The best vitamins for men according to customer reviews
For men who want to always remain healthy and beautiful, it is not enough to eat only healthy food, because many of them often have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, it is required to supply the body with useful substances in the form of special complexes at least 2 times a year. So that you do not get confused when choosing them, based on customer reviews, we have compiled a rating of the best vitamins for men that increase potency, eliminate hair loss and help great in a number of other cases. Study their advantages and disadvantages and buy only the most effective drugs!

What men need first of all
Representatives of the stronger sex need absolutely all vitamins, but L-carnitine is still the most useful, which greatly affects the potency and the possibility of conceiving a healthy child. Due to its lack, not only erectile dysfunction may develop, but the quality of ejaculate may also deteriorate.
Vitamins D and ascorbic acid, which restore the functioning of the immune system and are responsible for the condition of the joints, are also important for men's health. For a successful hematopoiesis process, alpha-tocopherol (E) is needed; without it, the penis may be deficient in blood, which also runs the risk of impaired erection.
B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B3, B12) should be included in the list of the most important substances that all men need to take at least once a year. A lack of them, especially after age 50, can lead to irritability, insomnia, increased fatigue and hair loss. All this should be supplemented with minerals - zinc, iron, iodine, magnesium, potassium, etc.
Which company to buy the product
There are simply countless manufacturers of such funds on the market, among them there are both budget ones with a little-known name, and popular ones that are actively advertised by famous personalities. The latter include 5 companies, whose drugs are most often chosen by many men:
- Mans Formula - this is the brand under which the line of biocomplexes for men based on plant components is sold, they regularly top the TOPs of such products. Its key difference is the availability of drugs for solving almost all problems associated with vitamin deficiency - increasing potency and level of vital energy, improving mood, strengthening hair, eliminating stress, etc.
- Vitrum - funds of this brand are very popular in pharmacies, it belongs to the pharmaceutical company "Unipharm Inc.", founded in 1992. The main office of the firm is located in the USA, in New York. By the way, it was the Vitrum line of drugs that brought her the greatest fame.
- Velman - the rights to this trade mark belong to the British company Vitabiotics. She creates complexes for both girls and guys separately, as well as universal ones, suitable for both. The manufacturer offers several forms of release - drinks, chewable and ordinary tablets.
- Optimum Nutrition - this company creates sports nutrition (various nutritional supplements, including some of the best gainers) for those who want to lose weight and build muscle. The manufacturer tries to use the most natural and healthy ingredients.In pharmacies, it is not very well represented, most often you have to buy funds on the Internet or online sports nutrition stores.
- Krka - the drug "Duovit" participates in our rating from this company. This is a Slovenian company, which has not only vitamins on its account, but also all kinds of medicines. Its products are distinguished by their effectiveness, naturalness and balanced composition.
- Marbiopharm Is a pharmaceutical company operating in the city of Yoshkar-Ola since 1942. Every year the manufacturer expands the product catalog, and today it includes more than 100 names of medicines, substances, dietary supplements based on natural ingredients.
Rating of the best male vitamins
To include all funds in this rating, we were guided by what buyers write in the reviews, as well as by the following parameters:
- Release form;
- Type of packaging;
- Duration of the course;
- Daily dose;
- "Wealth" and naturalness of the composition;
- Number of side effects and contraindications;
- Taste;
- Tablet size;
- The speed of obtaining results;
- Variety of effects.
The main indicator was the ratio of price and quality, since high cost does not always guarantee the same efficiency.
The best vitamins for men
The most versatile here will be drugs with a complex effect, but in this rating we considered not only them. We also analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of the most popular multivitamin complexes to increase potency, successful conception of a child, increase muscles and some other tasks.
For potency
Mans Formula Potential Forte Is a natural dietary supplement based on plant ingredients, the benefits of which are due to the presence of ginseng, yohimbe and a number of other natural ingredients in the composition. A striking effect is possible due to the content of a huge amount of L-arginine and zinc. In fact, this is a complete vitamin and mineral complex that also has a positive effect on the immune and nervous systems. One package with 30 tablets is enough just for the course, they need to be drunk within 30 days. Doctors speak well of this drug, considering it one of the best vitamins for men among inexpensive ones.
- No contraindications as such;
- Improves the quality of erection;
- You don't need to drink often;
- Long shelf life (3 years);
- Not "nasty" in taste;
- They contain a lot of L-arginine and zinc, which increase potency;
- No side reactions.
- You need to take at least a month;
- The results are not immediately visible;
- The capsules are quite large.
The "Potential Forte" remedy is popular, especially among men over 40 years of age, because of its "multifunctionality" - its use to normalize blood flow in the pelvic organs, increase resistance to infections of the genitourinary system and improve overall health in general.
For conception
Vitrum prenatal forte - the fact that this remedy was included in our rating may be surprising, since it was originally made as vitamins for pregnant women or those who just want to become mothers in the near future. But for men who are in solidarity with them in this, this complex is also great. It contains all the substances necessary for the successful fulfillment of the reproductive function - B6, ascorbic acid, natural calcium, iron and much more. The remedy, unfortunately, has a lot of contraindications - gout, thrombophlebitis, etc. It is also bad that there is a high risk of side effects. But even this does not negate the fact that Vitrum prenatal forte is one of the best such remedies.
- Available without a prescription;
- Easy to find in pharmacies;
- Quality production, American;
- Various forms of packaging - in blisters and bottles;
- Rich composition;
- Recommended by doctors.
- Large tablet size;
- Not cheap.
Vitrum prenatal forte is classified as a drug, and therefore, before starting the course, you need to consult a doctor.
Hair loss
Velman Trichologic - the name of the drug already suggests that it is intended to combat hair loss. Reviews show that it is quite expensive, but worth the money. They are advised to be used by the trichologists and hairdressers themselves. The strong point of the complex is really quick results, the "hair fall" slows down in just 2-3 weeks. But practice shows that this is where all the benefits end, you should not wait for the active growth of new hair right away, the hair will become thicker unless in six months.
- The number of tablets in the package is strictly calculated for one course;
- They are advised to be taken by the trichologists themselves;
- Taste tolerant;
- Normal size;
- Minimum of contraindications;
- Works quickly.
- Not always available in pharmacies;
- More expensive than other options.
Some buyers note that they only managed to improve the situation in 2 courses. But here you need to understand that the treatment will be effective only if it is carried out with a break of at least 6 months.
Optimum Nutrition, Opti-Men Is a complex of vitamins and minerals, selected specifically for men, powerlifting, bodybuilding and just for athletes. It consists of biotin, B12, ascorbic acid, iodine, zinc and a number of other equally useful substances. All this increases the immune system and the body's defenses, and amino acids contribute to the active building of muscle mass. Of the minuses, you need to highlight the frequency of taking the drug - 3 times a day, and of the pluses - the fact that the tablets are packaged in convenient bottles of 90, 150 and 240 pcs.
- Volume;
- Release form;
- Convenience of packaging;
- The presence of digestive enzymes in the composition;
- Amino acid content;
- High-speed performance.
- High price;
- It is not always possible to find in pharmacies.
Although Opti-Men are designed primarily for athletes, according to reviews, they can be taken by those who lead an inactive lifestyle. You can buy them at
Duovit Is a universal vitamin and mineral complex that brings maximum health benefits through a competent combination of various substances. So, only vitamins are collected in red tablets, and minerals in blue ones, which are absorbed much better individually. Their action is to strengthen the immune system, slow down hair loss, and improve the psycho-emotional state. But with all this, there are also disadvantages here - many side effects in some cases, a huge list of contraindications and incompatibility with a number of other drugs.
- Can be taken at any age, starting at age 10;
- Rare side effects;
- Reliable manufacturer from Slovenia;
- Absorbed quickly;
- Improves immunity;
- Relieve fatigue;
- Suitable for mental and physical fatigue.
- Very little B12, B1, B6 and B2;
- Contains colorants and flavors;
- The composition contains sucrose, that is, it is not suitable for diabetics;
- There are many contraindications.
Duovit, in comparison with the rest of the funds presented in this rating, is quite inexpensive and, at the same time, is almost not inferior in effect to them. It is also important that it is equally useful for men of all ages, whether after 30, 45 or 50 years.
Longevity for men 60+
Vitamin and mineral complex "Men's Longevity 60+" is designed to maintain health and increase life expectancy. It is designed primarily for men 60+ to slow down the aging of the body. This effect is provided by powerful antioxidants in the composition - dihydroquercetin and resveratrol, which bind free radicals and thus neutralize their negative effects on humans.
"Male Longevity" contains vitamins C, E, K, D, B group and a number of others.The product contains a high dosage of calcium in combination with vitamin D3, as well as magnesium, zinc, iodine and many others. others, which in adulthood are important for the prevention of osteoporosis and bone fracture. A feature of the complex is the separate intake of minerals, water- and fat-soluble vitamins, which guarantees the highest efficiency of assimilation of nutrients. One blister packs a daily norm - 2 tablets and 2 capsules. The drug is taken with meals for 1 month.
- Optimal bioavailability of nutrients;
- Increases hemoglobin;
- Activates cell regeneration;
- Supports immunity.
- The need to take several tablets per day;
- Not everywhere you can buy.
The complex "Men's Longevity" has not yet received a lot of reviews, but has already established itself as a fairly reliable product that improves the quality of life. The composition includes natural ingredients. Has a minimum of contraindications for admission.
What complexes are better to buy
It is best to avoid formulations with artificial colors and flavoring additives that improve the taste of drugs. It is also important that the tablets are small, they should be easy to swallow without splitting. Best of all, if they are designed for 2-4 weeks of admission, this is quite enough to normalize the situation. If possible, then it is most correct to purchase complexes in which all vitamins, micro- and macroelements are located separately, so the effect of them will be stronger.
Choosing the best "male" vitamins from our rating, we recommend paying attention to these tips here:
- If you need to strengthen your health in general, without focusing on any specific organ, then you should choose a fairly good drug "Duovit". It's both inexpensive and, as the reviews show, really useful.
- Those who have problems with potency need to buy complexes designed specifically to eliminate it. One of these in our ranking is Mans Formula Potential Forte.
- Men over 40 should pay attention to means that help stop hair loss, since it is at this age that they most often face such a problem. Therefore, Velmen Trichologic will be more useful for them than ever.
- Those who want to build muscle mass and who are actively involved in the gym are advised to choose Opti-Men.
- For men who plan to become parents in the near future, you can buy Vitrum Prenatal Forte.
- To prevent premature aging of the body and increase life expectancy, a vitamin and mineral complex "Male Longevity 60+" has been developed.
Of course, the list of the best vitamins for men can be very long, so we have selected only the most popular and truly effective remedies based on customer reviews. This rating is based on an analysis of a number of advantages and disadvantages, and we hope it will help you choose the drug that is most useful for you.