The best vitamins for menopause
During menopause, a woman is faced with numerous unpleasant symptoms against the background of hormonal changes in the body. Because of which, two important hormones are no longer produced - progesterone, estrogen. And to maintain health, doctors recommend taking special vitamin complexes. Pharmacy chains offer a huge variety of brands and formulations, which makes it difficult for the average buyer to choose. To facilitate this task, the project team conducted its own investigation, compiled a list of important criteria for evaluating drugs, and selected the most reliable manufacturers and brands. As a result of this work, the best vitamins for menopause were identified, included in the top ranking of 2024. And based on the opinions of doctors and women, the main advantages of each nominee were named.

Menopause Vitamin Manufacturers
The first indicator of the effectiveness and quality of any drug is the manufacturer, its reputation. Many domestic and foreign pharmaceutical companies are engaged in biologically active additives. On the basis of medical practice, women's feedback, the level of demand and popularity, experts have selected clear leaders. The best vitamins for menopause suggested:
- Pharmstandard OTS (Complivit 45+) is the largest pharmaceutical company on the Russian market. It occupies a leading position in the production of non-prescription drugs, sales volume. It was founded in 2013 against the backdrop of the reorganization of Pharmstandard JSC. OTC, that is, over-the-counter - non-prescription.
- Aquion (Alphabet 50+) is a pharmaceutical company that has been developing unique products for a healthy lifestyle for over 25 years. She has released several dozen dietary supplements, original drugs to increase immunity, prevent diseases, prolong youth and beauty.
- Artlife (Klimafit) is a Russian company that produces natural supplements of various profiles. These are completely safe products containing only natural ingredients. High-quality raw materials completely exclude GMOs, dyes, flavor enhancers.
- Queisser pharma (Doppelgerts Active Menopause Forte) is a well-known brand from Germany that produces oral hygiene products, vitamin and mineral complexes and dietary supplements. It is based on high quality raw materials, modern technologies and equipment. The history of activity is more than a hundred years.
- Evalar (Tsi-Klim 45+ №60) is a large Russian pharmaceutical company specializing in dietary supplements. Founded in 1991. Each preparation is based on natural valuable components extracted in ecologically clean regions of Altai. The brand has won numerous prestigious awards.
- Solgar (Solgar PM PhytoGen) is a large brand from the USA, which became famous immediately after the release of the first dietary supplement "Naturevite" in 1947. Even then, the company's laboratories produced unique formulations without salt, sugar, flavors and other harmful substances. Over the years of work, authority has been developed, thanks to which vitamins are in demand in all countries.
- Bionorica (Klimadinon) is one of the leading companies in Germany producing high quality herbal medicines for various fields of medicine.In the course of the work, our own phytoneering concept is implemented, that is, "phyto" is a plant, and "engineering" is applied science, engineering art. The company researches, uses agricultural technologies, checks the quality with multi-stage systems.
Rating of vitamins for menopause
There are many criteria for choosing medicines, they are different for each group and type of medicines. What vitamins to drink during menopause, ideally, should be prescribed by the attending doctor. When it comes to dietary supplements, natural harmless preparations, you can be guided by your own preferences. selected nominees for review on several parameters:
- Type - dietary supplement, phytopreparation, vitamin and / or mineral complex;
- Composition - a complex of substances, the presence of useful additives;
- Therapeutic properties - maintenance of specific organs and systems;
- Purpose - prevention, treatment, improving the tone of the body;
- Principle of action - speed, cumulative effect;
- Indications - a universal or highly targeted agent;
- Age - what age group is it for;
- Release form - tablets, capsules, liquid solutions, etc.;
- Reception regimen - frequency rate, dosage, course duration;
- Restriction - strict, relative contraindications;
- Risks - tolerance, assimilation by the body, side effects;
- Safety - the presence or absence of harmful components.
An important indicator for the project team was the opinions of leading medical specialists and their medical practice. They, as well as the reviews of the patients, helped to determine the advantages and disadvantages of each nominee, to place them in their places in the top ranking. Based on this, the 7 best remedies in 2024 are named.
Best inexpensive vitamins for menopause
All vitamins for menopausal women on sale differ not only in manufacturer, but also in prices. Not every woman can afford expensive complexes from brand companies. With this in mind, the first category that was included in the rating is inexpensive vitamins from domestic manufacturers. The review includes the best formulations for the female body, which received high ratings from buyers and recommendations from doctors.
Complivit 45+
Russian complex for women of the age group 45+. It is based on a whole set of vitamins of the B group, which are supplemented with C, A, P and PP, selenium and magnesium. Herbal supplements are designed to normalize metabolism, support the nervous system, the immune system - this is an extract of cimicifuga (phytoestrogen) and motherwort (adaptogen), L-carnitine (amino acid). Correct use will make up for the lack of basic resources for the body, normalize lipid metabolism, hormones. What effects can be expected - elimination of hot flashes of menopause, headaches, improved sleep quality, increased efficiency. Also noted a positive effect on the emotional background.
- Additional plant extracts;
- Good prophylactic doses of components;
- Help with physiological stress;
- Weight control;
- Influence on the emotional background;
- Simple reception scheme;
- Inexpensive.
- Modest mineral set;
- Quinoline yellow dye in the composition (allergen).
The tablet form must be taken 1 piece once a day, which is very convenient. For maximum benefit, this is done within 3-4 months, after which there should be a break. Contraindication is pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance to active substances.
Alphabet 50+
A universal complex for the age group 50+, and the gender of the receiving person is not important. In comparison with the previous nominee, the composition does not adjust to the physiological changes of the female body during menopause. This is more help for precisely this age, which is typical for certain ailments.The alphabet 50+ is shown to persons suffering from osteoporosis, diseases of the musculoskeletal tissues, since the required dose of calcium is located here. Also, the drug is suitable for people with diseases of the organs of vision due to the content of carotenoids. Taking lutein and lycopene is also the best prevention of visual pathologies, reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Iodine supports the endocrine system, B vitamins - the nervous system, skin, hair, nails.
- Composition of 13 vitamins and 9 minerals;
- Increased dose of calcium;
- For women and men;
- Support for the organs of vision;
- No contraindications;
- Inexpensive.
- There is no adaptation to the needs of the body during menopause;
- The need for separate reception.
This drug was not created specifically for women, but it will provide invaluable support at this age. Postmenopausal vitamins are categorized by color - white calcium, blue antioxidants, yellow iron.
They need to be drunk separately, as described in the instructions, so that there is no conflict between the substances. No contraindications other than hypersensitivity are indicated.
Combined vitamins for menopause with herbal supplements. To maintain the functional activity of the female body, vitamins D3, B3 and B6, E, zinc and calcium, silicon, magnesium, boron are added to the composition. Plant extracts of phytohormones - cimicifuga, valerian, hawthorn fruits, horsetail, damiana leaf, wild yam, soy isoflavone, indigal-veles - were able to enhance their benefits. The last component is especially valuable as it prevents cancerous tumors. What problems will such a set solve - hot flashes, sleep disturbances and irritability, pressure surges, osteoporosis. It is permissible to use it both for improving well-being during menopause and for preventive purposes. Phytohormones maintain normal tone of the genitals, prevent premature aging of the skin.
- Natural ingredients;
- A large set of medicinal herbs;
- Lack of addiction;
- Prevention of cancer, osteoporosis;
- Sleep normalization;
- Pressure control.
- The action is observed after a few days;
- Not every pharmacy has it.
Dietary supplement in capsule form should be taken 1 piece twice a day. The minimum course is 1 month. Contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the components in the formula, the instruction does not indicate.
The most effective vitamin complexes for menopause
If price is not a determining factor in selection, the next category in the ranking will present effective imported dietary supplements. They were presented by brands with a recognizable name. The composition was selected taking into account the physiological characteristics of the female body during menopause. And the results of the course application are proven by clinical trials, customer reviews.
Doppelherz Active Menopause Forte
A specialized remedy for pre- and postmenopausal women who are faced with all the ensuing consequences. The main focus of the manufacturer was on the dosage of calcium, vitamin D3, phytoestrogens were added to them to maintain hormonal levels during its restructuring. Age indication - 40+. Especially useful will be the complex of vitamins Menopause Forte for those who suffer from vegetative-vascular pathologies, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, psychoemotional disorders. The formula contains many substances; phytoestrogens, soy isoflavones, sedative hop cones, a complex of B vitamins, iron and other microelements are of particular value.
- Combined composition;
- Strengthening the heart, blood vessels;
- Positive effect on the nervous system;
- Phytoestrogens to maintain hormonal levels;
- Normalization of the psycho-emotional background;
- A powerful remedy.
- Price;
- The dosage of some components is below normal.
One package contains 3 capsules to be taken by mouth with meals.The frequency of admission is 1 time per day, the course lasts 1 month. After that, you need to take a break. Contraindications indicate age less than 18 years, individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy, breastfeeding period.
Tsi-Klim 45+ No. 60
Popular vitamins for menopause, who are over 45 of domestic production from the Evalar brand. Primarily, this remedy enhances the absorption of calcium, which is important for this age group. The amino acid L-carnitine controls weight, metabolism, improves heart muscle function. Vitamis C prevents the appearance of cancer cells. Rutin strengthens the walls of blood vessels, stimulates the adrenal cortex. B vitamins support the nervous system, like motherwort extract, and also improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails. Tocopherol cleanses blood vessels, vitamin A supports the organs of vision. As a phytoestrogen, cimifuga extract balances the production of hormones along with selenium. Correct application improves mood, prevents pressure drops, makes a woman energetic and cheerful.
- Complete course in one package;
- Phytoestrogens in the composition;
- Beneficial effect on the entire body;
- Convenient reception;
- Good tolerance;
- Inexpensive.
- Risks of developing grass allergies;
- The minimum set of minerals.
You need to take tablets orally 1 time, 1 piece. It is advisable to do this with meals to improve digestion. The duration of the course is selected individually, but not less than 2 months. Contraindications are pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding, hypersensitivity to components, age under 18 years.
Solgar PM PhytoGen
All dietary supplements from the Solgar brand are in great demand, since they are similar in principle to drugs. These are premium products with 100% natural content. Phytoestrogen Miroestrol is provided to maintain hormonal levels. Vitamins of group B control the condition of the skin, nails, hair, do not allow mood swings. The herbal component has a set of properties - tonic, soothing, diaphoretic, antiemetic, hypoclemic effect. Regular use relieves migraines, dizziness. Prophylactic use for hypertension, fibroids, mastopathy, and prostate adenoma in men is acceptable. Proprietary production technology creates a protective layer that improves absorption. A dietary supplement for vegetarians.
- Premium quality;
- Innovative production process;
- 100% natural;
- Hypoallergenic composition;
- Rare plant phytoestrogen;
- Gluten free.
- Price;
- Purchase primarily via the Internet.
You need to take such a supplement one tablet twice a day. For better assimilation, it is recommended to do this with food intake. The author's herbal formula is completely safe for the body.
It is necessary to refuse therapy during pregnancy, lactation, as well as in case of intolerance to active substances.
Homeopathic remedy phytoestrogen for maintaining the female body during the approach or onset of menopause. Plant analogues of hormones replace those that are no longer produced by the hormonal background. Unlike the predecessors of the review, this is a monopreparation, which is based on only one substance - cimicifuga extract. This herb has proven to be harmless and effective in relieving menopause. First of all, it has a beneficial effect on the work of the nervous system, which is appropriate for depression, insomnia, vegetative-vascular disorders, mood swings. A choice of 2 forms of release is offered - tablets, drops.
- For any age;
- 100% natural;
- Short course of admission;
- Good tolerance;
- Lack of side effects;
- Availability.
- Lack of vitamins, microelements;
- The effect does not come immediately.
You need to take pills twice a day, preferably at the same time with plenty of water. The duration is determined by the doctor, but no longer than 3 months, since it is a phytohormone that affects the hormonal system. Prohibited Klimadinon with lactose intolerance, estrogen-dependent tumors, hypersensitivity, pregnancy and lactation.
What vitamins are better for menopause
The expert rating is aimed at narrowing the search circle for the buyer, what to use for prevention or treatment. All the nominees presented in the review demonstrate high quality, the ability to help the female body in the climacteric period, differ in composition, prices, and principle of action. What to buy will be suggested by the results of a comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages:
- Complivit 45+ is an inexpensive remedy with preventive doses;
- Alphabet 50+ - a universal supplement for women after menopause, men;
- Klimafit is a natural remedy with a large list of plant substances in its composition;
- Tsi-Klim 45+ No. 60 - a complete course in one package with good tolerance;
- Solgar PM PhytoGen - premium quality, 100% natural hypoallergenic composition;
- Klimadinon is a supportive homeopathic remedy for all ages.
It is worth paying attention not only to the main, but also to additional substances. For example, with the problem of excess weight, selenium and chromium will be useful, antioxidants and vitamin C are needed for the cardiovascular system, iodine is needed for the thyroid gland, calcium will help bones and joints, etc. In any case, the choice of dietary supplement is a purely individual decision.