The best spinners for perch
Plus fishing for perch is a good catch. It lives in almost every fresh water body where there is food. The predator is very voracious, therefore it bites on various baits, which often exceed its size. At the same time, the effectiveness of fishing depends on a number of factors and to catch it, you need to choose the right tackle. The rating, which includes the best lures for perch, was compiled on the basis of a comparative analysis of their characteristics, reviews of experienced anglers about the features of using lures.

Which company is better to choose a spinner for a perch
Tackle parameters affect the efficiency of the catch. Manufacturers are constantly releasing new models with improved performance, but not all of them are of good quality. Lures from trusted companies are recommended to choose, the reliability of which is confirmed by experienced fishermen. The review includes the following companies for the production of the best lures for perch:
- Kuusamo - Finnish fishing company. Products are appreciated for the quality of materials, the geometry of the models, which engineers calculate on a computer, and the painting technique. The lures are designed for stable fishing in all conditions.
- Williams Gold Refinery Company Is a Canadian bait company. The trademark's trademark is the stabilizing longitudinal stiffener, which prevents spinning of the spinners. The features of the brand's models include coating with a thin layer of silver or gold, which ensures their durability. The demand is due to the high catchability and versatility of the gear.
- Shark - a Latvian company produces fishing products. They are distinguished by good technical parameters, quality, efficiency, low price. The range includes lures for all fishing conditions.
- LLC "Northern Workshops" Is a Russian company producing fishing tackle under the Nord Water’s brand. Models are focused on winter fishing. The assortment includes jigs, balance weights, rockers. Before being sent to stores, the tackle is tested in the conditions of domestic reservoirs. They are appreciated for interesting design solutions, quality materials.
- Salmo Group - Latvian manufacturer of goods for recreation, tourism and fishing. Lucky John lures are developed with the participation of renowned sports anglers. They are distinguished by innovation, manufacturability, high quality. The main principle of the company is professionalism and availability.
- Puustjärven Viehe ky Is a Finnish company for the production of lures for vertical lures. The tackle attracts with its high catchability, quality of materials and workmanship. Only non-ferrous metals are used in the manufacture of models. The assembly is done manually. Each winter lure has a stable play. The trademark is a single hook on a chain.
- Mepps - A French company manufactures high-precision goods for sport fishing. All models are created by hand, which is a guarantee of quality. The high catchability of the baits is due to the use of goat hair as a fringe, research to study the behavior of fish.
- Smith LTD - A Japanese corporation produces goods for the fishing market. The quality, reliability, good functionality and ease of use of the baits are due to the presence of our own scientific development center.
- Ecogroup - the Russian manufacturer of fishery products operates according to the “cash and carry” system, which means “chose - paid - shipped”.Each customer can visit the showroom where all the brand's models are presented. Clients every six months receive a catalog with information about new products in the company's range.
- Blue Fox - The American company presents products for fishermen that attract with their uniqueness and versatility. Works on the principle of introducing innovative ideas.
Lure rating for perch
Planning lures are recommended to be used for fishing at shallow depths in water bodies without a current during the period of predator activity. The vertical tackle is intense around its own center of gravity, and its movement resembles fry that feed at the bottom. They are chosen for fishing passive perch on rivers with good depth. The turntables are effective at any time of the year, and the turntables are aimed at experienced fishermen. The top includes gear that showed the best result in comparative tests of the following characteristics:
- A type;
- Length;
- The weight;
- Petal geometry;
- Catchability;
- Material;
- Attractiveness to fish;
- Game features;
- Coating type;
- The convenience of use;
- Price.
All nominees in the rating are divided into 2 categories based on the seasonality of use. Each section provides a description, pros and cons of the models.
The best perch lures for winter fishing
At low temperatures, the predator becomes passive, so the bait must have good attractiveness. It is recommended to choose a spinner for perch in winter with a size of 30 - 50 mm, which will allow you to catch good prey. Vertical tackles with an elongated body provide stable play with vertical lure. The analysis of user reviews allowed us to single out the 7 best models out of 15 nominees.
Kuusamo Professor 4 50/6 BL / Fye / Li-S
The shaker is suitable for trolling and vertical ice fishing. Its length is 5 cm, and its weight is 6 g, which makes it possible to catch large predators. The manufacturer recommends using the bait at a depth of 3 m. The peculiarity of the model is to change the place where the hook is attached to the line. The spinner will create a different game. The special shape makes its movements in the water easy, so the predator perceives the bait as natural food.
- Versatility;
- High catchability;
- Good attraction;
- Stable play in flowing and calm waters;
- Tee quality;
- Average price.
- High windage, difficult to cast in windy weather.
When fishing, it is recommended to follow the wiring technique, which involves a change of slow movements in jerks. The advantages include the ability to catch large fish, low weight, ease of use, reliability.
Williams Ice Jig 50
Another wobbling lure for perch for winter fishing. In terms of length and weight, it slightly exceeds the previous nominee. The game combines smooth transitions when driving and swaying gliding when fishing in a plumb line, which ensures high catchability of the lure in all conditions. The bright gold color imitation of fish scales attracts a passive predator well. The narrow geometry of the plate with a slight expansion downward creates the image of a fry. Additional hooks on the petal provide a secure hook.
- Stable play;
- Attracts fish from a long distance;
- The quality of the hooks;
- Suitable for summer use.
- High price.
Users leave positive feedback on the quality of the nominee, the effectiveness of its use. The glossy finish provides good appeal, so the fisherman is never left without a good catch.
Shark Beetle S
The manufacturer positions the hoe as a lure for winter fishing. Its weight is 6.7 g, weight - 3.7 cm. The tackle is produced in 3 colors - copper, silver, gold. Shows the best efficiency when fishing for perch. Its mass provides deep diving, allows you to catch medium-sized predators. The characteristics are suitable for using the model even in summer. Users note the effectiveness of biting pike, bersh, asp, chub.Equipped with a reliable tee.
- Compactness;
- Attractiveness;
- Catchability;
- The design creates the effect of natural food;
- Average price.
- Not found.
Users have no complaints about the quality and efficiency of using the nominee. The game of the spinner is stable in a stagnant body of water and during current, a variety of colors ensures performance under any conditions.
Nord Waters Alaska 60mm CG
According to its parameters, the lure is suitable for catching zander in the current, but tests have confirmed its effectiveness when fishing for perch in stagnant water. The peculiarity of the game consists in active rotation around the axis during free fall, twisting of the fishing line and reverse repetition of movements. The narrow, elongated shape of the petal provides stability during fast flow. The glare of the bright edges of the rotating tackle attracts the most passive predator.
- Good penetration;
- Provides catch of trophy prey;
- Reliable tee;
- Low price;
- The quality of the fittings.
- Not found.
One of the best lures for pike and perch according to the reviews of fishermen. During winter fishing, predators weighing up to 600 g are caught. Behaves in the same way with a powerful and normal jerk.
Salmo Lucky John S-1 with tr. 01.5g G
The model with a weight of 1.5 g and a length of 31 mm is designed for fishing at shallow depths. The shape of the spinner provides stable play in still water and on the current. It is released in gold color, so the glare of the edges attracts the perch from afar. The bait is covered with a special compound that excludes the appearance of corrosion. The characteristics of the nominee allow it to be used when fishing for small pike.
- Durability;
- Good attraction;
- High catchability;
- Movement resembles a swimming fry;
- Low price.
- The impossibility of catching trophy prey.
The high efficiency of the vertical lure is noted when fishing by alternating lowering and raising the rod. Only fishermen with good experience will be able to use horizontal guiding. The main rule is not to leave the bait motionless in order to give the predator the impression of a wounded fish.
Captain Puustjarven 6 Hop / Kup
A catchable lure for perch, pike and zander with a weight of 7 g and a length of 6 cm ensures the catch of large predators. It is made in the form of an elongated curved petal with rounded edges and smooth edges. A single hook on a chain serves as a point of attack for the predator when guiding, as it creates additional vibrations. It attracts active and passive fish well. The model is produced in bronze colors.
- Suitable for fishing in the summer season;
- Good penetration;
- Quality;
- Effectiveness;
- The convenience of use.
- High price.
Such a bait is often used for bottom fishing, in which the hook falls next to the body of the spoon, raises a cloud of turbidity. This attracts the perch well. When free falling, it rotates in a spiral, covers a large space. Buy a model is recommended by 100% of respondents.
EcoPro Joker 55 mm 6g G / C double
The vertical bait is released in the form of a narrow diamond-shaped plate, which is divided into pronounced edges. This design provided an aggressive "crumbling" game, ease of use of the spoon. It is enough to raise the rod tip by a sharp drop followed by a pause for 4 seconds. Tests have shown high efficiency of fishing for perch, pike, pike perch. The model is 5.5 cm long and weighs 6 g.
- Low price;
- The development took into account the peculiarities of fishing in water bodies of Russia;
- Attracts passive fish well;
- Reliable and sharp tee.
- High degree of engagement.
According to user reviews, such a bait will provide a solid catch even for novice anglers. In terms of catchability and quality of performance, it is slightly inferior to models of foreign brands, but at this price all the disadvantages can be considered insignificant.
The best perch lures for summer fishing
During this period, the predator hides in reeds, grass, snags, so the "non-hook" bait will be a good choice. It is recommended to lead the spoon on the surface or in the water column. Their weight should correspond to the range of 3 - 10 g. In sunny weather, devices with a dark color are suitable, with cloudy - light colors. Based on comparative tests among 10 nominees, 3 models showed the best efficiency when fishing perch with a spoon in summer.
Mepps Aglia Copper 4
A lure for bodies of water with low currents. The design features provide the spinner to spin with a light touch to the water. It creates vibrations that attract the perch. The angle of rotation constantly adjusts to the flow. The variegated coloring increases the size of the tackle in the eyes of the predator. The presence of the load ensures good penetration. The powerful tee is able to withstand large production.
- Smooth behavior at different wire speeds;
- Ease of use;
- Catchability;
- Average price;
- Stable play.
- Not found.
Users note the high efficiency of fishing in cloudy or clear water. The weight of 9 g is designed for pike, so with slow retrieving, there is a high probability of playing large prey. Buy a model is recommended by 100% of respondents.
Smith Niakis # 07 with tee
The spinner with a length of 7 cm and a weight of 12 g is designed for fishing for large salmon, perch, pike. The model is made in the form of a fry with a petal, the design of which resembles fish scales. Built-in swivel design provides stable rotation with minimal risk of line twisting. The core with asymmetrical geometry gives the impression of the movement of a small fish. The reflections of the grooved surface attract predators from a distance. A wide winding ring provides high mobility of the tee.
- Stable play at any flow rate;
- Good attraction;
- Penetration rate;
- Easy to start up;
- The minimum number of empty bites;
- The possibility of using a spinning rod of different order.
- High price;
- There is no snag protection.
Fishermen note the catching power of the spinner, the range and accuracy of casting, the seductive game already on the fall, the absence of sticking of the petal. The tungsten core emits sound vibrations similar to fish, so the predator quickly responds to it. The disadvantages include the frequent presence of fakes on sale.
Blue Fox Minnow Super Vibrax BFMSV3-SB
The spinner is made of steel. The weight of the model is 13 g. Suitable for catching various predators in strong currents. The off-center core is shaped like a fish to give the impression of natural perch food. Its design increases the casting distance. The bright load serves as an additional bait.
- Stable play at different wiring rates;
- Easy to start up;
- Average price;
- Ease of use;
- Catchability.
- Medium penetration.
All users recommend buying such a model in their arsenal. It works in any weather, the catch on almost every cast. The bite occurs mainly at the time of a decrease in the speed of rotation of the petal.
What kind of bait for perch is better to buy
For fishing in the cold season, it is recommended to choose heavy tackle, since the perch goes deep into the water. The color should depend on the characteristics of the reservoir. For turbid water, bright colors are suitable, for transparent - darker ones. The quality of the spinner is checked by the winding rings, the strength and sharpness of the hooks, the material of the petals. The presence of rust, paint chips indicates fragility. An important purchase criterion is the type of posting movements. Only the same and beautiful vibrations will attract the perch. The following recommendations will help to facilitate the choice of bait for a specific situation:
- Inexpensive good quality model - Nord Waters Alaska 60mm CG;
- Shark Beetle S will provide fishing performance under any conditions;
- User Choice - Mepps Aglia Copper 4;
- The most productive tackle - Smith Niakis # 07 with a tee;
- Suitable tackle for beginners - EcoPro Joker 55 mm 6g G / C twin;
- For catching trophy prey, choose Kuusamo Professor 4 50/6 BL / Fye / Li-S.
The best tackle does not exist, since the characteristics of each work depend on a number of factors. Fish behavior is also not always predictable, so experienced fishermen recommend taking several species with you. The rating will help to understand which bait for perch is chosen in winter, what is the peculiarity of summer baits.