The best varieties of peppers
Pepper is a versatile vegetable that can be preserved for the winter, eaten fresh all year round, and thermally processed. Both sweet and bitter varieties of this vegetable are often used in all kinds of salads, in first and second courses. However, only the best varieties of pepper are able to please with their taste, which will be discussed below.

Description of varieties of peppers
There are many varieties of sweet and hot peppers. Some are best grown outdoors, while others are great for greenhouse cultivation. Both options are considered in this rating. The TOP included the most productive, tasty, beautiful and easy-to-care varieties. Basically, the types of vegetables presented here have been cultivated for more than 30-50 years, but there are also relatively young representatives.
Here's what the top seven peppers look like:
- California miracle Is a mid-early vegetable bred in 1928. On the territory of the Russian Federation, it is distributed in the northwestern regions (Leningrad, Petrozavodsk regions, etc.) and in central Russia, including the Urals. It is characterized by powerful bushes with elastic shoots, which can simultaneously hold up to 20 fruits. The plant is about 100 cm tall, which is much more than similar options.
- Bogatyr - a variety with elongated fruits of deep red color. They are distinguished by a dense skin, sweet pulp, a small amount of seeds, so they are very easy to clean. They are used to make lecho and fresh vegetable salads, as well as stuffed, baked in the oven, and grilled. This type is especially popular among sellers because of its good keeping quality, presentation and excellent taste.
- Swallow - the fruits of this variety in the process of ripening change their color from green, first to yellow, and then to orange, and already before harvesting they turn red. Their key characteristics are smooth surface, sweet taste without bitterness, firm but not tough pulp, pleasant smell. The plant is unpretentious in care and even novice gardeners can grow it.
- Ramiro - belongs to the middle late varieties and requires sowing for seedlings in mid-February. Both in a polycarbonate greenhouse and in open ground, fruiting begins around the end of August. Its advantages are resistance to numerous diseases and undemanding to the soil. He feels great and not in black soil.
- White gold - early ripe peppers, suitable for growing in the open field, in greenhouses. The bushes are not very tall - about 50 cm, but they have strong trunks. The fruits set perfectly and do not crumble. Despite its small size, the plant can easily withstand a high load of numerous vegetables and does not break under their weight. Pepper seeds of this variety have a better germination rate than competitors.
- Gift from Moldova - mid-early variety, popular among farmers because of its picky care and undemanding soil. It can be used both in red when the technical maturity is reached, and in yellow when the fruits are already fully formed. The plant perfectly tolerates the vagaries of the weather, therefore it grows well both in the south and in the northern regions. The vegetables are large enough with thick walls.
- Jalapeno - one of the most famous hot peppers, which is relevant for pickling, grilling, baking, adding to various salads and first courses. Due to the small size of the bushes and unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention, it is successfully grown even at home on window sills.
How did we choose
For all peppers, buyers have the same requirements - that they are tasty, beautiful and grow in large quantities without unnecessary hassle. Therefore, when writing the TOP, attention was divided between the so-called internal and external qualities of vegetables.
To make the final decision on adding specific varieties to the rating, the following characteristics were analyzed:
- The variety is sweet or spicy;
- Purpose - for greenhouses and / or open ground;
- Seed germination quality;
- Productivity;
- Resistance to frost and various pests;
- Demanding care - feeding and watering;
- Time of fruit collection;
- The number of seeds inside;
- Keeping quality;
- Marketable condition;
- Taste qualities;
- Cooking methods;
- Wealth and use of composition.
The best sweet peppers for the greenhouse
It is more difficult to grow this plant in a greenhouse than in the open air. In such conditions, it needs more careful and competent care, regular watering and top dressing with various fertilizers. And not all types are suitable for this. We present the 3 best varieties of bell peppers for such a case, selected for their resistance to various pests, good and tasty harvest, excellent keeping quality and presentation of the fruit.
California miracle
The "California Miracle" variety is one of the oldest in the world, bred back in 1928. It belongs to the medium early and subtype of sweet peppers. The plant is distinguished by the vigor of the bushes, strong trunks and branches. But the most interesting are fruits that reach a length of more than 6 cm. They are characterized by thick walls (about 6-8 mm), fleshy and juicy pulp.
The vegetable is quite sweet due to its high sugar content, according to this indicator, it is ahead of other varieties from this rating. At the stage of technical ripeness, the fruits are green, and then gradually turn red and crispy. It is characterized by good commercial qualities and high yield - up to 10 kg per 1 sq. m. The crop is harvested in about 120-130 days after planting seedlings.
- Resistant to verticillary wilt;
- Smooth and clean fruits;
- Practically does not rot during storage;
- Small amount of seeds;
- 14-15 fruits appear on one bush.
- Should be stored at 0-2 ° C and 90-95% humidity.
According to reviews, the California miracle is stuffed with meat and mushrooms, it is used to make lecho and is consumed fresh.
Unlike the Californian miracle, the Bogatyr has fruits of a deep red, almost burgundy color, elongated in length, perfectly smooth and even. This is a mid-season variety included in the Russian state register in 1996. It was bred by the staff of the Moldavian Research Institute. The minimum weight of peppers is 150 g.
The hero gives a decent harvest - about 400 kg from 1 hectare of land. On average, 7 kg of fleshy fruits can be harvested from one bush. Ripening occurs within 150-160 days, the first pods are formed about 130 days after germination. Their rind is quite thick, but not tough, so ripe vegetables are great for eating raw. However, they are also successfully baked, stewed, grilled.
- High content of vitamin C;
- Frost resistance;
- Saturation with amino acids;
- High portability;
- It tolerates freezing well in the freezer.
- Not the longest shelf life of fruits.
"Bogatyr" is also chosen because of its high yield, unpretentious care and excellent, sweet taste. Due to its adequate reaction to frost, this variety of peppers is best suited for Siberia.
The plant in question is large, with spreading tops, about 50 cm high. The color of the fruit varies from green to red, depending on the timing of ripening. The peak occurs about 120 days after germination. The yield ranges from 5 to 6 kg per 1 sq. m., this indicator can be increased by regular watering and feeding the bushes.
The swallow is one of the more suitable varieties for growing in greenhouses. The fruits are cone-shaped and have a dense skin. Their weight reaches 100 g, and the wall thickness is about 7 mm. Vegetables are characterized by excellent palatability, are resistant to verticillary wilt and are perfectly preserved by the time of ripening.
- Easily adapts to the vagaries of the weather;
- Simultaneous ripening of most fruits;
- The dense skin protects the fruit from damage;
- Lack of bitterness;
- Withstands light frosts in autumn.
- Lots of seeds inside;
- Not very long.
As the reviews show, this pepper is suitable for consumption fresh, thermally processed and canned. However, under the influence of high temperatures, many useful substances die.
The best varieties of sweet peppers for outdoor use
Pre-grown seedlings are planted in open ground. If you sow a vegetable with seeds, then it simply will not have time to ripen before the onset of frost. Therefore, the plant must be frost-resistant and "immune" to many pests. These characteristics correspond to 3 types described below. The best bell pepper seeds were selected from 20 variants with the following parameters: excellent keeping quality, presentation, impeccable taste, rich and “friendly” harvest.
Mid-season growth of "Ramiro" is one of the sweetest in this rating. It is appreciated by gardeners for its rich fruit taste and excellent yield. On average, one bush forms up to 10-12 peppers weighing about 150 g and about 10 cm long. The wall thickness is 5-6 mm, so it is especially relevant for stuffing with meat, rice, and other vegetables. The pulp is very tasty - soft, sweet, juicy, tender, however, with an abundance of rains, a slightly expressed bitterness may appear.
Ramiro is suitable for growing both outdoors and in greenhouses. It responds well to watering and feeding with organic fertilizers. It is grown exclusively in seedlings, and this will require considerable experience. Due to the elongated oval shape, the vegetable looks more like hot pepper. This variety is of Italian origin and resembles chili in its appearance.
- Stunted and does not take up much space in the greenhouse;
- Large fruits;
- Marketable condition;
- Looks appetizing;
- Easy to clean.
- A garter is required for full ripening of the fruit.
This variety shows good resistance to viral and fungal diseases, only in rare cases is struck by stolbur.
White gold
This variety of pepper got its name because of its golden color. Russian breeders worked on its breeding. Initially, the vegetable was intended for cultivation in the north with obstinate weather, but after some time, "White Gold" spread throughout Russia and today it is found in the gardens of the Moscow Region. It is popular among summer residents due to its early ripening - after 110-120 days from the day of planting.
This type has large fruits weighing up to 250 g. They are characterized by a cubic shape, bright yellow color and strong sweet taste. This variety is resistant to temperature extremes and undemanding to the quality of the soil, but grows best in sunny areas. The vegetable reliably resists the tobacco mosaic virus, but can be affected by wireworms, ticks, and aphids.
- Ease of transportation;
- Storage duration - from 20 days;
- Unpretentious care;
- High yield rates;
- Excellent product characteristics.
- Does not tolerate drought very well.
Speaking about which varieties of pepper are better, it should be noted that the bushes of this plant are strong and at the same time compact. The fruits are widely used in cooking - for making lecho and various salads, stuffing with all kinds of fillings.
Gift from Moldova
This variety comes from Moldova, which is not difficult to guess from the name. It has been known to gardeners since 1973, it was at this time that Line 115/60 and White Capia were successfully crossed. "Gift of Moldova" is successfully grown practically throughout the territory of Russia and feels great in any climate, except for the subarctic one. The vegetable is planted in the open field, and in heated greenhouses, and in greenhouses, but it behaves best in open sunlight.
The small size of the plant (height - about 40 cm) makes it possible to cultivate it on the balconies in apartments. For one bush you need a 5-6 liter pot. The ripening period is about 110-125 days from the moment the seedlings are planted in open ground. The fruit is cone-shaped and turns pale red before harvest. However, they can also be removed with a light green tint; such vegetables have already reached technical ripeness and are suitable for cooking.
- Fleshy pulp;
- After cooking, it retains some rigidity;
- Juicy vegetables;
- Thick-walled, which is just right for stuffing;
- Pretty sweet.
- Fruiting lasts several weeks, which is not very convenient for conservation.
These peppers are often closed whole in small jars (0.5-1.0 l) due to their small size. The length of the fruit is on average 8-11 cm, and the weight ranges between 90-120 g.
The best hot peppers
Almost no preservation can do without hot pepper. It is also added to various first and second courses. Depending on the variety, this vegetable can be grilled, baked in the oven, marinated, and even rolled neat in jars. For such purposes, the popular Jalapeno style will be just right.
It is a type of chili pepper named after the settlement in Mexico of Jalapa. It is quite spicy, but inferior in its bitterness to many other similar varieties. Initially, after consumption, the taste in the mouth is relatively mild, and then intensifies. Its pungency has an index of 5 to 8 thousand points on the Scoville scale. Therefore, the fruits of the plant are often used as an alternative to a sweet vegetable.
Jalapeno fruits are red or green pods, depending on the ripening period. Their weight is about 45 g, and the length is about 5-9 cm. The composition is rich in vitamins, microelements, essential oils. Vegetables are baked, grilled, stewed, added to first courses, pickled, used in seasonings. This is one of the few peppers that have been in space in 1982.
- Cooking versatility;
- Good seed germination;
- Fast ripening - 75-85 days;
- Undemanding care;
- It can be stored in paper for up to 15 days at a temperature of +5 degrees.
- Not very suitable for stuffing due to small pods.
What kind of pepper is better
Early varieties of peppers are best suited for outdoor cultivation in the north and mature within a maximum of 100 days. But in greenhouses, you can safely plant later specimens, especially if there is heating inside. It is advisable to have several varieties of such vegetables on the site. Large fruits can be stuffed with meat, mushrooms and vegetables, and small ones can be used to cook lecho, etc. You will also need hot peppers for sweet peppers, without which almost no first course can do.
Many factors influence the choice of a particular variety of pepper:
- Fans of hot grilled peppers should pay attention to the exotic Jalapenos.
- Lovers of stuffed fruits are advised to choose the seeds of the Gift of Moldova, which give excellent germination and large vegetables. They can be stuffed with anything from meat to mushrooms.
- In fresh salads, the variety "White Gold" with a rather tender and soft pulp has proven itself perfectly. It is moderately sweet and goes well with almost all ingredients.
- For preservation and pickling, it is best to buy the Ramiro variety, which resembles a spicy jalapeno in its appearance. It also tastes good when fried.
- If the pepper will be prepared mainly lecho for the winter, then the most optimal option would be the "Swallow" type. It is quite soft, but at the same time retains its strength after extinguishing.
- After heat treatment, the unpretentious Bogatyr variety can boast of its excellent taste.
- For sale all year round in greenhouses, you can grow the California miracle, which gives a good and tasty harvest.
When choosing the best variety of both sweet and bitter peppers, first of all, it is recommended to pay attention to its taste, and only then to the exactingness of care, yield and other characteristics.