The best cat breeds
The cat creates comfort in the house, improves mood and saves from rodents, if any. She does not require significant financial costs for maintenance and such close attention as, for example, a dog. And it is quite possible to get this animal even in a small apartment and in the case of living with children. However, there are many varieties of pets with their own characteristics. Among them, the best cat breeds were selected for the TOP - calm, beautiful, popular, kind and affectionate, which will delight their owner.

Description of cat breeds
There are more than 200 breeds in the world, from absolutely bald to long-haired. They are recognized and registered by feline organizations. 10 of them were selected for this rating, which is divided into calm, beautiful, affectionate, apartment cats.
Let's describe each creation in more detail:
- Scottish lop-eared Is a fairly old breed that appeared in 1961 in Scotland. The pet has a strong constitution and an interesting appearance due to the flattened ears. With proper care, the animal can live up to 16 years.
- Bengali - appeared in the middle of the 20th century and is characterized by an unusual appearance. In color, it can be confused with a leopard, only the growth of the Bengal is much smaller - up to 32 cm at the withers. The pet's weight is 5-6 kg and varies depending on the food.
- Russian blue - removed thanks to immigrants from Russia. It catches the eye with its bluish coat that shines beautifully in the sun. Her fluff is short and it is very easy to care for it. Life expectancy is between 14 and 16 years.
- Siberian Is a Russian cat that appeared around the 16th century. She has a coat of medium length. She is not cold in winter and at the same time it is easier for the owner to take care of the pet. The weight of the animal reaches 6-10 kg, and its height is about 35 cm, depending on the sex.
- Maine Coon - a creature from the USA up to 40 cm tall at the withers. This is the largest breed in the world that loves space. She lives for about 13 years. It is characterized by a beautiful fluffy tail and tassels on the ears. The character of the pet is independent, but calm, balanced.
- Toyger - it is often called the house tiger because of the same striped color. The first animal was born in the late 1980s. This breed of kind and affectionate cats is very large - it weighs up to 7.5 kg, so it's hard to carry it on your hands. They have strong legs and massive shoulders.
- British longhair - a fluffy creature with thick fur, thanks to which it is warm in winter. She has bright, large eyes and cute rounded ears. The Briton is characterized by obedience and unobtrusiveness in relations with the owners.
- Canadian sphinx - a relatively small variety weighing up to 5 kg. It is one of the longest lived of its kind. On average, the sphinx lives to be 17 years old. It does not burden its owner, since it is undemanding in food and care, however, it requires certain financial investments to purchase special toys.
- Persian - the most popular and affordable, bred as if specially for keeping in an apartment. She declared herself as a calm and peaceful animal that gives the owner affection and creates comfort in the house.
- Peterbald - the result of crossing the Don Sphynx and the oriental breed. It is characterized by the absence of any vegetation. The animal showed itself as calm, adequate, friendly and without problems finding a common language with people, including children.
Cat breeds rating
The main reference point in the analysis of descriptions of various cat breeds was the feedback from their owners and animal care specialists - veterinarians, groomers, etc. An important point was the affordability of kittens.
The analysis was carried out in several directions:
- History of appearance - where and by whom it was bred, with whom it was crossed, when it happened;
- Appearance - color, density and length of wool, shape of the muzzle, shade of eyes, etc .;
- Body type - weight, musculature, height at the withers, massiveness and height of the paws;
- Character - playfulness, obedience, the ability to get along with children and other animals, the ability to endure loneliness;
- Nutritional requirements - what kind of food and how often you need to feed, tendency to obesity;
- Health - resistance to various diseases, the frequency of visits to veterinarians, the need for vaccination, life expectancy;
- Care features - how often it is necessary to comb, whether the fur sheds and falls off, whether the animal tolerates bathing easily and how many times it costs to wash it.
When preparing the TOP 10 cat breeds, it was very important to combine the simplicity of caring for the cat, undemanding nutrition, calm and balanced character, beautiful appearance and good health.
The most beautiful cat breeds in the world
Cats can be called beautiful with an unusual, bright color, original muzzle and smooth or fluffy hair. At least 2 breeds meet these selection criteria. This category of the rating is dedicated to them, where the advantages and disadvantages of the animals in question are described in detail.
Scottish lop-eared
This variety originated in 1961 in Scotland, and got its name from the drooping ears. An adult pet weighs about 4-6 kg and lives for 14-16 years with appropriate care. It is characterized by a height at the withers of about 30 cm and a short, smooth coat of smoky, red, gray or white.
The Scottish Fold is the most loyal to other cats and gets along with them without any problems even in a small area. She is good-natured and quickly becomes attached to family members, but she chooses one as the owner and pet. The animal is not indifferent to games and, despite its sociability, prefers not to impose its persona.
- Raises voice rarely;
- Doesn't shout loudly;
- Accuracy and cleanliness;
- Equilibrium;
- Does not spoil furniture.
- The high cost of kittens.
Scottish Fold is not burdensome for the owners and calmly tolerates not very long partings with the owner.
The history of the Bengal cat begins in the middle of the 20th century. The animal is distinguished by its gracefulness and bright leopard color. Only it is smaller in size than its older brothers. Height at the withers reaches 25-32 cm with a weight of 5-6 kg. The pet's life is quite long - 12-15 years, but for this, the owner must not forget about regular vaccinations and give him premium food.
The most beautiful cat breed in the world and one of the cleanest. The animal will not walk into a dirty litter box, so you will have to clean it up regularly. She is amenable to education and training, which can begin as early as 3 months after birth. This is a very intelligent pet, quickly grasping and following the commands of the owners.
- Good health;
- Cats love to mark territory;
- Powerful paws;
- Friendliness;
- Loves water.
- She is very playful, so you can't do without a special complex.
As the reviews show, Bengals get along well with other animals, except for rodents, which they hunt with pleasure.
Breeds of kind and affectionate cats
Cats are rather proud and lonely animals, less attached to humans than the same dogs. However, in general, by their nature, they are rather kind and affectionate, there are only a few aggressive varieties among them. Experts studied the descriptions of the kindest and most affectionate pets. As a result, the rating included 2 options with a docile nature.
Russian blue
The Russian blue got its name because of the breeding based on the progenitors from Russia and because of the bluish shade of the coat. Her fur is not thick, short, so it does not create problems with care. It is enough to comb the animal 1-2 times a week. The pet is quite large - weighing up to 3-7 kg. Growth at the withers reaches 25 cm. On average, she lives 14-16 years.
The Russian blue has long, muscular legs and sharp fangs, with the help of which it easily catches rodents. She is distinguished by good endurance and high speed, escaping from other animals without problems. A thin, but dense coat reliably protects it from frost and rain. Due to the short length of the coat, it is a good option for allergy sufferers.
- Laskova;
- Compliant;
- Has a sense of tact;
- Inquisitive;
- Playful.
- Regular cleaning of the tray is required;
- You need to constantly monitor the cleanliness of the bowl.
Speaking about which breed of cats is better, the Russian Blue cannot be left unattended due to disgust and cleanliness, therefore it suits exactly the same owners.
A breed of Russian origin, bred around the 16th century. She belongs to the semi-long-haired, therefore, easy to care for. The cats are large enough, weighing 6-10 kg. Their height at the withers reaches 30 cm in girls and 40 cm in boys. The animal lives longer than all species - 15-20 years. The pet acts as a guardian of the territory and fiercely defends its territorial rights.
The Siberian cat is characterized by quick-wittedness and a special mind. The animal has a well-developed hunting instinct and is happy to catch rodents and birds. The pet gets along easily with household members, but has an independent and proud character. She does not like strangers and loud voices, she needs comfort and tranquility.
- Gets along well with children;
- Likes to play;
- Shedding heavily;
- It is enough to bathe once every 3 months;
- Can be fed with natural food.
- It gets along poorly with other animals;
- Requires frequent outdoor walks.
Siberian representatives, by virtue of their developed mind, are easily amenable to learning and training. They easily get used to the tray and scratching posts without any problems.
The best cat breeds for kids
If there are children in the house, it is better to give preference to calm, but at the same time playful cats who do not mind spending time with the child. These include one species originally from America, which distinguished itself by the most good relations with young household members.
Maine Coon
The cat was bred in the USA. The animal grows up to 30-40 cm at the withers and up to 1 m in length. Due to its large size, it is not recommended to keep it in an apartment. The pet's weight ranges between 4-10 kg. The average lifespan of the Maine Coon is 13 years, of long-livers - 15 years. It has specific tassels on its ears, which resembles a lynx, and a huge fluffy tail, like a raccoon. In appearance, it looks more like a wild one.
Trying to figure out which breed of cats is best for children, it should be noted that this is an intelligent and independent creature, with a calm, balanced character. She may not trust adults and not allow herself to be stroked, but she treats children with special trepidation and plays with them with pleasure. The Maine Coon lends itself well to "training" like a dog, thanks to its good memory, understanding and ability to recognize intonations in the owner's voice.
- Loves water and bathing;
- Wool does not roll into mats;
- It is enough to comb once a week;
- Catches rodents well;
- He hunts for fish.
- Actively sharpens nails on furniture.
Maine Coon cannot be called home, he is rather a loner, who loves to walk on his own in the street.
Expensive cat breeds
Expensive breeds include mostly exotic breeds bred far abroad and are in limited access. Their price may exceed 20,000 rubles. One of these is Toyger, which will be discussed below.
Breed of domestic "tigers", only smaller in size. It is because of its specific appearance that it got the name: Toy (toy) + tiger (tiger). This is a fairly young animal that appeared in the late 1980s. Toyger is one of the largest cats weighing up to 7.5 kg. It is characterized by massive shoulders and legs, thanks to which they can develop high speed.
Toyger has short hair, so it does not tolerate cold winters very well. But because of this, it is convenient to bathe and treat it from parasites. The breed is capable of learning games and house rules. She is smart and gets along easily with children, adults and other animals. The pet is docile and calm, never raises its voice without an acute reason, but it often purrs loudly and rather while lying on the owner's lap.
- No need to comb every day;
- It is enough to feed 2-3 times a day;
- Easily litter box;
- Good memory;
- Rarely sick.
- Worse returns home in its tracks.
Toyger is one of the most expensive cat breeds in the world and is not recommended to be fed with fish. Due to such nutrition, she may have digestive upset.
Popular cat breeds
Many have fallen in love with both long and medium and short-haired animals. Pets with an original appearance and easy contact with people are popular. This is how the following two varieties can be characterized, which are widely known in the world.
British longhair
A cat with long fluffy and thick hair that requires special care. The animal weighs about 7 kg, has a large bones, full cheeks and a rounded muzzle. The pet has large, expressive eyes and slightly rounded erect ears. There are gray, white, red, black colors, multi-tone are rare.
The long-haired British is known for his calm temperament, which is why he is often chosen as a companion for children. The character of the animal is sociable, but not annoying. By its demeanor, this is an aristocratic cat. This breed quickly becomes attached to people, but tolerates loneliness without any problems.
- Cleanliness;
- Does not tear wallpaper and does not scratch upholstered furniture;
- Restraint in behavior;
- Amenable to education;
- Not cunning and not vindictive.
- Tendency to corpulence.
Due to the risk of overweight, veterinarians recommend a balanced diet and feed your pet with special food. With proper care, the animal can live up to 14-16 years.
Canadian sphinx
The breed "Canadian Sphynx" is considered domestic and is popular due to obedience to the owner. It is not at all adapted for walking on the street, especially without human control. The animal is hairless, completely bald, 30-40 cm tall and weighing from 3 to 5 kg. Among them there are many long-livers aged 17 years. The cat is very calm and does not require undue attention, however, it is important to limit her exposure to the sun. She has no hair and therefore can get burned.
The most popular breed of cats is the Canadian Sphynx, in particular, because of the love for people's attention and various toys. Therefore, you will have to buy special things for him - a house, a scratching post, etc. But with a long absence from home, he will be able to organize his own pastime. The pet gets along well with its own kind and even with dogs. It has a good appetite, so you need to feed it with expensive, carefully balanced formulations. It is important to monitor the calorie intake due to the tendency to be overweight.
- Fast metabolism;
- Rarely sick;
- Easily transfers transfers;
- Does not suffer from short separations from the owners;
- Unusual, "alien" look.
- May cause allergies in humans;
- Needs regular care.
The Canadian Sphynx often participates in exhibitions and takes prizes due to its expressive eyes, cute elongated muzzle and large ears.
Calm cat breeds for an apartment
Calm cats are those cats that do not meow much, do not spoil furniture and tolerate a temporary separation from their owner without any problems. Among such breeds, 2 varieties should be especially distinguished, the advantages and disadvantages of which are described below.
This variety is famous for its long hair. The pet is completely domesticated, it is difficult for him to live outside the apartment. It is distinguished by a balanced character and lack of aggression, the animal quickly becomes attached to the owner and ignores those who do not like it. With her calm, she can stand up for herself. This is a calm cat breed for an apartment, neighbors will not complain about the owners because of the constant meowing.
Persians respond adequately to children, but are not their best companions. They lead a rather mobile lifestyle and love to play with people. However, these are not predators and it is hardly worth waiting for them to hunt for mice. This breed is one of the most curious, it likes to explore the corners of the house and hide from its owners. It is not easy to care for - the coat requires daily brushing to avoid felting, and bathing the pet is a test for nerves.
- Lives up to 17 years;
- Comes in different colors - from white to black;
- Beautiful appearance;
- Compliant;
- Not picky in food, but you need to feed with special food.
- The sun changes the color of the coat;
- Doesn't like sleeping with owners;
- It grows up to 7 kg in weight.
The Persians have a defect in the nasal septum due to a flattened nose, as a result of which the animal snores and puffs. It also leads to the constant release of fluid from the eyes, as a result of which they need to be rinsed regularly.
The breed was obtained by crossing an Oriental cat and a Don Sphynx. Its characteristic difference is the absence of hair (or a small undercoat), mustache and eyebrows. Despite this, the animal is not hypoallergenic; saliva can cause an attack. Although the pet's appearance is aggressive, he is docile and friendly, easily gets along with people and makes contact.
The hunting instinct is characteristic of Peterbald, he catches rodents and birds. The animal is strongly attached to people, so it is not recommended to leave it in the apartment for a long time. The pet loves to sleep on the same bed with the owner. This breed reaches a length of 23-30 cm and weighs about 3-5 kg, which is why it is easy to transport. Her life expectancy is 13-15 years under good living conditions.
- Unforgettable;
- Quickly learns to use the toilet;
- Smart;
- Moderately active;
- Easily gets along with other animals.
- Meows loudly until he gets his own;
- Sweats quickly and requires frequent bathing;
- Discharge accumulates in the eyes, which must be removed periodically;
- Does not accept drafts due to the lack of wool;
- Need to feed more than other species.
It is better not to leave this breed of cat alone for a long time - it is curious and a real weasel: it examines cabinets, drawers, furniture in the house, so it can make a slight mess and accidentally ruin things.
What breed of cats is better
When choosing a cat, it is best to focus on the conditions of its keeping. If you need a hunter, then you need to pay attention to playful, active pets who will be happy to catch rodents. Those who are looking for a companion for children and a keeper of home comfort should take a closer look at the calmer breeds.
At the end of the rating, the editorial board of summed up the results:
- If you need a beautiful and obedient creature, then a fold-eared Scotsman will be very useful.
- Those who prefer more "wild" animals should pay attention to the Bengal breed.
- If you have an allergy in the household, you can choose Russian blue with short hair.
- Look for a rodent catcher - it is recommended that you choose a Siberian cat with a good hunting instinct.
- Maine Coon with a calm and balanced character will be a good companion for children.
- If you want something exotic, then Toyger with an unusual color will be just right.
- Among the aristocratic varieties, it is worth highlighting the British Longhair.
- The Canadian Sphinx, Persian and Peterbald are the best suited for keeping in an apartment.
To choose any breed of cats, you need to take into account many nuances - the place of keeping the animal, your financial status and the ability to devote enough time to caring for the pet. Only in this way this cute creature will become a full-fledged member of the family.