The best dogs for an apartment
Thanks to the painstaking work of specialists, many interesting dog breeds have been bred. They all differ in size, appearance, characteristics of care, behavior, etc. Because of such a variety, it can be difficult to choose one option to please yourself, your loved ones, a faithful friend. The project team conducted research in this area, after which they compiled the top rating in 2024. It includes the best dogs for the apartment, taking into account all the requests of the future owners, the peculiarities of the conditions of detention. The review will present 3 categories - small, medium, large pets. Real feedback from people will help determine the advantages and disadvantages of each nominee.

Dog breeds for an apartment
A pet is, first of all, responsibility, a willingness to look after and provide a four-legged friend with everything necessary, and only after that positive emotions, pleasure, boundless friendship. Therefore, before choosing a new resident, experts offer a short guide to the best dog breeds for an apartment:
- Toy Terrier - small breed, the actual country of residence and which is Russia. Bred since 1920. Average life expectancy is 10-12 years. The smallest weight is 1.4, the largest is 3 kg, the height is from 20 to 25 cm. The price with documents is 20-40 thousand rubles, without them - 10-20 thousand rubles.
- Pug - decorative small breed that was exported to different countries from China. First appeared in 1966. The average lifespan of one individual is 13-14 years. Weight can vary from 5.5 to 10 kg, height - from 28 to 32 cm. If you buy a puppy without documents, you need to pay 5-15 thousand rubles, with papers - 15-60 thousand, respectively.
- Pekingese - an ancient decorative dog bred by the ruling class of China over 2000 years ago. One individual lives for about 12-15 years. Its weight can be from 3.2 to 5.4 kg, and its height is from 15 to 25 cm. A compact companion with a royal posture without documents will cost 15-25 thousand rubles, with securities 25-40 thousand.
- Pomeranian - small decorative breed, characterized by fluffy fur. The actual country of residence and the country according to the FCI is Germany. It first appeared in the 18th century. Life expectancy can range from 12 to 16 years. The average weight of an adult is 1.4-3.2 kg, the height is from 18 to 22 cm. The unofficial price is 5-15, with documents - 15-100 thousand rubles.
- Chihuahua Is a tiny companion dog bred in Mexico since 1904. Life expectancy can be 11-14 years. With a growth of 15 to 25 cm, the weight will be 0.5-2.9 kg. Today it is a true national symbol of Mexico. You can buy it with documents for 30-95 thousand, without them - 10-30 thousand rubles.
- Chow Chow - companion watchdog, one of the most ancient breeds. According to historical records, it appeared in China over 2,000 years ago. One individual lives on average 9-12 years. Weight can reach 20-32 kg, height - from 46 to 56 cm. The purchase will cost from 5-20 to 20-60 thousand rubles.
- English bulldog - short-haired breed of the mastiff type, bred in the second half of the 19th century in England. I remember that she was born with a planned cesarean section, living for 10-12 years. Weight can be 20-25 kg, height 50-55 cm. You can buy a bulldog for 10-25 thousand rubles without documents, with them for 25-70 thousand, respectively.
- Collie - a herding dog from Scotland and Northern England, which appeared in the 17th century. Collie lives on average 12-13 years old. Weight can reach 19-30 kg with a height of 55 to 65 cm. For one of the most beautiful breeds, you will need to pay 10-30 or 30-110 thousand rubles, depending on the pedigree.
- Beagle Is a hunting dog bred in the UK back in 1955. Lives on average 11-15 years. Dimensions reach 33-45 cm with a weight of 7-13 kg. For a compact, but wiry and hardy breed, you will need to pay from 10-20 to 20-60 thousand rubles, depending on the available papers.
- Labrador - initially from the 19th century it was a hunting gun dog, and now a guide, rescuer, companion for humans. The Labrador retriever first appeared in Canada since 1887. Lives from 12 to 14 years, reaching a weight of 25-36 kg, height 53-61 cm. For a puppy you will have to pay from 5 to 20 thousand rubles, if there are no documents, or 20-60 thousand if available.
- Golden retriever Is a hunting dog bred in Great Britain in the 19th century to serve beaten game. The lifespan of one individual is 12-14 years. The average weight can reach from 25 to 41 kg with an increase of 51 to 61 cm. The price without securities is 10-25 thousand, with them 25-80 thousand rubles.
- Dalmatian - amazing dogs with a bright spotted color, bred in Croatia. Height can reach 61 cm, weight 24-32 kg. Dalmatians live on average 10-13 years, sometimes 17 years. The cost may exceed the mark of 100 thousand rubles, depending on the pedigree, papers and the potential of the animal.
Dog rating for an apartment
To decide which dog to get in the apartment, it is not enough just to visualize puppies and adult dogs. The experts analyzed the recommendations of dog breeders, real feedback from experienced owners, and then compiled a list of defining parameters for selection. It included:
- The size of an adult animal, taking into account the area of housing;
- Wool, its length, tendency to shed, smell;
- Temperament, activity, demand for space and attention;
- Salivation from zero to profuse;
- Features of care, i.e. feeding, walking, entertainment;
- The presence of children in the house, the attitude of the breed to the child;
- Material security of the owner for keeping the dog;
- The tendency of apartment dog breeds to bark;
- Individual characteristics such as gender, age, intelligence, cleanliness;
- Demanding veterinary support.
Based on all the above criteria, the project team has identified the best small, medium, large dog breeds for keeping in an apartment. And the owners' reviews highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of each nominee.
The best small breed dogs for an apartment
Most often, residents of apartment buildings prefer small decorative dogs. They are not demanding in terms of feeding, freedom of space, do not pose a danger to strangers and children. They weigh about 2 to 10 kg, and their height does not exceed 45 cm. The owner does not have to spend a lot of money on feed, time for walking. The main emphasis should be placed on education, training, veterinary support. The magazine has identified the best small-sized dogs for an apartment based on the percentage of approving reviews, demand.
Toy Terrier
The Russian Terrier is distinguished by its gracefulness, miniature dimensions, therefore it is most often kept in urban conditions. A neat muzzle is decorated with expressive large eyes, ears with long hair. These animals are much more comfortable at home than walking. A warm place is suitable for relaxation; special toys can be used for entertainment. You need to take out for a walk up to 3-4 times a day in a warm season, in winter it is better to reduce the output to a minimum. Relations with children are built on a solid 5, for intelligence experts put 3, security qualities - 2. Their level of aggression is practically zero, but they practice manipulating their emotions in order to get what they want, to pity.
- Compactness;
- Playful character;
- Lack of aggression, friendliness;
- Compliance to training;
- Easy care;
- Choice of short or long hair.
- Low stress resistance;
- Does not tolerate cold, you need clothes.
It is important to remember that this baby does not tolerate pressure, is prone to excitability and bark. If the family has a child, they will definitely become friends.There are two types of terriers on sale - with short, long hair. Molting is minimal, so they are not dangerous for allergy sufferers.
Sturdy stocky dog of miniature size with well-developed muscles. Distinctive features - livable disposition, unique external data, absence of any aggression. Most often on sale you can see puppies with peach, beige or gray color. The coat is short, close to the skin. Big eyes, folds of skin, unusual nose and snuggled ears make the animal cute and funny. The molt is active, fine hairs will periodically remain throughout the apartment. The character is flexible, the dog adjusts to the behavior of its owner. Relationships with children are built on a solid 5, flexibility in training at 4, intelligence at 3. Pugs need care, especially with regard to folds, ears, eyes.
- Calm non-aggressive disposition;
- Friendliness to strangers, children;
- Playfulness;
- Funny appearance;
- Adaptability to any conditions;
- Devotion.
- Strong shedding;
- Obesity tendency.
The owner must carefully monitor the diet so that the pug's weight is not less than 8 kg in adulthood. It can hardly stand the heat, but there will be no problems with the cold. It is advisable to carry out frequent combing so as not to collect lost wool around the house. Snoring and difficulty breathing may occur with age.
A perfect companion especially for the elderly esthete owner. This dog will prefer living where there is one adult, rather than housing with children and a large number of family members. A distinctive character trait - the Pekingese does not like tactile contact, rudeness. This is a very adaptable breed that needs mental, physical activity. She enjoys the cold season, water and swimming in hot weather due to her long, thick coat. Despite its small size, this is an excellent guard, for intelligence, attitude towards children, aggressiveness, and a tendency to train, experts give 3. Outwardly, the Pekingese is distinguished by long hair, short paws, a flattened muzzle, hanging ears. Aristocracy is expressed in a stubborn disposition.
- No need for long walks;
- External data;
- Lack of obesity tendency;
- Calm temperament;
- Good watchdog qualities;
- Strong will, courage.
- Demanding to combing, grooming;
- Not for families with children.
Such a pet needs to be often scratched to prevent molting, tangling of long hairs. Some people prefer to do a haircut, in the summertime this will ease his fate. You also need to brush your flat face to avoid breathing difficulties. It is important to remain calm during parenting.
The review is continued of dogs of small breeds for apartments and children with unquestioning fidelity - the Pomeranian. They are distinguished by their diminutiveness, long thick hair, doll-like appearance. Since they are perfectly amenable to training, there are cases in history when they worked as lifeguards. Here, proper nutrition is important, active walks in the fresh air due to the love of freedom. Excessive caresses are not required for the Spitz. For all its compactness, the dog barks loudly, feeling danger, but without aggression. Experts put a solid 5 for the attitude towards children, for intelligence 3, protective qualities 2.
- Puppet appearance;
- Unpretentious care;
- Friendliness;
- Ease of learning;
- Playfulness;
- Reactions to outsiders.
- Long coat requiring maintenance;
- Lack of adaptation to serious stress.
Decorative Spitz is suitable for aesthetic pleasure, friendship with a child. It is important to take care of it in a comprehensive manner, daily comb your hair, removing tangles, keep the skin, ears, eyes clean, and trim the nails. Sometimes it can be difficult to obey because of the desire to dominate. Not suitable for allergy sufferers.
Short-haired baby for lovers of barking pets. Diminutiveness allows you to take it everywhere with you, due to its obedience, the Chihuahua will dutifully sit in your pocket, purse, in your bosom or just on your hands. Differs in a peaceful temperament along with strong protective instincts. Ill-wishers will not only be barked, but also prone to attempts to bite. To avoid incidents, I start training in a timely manner. Chihuahua gets along with children, but due to its compactness it can suffer if the child is small and at an unconscious age. Due to great affection, they sometimes experience outbursts of jealousy. For the attitude towards children, you can put 4, security qualities - 4, intelligence and training - 3.
- Obedience, decorativeness;
- Excellent vision, hearing for safety;
- Easy taming to the tray;
- Travel opportunity;
- Peacefulness;
- Simplicity of care.
- Unstable psyche;
- Poor health.
It is not necessary to walk with such a dog every day, and in winter you will have to stock up on sets of clothes and shoes. For toiletry, you can simply stock up on a tray. With regard to care, periodically the wool needs to be washed, combed, ears cleaned a couple of times a month, claws cut.
The best medium breed dogs for an apartment
The next top-rated category is average dogs for an apartment with names and detailed descriptions. They are preferred by those who do not like compact breeds, but there is no way to have a large dog. They are stronger not only in external parameters, but also in terms of physiology and health. In addition, they are even more supportive of family members, have good protective instincts. There were several dozen applicants before the editorial board, but 4 breeds with the highest ratings were included in the rating.
Chow Chow
A real esthete can make such a dog. Chow Chow is distinguished by a thick luxurious mane, frown, playful tail. The dimensions are relatively large, but this does not prevent such a four-legged friend from getting along even in a cramped apartment. Sentinel instincts will manifest themselves every time you feel danger, the dog will be wary of strangers. In order not to face unjustified aggression, timely training is needed. This is a real intellectual, girls turn out to be more flexible. Due to its cleanliness, this animal will not relieve itself in the wrong place, will not get dirty on the street. They bark only on special occasions. For friendship with children, experts put 3, for security qualities and intelligence 4.
- Outer beauty;
- Cleanliness;
- No tendency to bark;
- Guardian qualities;
- Delicate unobtrusive behavior;
- Adaptability to home, apartment.
- Parenting difficulties;
- Aggression towards other animals.
This is definitely not an option for novice owners due to the tendency to aggression and stubbornness. As for walking, 1-1.5 hours a day outside will be enough for them. But care is more and more difficult, they need to be combed daily, bathed at least once a week. This four-legged friend does not tolerate screaming, rudeness, as he is prone to resentment.
English bulldog
A stocky dog with the appearance of a fighter and exceptional laziness. Even if you want to walk such a friend, you can face reluctance and even resistance. He does not want to live in an aviary, therefore, an extremely problem-free dog for an apartment. By nature, this is one of the most peaceful, calm animals with incredible patience. In their sleep, Bulldogs most often snore or breathe loudly. With the wrong upbringing, lack of attention, they are prone to aggression. The short coat has practically no protective function. Childbirth in the case of such a breed occurs by caesarean section. Due to the peculiar structure of the nose, such dogs cannot run for a long time, endure physical exertion, this threatens with breathing difficulties.For relationships with children, you can put 3, guard qualities, training and intelligence the same grade.
- Undemanding care;
- Endurance, patience;
- Quiet pastime;
- No need for frequent walking, games;
- Affection for family members;
- Get along with other animals.
- Snoring, difficulty breathing;
- Tendency to obesity, drooling.
It is not recommended to walk the English Bulldog in case of windy weather, heat or severe frost. The future owner needs to be prepared for the fact that such a bulldog will seek to soak up his bed. Health is weak, with age, they are often exposed to diseases, especially the digestive system.
A herding dog belonging to the shepherd family, but with medium size and long hair. She is included in the list where the most calm dogs for the apartment are presented, since she does not have the aggression gene. Another important skill of a collie is that she can follow the child due to her quick wits. Sensitive to the sun is observed, but a long silky coat serves as protection. Has a developed intellect, sensitive hearing, can be a guide. Wool has healing properties - it relieves pain, warms, maybe in three colors - tricolor, sable, blue merle. Collie will not bark at someone else, in childhood will not be naughty. For attitude towards children, intelligence, training, you can put a solid 5, security qualities - 4.
- Good health;
- Compliance, kindness;
- Guide and nanny skills;
- Patience;
- Mind, keen hearing;
- Luxurious appearance.
- Demanding for space, fresh air;
- Shedding tendency.
Collie is demanding in matters of walking, she needs long and frequent active forays into the street. A luxurious coat will be subject to regular chas against mats. There are no other special conditions in matters of care.
In the list of medium-sized smooth-haired dogs for an apartment, the English beagle takes the leading place. It can be of two or three colors, despite its short coat, it is actively shedding. Since the breed was bred for shepherds and hunters, it is still famous for its endurance and active lifestyle. The character is wayward, freedom-loving. In education, it is important for the owner to adhere to calmness, pragmatism. Anger and pressure can make your dog aggressive. The Beagle happily shares his energy, enthusiasm, he loves to play, is not inclined to the habits of a leader. For the attitude towards children, compliance with training and intelligence, you can safely put 4, security qualities at 2.
- Sociability;
- Playfulness, cheerful disposition;
- Simplicity of care;
- High activity;
- Lack of characteristic odor;
- Child friendliness.
- Tendency to gluttony, obesity;
- The need for long walks.
Beagle loves to run at high speed and at decent distances, so it is a great companion for athletes and runners. In care, it is important not to overdo it with food due to the high risk of obesity. Most often, with age, there are eye problems, hypothyroidism, ear infections, epilepsy.
The best large breed dogs for an apartment
If you wish, you can get a large dog with high intelligence and security skills. But it needs free space, financial opportunities for maintenance. You also need to be prepared for the fact that such pets live less than small and medium-sized dog relatives. The editorial staff of the magazine analyzed the reviews, opinions of experts, and then identified 3 leaders for the current rating.
These large kind-hearted people enjoy immense popularity for their peaceful attitude and sharp mind. The main goal of this dog is to help its owner.Despite his size, he does not show any aggression, he is friends with his relatives, and is sensitive to children. It is a great companion for the disabled person. Likes outdoor walks, active lifestyle. Outwardly it differs in three colors - black, sand, brown, muscular body, warm, shiny short hair with a waterproof undercoat. Shows boundless love for the child, for compliance with training and intelligence they give 5, but for security skills only 2.
- Constant positive;
- Activity;
- Lovingness;
- Lack of aggression;
- Undemanding care;
- Quick grasp of skills, commands.
- The need for daily walks from 1 hour or more;
- Weak guard instinct.
As for the conditions of detention, the Labrador must be fed in moderation due to the tendency to gain weight, scratch daily, and show it to the veterinarian in a timely manner. The main condition for his happiness is a lot of attention from all family members.
Golden retriever
With a noble background and intelligent eyes, it is a classic choice for families with children or for the elderly. Such a dog is well adapted to water, has excellent external data (proportionality, grace), playful kind disposition, golden long hair. A stable psyche makes him flexible, calm, devoid of even the slightest aggression. For communication skills and games with a child, you can put a solid 5, the retriever will withstand any child's tests. They are even used for medicinal purposes to treat children with autism, various psychiatric diagnoses. For intelligence and reaction speed, they also put 5, but guard skills at 2. Since he was a hunter before, he has a keen sense of smell. Of the more than a hundred studied varieties, the Golden Retriever ranks 4th in terms of intelligence.
- Sincerity, sociability;
- Great love for the child;
- Fast learning, obedience;
- Simplicity of care;
- Lack of even minimal aggression;
- Sharp scent, quick wits.
- Not to protect the home;
- Lack of attention leads to depression.
Since childhood, puppies have a pronounced odor and can smell, therefore, hygienic procedures with wool are carried out as often as possible. If you do not brush it daily, you can face the negative consequences of active shedding. Nutrition must be competent, otherwise allergies may occur. Walking is carried out every day at least 3 hours a day.
A long-legged, greyhound dog characterized by a spotted black and white color. This is an intelligent, active animal with a restless lifestyle. Due to his innate stubborn disposition, he must be taught from childhood to the rules of behavior in the house. Show friendliness to children and strangers. Despite the short coat, active molt is observed. They do not get along with every fan of their bright appearance. These are real athletes who can endure intense physical activity. Early socialization is important for the formation of a stable psyche. In this case, the dog will feel good about the owner's mood, even adjust to him. If there is a small child in the house, this is not the best solution, since a harsh impulsive friend can become an involuntary threat. For intelligence they put 4, the skills of the guard 3, the maximum score for activity and friendliness.
- Kind cheerful character;
- Minimal care;
- Active lifestyle;
- Bright unusual color;
- Excellent health;
- High intelligence.
- The need for frequent long walks;
- Not suitable for living with a small child.
Dalmatians need regular walks - at least 1 hour in the morning and in the evening. If you neglect this rule, he will get bored and start ruining things. The most common disease is deafness, 12% of puppies are born with it. Improper diet increases the risk of developing allergies.
Which dog is better for an apartment
Most would-be breeders would ideally need an apartment dog that is odorless, shedding sparsely, docile, undemanding, and inexpensive. The aesthetic criterion also influences the choice. Having analyzed all the advantages and disadvantages of the named breeds, the editorial board of the magazine summed up the following results:
- Pekingese is a companion for an elderly person, he will fit a real esthete;
- Pomeranian - puppet appearance, unlimited friendship with children;
- Chihuahua is a hypoallergenic baby, a faithful companion on frequent walks, travel;
- Chow Chow is a fluffy clean dog that gets along in any conditions;
- The English Bulldog is the quietest nominee, unpretentious to walk;
- Collie - beauty along with good babysitting skills, healing properties;
- Labrador - a faithful friend for a person with disabilities, a guide;
- The Golden Retriever is a child's best friend, withstanding any challenge.
In order to unmistakably determine which pedigree puppy to buy and keep for keeping in an apartment, you can follow the behavior of adult parents, observe for some time the habits, peculiarities of feeding, care, walking. The expert rating is aimed at significantly narrowing the range of searches, suggesting the main pros and cons for each nominee.