing the body's resistance forces;
- Prevention of aging processes;
- Better memory performance;
- Sleep normalization;
- Minimization of weather dependence.
- Contraindications pregnancy, lactation;
- Inconvenient reception scheme.
In reviews, over 90% of buyers approve of Memo-Vit for a large list of useful properties. Everyone who took the course without deviating from the instructions noted an improvement in sleep, general well-being, an increase in physical endurance, and mental activity. The complex is especially useful for meteorological people. The minus was the need for a three-time admission, which is not very convenient, contraindications.
Vitrum Memori
Herbal remedy from a well-known pharmaceutical company, where the main active ingredient is biloba ginkgo extract.Today he is involved in the creation of most medicines to improve cerebral circulation. In addition, the tablets are supplemented with vitamins, zinc, due to which oxygen and glucose are replenished to increase cognitive abilities. There are 3 volumes of packages on sale - 30, 60, 100 tablets each. You need to take them in a course of 3 months twice a day while eating. Clinical trials have also noted a noticeable improvement in vision, hearing, relief from headaches. There are no age restrictions, the simultaneous reception of Vitrum Memori with Aspirin, indirect coagulants is unacceptable.
- Traditional pronounced effect;
- Improving cerebral circulation;
- Sharpening of vision, hearing;
- Pain relieving effect;
- No withdrawal syndrome;
- High quality plant materials.
- Price;
- Contraindication of gastrointestinal diseases.
According to most doctors, Vitrum Memori is considered the best natural corrector of cerebral circulation disorders. The correct use of pills increases not only mental, but also physical capabilities, sharpens the senses. Buyers approve of the quality of raw materials, the convenience of taking small tablets, and the long-term preservation of the effect after cancellation. The downside is the price and the inability to receive it in case of gastrointestinal diseases.
The best vitamins for the brain and memory for children
Vitamins are urgently needed to improve memory and attention to children, as they have to pass through themselves a lot of new information and knowledge every day. In this regard, doctors are increasingly prescribing for the prevention of nootropa, vitamin and plant stimulants of cognitive functions with a safe formula and good bioavailability. Based on medical practice, customer reviews, and clinical trials, experts have selected the top five nominees in this rating category.
Brain booster
The dietary supplement Brain Booster contains only natural components - antioxidants, minerals, micro-macroelements, plant extracts. All of them are aimed at saturating the cells of the brain, the walls of blood vessels with nutrients and valuable substances to accelerate the thinking process, increase efficiency. Release form - colloidal solution, salt stabilized suspension. Several ingredients are considered valuable in the composition - L-carnitine, WithaniaSomnifera plant extract with a sedative effect, selenium for cellular respiration, phosphatidylserine for restoring nerve tissues, extract of Lamb serrata to improve cognitive functions, grape seed antioxidant, B vitamins, etc. Contraindication - pregnancy , lactation.
- High-speed performance;
- Improving sleep quality;
- Natural ingredients;
- High bioavailability;
- Convenient way of receiving;
- No age restrictions.
- Price;
- The likelihood of allergic reactions.
The bioadditive appeared on sale not so long ago and is already in demand on the Russian market. Doctors approve of the composition, the complex effect on the body. Buyers in reviews praise the result of the application, an overall improvement in well-being, and an increase in efficiency. The downside is the price, as well as the fact that plant extracts can cause allergies.
The most popular vitamins for memory for schoolchildren are Glycine of domestic production. It is often prescribed to young children to help with mental and physical development, hyperactive toddlers, high school students to improve the ability to assimilate and remember information. The only substance in such tablets is aminoacetic acid, which regulates metabolism. It also soothes, stimulates mental processes, helps to cope with chronic fatigue and stress. The acid easily penetrates into the brain tissue, but does not accumulate in the body.Glycine has proven itself well in helping adolescent children who suffer from mental instability. There are no contraindications, no side effects, the drug is approved for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
- For any age;
- Pleasant taste;
- High bioavailability;
- Good tolerance;
- Allowed during pregnancy, lactation;
- There are no contraindications, risks;
- Cheap.
- Long course;
- Allergy risks.
Glycine has a cumulative effect, which means that it needs to be taken for a long time and preferably several times a year. I consider this, as well as the risks of developing allergies, to be the only drawbacks of the domestic remedy. But it has more advantages, buyers especially often note cheapness, versatility, high digestibility, and a pleasant taste.
This medication belongs to the group of nootropics with a high degree of effectiveness. The psychostimulating effect helps to cope with asthenic syndrome after complex somatic diseases. The components in the composition guarantee a neuromodulating, anticonvulsant effect. After completing the course, the exchange of information between the two hemispheres of the brain is accelerated, the psycho-emotional background increases. Doctors use Phenotropil in the complex fight against excess weight due to its moderate anorexigenic effect. There is also an increase in the pain threshold, improved vision, and the development of resistance to stress. It is actively prescribed by doctors to children and adolescents to maintain mental development, psycho-emotional harmony.
- Psychostimulating effect;
- A wide range of indications;
- Moderate weight loss;
- Improved vision;
- Low toxicity;
- Increased pain threshold;
- Allowed during pregnancy.
- Side effects are possible;
- Addictive.
The great demand for such a remedy is due to the fact that its pharmacological properties help to solve various problems, ranging from low memory concentration, pumping obesity against the background of overeating.
Doctors approve of Phenotropil due to its minimal toxicity, but emphasize that an overdose can lead to side symptoms, and prolonged use can lead to addiction.
A drug of biological origin with a multifactorial effect, but primarily it is designed to improve brain activity. Thanks to the valuable composition of the dietary supplement, it compensates for the lack of vitamins and microelements, which in turn increases immunity. The main ingredients are herbal extracts of ginseng and Ginkgo biloba, supplemented with polyunsaturated acids, Omega-3, Omega-6. For children, 2 forms of release are presented to choose from - powder, multi-colored capsules. Support for the mental development of a baby from 1 year old is allowed. The manufacturer emphasizes that HeadBooster stimulates the energy potential of a person, eliminates fatigue and depression. The supplement is not suitable only for pregnant women who are breastfeeding.
- Improving the functioning of the nervous system;
- Vegetable base;
- Source of valuable acids;
- Increased immunity;
- Stimulation of energy potential;
- Ease of use;
- Minimal risks.
- Contraindications carrying a fetus, lactation;
- The likelihood of an allergy to the composition.
HeadBooster has undergone clinical trials, confirming that after completing the course, patients disappear "fog in the head", memory problems, and general well-being. The capsules should be drunk according to their colors - white in the morning before breakfast, yellow in the afternoon, green in the evening. The powder is diluted in water. Over 90% of reviews approve of the composition, the results of the course, the rest complain about contraindications, allergies.
The very first nootropic discovered by medicine, piracetam, completes the list of vitamins for memory and mental activity. This is the active substance of Nootropil, which is actively used in clinical practice to enhance memory mechanisms. On sale you can see tablets, solution for injection.Demonstrates high efficiency with a long course of use. Nootropil is especially good in its positive effect on learning processes in children. Piracetam improves microcirculation without dilating blood vessels, increases the nutrition of nerve cells, protects brain neurons from oxygen starvation, and increases resistance to stress. Also, doctors use a nootropic to treat patients with withdrawal symptoms against the background of chronic alcoholism.
- Allowed from 3 years old;
- Minimal risks of side symptoms;
- Improvement of cerebral circulation without vasodilation;
- Stimulation of brain activity;
- Increasing the resistance of the brain to stress;
- Cumulative effect.
- Prohibited for kidney disease;
- The effect is not noticeable immediately, closer to 2 weeks.
The most popular children's nootropic for improving memory and brain function. The opinions of doctors and patients are largely the same, as they praise the safety, effectiveness, protection of brain cells and nerves. For maximum benefit, take Nootropil as a course. Contraindications are considered a minus, as well as the fact that positive dynamics develops closer to 2 weeks of admission.
What vitamins for memory are better to buy
There are many good vitamin preparations that support the thought process, memory concentration and attention on the pharmacological market. They differ in composition, principle of operation, indications, contraindications. What to buy depends largely on the individual characteristics of the organism, the doctor's recommendations. Based on a comparison of the pros and cons of each nominee, the following conclusions can be drawn:
- Glycine is the best domestic remedy for nourishing the brain of children and adults;
- Gerimaks Energy is the richest composition with high digestibility;
- Vitrum Memori is the most effective cerebral circulation corrector;
- Phezam - a combined nootropic for adults, elderly patients;
- Memo-Vit - a remedy for meteorological people, a rejuvenating effect;
- Nootropil is the best cumulative effect, minimal toxicity and risks.
More advice on the choice can be given by the doctor after the examination. Without his advice, it is better to give preference to herbal natural supplements with minimal contraindications. As for maintaining mental alertness in children, self-medication is highly undesirable in such a case.