The best B vitamins
B vitamins are one of the most important, they are responsible for almost all systems in the body. As soon as the diet is disturbed, the amount of important components is significantly reduced, and disturbances in the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems occur. You can restore balance with the help of a complex of vitamins, which are available in different forms. The rating describes the best B vitamins, they are presented in the form of tablets and ampoules.

Vitamins of group B which company is better to choose
For full work, the body must receive the optimal dosage of nutrients that are produced by different manufacturers. The rating describes the companies of the best B vitamins that you should pay attention to:
- Quaisser Pharma Is a pharmaceutical company founded in 1897 in Hamburg. Creates cosmetics, dietary supplements, pharmaceutical products that are supplied to different countries. The manufacturer cooperates with 50 countries of the world.
- VIS - the company creates various preparations for health, beauty, longevity. Develops active additives, produces them in various forms: powders, tablets, teas, coffee, capsules. Natural, biological and safe products.
- Verrum-vit - a manufacturer of food supplements to support the body and activate its many functions. The company supplies vitamin and mineral complexes to different countries, they are popular and in demand in Europe, Russia, Ukraine.
- Solgar - a manufacturer of quality vitamins, which has been producing medicines since 1947. They are aimed at improving the work of organs, are taken by adults and children. The company additionally produces complexes of minerals, amino acids, probiotics.
- Valenta Pharmaceuticals Is a Spanish manufacturer of biological supplements that develops medicines based on new technologies. One capsule contains a full level of essential substances for fast systems operation. Medicines are supplied to all European cities.
- Doctor ’s Best Is an American brand that has been creating medicines and dietary supplements since 1990. It offers over 200 different medicinal products that are certified for high quality and effectiveness.
- Life Extension - a manufacturer of dietary supplements that are created according to new developments and formulas. The company's medicines improve the regeneration of brain cells, increase immunity and the activity of the nervous system.
- Darnitsa - a pharmaceutical company that creates more than 250 types of medicines aimed at treating and strengthening the immune system. The company was founded in 1930 in Ukraine; it supplies medicines to different countries, including Russia.
- Vervag Pharma - a German company creates medicines, supplies them to many pharmaceutical markets in Europe, Russia and Ukraine. It began its activity in 1965, became in demand since 1992.
- Merck Is an old pharmaceutical company in Germany that creates medical products in various fields. For more than 300 years, the company has been producing medicines for treatment, maintaining immunity, improving the functioning of the nervous system.
B vitamins rating
When compiling the rating, the opinions of doctors, people's reviews, as well as the results of comparative tests were taken into account.They showed what dietary supplements can be used to boost immunity by improving the functioning of the nervous system. Additionally, the following nuances were taken into account:
- Release form;
- Composition;
- Dosage;
- Efficiency;
- Side effects;
- Contraindications;
- Price.
After receiving a full assessment of each product, a rating was compiled showing which types of dietary supplements to pay attention to in order to find an effective drug. All drugs presented in the rating act quickly, saturate the body, and improve its work.
The best B vitamins in tablets
Dietary supplements are commonly used in tablet form. They have a good concentration of substances, are easy to take, and are designed for a minimum course. They also distinguish the high effectiveness of drugs in tablets, because they consist of the optimal amount of substances, which are enough for activity and strength throughout the day. When compiling the rating, 15 drugs were considered, but only 7 of them were selected. They act quickly, are well absorbed, help to strengthen not only body systems, but also improve the condition of nails, hair, skin.
A universal preparation designed to quickly restore the deficiency of B vitamins, macro- and microelements. One tablet fully meets the needs of a person, combines important substances for stable, uninterrupted operation of organs and systems. Doppelgerz - vitamins of group b - prevent the appearance of beriberi, enhance protective functions against viruses and infections, increase appetite in children in its complete absence. Also, saturated components fight chronic fatigue, are responsible for fast functioning, and allow other important components from food to be fully absorbed.
Doppelhertz is taken one tablet daily with a meal with plenty of water. The course of admission is up to two months, this time is enough to completely fill the deficit of the necessary components. No cases of overdose and side effects were observed.
- Improves general condition;
- Strengthens hair;
- Convenient reception;
- Good composition and dosage;
- Enough for the whole course.
- Not suitable for everyone.
Doppelherz improves the condition, fills with a sufficient amount of B vitamins, but is not suitable for everyone. Some notice significant changes on the course and after it, while others do not observe any improvements, apart from self-hypnosis.
The complex contains all the B vitamins, there are no dyes and artificial additives. The natural preparation is taken to maintain health, strengthen immunity, increase appetite and improve sleep. The energy source is taken 1 tablet per day, the course is 4-6 weeks. It is created only for adults, children, and also pregnant women. There are no side effects on the course, there is an improvement in the general condition. One tablet contains a good dosage of vitamins, helps not only improve body functions, but also prevents obesity, the development of atherosclerosis, improves blood flow and many other processes.
- Good result;
- Convenient reception;
- Affordable price;
- Good dosage;
- No side effects.
- Not to be taken by pregnant women.
As the reviews show, Blagomax is suitable for most adults, but it is strictly prohibited to be taken during pregnancy. It improves many functions, improves the functioning of the digestive system, and also fully strengthens the immune system. The first changes are observed in 1-2 weeks individually for each person.
The vitamin and mineral complex is designed to activate the body's processes, improve the quality of life, and saturate with useful components.It compensates for the lack of B vitamins and minerals that contribute to aging and deterioration of many functions. On the course of taking a complex of B vitamins, resistance to infections increases, humoral immunity improves, and collagen synthesis is stimulated. The condition of hair, nails and skin also improves, since the body receives enough components to activate all processes. B vitamins normalize the state of the cardiovascular system, participate in the conversion of food into energy, improve the state of the nervous system, as well as the metabolism in the heart muscle. It is prescribed only for adults, 1 tablet 2 times a day, the course of administration lasts 1 month.
- Suitable for men and women;
- Fights hair loss;
- Activates many functions;
- Improves overall well-being;
- Not a long course of admission.
- Not found.
In the reviews, many indicate that it is Verrum-vit that is most often used to increase immunity and replenish the deficiency of vitamins of group B. The complex consists of all the necessary components that instantly act on the body, improve its capabilities, and prevent the appearance of viral and infectious diseases.
Solgar B-Complex “50”
The complex is designed to strengthen the nervous system and improve the functioning of the brain. It strengthens the immune system, increases protective functions, saturates with useful components. One tablet contains the optimal dosage of thiamine, choline, inositol, pyridoxine, folic acid and other important substances. They are responsible for metabolic processes, promote energy production, help to quickly get in shape after suffering viral diseases or injuries. On the course of admission, the productivity of the brain is significantly improved, memory, concentration of attention increases, and other positive changes also occur. The complex is taken 1 tablet per day with meals. It is forbidden to take the course in the presence of allergies, individual intolerance to the components.
- Contains all the necessary components;
- There are no impurities in the composition;
- Suitable for vegetarians;
- Is there a result;
- Convenient form of admission.
- Paints the urine.
In the reviews, many indicate that the vitamin complex has many benefits, safe and beneficial for the body. It suits both men and women. On the course of admission, the color of urine may change, you should not be afraid of this.
The drug is produced in the form of tablets, which contain a high concentration of B vitamins necessary for the full functioning of the body. The tablets have a specific smell, so they are taken with meals. The effect is observed immediately in the first week of admission, the functions of the digestive system are normalized, general health improves, and the functioning of the nervous system increases. The remedy is taken in 2-4 tablets 3 times a day, the course lasts up to 4 weeks. It is not recommended to increase the course, as you can provoke the occurrence of side effects in case of an overdose. Pentovit is prohibited for people prone to allergies, since a high concentration of vitamins and minerals can cause certain changes.
- Fast effect;
- Good composition;
- Convenient form of admission;
- Affordable price.
- May cause allergies.
According to the reviews, it is clear that many do not like the frequency of admission, which forces it to be carefully monitored. The result is observed quite quickly, already the first changes become noticeable after 1-2 weeks. First of all, the general well-being improves, then the changes concern the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
Doctor's Best, Fully Active B Complex with Quatrefolic
The complex contains 8 important B vitamins, which are designed to support the body's functioning and improve its functions. They act on all organs and systems at the same time, improve the condition, strengthen the immune system, and support all functions.The natural composition, as well as the high concentration of the components, gives changes already in the first week of admission. In terms of its action and composition, Fully Active B Complex is the best complex of B vitamins that you should pay attention to. It helps relieve fatigue, minimizes headaches, and supports the ability of the nervous system. The drug is safe if the person does not have a tendency to allergies and high sensitivity to certain components.
- Fast effect;
- Good composition;
- Does not cause allergies;
- There are no visible contraindications;
- Affordable price.
- Not found.
The reviews indicate that the vitamin-mineral complex helps to improve overall well-being, activates important processes, and increases the body's resistance. The first changes are observed after a week of admission, the duration of the course is individual, an average of 1 month.
Life Extension BioActive Complete B-Complex
Food supplement with vitamin B6, B12, biotin, niacin. Improves body functions, increases the absorption of nutrients, and also helps to improve brain function. The tablets are small in size, so they are easy to swallow, they do not have a pronounced odor. The complex improves the condition of the skin, nails, adds vigor, promotes activity throughout the day. The only drawback is the color of the urine, you need to know about this in advance, and not shock yourself if you find such changes. The complex provides vigorous awakening and activity, normalizes sleep, monitors the condition of the skin, hair and nails. The course of admission is 1-2 months, depending on the dosage of admission. You can take 1-2 capsules per day, one complex consists of 60 tablets.
- Good composition;
- Convenient release form;
- High quality;
- Affordable price;
- Fast effect;
- Optimal dosage.
- The composition is low in magnesium.
The reviews indicate that the B vitamins for hair, nails, skin and immunity cope with their functions, improve well-being from the first week of admission. The course can last either 1 or 2 months. Most reviews advise taking the drug in a minimum dosage of 1 tablet, extending the course for 2 months.
The best B vitamins in ampoules
Vitamin-mineral complexes are produced not only in the form of tablets, but also in ampoules. Many B vitamins in ampoules for intramuscular use have a high dosage of substances, and they act instantly. Their reception is often necessary for emergency care, with serious illnesses. When compiling the rating, 7 nominees were considered, of which only 3 products with a good content of nutrients were selected, which are produced in ampoules.
The drug is available as an injection for intramuscular use and contains a good concentration of water-soluble vitamin B1. The tool quickly makes up for the deficiency of the necessary components, which are responsible for the quality of the work of many organs and systems. Intramuscular administration of Thiamine instantly affects the nervous system, fights stomach diseases, and normalizes the digestive system. But, the vitamin-mineral complex also has certain contraindications, such as sensitivity to components, individual intolerance, idiosyncrasy and others. For adults, the daily dose of vitamin B is 1.2-2 mg, for children - 0.3-0.5 mg. The drug is administered intramuscularly at 25-50 mg 1 time per day.
- Acts instantly;
- Good concentration;
- Affordable price;
- Strengthens the immune system well;
- Normalizes the body's work.
- Not found.
Thiamine is used most often because it has a good dosage and fast effect. From the first days it acts on the nervous and digestive systems, strengthens the immune system, increases resistance to the appearance of viral and infectious diseases.
The drug is available in the form of a red injection, which has a specific smell and fast action. Milgamma improves brain function and blood flow, strengthens the immune system and the work of many organs. After the introduction of the drug, it instantly enters the bloodstream and activates its actions. The drug is administered daily, only in this case it will be possible to replenish all the lost reserves. The remedy is indicated for neuralgia, indigestion, and deterioration of immunity. It is forbidden to make infections during pregnancy or lactation. There is practically no allergy on the course, the agent is adequately tolerated, does not violate any functions of the body.
- Does not cause side effects;
- Good concentration;
- Safe composition;
- Fast action;
- Affordable price.
- Not suitable for everyone.
When taking the drug, many functions of the body quickly improve, for example, changes are observed in the work of the heart. The concentration of substances instantly penetrates into the bloodstream and begins its effect, improving not only the general condition, but also the condition of the skin, hair, nails.
The drug in the form of injections is used to normalize the body's work, improve overall well-being, and normalize the functions of the heart and nervous system. The tool has a good composition and the required concentration, it nourishes with useful components that cannot be synthesized in the body on their own. Group B vitamins do not pose a danger to the human body, the drug has no side effects. The Neurobion course is indicated for neuralgia, sciatica, radicular neuritis, decreased immunity, and other similar disorders. The agent is administered intramuscularly, 1 capsule per day. If the dosage does not give visible results, it is necessary to consult a doctor and correct it.
- Helps with neurology;
- Ampoules open easily;
- Fast results;
- No side effects;
- Suitable for most people.
- Not found.
According to reviews, it can be seen that Neurobion quickly copes with its functions, improves digestion, strengthens the heart, fights allergies, and improves skin condition. One capsule a day is enough to saturate the body with the necessary components and improve its functioning.
Which B vitamins are best to buy
To increase immunity, improve the functioning of the heart and nervous system, the body needs an optimal amount of B vitamins. They are not synthesized in sufficient quantities, therefore, to increase the concentration, it is necessary to take them in the form of tablets or injections. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the dosage, form of release, as well as reviews of people who took the course. Among the entire rating of B vitamins in tablets and ampoules, the following names of drugs are distinguished:
- Doppelherz is a universal drug with a good content of nutrients to strengthen the immune system;
- Verrum-vit - vitamin and mineral complex, available in tablets, designed to activate the body's processes;
- Pentovit - tablets with a specific smell and quick action, can cause allergies;
- Life Extension BioActive Complete B-Complex is a well-formulated food supplement that does not cause allergies;
- Thiamine - injections for intramuscular use, used for serious disorders;
- Neurobion is a drug for normalizing the body's work, improving general well-being, and strengthening immunity.
B vitamins are necessary to improve the functions of the body, to enhance immunity, and reduce the risk of viral and infectious diseases. You should consult your doctor before purchasing.