Best Mini Breweries
Shop counters are filled with a variety of beers, but the taste is not always popular with drinkers. The home brewing device will help the owner create recipes based on his preferences and control the brewing process. The concept of the unit's operation gives a person confidence in the naturalness of the product obtained. The model with which characteristics to choose will tell you the rating, which was compiled by the experts of the project Based on comparative tests, user reviews, the best mini-breweries were selected for it.

Microbrewery manufacturers
Manufacturers produce models that differ not only in price, but also in dimensions, equipment, material of manufacture, and the volume of products to be pledged. Experts also recommend considering the build quality of your equipment, which affects its lifespan. The reliability of the device can be determined by the reputation of the company, reviews of the owners. The best microbreweries are produced by the following companies:
- Beer Zavodik - St. Petersburg firm for the production of extract models and accessories for home brewing. The owners put the main emphasis in their activities on customers who are just starting to engage in the process of creating a drink at home. Brand products are valued for their practicality, simplicity, ease of use, reliability, quality, low price.
- InPinto - a Czech company produces homemade mini-breweries, accessories and malt extracts for the preparation of fermented drinks. The production plant is located in Lithuania. Users note in the models a combination of innovative technologies, modern design, the possibility of realizing their ideas. The product is suitable for beginners and experienced craftsmen as a tool for experimentation.
- - the Russian company offers customers high-quality devices with high performance at an affordable price. They can brew beer from any extracts. The structures are easy to assemble and wash.
- Ss Brewtech Is an American market leader in equipment for home brewing and nano-brewing. The principle of the company is to create innovative products by inventing new elements. These features include a weldless thermowell, steel containers with a conical bottom, and built-in temperature control systems.
- FastFerment Is an American manufacturer of fermenters, using which the after-fermentation process takes place in one container. This eliminates the need for disinfection of additional accessories and vessels. The quality of the drink is improved due to the lack of contact with air.
- Brendimaster - the Russian company became the founder of the serial production of moonshine stills in the country. The range also includes equipment for brewing. Products are valued for their quality, which is confirmed by a lifetime warranty from the manufacturer.
- CHZBT - Chelyabinsk plant produces equipment for moonshine and brewing, barrels, and other containers for storing alcohol under the Magarych brand. The assortment includes budget models, premium goods. If a defect is found, the user only needs to contact the store to exchange the unit.
- Great American Beverage Company - The activities of the American company are related to the sale, maintenance of equipment for bottling beverages, which are used in the hotel and restaurant business.
- Mr.Beer - American company produces devices, extracts for home brewing.
Mini-brewery rating
The devices are made in the form of a container with a neck and a lid. Ingredients are placed inside, which are poured with water. A safety valve on the lid prevents foam from escaping during fermentation. To saturate the drink with carbon dioxide, a siphon or carbonization unit is provided in the design. The container is equipped with a tap for filling beer. To understand which mini-brewery for home to buy, the project team conducted comparative tests of the following characteristics:
- Volume, dimensions of the apparatus;
- Equipment;
- Beer brewing time;
- The type of extract used;
- The weight;
- Body material;
- Carbonation type;
- Design;
- Additional functions.
The price of the model was also taken into account, because not everyone can afford to immediately buy a premium-class unit. The review provides a description, highlights the pros and cons of 10 devices.
Best Mini Breweries
Budget models are made of plastic. They are lighter than steel, but less practical. The pluses also include the presence of a number of automatic control units. In plastic, only manual is provided. Often, designs are equipped with additional functions and auxiliary devices that speed up the brewing process. Comparative tests, analysis of user reviews allowed us to single out the best microbreweries out of 20 nominees in the top 10.
Beer Zavodik Mini
The body of the installation is in the form of a 33 liter barrel made of plastic. The design is equipped with a thermometer that monitors the temperature of the drink during the fermentation process. The odor trap removes carbon dioxide, allows you to determine the end of the process, the duration of which is at least 21 days. The set includes a beer mixture, disinfectant, liquid extract.
- Natural carbonation;
- Low cost of the apparatus and the final product;
- The quality, taste of the resulting drink;
- Ease of use;
- Durability;
- Detailed instructions;
- Neat filling.
- Long cooking period;
- Big size.
More than 85% of users are happy with their purchase. They appreciate the quality of materials, appearance, safety and usability of the model.
The disadvantages include dimensions, since it is difficult to place a barrel in an ordinary kitchen. The beer is delicious, but you have to wait almost a month to prepare it.
InPinto Premium
The plastic model is made in the form of a 9 liter wooden barrel. The brewing process takes from 4 to 21 days, the mechanism is similar to the previous nominee. Natural carbonation excludes contact of the product with the external environment, which ensures its long-term storage. Includes stirring spoon, 1 liter PET bottles, liquid malt extract, cleaning agent. The design is equipped with a thermometer, hydrometer.
- The ability to brew more than 50 types of beer;
- Strength of materials;
- Wide neck for easy cleaning;
- Average price;
- The taste of the final product;
- Yeast sediment reservoir.
- The cost of 1 liter of beer is approximately 120 - 170 rubles.
A mini-brewery for home is recommended by 100% of respondents. The device attracts with its compactness, ease of use, and design. In the reviews, users note that the taste of the drink is not inferior to the products of Czech manufacturers. The downside is the possibility of using only the base mixture. Light
In appearance, the model resembles the Beer Zavodik Mini brewery. Its volume is 30 liters, the body is made of plastic. The design is equipped with a water seal, a thermometer. The dimensions of the device are within 40 cm, the weight is 3 kg. The preparation mechanism involves the use of a liquid extract, natural carbonation. The process takes 6-16 days. An instruction is placed on the container, which contains a table of density, bitterness, color.
- Low price;
- The kit includes extract, brewer's yeast, dextrose;
- Build quality;
- Ease of cleaning.
- The need to purchase additional accessories;
- Tight opening of the lid.
In reviews of the mini-brewery, users note that a thermometer is missing. At the same time, to obtain a drink with the desired taste, a significant amount of experiments will have to be carried out, so an inexpensive model will be a good purchase for a novice brewer.
Ss Brewtech Chronical 7 Gallon
The fermenter is made of stainless steel. The body is carefully processed and polished, there are no roughness on the surface, which confirms the manufacturer's commitment to the quality of the final product. The shape of the conical model resembles the devices of a conventional brewery. Its height is 84 cm, width and depth - 36 cm each. The volume of the container allows you to get up to 26 liters of drink. The process uses dry extract.
- Natural carbonation;
- The presence of a thermometer in the kit;
- The design is equipped with carrying handles;
- Tap at the base for draining yeast sediment;
- Cover with secure spring clips;
- Reliability.
- High price;
- Great weight.
Users confirm the quality of the product received. The advantages include the appearance, structural stability, the presence of clamp connections, the absence of seams on the body. Beer brewing beginners consider the price high, but professionals say that it corresponds to the quality and functionality.
FastFerment Fermenter
The conical fermenter is made of high-strength food grade plastic. The volume of the brewery is 30 liters, weight is 4.8 kg. The design is equipped with a removable vessel for sediment, which allows you to accurately separate it from the wort, to prepare a drink without overflowing into intermediate containers. The absence of excess yeast, minimization of exposure to oxygen and other external factors ensure a tasty, clean drink.
- The presence of a water seal, thermowell;
- Wall mounting, stand mounting;
- The preparation mechanism involves the use of a liquid extract;
- Natural carbonation;
- Convenience of disinfection;
- Suitable for winemakers, brewing cider, mead;
- Average price.
- Beer spills when you unscrew the container with sediment;
- Build quality.
Most users find it difficult to pour beer, so they recommend buying an additional 10 cm silicone hose. It must be inserted into a standard tube, and the other end must be put on the tap. The problem with the leakage of the drink when pouring into bottles is thereby eliminated.
Brendimaster Basic
The set includes a 20 l plastic fermentation container, a water seal, an adhesive strip thermometer, a wort stirrer, liquid malt extract, 10 liter PET bottles, a disinfectant, a PVC hose for overflowing beer. The minimum preparation time for a drink is from 21 days. The process involves natural carbonation. The height of the brewery is 37 cm, width and depth - 32 cm each, weight - 2.5 kg.
- Low price;
- Tightness;
- Detailed instructions on the rules for operating the unit;
- Any malt extract can be used;
- Lightweight.
- Not found.
Users have no complaints about the build quality. The only drawback is the small volume of the final product, which is no more than 15 liters.
Magarych 32 l
The steel brewery with a volume of 32 liters is produced in a cylindrical conical shape. The design is equipped with a water seal, thermometer, stand. There are 2 taps on the edge and on the top of the tank. Beer is poured through the top, yeast sediment through the bottom. Model height is 83 cm, width, depth - 30 cm each, weight - 7 kg. The cooking process includes natural carbonation.
- Stability;
- Ease of use;
- Quality of materials;
- Minimal contact with yeast sediment.
- High price;
- Manual control.
Buy the model is recommended by 80% of users. The main disadvantage is the quality of the seam on the body.There are no complaints about the taste of the resulting product, the process of its preparation.
BeerMachine DeLuxe 2008
The manufacturer positions the model as a gift set with a set of glasses. The 10L beer keg is made of brown plastic. The kit includes 3 ceramic bottles, DVD video instruction, disinfectant, funnel, 3 carbon dioxide cans, LCD thermometer. The cooking process lasts 3 - 10 days. A disc made of porous material, which is located in a special bowl, excludes the release of foam during fermentation, filters out unpleasant odors.
- Natural carbonation;
- Cooking speed;
- Convenience of filling;
- Good equipment;
- Light weight;
- Design;
- Pressure control;
- Compact.
- High price;
- Problem with buying beer mix.
The fermentation period takes longer than indicated in the instructions, carbon dioxide cans quickly run out, beer tastes weak, the volume of the container also does not correspond to reality.
FastFerment Standart
The height of the plastic structure with a volume of 30 liters is 90 cm, the width and depth are 37.5 cm each. The appearance of the model, the main characteristics are identical to the FastFerment Fermenter. The device is equipped with a thermometer, a water seal, a hydrometer, brackets for wall mounting, a removable sludge collection tank, a cover with a seal. The unit also weighs 4.8 kg.
- Natural carbonation;
- Average price;
- Using liquid wort;
- Carrying out primary and secondary fermentation in one container;
- The kit includes dextrose, disinfectant;
- The quality of the materials.
- The complexity of disinfection.
The main disadvantage of users is the presence of embossed inscriptions on the case, which make it difficult to extract the solid residue. There are no complaints about the rest of the characteristics, the cooking process, and the quality of the final product.
Mr. Beer Premium Kit
The brewery comes in the shape of a barrel, which is made from brown plastic. The volume of the container is 8.5 liters. The cooking period lasts from 7 to 28 days. The kit includes a beer mix, a disc with instructions, 8 liter plastic bottles, a stirring spoon, a thermometer. The process involves natural carbonation using a liquid extract.
- Design;
- Average price;
- Ease of operation;
- Quality of materials;
- Possibility of making different types of beer.
- High cost of the final product.
Users appreciate the characteristics of the nominee. With the right choice of the concentration of the components, a very tasty beer is obtained. The pluses also include the compactness of the model.
Which mini-brewery is better
When choosing a device, the size of the unit is an important criterion, since it is necessary to take into account the availability of free space for its placement. For the home, it is recommended to take models with 10 - 20 liters, mini-breweries for business should have a capacity of at least 150 liters. The kind of ingredients used determines the taste of the drink. Modernized designs allow brewing different types of beer. Collapsible devices are considered easy to store, but monolithic ones retain their tightness longer. Using dry wort often results in lumps. Therefore, it is best to choose a device that works with wet extract. Taking into account a number of characteristics, the team recommends buying the following models:
- The cheapest mini-brewery is Beer Zavodik Mini;
- Decent quality of the final product - InPinto Premium;
- User Choice - Brendimaster Basic;
- Wall mountable model - FastFerment Standart;
- The most compact model is Mr. Beer Premium Kit;
- Ss Brewtech Chronical 7 Gallon wins in build quality and usability;
- Suitable unit for beginners - Light.
Each device has its own pluses and minuses, so before buying you need to study its characteristics. The price of branded models is often overpriced by 15 - 20%, and in terms of parameters they are identical to inexpensive units.