The best choleretic drugs
Violation of the production and outflow of bile in a person over time necessarily leads to the appearance of discomfort and pain in the right hypochondrium, causes nausea and weakness, provokes yellowing of the sclera of the eyes and worsens overall health. To avoid this, it is recommended to pay attention to such changes in time and choose only the best choleretic drugs that have been verified by customers. We present to your attention a rating of good herbal and medicinal products, created taking into account customer reviews.

Choleretic drug which company is better to choose
This rating considers products of mainly Russian manufacturers in three categories: inexpensive, average cost and premium. And most of the offers are available just in the budget price segment.
Here are the companies that are considered popular in the market for choleretic drugs:
- Sotex PharmFirm - a Russian supplier of medicines, of which Odeston participates in this rating, designed to normalize the reproduction of bile. The firm is located in Moscow and operates in accordance with the requirements of GMP, the European Union.
- Moskhimpharmaceuticals Is a Russian pharmaceutical company represented in this rating by the drug Allochol. The company began its work back in 1882, and now it is in the TOP-10 of the largest manufacturers in Russia for 2011. The release forms available here are solutions for injections, tablets, capsules, aerosols.
- Rosa-Phytopharma laboratory Is a French pharmaceutical corporation headquartered in Paris. She specializes in the development and production of drugs for the treatment of both external and internal diseases. Its products have a convenient shape, small size, adequate taste and smell. In the list of choleretic agents of this manufacturer, Hovitol deserves special attention.
- Solgar Is an American company producing natural dietary supplements. Among them there are dietary supplements with a pronounced choleretic effect, the main form of release of which is capsules and tablets. The company's supplements are sold mainly in glass packages and in large quantities, approximately 60-120 capsules. Their main advantage is the low likelihood of side effects and a wide range of actions.
- Balm Is a Russian company engaged in the development, production and sale of natural health products based on honey and Altai herbs. Its peculiarity lies in the complex recovery, fast action, low risk of adverse reactions. Her formulas are developed using old, proven recipes. This company produces, in particular, the "Gepachol" product.
- Krasnogorskleksredstva JSC - under this brand, various medicinal preparations are sold, made from all kinds of herbs: mint, St. John's wort, chamomile, etc. Its choleretic agents are one of the best, in particular, because there are practically no contraindications to their use, with the exception of individual intolerance to individual components. Mixtures of this brand are harmless to health and cause side reactions only in rare cases. In this rating, the collection "Phytohepatol" is considered from this company.
- Soik LLC - a manufacturer of preventive and therapeutic products from plant materials. Various dietary supplements are offered under this brand, including those for the normalization of bile production. The most effective in its range is Fitolex, which is precisely described in this rating.
- ethnoscience - on the Russian market it is one of the leaders in the production of herbal preparations and food supplements. They are created from selected raw materials, recognized as safe and fast-acting, on average, the course of treatment with them is 3-4 weeks. This TOP examines the advantages and disadvantages of the rather popular choleretic collection "Fitolux".
Rating of the best choleretic drugs
When preparing this TOP, we took into account, first of all, the effectiveness of drugs, paying attention to customer reviews. The opinions of doctors were also monitored and all the most important characteristics of the products in question were carefully studied.
As a result, the choice in favor of one or another drug was made based on the following features:
- Release form - tablets, capsules, herbal tea, syrup;
- Indications for admission;
- Naturalness of the composition;
- The duration of the course of treatment;
- Optimal daily rate;
- Lack of side effects;
- The speed of obtaining the first results;
- Completeness of assimilation of nutrients;
- Dimensions (separately for tablets and capsules);
- Spectrum of action;
- Taste and smell;
- Ease of preparation of the product (for herbal preparations);
- Package volume;
- The recommended age of the patient, can it be given to children;
- List of contraindications.
Also, when preparing the rating, we paid attention to whether a prescription is required to buy a drug, as well as how easy it is to find it in pharmacies. Equally important was the ratio of price and quality of products.
The best choleretic tablets and capsules
It is capsules and tablets that are considered the most effective form of release of choleretic drugs. They dissolve in the stomach, and the body receives useful substances in almost full volume, which speeds up recovery from dyskinesia, cholecystitis and other similar diseases. For this purpose, according to the reviews of buyers and doctors, the drugs presented in this category do an excellent job.
The medical product "Odeston" is specially designed to provide selective antispasmodic action and normalize bile secretion. It also removes its stagnation, which helps to get rid of pain in the right hypochondrium, nausea and yellow sclera of the eyes. This choleretic drug for children and adults is effective in preventing the development of cholelithiasis. Such results are guaranteed by a high concentration of the active substance gimecromone (200 mg).
Unlike many drugs, this drug practically does not negatively affect the functioning of the liver, because it contains no dangerous synthetic components. As additional ingredients, starch, sodium lauryl sulfate, magnesium stearate, gelatin are used here, but because of the latter, these tablets are not suitable for vegetarians.
- Absorbed easily and almost completely;
- It is excreted by almost 95%;
- Wide range of indications;
- Convenient, round shape;
- If necessary, the tablet can be divided into several parts without problems;
- An allergic reaction practically does not occur.
- There are many contraindications for admission;
- Not suitable for children under 7;
- There is no information on the safety of the drug during pregnancy.
The value of Odeston lies in the possibility of its use for dyskinesia, after operations on the gallbladder, with cholelithiasis of various forms, in case of deterioration of immunity, as well as vomiting and constipation against the background of too active production of bile.
Another inexpensive drug with a choleretic effect, Allohol, according to customer reviews, helps about a week after the start of the course. However, it still needs to be completed completely by drinking the tablets for at least 1-2 months. The required dosage is small here - 1 table. three times a day, after a week this rate can be reduced to 2 doses a day.
Usually, one stage of using Allochol is enough to solve problems, but in some cases it may be necessary to repeat the course, and before that it will be necessary to wait 3 months. The tablets are taken orally, washed down with water, it is convenient to swallow them due to their small size, and the required dose can always be crushed. This product is suitable for 4 years from the date of production, the main thing is that the room where it is stored is dry and cool.
- Natural origin of the components;
- Small tablet size;
- Normal taste;
- Do not require a lot of water;
- Help quickly;
- They stimulate the liver and pancreas well.
- With sensitivity to the components of the drug, rashes on the skin are possible;
- Sometimes mild diarrhea appears.
Reviews demonstrate that Allochol not only has a pronounced choleretic effect, but also eliminates fermentation processes in the intestine, which reduces the likelihood of developing colitis and other similar diseases.
The herbal choleretic preparation "Hofitol" is produced in the form of tablets, of which 60 are sold in one package. Unfortunately, this amount is not enough for one course, which usually lasts 2-3 weeks, but an acceptable price eliminates this disadvantage. The daily norm for an adult is a maximum of 9 tablets, children can also take them, but no more than 6 pcs. and only at the age of 6+. The drug is dispensed without a prescription, but you need to drink it only under the supervision of a doctor.
Hofitol, which is based on artichoke, belongs to herbal preparations. This active ingredient complements magnesium stearate, talc, corn starch. Vegetarians should pay attention to the components of the shell made with the addition of animal gelatin. It is undesirable to remove this film - it contains many substances that are important for restoring the process of bile production.
- Low price;
- Small size;
- Round form;
- Contains no hazardous chemical components;
- High concentration of active ingredient;
- Pronounced hepatoprotective effect.
- It is not very convenient to divide into parts - they begin to crumble;
- Cannot be taken for cholelithiasis;
- Requires strict control during admission to pregnant women and during lactation.
Hofitol has a wide range of action - it helps to improve metabolic processes, relieves the condition in chronic non-calculous cholecystitis, eliminates hypokinetic biliary dyskinesia, helps with chronic nephritis and liver cirrhosis, and is good for the treatment of renal failure.
Solgar artichoke leaf extract
This food supplement is intended to stimulate the secretion of bile, as well as to prevent the development of diseases of the gallbladder and liver, in particular cholecystitis. A good therapeutic effect is provided by a high concentration of the main active ingredient of the artichoke. Additional components in the form of magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide are safe for health and taste good. Solgar tablets are easy to digest and show quick results, but you still need to complete the full course - for at least a month.
The food supplement "Solgar" is recommended to be taken 3 times a day, 1 caps. It is advisable to do this with meals, but if you postpone the procedure for the period after a meal, then the absorption of nutrients may deteriorate.Compared to the rest of the drugs in the rating, this remedy has practically no contraindications, with the exception of pregnancy, individual intolerance and breastfeeding.
- Normal taste;
- Small size;
- Easy to swallow;
- It is a hepatoprotector, protecting the liver;
- Improves digestion.
- It is not recommended to dissolve in water.
According to reviews, the choleretic drug "Solgar" can be taken not only for problems with the secretion and drainage of bile, but also in case of flatulence, frequent belching, nausea, and various types of intoxication.
The best choleretic syrups
This form of release is relevant for those who do not like to swallow pills. Especially often it is chosen for small children, up to 7-10 years old. Usually, syrups do not need to be diluted with water, which makes them easy to use. In this category were included the best similar agents with a pronounced choleretic effect, as well as with general strengthening properties.
Biologically active food supplement "Gepachol" is intended for the prevention and treatment of various gastrointestinal diseases: cholecystitis, dyskinesia, hepatitis, pancreatitis, gastritis, colitis. It is actively and successfully used in violation of the patency of the biliary tract and in the case of pain in the right hypochondrium, often arising in connection with this. It is a rich source of flavonoids, organic acids and tannins, which guarantees a boost in immunity and overall health.
Gepachol is worthy of attention due to its naturalness, it contains exclusively plant components: infusion of rose hips, burdock, dandelion, coriander, calamus, and sugar. Because of the latter, this remedy is not suitable for diabetics with both the first and the second type of this disease. Also, this component has led to the high calorie content of the syrup, which makes you be more careful in violation of carbohydrate metabolism.
- Convenient form of release - liquid;
- Not a large daily rate - 1 tbsp. l. three times a day;
- Duration of admission does not exceed a month;
- Volume - 250 ml;
- Expiration date - 1.5 years;
- Natural composition;
- Nice smell.
- Glass bottle;
- The course requires up to 4 packs.
Gepachol in the reviews is recognized as effective and safe, however, there are a number of restrictions for its intake - pregnancy, lactation and individual intolerance to even one of the components of the dietary supplement.
The healing gift of Altai rosehip
In the ranking, this is another budget syrup with a pronounced choleretic effect. But in addition to the main effect, with its help it is also possible to fill the body with various vitamins and strengthen the immune system, which has a beneficial effect on health in general. The uniqueness of this supplement lies in the possibility of its use at almost any age, even children.
One of the best choleretic preparations "Healing Gift of Altai" is made on the basis of rosehip infusion, therefore it has a very specific taste. However, it can be taken with a little water, but if there is too much, the effect may be reduced. Also included in the composition is citric acid, which is dangerous for patients with gastritis, and sugar syrup, which is recommended for diabetics to avoid.
- Cheapness;
- Available in many stores;
- Does not require long breaks between courses;
- Expires within 18 months from the date of production;
- Increases performance;
- Sediment hardly forms over time.
- Small package volume;
- At first, the taste seems bitter.
Syrup "Healing Gift of Altai" has a light pink color, which indicates naturalness. It is packaged in glass transparent packages of 100 ml, which is enough for about 2 weeks of regular use. This product can be used both as a supplement to food: ice cream, pies, cakes, etc., and in pure form.
The best choleretic herbs
This is the most convenient form of release, since it is enough to pour boiling water over the herbs and hold for some time on low heat, and then drink in small sips strained. All kinds of preparations with a choleretic effect are natural and completely safe for health in the absence of contraindications for their use. Out of 10 compositions, 3 products were selected in this rating, which were recognized as the most effective.
Choleretic collection No. 3 "Fitohepatol"
Herbal collection No. 3 "Phytohepatol" with a choleretic effect has proven itself well due to its naturalness - it is made exclusively on the basis of herbal ingredients. The composition includes chamomile flowers, calendula, tansy, peppermint leaves and yarrow herb. Each of them reinforces each other's action, which speeds up the receipt of the desired results.
It is recommended to prepare the infusion from the collection "Phytohepatol" no earlier than 40 minutes before taking it, so that there is time for its aging. A prerequisite is to boil the product under a lid over low heat, which allows you to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients.
In reviews of this herbal choleretic preparation, it is noted that at the exit the volume of the finished liquid is small, therefore, the raw materials remaining after filtering may need to be squeezed out well. The purified infusion is drunk at 80-100 ml three times a day, half an hour before meals. With a not pronounced violation of the production of bile, a course of 2 weeks will be quite enough, in neglected cases this period will need to be increased to a month.
- Finely ground grass;
- Shelf life - 2 years;
- Not a big expense - about 2 tbsp. l. 200 ml of boiling water;
- Rarely causes heartburn;
- Sold in bags.
- It is strictly forbidden to take during pregnancy and lactation;
- Boil over low heat for at least 15 minutes.
The infusion obtained as a result of filtering water boiled with grass must be stored in a cool dark place for about 1-2 days under a lid.
Phytolex cholagogue 1.5 g No. 20
This is the most convenient form of release, in the form of filter bags, which are easy to brew and do not require long exposure under the lid; 2-3 minutes are enough for this. This product belongs to dietary supplements, so a prescription for its purchase is not needed. Herbal tea is a complex of minerals and vitamins (A, B1, B2, C, E, etc.), therefore, in addition to normalizing the production of bile, it also helps to somewhat improve vision in myopia.
The high efficiency of Fitoleks is due to the content here of numerous active components of plant origin: fruits and leaves of blueberries, chokeberry, schisandra chinensis and some others. In general, the body reacts to them normally, allergies are possible only in rare cases, with high sensitivity to the components of the product.
- It is not necessary to brew with boiling water;
- A durable bag that does not tear when squeezing out liquid;
- You can drink both with food and after it;
- The duration of the course does not exceed one month;
- Shelf life - 2 years;
- The set includes 20 sachets.
- Not the best taste;
- You need to drink at least 400 ml of tea per day.
Fitoleks is designed mainly for adults, it should be taken with caution during pregnancy and lactation. However, in any other circumstance, a doctor's consultation is required before and during treatment.
Collection No. 6 choleretic "Fitolux"
This is a budget option designed for a complex effect on the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended to be taken in courses of 3-4 weeks, although improvements are noticeable after 10-15 days after the start of use.The quick results from the use of this herbal choleretic drug can be explained by the high concentration of natural active substances in the composition - corn silk, peppermint, tansy flowers and many others. This combination gave the collection a not very pleasant aftertaste, but it is tolerable. It should be noted that when the powder is dissolved in water, it loses its strength.
Means "Fitolux" has only one contraindication - individual intolerance to the components in the composition. In packages, 50 g of chopped herbs are sold, which (1 tsp) are poured with boiling water (1 glass) and insisted for about 15 minutes, and filtered and shaken before use. The recommended daily allowance is 2 glasses, the most optimal period for taking is with meals.
- Low price;
- Reduces flatulence;
- Eliminates inflammation in the biliary tract;
- Contains only natural ingredients;
- Accelerates the outflow of bile;
- Improves digestion.
- Not very convenient packaging;
- It is required to soak in water for about 15 minutes.
Which choleretic drug is better to buy
In case of serious violations of the process of production and drainage of bile, special tablets and capsules are considered the most effective. If the problems are insignificant or it is required to ensure the prevention of the development of dyskinesia and other similar diseases, then a syrup or herbal collection may be quite enough.
Here's the remedy for the situation:
- With dyskinesia, Odeston tablets are very relevant.
- After operations on the gallbladder, Allochol will be useful.
- To eliminate stagnation of bile and accelerate its production in children, you can use Hofitol.
- In order to normalize the work of the digestive tract, it is recommended to use the supplement from "Solgar".
- Those who, in addition to improving the outflow of bile, also want to strengthen the immune system, should pay attention to Gepachol.
- It will not be a mistake to choose the collection "Healing gift of Altai rosehip" as an additive to food.
- If you prefer teas, then it would be ideal to buy the collection "Phytohepatol"
- In case of kinking of the gallbladder, you should take a closer look at the Phytolex supplement.
- For the prevention of violations of bile production, you can choose Fitolex.
Before choosing choleretic drugs, it is best to seek the advice of a doctor, even if a prescription is not required for their purchase - only therapy under the supervision of specialists can guarantee good and safe results.