Best Vitamins for Teens
During adolescence, a growing body requires an additional supply of vitamins and minerals, which are necessary for mental and physical development. Among the large selection, it is difficult to determine the best vitamins for adolescents, which contain useful and irreplaceable components. The rating was created in order to show which remedies will be more useful and effective for children aged 10-16 years old, will be able to fully saturate the body.

Vitamins for teenagers, which company is better to choose
Vitamins for adolescents should contain a complex of minerals, micro- and macroelements that are necessary for a growing body. Manufacturers of the best vitamins for teens:
- Framstandard Is a Russian pharmaceutical company that has been operating since 2003. It produces medicines for children and adults, mainly creates vitamin complexes.
- Doppelhertz - a company that produces vitamin and mineral complexes for children. Means are produced in the form of tablets, capsules, solutions. Medicines are supplied to many European countries.
- Unipharm - the American brand represents medicines for children and adults that help maintain health, promote the proper development and functioning of systems. Has been supplying vitamins to many countries for over 20 years.
- Vitus - produces vitamin and mineral complexes for children from 4 years old, helps maintain health, promotes growth. The company was founded in 1970 in France and supplies medicines to many countries.
- Bayer Is a German pharmaceutical company that offers vitamins for children with a good composition. It was founded in 1863, it develops more and more every year, provides more names for a network of pharmacies.
- Zdravcity - a brand that produces medicines under its own name. It offers a large selection of vitamins and mineral complexes for children who need additional saturation with useful components.
- Alphabet - earlier the company had “Recordani froup”, and since 2012 it acquired the name of its product - “AlfaVit”. Since 2015, it has been supplying medicines not only to the territory of Ukraine and Russia, but also to other European countries.
- JSC Krka Is an international pharmaceutical company that produces drugs for different countries. She offers vitamin complexes for children that saturate the growing body with useful components.
- Natures plus - offers vitamins for children from 5 years old, which have a natural composition. It produces more than 100 items, which in total contain up to 1200 natural vitamins and various nutritional supplements.
- Sana-Sol - produces multivitamin complexes that can saturate the body with the necessary components for growth and full development. Medicines are created for children; there are also complexes for adults.
- Centrum Is a company that produces vitamins and mineral complexes for the whole family. Compositions of medicines are only natural, they do not contain impurities and artificial additives. The company was founded in 1997.
- Ferrosan A / S - created at the beginning of the last century in Denmark, is engaged in the creation of drugs for health care.Medicines are supplied to many European countries because they affect the entire body and have no contraindications.
Rating of vitamins for teens
Vitamin complexes for children should consist of a large number of useful components that additionally saturate the body and promote development and growth. Before the rating of the best funds was formed, comparative texts of the nominees were carried out, the opinions of experts and consumer reviews were taken into account. In order to select drugs with more saturated and useful formulations, additional characteristics were taken into account:
- Composition;
- Dosages;
- Efficiency;
- Reception course;
- Manufacturer;
- Price.
The results obtained made it possible to build a rating of the best nominees, which consist of useful components, act on the body, strengthen it, and stimulate the work of many systems.
The best vitamins for teens 9-14 years old
At the age of 9-14 years, active bone growth, development, and puberty begin. You can help the body cope with such stress with the help of vitamin and mineral complexes, which will fully saturate it with useful components. The preparations should contain micro- and macroelements, namely calcium and magnesium, which are responsible for growth and development. The optimal course of medication should be at least 30 days, calculated for a daily intake of one capsule. The rating was compiled based on the results of comparative tests, in which 13 nominees were assessed, of which 6 were selected.
Complivit Active
The combined preparation consists of a complex of minerals and vitamins that are responsible for metabolic processes in the body and for its development. The complex was developed for the needs of the body of children 9-14 years old, taking into account their daily need for useful components. One capsule is enough to activate the necessary processes, maintain the stability of erythrocytes, ensure a healthy appearance of the skin, and improve the functioning of all systems.
The duration of the course is 30 days, it is enough to take one capsule per day. It is necessary to monitor the effectiveness of the drug with a doctor who can correct the course or prescribe another medication. The composition contains vitamins of group B, A, iron, copper, zinc, magnesium, calcium and other useful components. When taken correctly, there are no side effects, the result is observed after 2-3 weeks.
- Balanced composition;
- Convenient reception;
- Affordable price;
- Efficiency;
- There is an instruction.
- Bad taste.
Reviews show that the complex of vitamins for adolescents copes with its task, saturates the body with useful components, but has an unpleasant aftertaste. The drug is not perceived by young children, it makes them unwilling to undergo a therapeutic course of vitamin therapy.
The drug was created for children from 12 years old, has a tonic, restorative effect. When taken, the vascular tone increases, a positive metabolism of lipids, histamine, amino acids is provided. At the end of the course, an increase in physical activity and performance is observed, the work of the nervous system is normalized, drowsiness, a feeling of fatigue, and lethargy decrease. Omega-3 helps to strengthen the immune system, and also protects the body from viral and infectious diseases. Vitamin A strengthens vision, D - forms the growth of teeth and bones. It is taken 2 capsules 2 times a day for 30 minutes. The course of treatment is 1-1.5 months, more precise details of the reception should be discussed with the doctor.
- Lack of unpleasant smell and taste;
- Does not cause side effects;
- Doesn't irritate the stomach;
- Easily accepted by children;
- Gives good results.
- High price;
- Do not chew the capsule.
Kinder Omega-3 are vitamins for the immunity of adolescents, which can be consumed 2 times a year.Reviews show that the baby's body needs additional supply of components mainly in winter and spring.
Vitrum junior
The vitamin and mineral complex for schoolchildren has a rich composition, acts not only on growth, but also on development. The vitamin composition strengthens the immune system, ensures optimal metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, and improves the functioning of the digestive system. It improves mood, optimizes brain function, and controls water-salt balance. Thanks to B vitamins, the condition of the skin improves, the risk of a rash on the face is reduced, nails and hair are strengthened.
The mineral composition is responsible for the processes of blood clotting, activates a number of enzymes, has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effects. Magnesium improves the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, improves immune processes, and participates in the formation of bones. Iodine forms the correct development of the thyroid gland, participates in protein and fat metabolism, and is responsible for the functioning of the digestive system.
- Many useful components;
- Fast effect;
- Suitable for many;
- Fruit flavor;
- Chewable tablets.
- Not found.
As the reviews show, vitamins for adolescents are saturated with many elements necessary for the full functioning of the body. They are suitable for most schoolchildren, do not cause allergies and other side effects, and can be taken without a doctor's prescription.
Vitus Strong
Vitus was created for schoolchildren who are faced with increased mental and physical activity on a daily basis. It consists of a large amount of minerals and vitamins that the body needs. The composition includes vitamins of group B, C, E, A, PP, folic acid. They compensate for the deficiency of nutrients, help to recover from viral or infectious diseases. Vitus is recommended for children from 6 years old, before taking the tablet it dissolves in water, has a pleasant taste. The medication can be used not only with increased stress on the body and with its weakening, it will be a good preventive measure against colds and ARVI. Available in a dosage of 10 and 20 tablets per bottle.
- Pleasant taste;
- Convenient to drink;
- Lots of minerals;
- Is there a result.
- The effect is not visible to everyone;
Reviews show that a remedy for enhancing immunity in schoolchildren cope with its functions by only 50%. Its components are absorbed by the body for a long time, so positive changes are observed in at least a month. For schoolchildren with daily increased activity, they will be ineffective.
Supradine Kids Junior
The multivitamin complex was created for schoolchildren with increased activity and weak immunity. It provides good prevention against viral and infectious diseases, increases physical activity, reduces fatigue, and activates the brain. Available in two forms: dragees or effervescent tablets, which dissolve quickly in water. Should be taken with or after meals, breakfast is ideal. For children over 12 years old, the medication is prescribed 1 tablet daily. The course is up to 30 days, before taking it, it is advisable to consult a doctor to determine the optimal number of days to get a good effect. Supradin does not cause side effects, is easily tolerated by the body, saturates with the necessary elements. The composition contains minerals, micro- and macroelements.
- Composition;
- Is there a result;
- Affordable price;
- Pleasant taste;
- Convenient tablet form.
- Not found.
Reviews show that Supradin is a growth and development vitamin for adolescents that quickly copes with its functions. It has a pleasant taste, so it is accepted with pleasure by many schoolchildren.
Zdravcity vitamin and mineral complex from A to Zn
The vitamin and mineral complex is assigned to schoolchildren during the period of increased brain activity, the spread of viral and infectious diseases. It strengthens the immune system, fills the body with useful components, does not cause allergies. Vitamins for memory and physical activity of adolescents are available in tablets, taken 2 times a day with meals, the course is up to 1 month. The composition is presented only with natural ingredients and biological additives, namely: vitamins of groups A, E, C, B, D. Subject to the dosage and course of administration, the vitamin-mineral complex does not cause side effects, is easily perceived by the body, improves its work.
- Multicomponent composition;
- The form;
- Packaging;
- Efficiency.
- Not found.
As the reviews show, the vitamin and mineral complex for schoolchildren activates all processes in the body, improves overall well-being, and increases physical activity. The course can be held 2 times a year at the beginning and end of the academic year.
The best vitamins for teenagers 14-18 years old
At the age of 14 to 18, children may suffer from frequent headaches, insomnia, increased fatigue, and unstable appetite. This is due to new life changes, first falling in love, leaving school and other moments. During this period, adolescents need a complete complex, in which minerals are also present. At the age of 14-18, the nervous system lends itself to greater stress, therefore, the composition must necessarily contain Omega-3, calcium, magnesium, zinc and all groups of vitamins. The rating presents the best complexes for a formed organism, which was based on the results of comparative tests. They evaluated 11 nominees, of which only 6 were selected.
Alphabet teenager
The preparation is saturated with essential minerals and vitamins for the growth and development of bones, the formation of a stable nervous system, and improvement of physical endurance. It does not contain preservatives, flavors, dyes and other harmful substances that have a negative effect on the system. The composition of the product was developed taking into account scientific recommendations, the probability of assimilation of the components is 60%.
Vitamins for adolescents "Alphabet" are taken orally at intervals of 6 hours with or after meals. The tablets have a pleasant fruity taste, they do not cause allergies, and are easily tolerated. They do not need to be washed down, they taste good, so they chew quickly. If you control the time of taking and do not skip it, the effect will be observed 2-3 weeks after taking the first pill.
- Nice complex;
- Saturated composition;
- Pleasant taste;
- Fast results;
- Affordable price.
- Reception 3 times a day.
Reviews show that Alphabet Teenager is the best vitamins for teenagers of 16 years old who quickly cope with their functions. They increase mental and physical activity, help fight stress without destroying your nervous system. The drug can be taken after 18 years.
Pikovit Forte
The medication consists of 11 essential components for the growth and development of children aged 14-18. The composition includes vitamins of group B, E, C, iron, magnesium, calcium and others. They regulate fat and protein metabolism, strengthen the nervous system, increase immunity, and protect the student from viral or infectious diseases. Pikovit Forte is prescribed for severe mental and physical exertion, increased stress, with low alertness or during vitamin deficiency. Its composition is sufficient to saturate the body with important components, improve its work, and normalize the functions of the nervous system. The medication helps to restore immunity after a long course of taking antibiotics.
- European quality;
- Convenient reception scheme;
- Affordable price;
- There is a result.
- Unpleasant taste;
- Long grows in the mouth.
As the reviews show, Pikovit Forte helps to maintain immunity, saturates with a large number of useful components, and does not cause allergies. It is indicated for high physical and mental stress, increases resistance to stress.
Nature's Plus Power-Teen
Vitamin and mineral complex is an excellent supplement to the nutrition of a growing organism, it includes a large number of useful components. It does not cause allergies, is easily taken by schoolchildren, and improves immunity. The indication for taking it is increased stress, a change in place of study or residence, a new circle of friends, increased mental or physical stress. The beneficial components present in the composition do not replace a balanced diet, therefore it should be the key to health and well-being. The drug is taken without a doctor's prescription, the course is 1 month, in the future it can be repeated after 6 months. The agent does not cause dizziness, nausea, loss of appetite, therefore it is easily taken in the morning, does not affect the mood and appetite of the student.
- Safety;
- Good composition;
- There is no contraindication;
- Adequate body response;
- Is there a result.
- Price.
Reviews show that the remedy is indeed represented by natural compounds, which have a positive effect on all systems, enhances immunity, and improves physical and mental activity. The only drawback is the high price, so the drug is not used as often.
Sana-sol for teenagers
Biological active additive - a source of a large amount of minerals, micro- and macroelements, vitamins. The composition contains all the necessary elements that guarantee the full functioning of systems and organs, improve metabolism, increase immunity, endurance before physical and mental activity. The course of administration is up to 1 month, 1 tablet is taken per day. Indications for admission are weakening of immunity, stress, increased mental stress, rehabilitation after viral diseases or taking antibiotics. The product is safe for adolescents over the age of 14, does not cause allergies or stomach upset.
- Pleasant taste;
- Fast effect;
- Natural composition;
- Easy to take;
- Does not cause allergies.
- Not found.
Reviews show that Sana-sol for teenagers helps adolescents to increase their immunity, cope with increased mental and physical stress, and adequately respond to stress. Vitamin-mineral complex quickly enriches with the necessary elements for full growth and development.
Centrum is prescribed with the aim of replenishing the deficiency of vitamins and minerals, increasing immunity against viral and infectious diseases, and providing the body with full-fledged seasonal protection. The components of the drug regulate the exchange of phosphorus and calcium, are responsible for the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The drug has no side effects and contraindications, the only limitation is hypersensitivity to its components. In this case, it is advisable to consult a doctor. The drug is taken orally, 1 tablet daily, the course is up to 1 month. In the future, it can be repeated no earlier than after 6-7 months.
- Is there a result;
- Natural composition;
- Positive reaction;
- Easy to carry;
- Strengthening hair;
- Increased activity.
- Not found.
Reviews show that Centrum is used by adolescents to increase immunity and reduce stress during increased physical and mental stress. It does not cause allergies and has a neutral taste.
Multi-tabs Teen
The combined preparation consists of a large amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for the full functioning of a growing organism.The remedy appears to be rich in compounds that stimulates the immune system, helps to recover from viral and infectious diseases, and increases stress resistance before increased mental and physical stress. The balanced composition is represented by vitamins of group B, D, C, it also includes calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron and folic acid. Together, they protect against negative factors, allow the body to resist the appearance of viral or infectious diseases. The tool is prescribed 1 tablet per day for a month.
- Saturated composition;
- Fast action;
- Easy to consume
- Neutral taste.
- High price.
According to the reviews, it can be seen that Multi-Tabs Tenager copes with its functions, provides the body with maximum protection, increases stability and endurance before excessive exertion. It is taken from the age of 14 years, does not cause allergies, has no contraindications.
What vitamins for teenagers are better to buy
A large selection of vitamin and mineral complexes does not allow you to quickly determine which vitamins are better for adolescents in case of physical and mental stress, stress and weakening of the immune system. Among the entire ranking, several nominees are singled out who will help schoolchildren to establish all the functions of the body, to become more resistant to various diseases:
- Complivit Active is a combined remedy for enhancing immunity and suppressing fatigue or apathy;
- Vitrum Junior - a complex for children 9-14 years old, helps to activate the necessary processes, is responsible for bone growth and development;
- Supradin Kids Junior - multivitamin complex for schoolchildren with increased mental activity;
- Pikovit Forte - helps to fight stress, strengthens the nervous system;
- Sana-sol for teenagers - a biological active supplement for high school students, strengthens the immune system.
Vitamin and mineral complexes should be filled with a natural and rich composition, fight fatigue, increase endurance, and strengthen the nervous system. Before prescribing a course of drugs for a teenager, it is better to consult a doctor.