Best Worm Remedies for Dogs
Regardless of the dog's lifestyle, veterinarians recommend the use of anthelmintic drugs to get rid of pathogens or for prevention purposes on a quarterly basis. Parasites can be brought in on the soles of your shoes or infect your dog while walking. In veterinary pharmacies, you can see a wide variety of brands and drugs, which makes it difficult for the buyer to choose. Therefore, based on the recommendations of experts, experts from have compiled a top rating, which includes the best remedies for worms for dogs in 2024. The review presents 3 categories: tablets, suspensions, drops on the withers. Real customer reviews have identified the advantages and disadvantages of each nominee, this narrows the search circle and simplifies it.

Manufacturers of remedies for worms for dogs
Veterinarians do not advise buying the first agent that comes to your sight, all anthelmintic drugs differ in composition, degree of toxicity, age restrictions. First you need to make sure the manufacturer is reliable. Experts analyzed the level of demand, numerous reviews on the Internet, highlighting the leaders. The following companies presented the best remedies for worms for dogs:
- Elanco (Milbemax) is an American company offering veterinary drugs for pets. Part of the innovative company Eli Lilly and Company. Founded in 1953. The main part of the products is antiparasitic substances aimed at cleansing the body of all types of pests.
- Apicenna (Dirofen, Prazicid) is now a successful company that is included in the TOP-3 Russian companies producing veterinary drugs. It has been supplying its products to the domestic market since 1991. It has its own production site, and a quality control laboratory conducts multi-stage checks before releasing goods for sale.
- Krka, d. d. (Milprazon) is a pharmaceutical company that dates back to 1954 in Slovenia. Today it is recognized as an international manufacturer of medicines for humans and animals, and is included in the list of leading manufacturers of generics. There are several production and distribution centers in Russia.
- Bayer (Drontal Plus, Prokoks) is the oldest German chemical and pharmaceutical company, dating back to 1863. Possesses expertise in 2 areas of natural sciences, namely health, agriculture. A separate line of veterinary medicines is produced to solve problems of any complexity.
- SKiFF (Prazitel) is a modern company with high scientific potential, founded in Moscow since 1992. Develops, manufactures, markets effective veterinary drugs with proven safety. Almost all products are designed to solve the narrow problems of pets.
- Agrovetzashita (Febtal Combo) is an innovative domestic company or research and development center, founded in 1993. Deals with veterinary drugs of various types for domestic, farm animals, fish, birds. Currently, he has 28 patents and various awards. The product portfolio includes over 300 items.
- NPF Ecoprom (Helmintal) is a research and production company operating in the veterinary market for over 20 years.Numerous pest control drugs have won many awards, recommendation from medical professionals. The product portfolio includes several brands, taking into account the narrow focus of funds.
Rating of remedies for worms for dogs
Treatment of worms in dogs should be carried out strictly according to the specified rules from the doctor or the manufacturer's annotation. Only in this case is it possible not only to eliminate parasites, but also to prevent secondary infection. It is advisable to show the animal to the veterinarian, and after that choose a jointly suitable medicine. Experts recommend using the following criteria:
- Drug group - narrowly targeted or universal anthelmintic drug;
- Composition - one active substance or a combo option;
- Release form - tablets, capsules, liquid suspensions inside or drops outside;
- The weight of the dog - according to this parameter, a safe but effective dosage is selected;
- Age - the degree of concentration for a puppy, an adult;
- Effectiveness - against whipworms, flat or tape worms, insects, etc.;
- Toxicity - the degree of probable harm, the risks of developing adverse reactions;
- Restrictions - contraindications for admission, indicated in the instructions;
- Effect - performance, storage time of the results obtained;
- The purpose is only treatment, treatment and prevention.
The expert rating includes the nominees with the best ratio of price, efficiency, quality. The emphasis was on those agents to which infectious agents are unable to develop resistance. Taste and smell were evaluated so that the animal did not refuse to take medications. Customer reviews helped to identify the strengths, weaknesses of each applicant for getting into the top list.
The best worm pills for dogs
The most popular form of release of anthelmintics for pets is capsules and tablets. They can be crushed, and then added to food so that the active components get into the digestive organs, where parasites are concentrated. The assortment of pet shops and veterinary pharmacies presents a huge variety of such products. What pills to give a dog for worms depends on the breed, size, age, nature of the disease. Experts noted several clear leaders in this category.
One of the most purchased products due to its well-thought-out form of release. These are chewable tablets with the taste and aroma of chicken, so the dog with a great appetite will eat it even without adding it to food. The manufacturer offers different types of anthelmintics - for puppies, massive adults, ornamental breeds. The composition is combined, there is not only highly effective praziquantel, but also milbemycin oxime. This expands the list of indications, since the components are capable of destroying cestodes, trematodes, nematodes. It is forbidden to use the medicine in the treatment of fish, bees. It is better to swallow the pill in the morning on an empty stomach, and after a few hours it will destroy the parasites, their larvae. Allowable weight - from 0.5 kg.
- Reinforced composition;
- High-speed performance;
- The admissibility of preventive measures;
- Affected efficiency;
- Taste qualities;
- Economical consumption.
- Price;
- Not suitable for animals with a weak GI tract.
For every kilogram of pet's body weight, there is half a tablet. Contraindication is pregnancy (especially its first half), collie puppies, as well as the observed disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system. If Milbemax has not been used before, an allergy test should be performed.
Another effective remedy with a combined composition than to treat worms in a dog. There are several forms to choose from on sale - tablets, suspension, paste, but the first option is bought much more often.For the rapid destruction of parasites, febantel and pyrantel are used, which are effective against flat, round worms and their larvae. The complex medication is used for the treatment, prevention of nematodes, cestodes, invasions. Allowed to use a four-legged friend from 3 weeks of age. Depending on the breed and size of the dog, the dosage of tablets is chosen. According to the method of action on the pathogen and the animal organism, Dirofen is classified as a moderately hazardous substance. The best result is guaranteed in the morning on an empty stomach.
- Combined composition;
- Sale by piece;
- Small tablet size;
- No smell;
- A wide range of indications;
- Inexpensive.
- Some animals refuse to eat;
- Contraindications, risks of developing side effects.
For carousing per 1 kg of body, 1 tablet is given at a dose of 120 mg, for small breeds from 5 kg - 200 mg, for massive breeds from 20 kg - 1000 mg. Use is contraindicated in case of depletion of the body, in the presence of infectious diseases, during the recovery period. Vomiting, diarrhea, depression, profuse salivation, and lack of appetite may rarely occur.
An anthelmintic combination drug from a well-known pharmaceutical company that has proven to be effective and safe. It also contains two active components at once - milbemycin oxime, praziquantel, which in the complex exhibit high activity against numerous types of parasites, regardless of the stage of helminth invasion. The first component immobilizes the pathogen, weakens their protective shell, the second causes paralysis and, as a result, death. Additional components give the tablets an attractive aroma and taste for the dog. Prophylactic quarterly use according to the instructions is acceptable. On sale you can see different packages packed in blisters of 2 and 4 pieces. The oval shape of the tablets is intended for puppies. Indication - therapy against nematodes, cestodes, mixed infections.
- Excellent portability;
- High-speed performance;
- Separate molds for small, large breeds;
- Minimal risks of side effects;
- Pleasant taste, smell;
- Imported production.
- Price;
- The recommended appointment is every month.
For a pet weighing up to 1 kg, half a tablet is intended, a whole one can be given with a body weight of 1 to 5 kg, and from 5 to 10 kg - 2 pieces. If we are talking about large breeds, select a drug with an increased dosage.
A one-time reception is practiced, in advanced cases it is repeated after 7 days. Contraindication is individual intolerance, otherwise everything is individual.
Drontal Plus
High quality anthelmintic product from a well-known company. The brand produces 2 types - the bones of the tablet for worms for small dogs or carnage up to 10 kg, in the form of an ellipse for large individuals up to 35 kg. The combined composition includes 3 substances at once - febantel, pyrantel, praziquantel. Thanks to this cocktail, Drontal Plus is a universal anthelmintic against any type of pathogen. For the convenience of treatment, the tablets have a smell and taste of meat, which simplifies the process of feeding them to the animal. It is better to give it out in the morning during the first meal. Unlike many other drugs, this one can be used during pregnancy at the end of this period, as well as to treat puppies from 2 weeks of age.
- Reinforced composition;
- Ease of use;
- A wide range of actions;
- Two types of dosage;
- Meaty taste;
- Good portability.
- Price;
- Diarrhea is possible.
Treatment should be carried out once every 3 months. 1 tablet per 10 kg of animal weight. If the effect is not observed, re-admission is allowed. It is worth giving up this in case of exhaustion, a weakened state. Otherwise, the imported product demonstrates safety, good tolerance, minimal risks of gastrointestinal upset.
The best suspensions for worms for dogs
Manufacturers have developed a comfortable release form especially for carousels and miniature dogs - a suspension. It is more difficult for these animals to swallow tablets, so a thick liquid consistency is a great alternative. It has a pleasant taste, attractive smell, and can be easily mixed into any food. Recommendations of veterinarians, customer reviews, and the results of clinical trials helped to select the best drugs for worms for dogs in the form of a suspension.
A complex preparation in the form of a thick viscous suspension, which is effective against roundworms, cestodes. The composition contains 3 components at once - pyrantel, febantel, praziquantel. The manufacturer offers 2 options - for carousing, small decorative breeds, as well as puppies, adults. The same remedy, but in tablet form, does not include febantel in its content, so it is not appropriate in the fight against some round nematodes. On sale you can see a 10 ml bottle. It is used both for treatment and for prophylaxis once a quarter. Unlike previous nominees, this one does not require starving a four-legged friend before the procedure.
- Syringe with injection dispenser;
- Multicomponent composition;
- Many indications;
- Does not require fasting;
- Nice smell, taste;
- Inexpensive.
- Requires re-admission;
- Profuse salivation after suspension.
Contraindication is early pregnancy, age less than 3 weeks, and general malaise and exhaustion. The suspension can be dissolved in water or food, squeezed into the oral cavity through a syringe to the root of the tongue. The optimal and safe dosage is 1 ml per 1 kg, you can calculate more precisely by kilograms in the instructions.
A unique drug from a German brand, used when most of the usual antihelminthic drugs are prohibited. It is prescribed for effective, safe treatment of small puppies, pregnant women, lactating bitches, and small individuals. The composition contains several components - toltrazuril and emodepsid, which demonstrate activity in relation to coccidia, nematodes. The manufacturer emphasizes the ability of Prokoks to destroy not only worms, but also protozoa. Pleasant taste and smell simplify the process of suspension dispensing. There are 2 types on sale - a 7.5 or 20 ml bottle. Another important difference between this nominee and its peers is the long-term preservation of the effect, which makes it possible to carry out deworming on a quarterly basis.
- Safety;
- Many indications;
- Activity against protozoa;
- Prolonged action;
- Excellent portability;
- Pleasant taste.
- Price;
- Not for all breeds.
Use with caution in the treatment of puppies sheltie, collie, bobtail. Age limit - from 2 weeks from birth. Use is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity, renal or liver dysfunction. Otherwise, the medication is given in a dosage of 0.5 ml of suspension per 1 kg of body weight.
One of the most purchased and effective medicines for parasites from domestic dogs. It is based on two topical components - pyrantel, praziquantel. They show good efficacy against cestodes, nematodes, and also in case of mixed infection. They are also supplemented with milk thistle extract to support the liver, heal the digestive tract. For prevention, they are given once, in the presence of parasites - in two doses. If it's just Prazitel, then it is used in the therapy of small breeds, and Prazitel Special is recommended for dogs over the age of 6, since it is extremely important for them to choose a less toxic medication. The thick consistency has a sweet taste to mask the presence of medicinal substances. There are several indications - toxocariasis, ankylostomosis, teniidosis, opisthorchiasis, echinococcus.
- Composition with a herbal component;
- Sparing effect on the liver;
- High-speed performance;
- Syringe included for convenient injection;
- Healing action;
- Inexpensive.
- There is no information on the treatment of pregnant women;
- Not always available.
The suspension box contains instructions with an accessible explanation of the treatment regimen. On average, for every 1 kg of weight, take 5 ml of solution, injecting it through a syringe from dispensers under the root of the tongue.
Prazitel is contraindicated for a pet with low weight, in the first weeks of pregnancy, at the age of less than 2 weeks and immediately after labor.
Febtal combo
Complex anthelmintic agent for the treatment and prevention of canine helminthic invasions. On sale there are 2 forms of release to choose from - tablets, suspension with a wide spectrum of action. In the second case, it is a white-gray thick liquid in a polymer bottle, which must be shaken before use. There are two active components - praziquantel, albendazole. The first is carried to all tissues, organs, the second is concentrated locally in the intestine. The indications are various parasites - roundworms, hookworms, toxocara, pork or cucumber tapeworm, broad tapeworm, echinococcus. In the medical classification, Febtal combo is recognized as an anthelmintic of moderate toxicity.
- Reinforced composition;
- Effective against most pests;
- Set with a syringe dispenser;
- There is no need to fast before taking;
- One-time reception;
- Inexpensive.
- The likelihood of side signs;
- Imperfect taste.
The suspension is applied once, as it destroys any form of worms (eggs, larvae, adults). For each pet, the dosage is calculated taking into account the weight - 1 ml per 1 kg. Contraindications indicate age less than 21 days, bearing offspring, feeding puppies, allergies.
The best drops on the withers from worms for dogs
In the event that the dog flatly refuses to take medications inside, manufacturers offer a third form of release - drops on the withers. As a rule, these are universal medicines that destroy not only helminths, but also fleas, ticks, lice and other insects in the wool. After analyzing the proposals on the market, the experts gave preference to one clear leader who received the maximum number of approving reviews.
An inexpensive universal preparation that shows good results in the fight against tape, round worms. The manufacturer recommends it for prophylaxis before vaccination, as well as to prevent infection once every 3 months. There are 3 forms on sale - syrup, suspension, drops for external use. The composition contains 2 components - praziquantel against cestodes, moxydentin against nematodes, ticks, insects. The solution is placed in a special sealed pipette. Additional indications in this form of release are otodectosis, demodicosis, sarcoptic mange. Treatment in puppies from day 21 is acceptable.
- Versatility of appointment;
- 2 pipettes per pack;
- Effective against insects;
- Ease of use;
- Minimal risks of side symptoms;
- Price.
- Toxicity;
- Not always effective against ticks.
The recommended dosage for dogs weighing less than 4 kg is 0.4 ml, up to 10 kg 1 ml, up to 25 kg 2.5 ml, as well as for large dogs heavier than 25 kg 4 ml. To do this, drops are applied pointwise between the shoulder blades at the base of the neck, spreading the wool to the sides. This should be done twice with a break of 2 weeks. In rare cases, increased salivation, loose stools, allergy symptoms are possible.
What is the best remedy for worms for dogs
From everything presented in the rating, it is difficult to make a choice in favor of one thing. Each nominee is distinguished by its composition, speed of action, and good results in the fight against common pathogens of invasions.In order not to be mistaken in deciding what to buy for your pet, experts recommend consulting a veterinarian privately. The following results of the comparative analysis will also help:
- Milbemax is a highly appreciated drug widely used in veterinary medicine;
- Milprazone is a highly effective agent with good tolerance;
- Prazicide is a proven remedy that does not require fasting;
- Drontal Plus is a safe medicine for pregnant women who have been drinking from 2 weeks, cats;
- Febtal Combo - the strongest composition, a wide range of indications;
- Prokoks - minimal toxicity, best taste;
- Helmintal - versatile, highly effective flea and worm drops for dogs.
Before treating an animal from parasites, it is better to show it to a doctor in order to individually assess the state of health, by analyzing to accurately determine the type of pest. In this case, it will be easier to find a suitable composition with a 100% result. If this is not possible, the owner of a four-legged friend can use the universal options from the presented review.