Best dentures according to user reviews
Loss of teeth is always stressful, because their absence significantly constrains communication, forces you to smile with your mouth closed and be ashamed of your appearance. Fortunately, today, when there are many options for replacing native molars with artificial ones, each of us has the opportunity to regain a perfect smile. But, before going to dentistry, you should know in advance about the advantages and disadvantages of the best dentures according to the reviews of experts and patients. In this rating, we have described all existing types of structures, which will greatly facilitate your choice of one or another of them.

Popular manufacturers of dental prostheses
Usually dentists themselves recommend this or that brand, but, of course, this is done not without benefit for themselves. At the same time, companies from the CIS countries do not always offer products worse than their American and Western European competitors. Here are the designs of which firms are most often offered in clinics:
- Ducera - they mostly remember this company when it becomes necessary to install ordinary crowns. Most of them are made by this German company from pure ceramics, which leads to a high price for the products. They also have suggestions based on metal.
- Vita InCeram Alumina Is another German company that manufactures products of increased strength and high aesthetics based on zirconium oxide. Its products are most often chosen for replacing anterior teeth.
- Ivoclar Vivadent - again, our ranking includes a German manufacturer that creates prostheses and everything you need to use them. Dentists note that the dentition with them turns out to be natural and aesthetic.
- Valplast - finally, German companies are competing with an American brand, under which very popular nylon removable structures are mainly supplied to dental offices. This company is known for offering excellent performance in terms of hypoallergenicity of its products, their durability and ease of wearing.
- Ftorax - this is the first brand of the Ukrainian manufacturer "Stoma", the production facilities of which are located in Kharkov. He mainly produces plastic teeth. It is worth noting that their surface has a wide range of shades, this allows you to choose the most suitable option, depending on the state of the enamel of a particular patient.
- Villacryl H Is a Polish manufacturer of its own products and a distributor of Italian dental materials. It began its activity in 1990, and during this time it has confidently established itself in the vastness of the CIS. Unlike competitors in this rating, the company is mainly engaged in the production of raw materials for creating the same prostheses.
The most popular and high-quality products are those made in Germany, USA, Israel.
Rating of the best prostheses
When compiling it, first of all, we paid attention to what good things are written in the reviews about certain models. In this rating, we examined the advantages and disadvantages of all types of prostheses that can be installed with the loss of natural teeth.
When analyzing the pros and cons of structures, we paid special attention to the following:
- Ease of wearing (is there an unpleasant smell, is the product crushing);
- Cost;
- Production time;
- Easy to install;
- Difficulty in leaving;
- Mounting method (clasps, locks, glue);
- Safety of use (whether allergies are possible, whether the products rub the gums, etc.);
- Aesthetic (how natural the colors are);
- Efficiency (load distribution, solid food intake, etc.);
- Life time;
- Possibility of renovation.
Our choice of the best dentures was also greatly influenced by the material of the product, as they are made from both acrylic and nylon. We also paid attention to the conditions for the installation of the prosthesis - complete or partial loss of teeth, the condition of the remaining molars and gums.
Fixed dentures
These include crown-based bridges, which most often require the grinding of adjacent molars. They are made from metal, cermets and hypoallergenic plastic. The first and the last are relevant only as a temporary measure or for installation on teeth invisible in the mouth, as they do not look very aesthetically pleasing and less reliable. An alternative to this is tabs, but they are only relevant when the root is preserved. Another option is an implant. Recently, an adhesive bridge has been introduced to the market.
- Long-term result (crowns need to be changed every 10-15 years);
- Natural look;
- Easy to care for;
- When it comes to implants, they prevent tissue resorption;
- Do not cause discomfort in the mouth;
- When installing crowns, it is required to grind the surrounding molars;
- Food is often clogged under the crowns, which can lead to gum inflammation;
- Implantation is expensive and time-consuming, with a high risk of rejection;
- Not suitable for periodontal disease;
- With an adhesive bridge, adjacent teeth are damaged.
Fixed prostheses, except for implants, are relevant only with partial loss of molars, as they require support. It is also important that they need to be updated from time to time.
Removable structures for dental prosthetics
Here, one should immediately note the possibility of choosing materials and a method of fastening. For example, acrylic plastic designs are widely popular, which are mainly used for temporary wear. Of the more expensive options, nylon products can be offered with better quality.
Outwardly, they are constructions of a gum and teeth simulator, which is attached to the native gum. Thus, no clasps and locks remain in the mouth, which is very convenient. But at the same time, it is because of them that taste buds can change. It is also of great importance that they can press on the surface and cause discomfort. Recently, a combination of implants and such structures has been actively practiced.
- Low price;
- Fast production;
- Softness;
- Long service life;
- Looks quite natural;
- Do not require prolonged examination of the patient;
- Can be either partial or complete;
- Easily repaired if needed.
- May distort a person's voice;
- Often cause allergic reactions;
- With an unreliable fastening, they have to be constantly corrected;
- Must be removed at night;
- You need to store in special solutions.
For temporary replacement of molars in the absence of 1-2 pcs. very often the Immediate prosthesis, better known as the "butterfly", is used.
Unlike lamellar, they are softer, which reduces pressure on the gums, minimizes the risk of irritation and inflammation. This ensures a high level of wearing comfort. They can be used by both young and old people. At a cost, such structures are slightly more expensive than the previous ones, and the principle of their use is the same - fixation on the gum and removal at night. True, they require careful maintenance with an irrigator, toothpastes, etc.
- Hypoallergenic;
- Durability, without any problems withstand the load when eating solid food;
- Do not contribute to the appearance of a metallic taste in the mouth and odor from it;
- Do not require addiction;
- Resistant to moisture, due to which they are not a hotbed of bacteria accumulation;
- Aesthetics;
- Natural colors of all elements;
- Uniform load distribution.
- More expensive than lamellar;
- Usually they are done when either all the teeth or some part of them are missing;
- There is a danger of mucosal damage;
- Regular care is required.
Nylon constructions can be attached either with glue or cream for fixing dentures, or without using them, due to the vacuum effect.
Conditionally removable tooth replacements
They can be made of acrylic or nylon, such designs are also called clasp. There are several ways to attach them - on clasps (hooks) or locks (attachments) made of metal. But all these options are suitable only if there is a support for fixing the prosthesis.
They are inferior to other types in natural color, wearing comfort and practicality, but at the same time they gain in terms of price. Usually they are planned to be placed by those who want to resort to more radical methods of prosthetics after some time. It should be noted that they make both the chewing part and the gingival part from plastic. Their service life is on average 5 years. It should be noted that it is unlikely that it will be possible to fully take solid food.
- Cheapness;
- Availability;
- Fast installation;
- Duration of use;
- Various mounting methods;
- Reliable fixation;
- They transfer the load when eating to the teeth from the gums.
- Ineffective in the absence of teeth
- Clasps and locks can be slightly noticeable with a wide smile;
- Metallic elements cause some discomfort;
- Often cause unpleasant odors and spoil the taste of food.
Conditionally removable options cannot be called the best in the absence of a dentition. It must also be said that due to the presence of rather massive metal elements, they are most often placed only on the lower jaw.
Which denture is better - acrylic or nylon
If it is needed only for temporary replacement of lost teeth, then you can limit yourself to an acrylic construction (lamellar). At the same time, it will be possible to talk about a comfortable meal only if there are locks or clasps on it. That is, it is better to pay attention to the conditionally removable options. For those who want to save money, completely removable are also suitable, but they are relevant mainly in the absence of molars.
As a permanent design, it is best to choose nylon products, for example, clasp ones. If possible, you can place an implant or make a bridge from crowns. As an alternative to these options, those who do not want to grind healthy teeth should look at the adhesive bridge or Maryland. True, its service life usually does not exceed 5 years.
For temporary replacement of 1-3 teeth with an included defect, butterflies or immediates made of plastic are mainly used. But for permanent wear, they are by no means recommended.
Dentists say that with a complete loss of molars, the best denture will be a bridge with support on implants - it is less expensive than installing only them, and more efficiently compared to all kinds of temporary options.