The best varieties of apple trees
Among the fruit trees planted by Russian gardeners, the apple tree is very popular. It is unpretentious in maintenance, ideal for the climatic conditions of the area. The composition of apples contains a large amount of useful substances, so their use helps to strengthen the body, increase immunity. For planting on the territory of Russia, 400 species of trees are recommended, the bulk of which grows in the middle lane. Based on comparative tests of characteristics, the best apple varieties were selected for the rating.

Description of apple varieties
Trees are classified according to a number of characteristics, among which the main one is the ripening period of the fruit. The fruits of summer apple trees attract with the juiciness and sweetness of the fruits, since they contain a large amount of sugar. However, they can only be stored for 2 - 3 weeks. Winter apples have the longest shelf life, which is about 6 months. The review presents the following varieties of apple trees:
- Candy - the peculiarity of the species lies in the caramel aroma of the fruit. It is characterized by early maturity, early ripening, high yield. The tree reaches a height of 4 - 5 m. From the 4th year of growth, fruits appear annually at the end of July. The disadvantages include difficulties with their transportation.
- White filling - one of the oldest varieties, the popularity of which is due to its good frost resistance, abundant fruiting, unpretentious care. Medium-sized trees reach a height of no more than 3 - 5 m. Fruits appear 5 - 7 years after planting.
- Folding - according to the most common version, the tree comes from the Baltic states. According to its characteristics, the variety is similar to the White filling, therefore, among scientists, disputes about the need to separate it into a separate species do not subside. At the same time, his fruits are larger, there is a pronounced "seam" on the peel.
- Quinty - an early maturing species obtained in Canada by crossing Red Melba and Crimson Beauty. Its popularity is due to its good resistance to drought, heat, early maturity, and high transportability. Up to 120 kg of apples are removed from the tree annually.
- Cinnamon striped - recommended for growing in northern and central regions. Trees with a height of 6 m are distinguished by a mid-late fruiting period, low productivity, so they are rarely present in owners of small plots.
- Uspenskoe - the species was obtained by crossing the varieties Bessemyanka Michurinskaya and Prima. On medium-sized trees in September, large fruits ripen, the mass of which often reaches 250 g. The culture can withstand frosts down to -40 degrees, is resistant to abiotic stresses, scab. The fruits tolerate transportation well.
- Mac - the fall variety was found by an ordinary farmer in Canada. The pluses include good yield, longevity of fruiting, dessert taste of fruit. The oval-shaped apples, flattened on the sides, weigh 150-200 g. The trees can reach a height of 8 m.
- Idared - a heat-loving crop with a high yield, good fruit taste. Often used in industrial plantings. The advantages include the long shelf life of fruits - until May. The species was obtained by crossing the varieties Jonathan and Wagner.
- Antonovka - the oldest apple variety is classified as a tall tree. Average fruit weight is 120-150 g, but in a good year it can reach 300 g.The fruits contain a large amount of vitamin C, which gives them a sweet and sour taste. The peculiarity of the species lies in its plasticity. In regions with different climates, specific features of the behavior of the tree when planting are noted.
- Renet Simirenko - the popularity of the winter variety is due to its long shelf life, high yield and weight of fruit. The main disadvantage is self-infertility. For fruit ovary, a close arrangement of pollinating apple trees of another species is necessary. Maximum productivity is observed in combination with Idared.
- Knight - the variety was bred specifically for the northern regions. Even after harvesting, the fruits gain flavor only by the beginning of December. It is carried out every October from 3 years after disembarkation. Low-growing trees were obtained by crossing Anis striped and Pepin saffron.
- Antaeus - this kind of apple tree was obtained by a Belarusian breeder. Due to its high frost resistance, it is often grown in the northern regions. The yield reaches 50 kg from 1 tree. Active fruiting lasts from 5 to 25 years of plant life.
- Nectar Is a columnar variety with large fruits. It got its name from the honey aroma and sweet taste. The species is appreciated for its good winter hardiness in comparison with other varieties of this category. The height of the tree trunk reaches no more than 2 m, the joint width with the crown is 20 - 30 cm.
- The president - semi-dwarf apple tree with an early onset of fruiting, high yield. Fruit weight often reaches 250-300 g. It is obtained by crossing the varieties Vozhak and Abundant. The life of the culture is 15 years, it actively bears fruit from 5 to 8 years.
- Vasyugan Is another columnar variety with similar characteristics. Harvesting is carried out from the end of August. Fruit weight does not exceed 100 - 140 g. The shelf life of bright red fruits is 3 months.
How did we choose
It is difficult for a beginner gardener to independently determine which species of trees are suitable for his site. Description of varieties of apple trees will clarify the features of planting, care, timing and time of fruiting, characteristics of ripe fruits. For some, the degree of resistance to low temperatures is important, for others - yield, early maturity. The nominees for the top are selected by comparing the following properties:
- Fruit ripening period;
- First harvest time;
- Fruiting frequency;
- Winter hardiness;
- Barrel height;
- Crown type;
- Taste, size of apples;
- Harvest volume from 1 tree;
- Duration of storage, especially the transportation of fruits.
An important criterion for evaluating is the price of a seedling. The best apple varieties are divided into 3 categories according to the ripening principle. Trees with a columnar crown type are highlighted in a separate section. Taking into account user reviews, the pros and cons of each nominee are highlighted.
The best summer varieties of apple trees
The peculiarity of such crops is the early ripeness of the fruit. They are collected from mid-July to early August. Appreciated for the juiciness of the pulp, sweet taste, a large set of nutrients. The main disadvantages are short shelf life, inability to transport. Harvested fruits are recommended to be eaten immediately or processed. Among the 10 nominees, 4 early apple varieties have the best characteristics.
At mature age, the height of trees with a powerful spreading crown is 4 - 5 m. Flowering occurs in May, inflorescences of white-pink flowers form on the branches. Fruiting on seed stocks occurs 3-4 years after planting, on dwarf ones - for 2 years. The maximum weight of 1 apple does not exceed 140 g. Each season, up to 50 - 60 kg of flat-round fruits are harvested from the tree. Their color is uneven, the skin is smooth, the pulp is juicy and sweet. A heavily thickened crown is recommended to be cut periodically. The culture is resistant to most infections, but susceptible to scab.
- Taste;
- The versatility of the fruit in culinary terms;
- Early ripening;
- High frost resistance;
- No carrion;
- Branches do not break under the weight of the crop.
- Low transportability;
- The need for placement close to pollinating varieties.
Users are attracted by the low price of seedlings, the sweet taste of fruits, which allows you to save on sugar when harvesting, the ability to grow in cold climates. The disadvantages include a short shelf life, apples can lie in the cellar no longer than 1 month. It is problematic to transport them over long distances, since the skin and pulp are quickly injured.
White filling
Due to its good frost resistance, the variety is grown in the middle lane. Young trees have a pyramidal crown, and adults have a rounded crown. They reach a height of 5 m. Pink bloom is often present in the inflorescences on the petals. Large rounded-conical apples weigh up to 150 g, but over the years their weight decreases to 60 g. Sweet and sour pulp, as it ripens, acquires a dessert taste due to an increase in the amount of sugar. The average yield reaches 80 kg per tree, but under special conditions this figure can be increased to 200 kg.
- Long lifespan;
- Simplicity of care;
- Average early maturity;
- Abundant productivity;
- Thin rind.
- Low resistance to disease;
- Self-infertility.
Not all gardeners like the high yield of the variety, as the fruits become small over the years. They are not adapted to long-term storage, overripe apples lose their taste and become loose. The disadvantages include constant diseases, so you have to spend a lot of time on pest control, scab.
In terms of crown type, medium-sized trees are similar to the previous nominee. Its wide pyramidal shape becomes rounded with age. The productive period begins at 4 - 5 years of age. In comparison with the White filling, this variety bears fruit annually, the yield increases with age. On average, the fruits weigh 80-100 g, but in some cases their weight can increase to 150-200 g. Smooth, thin skin at the time of maturity is covered with a whitish bloom. Delicate and juicy pulp has a mild aroma.
- High early maturity;
- Scab resistance;
- Frost resistance;
- The harvest gives up to 65 - 70 years.
- The high price of a seedling;
- When stored for more than 3 weeks, the pulp becomes mealy.
Like most summer varieties, this species also does not tolerate transportation well. Any pressure, blows provoke the appearance of dark spots on the skin.
Not everyone likes the increased acidity in taste, the instability of the tree to sunburn. The market demand is due to the early ripening of the fruit.
A low-growing plant with a sparse, rounded crown reaches a height of 3 - 4 m. The mass of ripe fruits is 120 - 150 g. The variety is characterized by the following feature - with a small harvest, the fruits become larger. They have a round or elongated-conical shape. Thin skin with a slight waxy bloom has a dark or orange-red color. In comparison with the White filling, ripening occurs 5 days earlier. The average yield reaches 100 - 120 kg per tree.
- High resistance to powdery mildew;
- Withstands heat well, short-term drought;
- Average transportability;
- The versatility of the culinary use of fruits;
- The crop ripens early;
- Regular fruiting, which does not depend on weather conditions;
- Low price of seedlings.
- Low frost resistance;
- Weak immunity to major infections.
The variety attracts gardeners with its apple taste, early maturity, and unpretentious care when grown in the southern regions. Compared to the previous nominees, the crop tolerates transportation better, although its shelf life also does not exceed 2 weeks. It is recommended to refuse planting crops in the northern regions, since it does not tolerate low temperatures well.
The best autumn varieties of apple trees
Large fruits with bright skin on such trees ripen in September.The shelf life of fruits is 3 to 5 months without loss of appearance. Usually autumn varieties are grown for sale. Comparative tests made it possible to identify the best 4 species among the 15 nominees.
Cinnamon striped
The pyramidal crown of young trees gradually acquires a wide-rounded shape. Long branches often break off under the weight of fruit. The weight of the turnip fruits does not exceed 100 g. The color of the peel is yellow with dark red stripes and strokes. The apple trees reach a height of more than 6 m. The foliage is grouped at the ends of the branches. The taste of sweet and sour pulp gives off bitterness. Its aroma is reminiscent of cinnamon.
- Long-term storage of fruits - up to 5 months;
- Early ripening of fruits;
- Withstands frosts down to -40 degrees;
- Good drought tolerance;
- The versatility of apples;
- Average price.
- It begins fruiting in 10 - 15 years.
Gardeners consider the variety to be the best in terms of frost resistance. The pluses include the good taste of the fruit. The sugar acidity index is 18 at a rate of 12.5 to 26.7. At the same time, the trees are tall, and the yield is small. Planting on dwarf rootstocks helps to speed up the appearance of the first fruits.
The spreading and sparse crown visually reduces the size of the tree, the height of which is 3.5 m. The weight of ripe fruits reaches 180 - 200 g, but in a good year you can find apples weighing 250 g. They have an oval shape, green-yellow color with a red blurred blush ... Smooth skin has no waxy coating. On a plot with 1 tree, up to 40 kg of harvest are harvested annually.
- Presentation, fruit taste;
- Scab resistance;
- The possibility of growing in regions with a cold climate;
- Simplicity of care;
- Low price.
- Rapid overripening of apples;
- Short shelf life.
Reviews about this nominee are positive. The first harvest is harvested for 4 years, no damage was noted in frost over 30 degrees, high resistance to various diseases. Even in the wettest years, signs of scab were not observed. The disadvantages are the frequent shedding of fruit.
An apple variety with large sweet fruits that ripen in mid-October. It is classified as a columnar type, in appearance the tree resembles a poplar 6 m high. Fruiting for 6 - 7 years. The average weight of 1 apple is 150 - 180 g. The annual harvest is about 200 kg. The species is not characterized by the frequency of fruit ripening, but under unfavorable conditions there are fewer of them. Gardeners note average winter hardiness, as young shoots freeze under a temperature of -20 degrees.
- Candy taste;
- Long-term storage;
- Self-fertility;
- Juicy, aromatic pulp;
- Average price.
- Low resistance to disease;
- Dependence of yield and quality of fruits on weather conditions.
Despite its high susceptibility to various diseases, the variety remains popular due to its good yield, pleasant taste, which does not disappear during long-term storage. Trees live up to 100 years, in terms of growing characteristics they do not require special skills, therefore, seedlings are recommended for beginners to gardeners.
The best winter varieties of apple trees
By the time of ripening, such species are considered the latest. The harvest begins in mid or late October. In this case, the fruits need to ripen within 2 - 3 weeks. They are distinguished by their hardness and large size, since they contain an increased amount of starch, protopectin. This feature provides good transportability of the crop, long shelf life. This category contains the 4 best varieties of winter apple trees with descriptions and photos. Users considered their characteristics to be the best among the 15 nominees.
Trees with a semicircular or oval crown, which are prone to thickening, reach a height of 3.5 - 6 m. The branches grow at an angle of 45 degrees to the trunk. Fruits appear 5-6 years after planting. Their maximum weight is 170 g, the shape is round or conical.When fully ripe, the peel becomes greenish-yellow with a continuous raspberry blush. When removed, the pulp is juicy, but after long storage it becomes loose. In regions with a warm climate, fruiting is regular, which allows the species to be grown on an industrial scale.
- Good fruit transportability;
- High immunity to disease;
- Early maturity;
- Low price;
- Early ripening of apples;
- Storage possibility up to 6 months.
- Self-infertility;
- Not suitable for cold climates.
A good yield is obtained by joint planting of the nominee with pollinators of other varieties, in which the flowering period coincides with Idared. Variety care is considered uncomplicated. The lower taste ratings in recent years are due to the emergence of new species with a high sugar acidity index.
A vigorous plant with an oval crown, which gradually takes the form of a spherical crown, reaches a height of 5 - 8 m. The first yellow-green fruits weighing up to 160 g appear 6 - 7 years after planting. Under favorable conditions, the mass of 1 fruit can increase to 300 g. Flowering and fruiting in the first years is regular, then it becomes periodic. With proper care, the apple tree yields a harvest for 30 - 40 years. From an adult tree, from 200 to 500 kg of ribbed apples are collected.
- Long storage, good transportability of apples;
- Frost resistance;
- Sweet fruit taste;
- Unpretentious care;
- Disease resistance;
- Low price.
- Pollinator dependence;
- Frequent defeat by the moth.
Most gardeners believe that Antonovka is inferior in characteristics to new varieties. The pulp is not very juicy, the yield depends on the weather conditions, the fruits are often wormy. The main advantages are taste, honey aroma, ease of cultivation.
Renet Simirenko
The fruiting period of a high-yielding apple tree begins 4 to 5 years after planting. At the age of 10 years, the tree produces up to 100 - 150 kg of fruit. Round-shaped green apples weigh 150-200 g. The peel is smooth, white specks 2-3 mm in size are visible on the surface. During storage, it turns yellow. The wine-sweet taste of the pulp gives off hints of spice. At a temperature of 0 - 4 degrees, fruits can be stored for up to 1 year. Their distinctive feature is the presence of convex growths.
- Good presentation;
- Early onset of fruiting;
- Apples do not lose their taste during long-term storage;
- Transportability;
- Drought tolerant.
- The need for cross-pollination;
- Low frost resistance.
Gardeners appreciate the view for the convenience of growing, healthy composition, pleasant taste of apples, the possibility of long-term storage of the crop. The disadvantages include irregular fruiting, vulnerability to scab, powdery mildew, the need for annual pruning. Buy seedlings for the site is recommended by 90% of gardeners.
Low-growing trees with a dense spreading crown occupy a large area of land, begin to bear fruit 3 years after planting. If grown on a dwarf rootstock, then the first harvest can be obtained in a year. Ripe fruit weighs 200 g. Rounded-conical apples are greenish-yellow in color with rare red stripes. During storage, they acquire a rich golden color. The taste of sweet pulp gives off a slight sourness. Each tree yields up to 240 kg.
- Stable fruiting;
- Withstands frosts down to -40 degrees;
- Good keeping quality of fruits;
- It does not require special care;
- Long lifespan.
- Weak immunity to scab, insect pests;
- The high price of seedlings.
According to gardeners, Vityaz is one of the best varieties of apple trees for the Moscow region. In winter, it can withstand severe frosts, is unpretentious in care, yields a crop within 25 - 30 years, the shelf life of fruits is from 5 to 6 months.
Medium-sized trees with a thin crown of a round or pyramidal shape regularly bear fruit from 3 years of development. Fruits reach a weight of more than 200 g. From 1 adult tree, up to 50 - 60 kg of fruit are harvested. During storage, apples do not lose their freshness until May. The yellow-green skin with a bright red blush and burgundy strokes is covered with a waxy coating. The taste of juicy pulp is sweet and sour, the tasting score is 4.3 points out of 5.
- High frost resistance in regions with a temperate climate;
- The versatility of the fruit;
- Transportability, duration of storage of fruits;
- Nice appearance of apples;
- Easy to care for.
- High susceptibility to scab, powdery mildew, rot;
- Saplings price.
Only positive reviews can be found about the nominee. The trees are suitable for growing in a small area, they do not grow much in height. The fruits are tasty, compact, tolerate frost well, attract buyers with their appearance.
The best columnar varieties of apple trees
The popularity of cultures is due to their compactness, decorativeness, and early maturity. You can harvest the crop within a year after planting. The dense layout allows you to plant trees with different flavors and fruit ripening times. The disadvantages of dwarf apple varieties include fragility, the complexity of pollination, and a high risk of damage to the root system by rodents. Among the 10 nominees, 3 species have the best characteristics.
In the description of the columnar apple variety, it is indicated that the height of the trees does not exceed 2.2 m. They begin to bear fruit at 2 years of age. Apples ripen in late August - early September. Fruits weigh 100-200 g each, yield per tree is 5-9 kg. The peel of the fruit is light yellow. The name of the variety is due to the sweet taste, honey aroma of the pulp. According to the indicators of frost resistance, it is suitable for growing in the Moscow region, the middle lane and the northern regions.
- Resistance to diseases, pests;
- Compactness of trees;
- The regularity of fruiting;
- Fruit flavor;
- High decorativeness.
- Yields a harvest no more than 15 years;
- Sapling prices.
Gardeners appreciate the characteristics of the nominee. In addition to the yield, it is attracted by the appearance of the trees, which makes it possible to give the site an attractiveness. Apple trees overwinter well even in the northern regions, it is enough to mulch the soil and tie the trunk.
The president
The height of dwarf trees reaches 2 m, the crown width does not exceed 20 cm. Large fruits of regular shape with a mass of 140 - 310 g ripen in late summer or mid-September. They have a greenish-whitish or light yellow skin with a blurred red blush. The yield of an adult tree is 6 - 8 kg, under favorable conditions - up to 16 kg. The pulp is very juicy, with a sweet and sour taste, and a weak aroma. The early winter species has increased resistance to frost, various infections, pests.
- Annual fruiting;
- The first harvest gives 3 years after planting;
- Good survival rate during transplantation;
- High productivity;
- Fruit taste.
- The high price of seedlings;
- Demanding to care.
Gardeners note the good taste of fruits, compactness, decorativeness of trees. The small size of the variety makes it easy to harvest. The root system is located close to the surface. Therefore, in severe drought, it is recommended to water it 3-4 times a week.
Columnar culture is classified as a late variety, since the harvest is carried out in September. An apple tree with a small crown grows up to 3 m. Fruiting already in the first year. The yield is no more than 6 fruits. On average, up to 8 kg are harvested from 1 tree. Rounded-conical fruits with a red peel weigh 100 - 140 g. The juicy pulp has a sweet and sour taste. The shelf life of apples at a temperature of 0 degrees and a humidity of 70 - 80% is 3 months.
- There is no drop in yield over the years;
- Decorativeness;
- High resistance to frost, disease;
- Early maturity;
- Convenience of care;
- Average price.
- Short fruiting period;
- The need for joint planting of other pollinating varieties.
The variety is receiving positive reviews from gardeners. The level of frost resistance allows it to be grown even in the northern regions, the temperature regime does not affect the quality of the crop. The compactness of trees makes them easy to place in small areas.
Which variety of apple trees is better
Experienced gardeners recommend planting varieties with different periods of fruit ripening, which will ensure the presence of the harvest throughout the season. For the northern regions, apple trees with high frost resistance are suitable, for the southern ones - they do not require frequent watering, the rapid synthesis of heat shock proteins, which, when the air temperature rises, makes the plant less susceptible to overheating. Columnar varieties will not only save space on the site, but also provide it with a decorative design. The following guidelines will make the choice easier for beginners:
- Inexpensive species with high resistance to frost and disease - Uspenskoe;
- The earliest ripening of apples is Quinti;
- Long life and fruiting period - Macintosh;
- The choice of gardeners - Vityaz;
- The largest harvest is Antonovka;
- Owners of small plots are advised to buy Vasyugan;
- The best keeping quality of fruits - Renet Simirenko;
- The sweetest fruit is Candy.
Each type of apple tree has advantages and disadvantages. When choosing a tree for your garden, you need to take into account the peculiarities of its development. The rating will help beginners understand which varieties are suitable for growing in their region.