The best food for parrots
A proper, balanced diet is important for captive parrots. The feed must have a multicomponent composition, which contains vitamins, trace elements, minerals necessary for digestion, skeletal system, plumage. Not all meals meet the stated requirements. Therefore, the team compiled a rating, where they described the best food for parrots in 2024.

Rating of food for parrots
A lot of time, effort and money was spent on creating the rating. First of all, we carried out a thorough analysis of the products of popular brands on the Russian market. Then veterinarians were involved to help us identify the strengths and weaknesses of each of the selected products. The last stage of the analysis was the feedback from customers who tried various foods on their pets. When selecting, we took into account the following criteria:
- Composition;
- Bird species;
- Granule sizes;
- The presence of contraindications;
- Are there any dried fruits;
- The presence of chalk;
- Package volume, consumption;
- Price;
- Customer reviews.
After the work done, we managed to form an informed opinion about each type of feed. All described nominees are divided into groups, depending on the size of the birds.
The best food for budgies
The most common poultry. Dry food should be stored in dark packaging, containing a high percentage of natural oats or millet. It contributes to the proper functioning of the digestive system, does not provoke the occurrence of adverse reactions, does not complicate the process of chewing. Also important is the presence of vitamins B2 and E, which maintain a beautiful, clean condition of the feathers.
Padovan Grandmix Сocorite
Complete bird food consists of 80% millet and 10% canary grains and oats. The remaining 10% are additional components, vitamins, fruits, vegetables in the composition. There is no food waste in it that can cause pain, discomfort after eating. It is characterized by high nutritional value, is consumed economically and fully saturates the birds. Has high quality packaging made of cardboard and plastic bag. Suitable for small birds, easy to digest, does not clog the stomach. The manufacturer creates complexes with different additives.
- Multicomponent composition;
- Saturates well;
- High energy value;
- It is economically consumed;
- High quality packaging;
- Large granules come across.
The reviews note that the food for budgies saturates well and does not require constant monitoring of its presence in the cage. The main thing is to dose portions, making up a balanced diet for birds, excluding overeating. Some birds on their own cannot control the portion rate.
Vitakraft Menu
The product consists of 70% cereals, 20% a mixture of flaxseed, canary seeds, hemp seeds, and 10% oatmeal. The composition contains seeds and nuts with a large amount of fat, amino acids, useful micro and macro elements. They contribute to the optimal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, increase immunity. Additional components are dried fruits, vegetables, cereals, fish oil, yeast. Each ingredient is refined, saturates it with vitamins, minerals, proteins. Thanks to this, the birds always have beautiful plumage.
- Natural composition;
- Many vitamins, macronutrients;
- Full saturation;
- Increased immunity;
- Convenient sizes.
- You need to store in a separate package;
- Difficult to find on sale.
Natural substances in the composition have a positive effect on the condition and appearance of poultry, improve metabolic processes, and are well digested by the digestive system.
RIO Moulting period
A balanced grain mixture not only saturates birds with useful components, but also helps to more loyally respond to stressful situations during the moulting period. Provides useful components in the form of proteins, fats, vitamins, ensures the full functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Contains sesame seeds, three types of millet, wheat, oats, vitamins, calcium. Produced in convenient packaging, it has granules that are easy to consume.
- Many useful components;
- Balanced diet;
- The presence of calcium sticks;
- Helps during molting;
- The packaging is enough for 3-4 months for 1 bird.
- No measuring spoon.
RIO Moulting period is suitable for budgies. During the molting period, it saturates with components, protects against aggressive feather loss, keeps them beautiful. A balanced diet does not require additional addition of dry or fresh fruits; it fully supplies vitamins.
Best food for medium-sized parrots
Products for birds of medium size contain a lot of vitamins, minerals, natural grains. They prevent the formation of vitamin deficiency, protect against feather loss, improve the functioning of the digestive system. They have medium-sized grains that are easy to swallow and do not clog the stomach. When compiling the rating, we considered 5 nominees, but were able to select only 2 feeds.
Versele-Laga Prestige Big Parakeet
The combo diet is designed for birds and is intended for daily feeding without the use of additives. Suitable for lovebirds, Senegalese parrot, cockatiel. Contains a large amount of refined ingredients such as pumpkin seeds, corn, peanuts, wheat, sunflower seeds, safflower and more. Crushed nuts are added to the mixture, which are a source of fat. There is no food debris and dust in the composition, so it does not irritate the stomach, it is adequately perceived by the digestive system. For grains, producers still dry granules of amino acids, minerals, vitamins necessary for the full functioning of the body.
- Balanced composition;
- A complete diet;
- Saturates well;
- Digests quickly;
- Does not clog the stomach.
- High price.
The food is suitable for medium-sized parrots, it is consumed economically, one package will be enough for 3-4 months.
Waka Lux
Feeding for birds belongs to the premium class, has a natural composition, a large number of nutritious grains. The grains are medium in size, easily swallowed, and digested quickly in the stomach. Assorted cereals saturates birds, is economically consumed, supplies all the necessary components, including calcium, vitamins E and B, fats and amino acids. Produced in original jars with double lids, tightly closed. According to observations, does not cause allergies or side effects, suitable for medium and small breeds of birds.
- Lots of vitamins;
- Balanced composition;
- Full saturation;
- Convenient packaging;
- Convenient grain size;
- Economical consumption.
- Strong smell.
It is necessary to start complementary foods with Vaka Lux gradually, diluting the food in small portions. The birds must gradually get used to the new composition entering the body, evaluate its reaction.
The best food for large parrots
Large birds require a more balanced diet with a multicomponent composition, since they need more trace elements and vitamins for the skeletal system, digestion and plumage. The size of the grains is different, compared to the grains created for small and medium-sized birds, this is also important for the pet to undermine the beak.The rating describes 2 types of food with the best properties from what is offered on the shelves of pet stores.
Fiory Pappagalli
Food for large parrots is suitable for the following breeds: macaw, cockatoo, gray, amazon. It consists of many substances and components necessary for the full functioning of organs and systems, strengthening immunity, and increasing energy. The composition includes such cereals as canary seeds, three types of millet, pumpkin seeds, buckwheat, maize, wheat, crushed rice. In general, the food consists of 9 types of grains that the body needs. It was noticed that even at the bottom of the package, there is practically no debris and husks.
- Vacuum packaging;
- No artificial additives
- Lots of vitamins, minerals;
- Economical consumption.
- High price.
Fiory Pappagalli is available in two packages: 400 g and 1 kg, packed in vacuum bags, which fully retain all the useful properties of the granules.
Happy Jungle Daily Menu
Balanced food for large parrots consists of grains, fruits, shell rock, provides birds with a large amount of nutrients. It contains all the necessary elements to maintain health, which additionally increase immunity, saturate the body, help strengthen bones, improve the condition of feathers. The feed includes the following cereals: corn, buckwheat, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, barley, oats, whole peanuts, apricots, dried pineapple, beets. The daily dosage is up to 40-50 g, which is enough to supply the birds with useful substances.
- There are dried fruits;
- Full saturation;
- Economical consumption;
- Convenient pellets.
- Not everyone likes it.
Food for parrots has a good composition, but reviews note that not all birds quickly get used to it.
How to choose food for parrots
Feeding for birds should be balanced. When choosing food, attention should be paid to the ingredients in the composition, the types and sizes of birds, the type of complementary foods and other features.
When selecting, it is important to pay attention to the composition; it should not consist of only a few components, since you will have to dilute the diet with other additives. You need to choose feed that contains the following components:
- Natural grain;
- Oatmeal;
- Mixed nuts;
- Healthy fats;
- Micro and macro elements;
- Vitamins;
- Dry vegetables, fruits.
Multicomponent formulations will help prevent the occurrence of diseases of the digestive system, skeletal system and the loss of beautiful plumage.
Bird size
When choosing dry food for parrots, you also need to pay attention to their size. Small birds will not be able to feed on food intended for large birds and vice versa. They differ in the following factors:
- Small - a high percentage of natural oats and vitamin B to support immunity. Granules are small, easily swallowed, quickly chewed;
- Medium - consists mainly of small fractions and grains, including millet, sesame seeds, flax seeds, wheat.
- Large - the feed consists of natural grains, nuts, dried fruits and granular additives with trace elements and vitamins. Promotes growth, improves feather quality. The grains are large, therefore small
Feed type
The manufacturer creates several types of food for parrots, namely:
- Soft type - cereals, sprouted or steamed grains (pearl barley, rice, oatmeal, barley porridge);
- Vegetables and fruits - served fresh or dry, chopped. Of the fruits, cherries, berries, pineapple, and peach are often used. Polar vegetables - cabbage, tomato, broccoli, beets;
- Branch feed - permitted tree species are birch, linden, maple, aspen, mountain ash.
You need to include different types of food in the diet to diversify your diet.
Special needs
If the bird is missing a component or is going through a stressful period. Manufacturers create special complexes. You can choose from the following options:
- To maintain color;
- During molting;
- When carrying chicks;
- For weight gain;
- Diet food.
All these nuances are indicated on the packaging of each feed, so you first need to familiarize yourself not only with the ingredients, but also with the percentage of certain ones.
What is the best food for parrots
When choosing a suitable dry food, you need to pay attention to the ingredients and type of food, the size of the birds. There are no additives or flavors in high-quality formulations, they consist mainly of natural grains. The team recommends paying attention to the following feeds:
- Padovan Grandmix Сocorite - balanced composition for budgies;
- RIO Moulting period - a balanced diet, a large amount of calcium, vitamins necessary to maintain joints and bones;
- Versele-Laga Prestige Big Parakeet - combination product for medium sized parrots, it contains a lot of nuts;
- Fiory Pappagalli is a quality product for large birds, it consists of 9 types of cereals, dried fruits, minerals.
The compiled rating will help significantly reduce the time it takes to find the right food for your bird. They are suitable for parrots of different sizes, do not cause side effects, and are well tolerated by the body.